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Are you sure not the Park Ranger? I have no idea where one of their duties begins and the others ends. I tend to think the Park Rangers are more like police, and there for mostly public safety. The WCO is there more to enforce PFBC rules. So, if someone is drinking beers in the parking lot, I am not sure if the WCO could do much, but maybe detain until the Ranger got there. Most likely not even taking a second look at what is in your hands. Or, if someone is keeping a cooler full of illegal fish, the Ranger likely has the power besides detain you until the WCO got there. But likely isn't going to look in your cooler, unless you happen to be drinking beer in the parking lot! So, both likely not really looking for infractions of something that doesn't fall under their jurisdiction. There are definitely a lot of Park Rangers in the park. Which is a good thing, to keep the rif raf down.
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they still let me in. sorry though, i do not know whos vehicle it is. but shouldn't the park ranger still be able to ask people to move their kayaks from the boat launching ramp?
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My son had the time to fish the Weds. night tournament tonight for a change. He & his buddy placed first. crappy
post edited by crappiefisher - 2018/08/09 00:31:46
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Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Not the first, and I'm not sure not the last time, that couple will take more than the daily limit
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Wonder why they don't say what the fine or penalty was . After watching those outdoor TV law enforcement shows most major fishing violators get off fairly easy in my opinion. That's why they repeat without hesitation.
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Well the DCNR keep the rest rooms really clean at pymatuming state park Good job !
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Just push them in the water. Lol
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Re: Arthur!
2018/09/03 16:30:21
☄ Helpfulby old dog 2018/09/03 16:38:52
Schools of baby shad all over the lake. Not sure if gizzard or alewives. Too small for the cast net, maybe 2” if that. Matching the hatch (small jigs) got us a few cats, one decent large mouth and a bunch of gills. It was HOT at 7AM, brutal by 10AM. If the fish cooperated and tasted like the fish from Florida, I could get used to fishing in this heat. For a few cats and gills, not so much. That said, always good for the nerves to get out regardless of conditions, beats mowing the lawn. Can’t wait for the fall bite, but can’t stand winter. So catch 22, I guess...
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I was crazy enough to fish the hot part of the day and barely pulled a few 'gills and Crappie. Our church had a picnic and we did manage to get the kids into the fish, so that was good.
We drank a few igloos of water!
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Was considering going out Saturday Pork, just to rustle a few perches. Ended up bailing. Middle of summer + 90 degrees + holiday weekend + old lady partner instead of fishing buddy = not great times. I hear you on fall. I'm going to be up in the trees on Pymie slaying slabs this fall once the water temp drops. Fall perch on Arthur before that.
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Porktown Schools of baby shad all over the lake.
Saw those last week in a spot I was fishing with my boys. After dark the channel cats are coming in really close to shore - last couple times we caught them within 10-15' of shore - and would imagine other game fish are following to feast on those tasty little morsels. I'm with ya on the heat. Wading on the Gulf Coast in Mississippi for flounder, speckled trout and the occasional redfish, I can fish in this heat all day. Couldn't fish yesterday evening so we went from noon-3:30 ish. Just stupid hot and a stupid decision.
post edited by rsquared - 2018/09/04 20:44:15
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Those baby shad are great bait EXCEPT that they are impossible to keep alive (and I have plenty of gear designed for that purpose) they swim WAY too fast for most fish even with a hook in them, and if they are a tiny bit too small they absolutely ruin your net. But I've used them and caught fish. Florida in Thanksgiving for us this year. Hoping for a snook or two!
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Sam - Were they gizzards or alewives? Last year, more in the later September/early October time frame, I netted up a bunch of gizzards. In the 2.5"-3" range. I am guessing these were gizzards too. There were times on Monday that there was no wind at all, and could see a few dimples on the surface. With polarized glasses, you could see the rest of them about 1-2 feet below the surface in a ball. I guess my net wasn't sinking fast enough, or holes were too big. I hit a nice pancake throw on top of 3 schools and didn't get any. I may need to invest in a faster sink net for deeper water.
