Helpful Replywhat are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?

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2018/09/29 10:21:32 (permalink)

what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with?

(long azz post in progress)
  I'm not a troutgawd like many here... and  have had plenty slow bite/no bite days while chucking junk at finicky lockjaw'd fish in gin clear low/no flow pools
years ago I'm fishing just such conditions over a 100+ fish all to myself ( 20 years ago that was possible on Elk )
and relatively common on weekdays in poor rain starved conditions..... "you shudda been there"...
...anyway, after a couple hours of tying on every traditional fly/yarn/bugger/streamer in every size and  color of the rainbow ....
and not getting so much as a look, I'm frustrated as 'ell
so I went off the res and tied on a 2.0 bass hook and gigundo soft plastic bass bait
as soon at it hit the water fish start reacting..some from 20-30ft away as it slowly drifted suspended/weightless thru the water column.
NOW I'm having fun
Didn't catch many due to the gigundo size  appendage, tail 'n skirt flailing soft plastic thing (it was my BIG bass goto) and large hook 
did manage to catch a couple that attacked/bit/slashed at   it at the right angle to get the hook in the mouth
But  I'm having a ball watching fish charge and swat at it with face and tail regardless of hook-ups .
one of the more interesting things I observed was when  one of 'em forced it down and  gave  it head butts against the creek bed .
Didn't bite, just used the side of it's face  to mash the uglybug on the bottom
since that learning experience , I've gone "off the res" many times with success when "normal" stuff wouldn't produce 
and seen some guys over the year kill 'em on non traditional stuff
here's the only pic I have of one
that's like a 1 oz smallie jig I was splunkig in a slow clear pool for chits 'n giggles
I killed 'em on it til I hung up on bottom and lost it

what "non traditional" baits/flies/lures have you landed steel on?
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/09/29 17:03:10 (permalink)
Gumwrapper twisted on a hook dhey jus dumfish

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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/09/29 18:43:29 (permalink)
Bare slow sinking, twisted gum wrapper, shaped into a hook. Just had that natural appeal.😎

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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/09/29 20:23:16 (permalink)
ned rig

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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/09/30 14:24:42 (permalink)
can't say till January still catch them on it every year not a spoon from bass to steelhead easy transition . 
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/09/30 16:02:09 (permalink)
What did you just say? I don’t understand?? ^

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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/09/30 16:24:50 (permalink)
He meant he can’t tell anyone till January so no one uses it lol

Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/09/30 19:02:26 (permalink)
He meant he can’t tell anyone till January so no one uses it lol

A big floppy green diLLDO

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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/09/30 19:35:48 (permalink)

A big floppy green diLLDO

nope not it . is that your favorite color you use ?
post edited by PAJAY - 2018/09/30 19:37:49
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/09/30 22:49:13 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby sstespri 2018/10/01 08:46:10
Pa jay there are no “secret” options for these fish. You can catch them with like eleventy million things. Sometimes stuff works and sometimes it doesn’t.

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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/01 08:47:51 (permalink)
Biggest, ugliest streamer you can find. Or, the smallest little nymph you can hold. Side note: was fishing in CO this past week and was nailing Rainbows on a purple San Juan with a pink tungsten bead. Just interesting enough for them to take!
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/01 09:45:01 (permalink)
Pa jay there are no “secret” options for these fish. You can catch them with like eleventy million things. Sometimes stuff works and sometimes it doesn’t.

yep  just keep changin up these fish are pressured and changin up often will work

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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/01 11:39:14 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby sstespri 2018/10/01 11:47:19
Never caught any steelhead on anything out of the norm, but I still chuckle at how readily they'll eat a 3" bright pink piece of rubber.  
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/01 16:55:46 (permalink)
Never caught any steelhead on anything out of the norm, but I still chuckle at how readily they'll eat a 3" bright pink piece of rubber.  

ever had one bite your float?
that's happened a handful  of times to me over the years
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/01 17:54:24 (permalink)
Never caught any steelhead on anything out of the norm, but I still chuckle at how readily they'll eat a 3" bright pink piece of rubber.  

ever had one bite your float?
that's happened a handful  of times to me over the years

I even caught a few on my float a few times,  way back when I used a spinning rod.  I was using a little pink styrofoam ball. I kept getting hits at it, so I attached a hook to it, and started getting more hits on it than my egg sacs.
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/01 21:25:41 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2018/10/02 02:27:05
Never caught any steelhead on anything out of the norm, but I still chuckle at how readily they'll eat a 3" bright pink piece of rubber.  