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Been a while but I'm going to say they were baby 'wives. Then again I rarely have them side by side and I wasn't really concerned with ID at the time. I caught mine blind. Saw clouds on the sonar in 5 or 6 fow and took a shot. Can you throw an 8 foot net? I have a heavy 8 footer I don't use because I can't open it. Be happy to pass that on to you. I keep telling myself I'll learn but I can already throw a 6 foot net and it catches plenty of bait. The extra lead is more important than the extra feet of net. Pretty sure I can find that net... >.< I actually threw my pricey heavy net on a pillar full of oysters last fall. :( Chopped one of the main lines. Sitting in my basement waiting for me to attempt to repair. So I got a heavy 5 footer to replace it. Throws easier from my boat.
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Yep, mine is 8'. Most times get a nice pancake. I'll take it off of your hands if you don't want! Might not get out for a few weeks fishing (Septembers are crazy for work and kids schedules). We do need to try to meet up though. Maybe perch o'clock? Give this a try, you will get it to open pretty consistently. Don't even need to chew on the lead... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQezb885M5M
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Yeah I've tried that method and a couple others. There's some magic I'm missing. And last time I tried a one hand throw on my new net I hit my nose with one of the leads. Almost knocked myself out. Now I'm all gun shy... my bad old method never backfired. Cold front coming ahead of that hurricane. Gonna be cold and windy mess this weekend on the lake. And the fish won't be happy about it. Probably a good one to skip.
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HEYYYYY Zelie check this out. Be great to have when one of them doorknobs come buzzin by your yak. Or sumpthin to do when the feesh ain't bitin. Heck maybe Pork would help ya practice. https://youtu.be/dgjHPU33BB8
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/09/06 10:55:44
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Hitting your nose, is not part of the instructions! Everyone has their own way. That one for me works the best. Not a fan of putting anything in my mouth, that isn't food, or rhymes with North Carolina... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FlRFBTeYKY The draping over the shoulder is good for one cast, then you are soaking yourself... I would bet that you were trying to get some distance while still getting used to the basics of it. Even now, if I try to throw too far, it "bananas" on me. If the bait is 15'-20' in front of me, and only need 5'-10' of space between me and the closest lead, I can get it to open pretty consistently (if my braille lines aren't tangled). Highs in the 90s to highs in the 60s, is usually a recipe for lockjaw. Combine that with fighting some Arthur whirlwinds, and not often that I'd rather mow the lawn than go fishing. Can never really depend on the extended forecast, but once it stabilizes in the 70s, things should pick up. At the very least, be comfortable temps for fishing...
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BTDT - if they make that in a 3/8" mesh I'll take one. :) Pork I'm with you minus that mowing nonsense. Next week should be pretty good if the weather levels off. I'm saving up my efforts for a strong fall.
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Yeah, next week and the few following few look great. Who knows if that will stick though. Usually anything beyond 2-3 days, seems to be a crap shoot with weather forecasts. Regardless, good times ahead for the fall. Maybe not as good as yours, with the saltwater trip planned. Hopefully work has me in NJ when the striped bass make their way through the area.
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Weather man says Saturday will be nice at Arthur. Not sure I believe them though... gonna try for some perches I think.
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I've got a wedding myself. Looks like a nice day. I was finding cats in the areas that you and I have discussed before, that usually hold perch. I am sure that you will find one or the other, or a mix of both would be nice. I like perch better, but few decent cats is a lot less work cleaning, than a mess of perch! Not that I have any issues with a mess of perch!
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Portersville/Muddy Creek VFD has a bass tournament on Saturday
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Thanks for the head's up PSU. Not my side of the lake though... I should be reasonably safe.
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Who says I'll leave enough fish for anybody? ;)
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Hey, when did they put in those concrete points at bear run boat launch? And why would they remove the safety rails from the handicap pier?
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I want to say, I remember seeing those concrete points back in early summer.