ever had one bite your float?
that's happened a handful  of times to me over the years

It also happened several times to me over the years but one time in a million the Steelie grabbed my float and actually got wedged inside it's mouth ! I was able to actually land the fish without a hook ! I was fortunate to actually have a witness there too ! He tells the story better than me !
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/02 08:31:56 (permalink)
ever had one bite your float?
that's happened a handful  of times to me over the years

Since I'm a lowly bait chucker I just call 'em bobbers 
Yep, I've had 'em bite my bobber and even pull it under.  Never got lucky like the captain though.  
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/02 08:50:12 (permalink)
I’ve had steelhead eat my strike indicator and hold onto it long enough to land one or two.

Fishing golden shiners for bass in Florida, I’ve had small gators eat my adjustable float and hold onto it until they could be shook off at the boat.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/02 10:03:25 (permalink)
My biggest Steelhead from the Niagara River was caught on a piece of imitation rubber skein. They looked good in the package so I tried them smell too ! Had a friend fishing with me on Oak Orchard in the 80's landed a nice fat 10lb. Brown ...asked him what was the secret bait ?....he reached in his vest and showed me a container with green peas ! 
 I've seen it all !
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/02 10:13:31 (permalink)
Having spent many hard summer hours earning money mowing lawns then having to pay 25 cents a 2 oz jar for Salmon Eggs (gold in color) only to learn later in life Trout hit on canned corn at 10 cents for 16 oz. Screw that...stupid Trout!!!

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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/02 15:27:47 (permalink)
No BS, cigarette butt cotton. Also, pink piece of carpet.
Those are the 2 memorable anyhow.
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/02 16:04:47 (permalink)
I cot a few big ones on corn in side a condum. I poked holes in it so the juice came out. OxyJohn teached me that trick. 

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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/02 19:13:17 (permalink)
don't know if power bait is out of norm threw a pole out with orange glitter forgot about the pole seen a steelhead jumping all around boat biggest one I got to date .
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/02 20:02:16 (permalink)
Many many years ago the stream was stack with steelhead,caught several on Dot candy. Yellow,orange and red,no hits on green.lo It does sorta look like a jumbo salmon egg.
pheasant tail 2
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/02 21:49:25 (permalink)
Many years ago there was a small group of older gentleman that regularly fished the tribs. They were locals, active 3CU members and good guys. Anyways, they fished pieces of colored sponge soaked in vaseoline and cod liver oil with great success. Anyone still use sponge?
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/02 23:41:18 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby genieman77 2018/10/03 06:15:14
Not only did we catch steelies we also caught Coho, catfish & even walleye with the 1" squares of scented sponges. The vaseline kept them from bleeding out too quick,especially in cold water. Also yrs ago we were among the first using dry flys when everyone was saying that they wouldn't hit on top. We even caught a few by attatching a hook to the small round bobbers that we used. Works well when fishing for Bullgills also. We had good luck using the colored plastic skein while fishing in N.Y. but couldn't get them to hit in Erie Tribs. Green was the best color up there for us.  sam
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/03 09:28:22 (permalink)
C'mon fess up..... how many, all yinz all squirted yinz baits with WD 40??

Be honest now, remember yinz all will go to heck, for lieing.

Wait...! What??

How silly of me, fisherman don't lie, we merely fabricate the truth!!!😇
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/10/03 09:34:09

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/03 10:26:01 (permalink)
Wd40 on tiny craft store pom poms, then we figured we didn't need the wd40 and still caught as many on the none scented pom poms.
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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/03 22:08:26 (permalink)
lol yeah i seen a guy use tuna in oil tied into small fingernail sacs smear them once no kidding

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Re: what are some of the "non traditional" lure/fly/bait you've caught steelies with? 2018/10/03 22:43:38 (permalink)
pheasant tail 2
Many years ago there was a small group of older gentleman that regularly fished the tribs. They were locals, active 3CU members and good guys. Anyways, they fished pieces of colored sponge soaked in vaseoline and cod liver oil with great success. Anyone still use sponge?

I remember this guy who used to soak pipe cleaners in tuna oil, then just tie a hook onto them.  Never bought bait or flies.  Always did well.  And he ate the tuns fish.
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