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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/11 14:37:51 (permalink)
Oops!  Already told that story... deleted.  >.>
post edited by ZelieSam - 2018/06/11 14:38:53
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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/14 21:26:59 (permalink)
Hit Arthur today in the tub.  Lets talk about that "road" to the old 528 launch... guessing they bought that from Bosnia after the war.  Jesus.  Got minnows at the shop on 422 by the fairgrounds.  $3 per dozen and the guy must have gone to seine them fresh because it took him 15 minutes to get 6 dozen.  He wasnt a minnow counter... there was lots of bait.  Which would have been great if my aerator batteries hadn't died.  SIGH.  Got back in the truck and realized I didn't bring the plug.  Went back in, bought a boat plug hoping it would fit.  Didn't.  Went to leave (tried that plug at the launch) and got 100 yards up the bombed out road when I thought... I wonder if that plug is in my dry box?  It was!  Trip saved.  (because the drain is 1" pvc and that boat plug wasn't close to big enough)
The weeds are crazy thick in that spot and you have to go through them to get to the lake.  I let the gusting, crazy, all four direction wind blow me through them, then motored over to some logs.  Picked up a few nice crappy, 'bout 1 per snag.  Found a downed tree and pulled one or two off it but left a bunch of gear behind.  Had to run because my wife double booked the truck.  Got out of there around 3pm with a half dozen crappies, a bucket of dead minnows, and two sunburnt knees.  
Heading to Pymie tomorrow!  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/14 22:04:09 (permalink)
SALT them minnows, I hear trout bite well on "salted minners" and you can float em under a bobber and, call it a fancy name like "pinning".  After all, you will be passing right by the well stocked Shenango River, on your way to Pymie.  You know, just in case, them stupid Pymie fish ain't bitin'. 

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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/15 11:52:45 (permalink)
 My son & his buddy went out after the rain the other day...

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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/15 11:56:05 (permalink)
They haven't fished it in awhile 
Moses Guthrie
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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/17 19:12:42 (permalink)
Experienced both ends of the eye fishing spectrum this weekend. Fished most of the day Saturday at Arthur caught stripers, large mouths, catfish, crappie and a boatload of perch but no eyes. Did see bout a dozen caught around me. Decided to drive to Erie to fish the big lake today. First rod fired off before I could run it down the planner board line and the action was steady for a couple hours filling a four man limit. Enjoy fishing the smaller lakes, but it's going to be hard to pass up easy pickings like that.

What's up with the guys swimming back and forth across the lake early morning on Arthur? Last two weekends I was there I have seen it.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/18 12:22:57 (permalink)
Hit up the Dead Sea Saturday night. Got on the water around 7PM. It was a hot day and a beautiful night with no wind.

Fished topwater in the lily pads in Trout Cove and had fun with bass busting my frog until dark. Anchored up. Threw out some cut bait for catfish and waited for the alewives to show while throwing some stickbaits. Had some action on the cut bait with catfish and a monster snapping turtle. The alewives, however, never showed--along with the wipers. The stick baits didn't produce either. Was off the water around 11PM. Early riser these days so the all-nighters are tough to pull with an hour's driver home.

Sure if I had stuck it out I might have better luck with the alewives and wipers. Saw some huge carp in the shallows in the grass beds. Maybe next time I'll throw out some dough ball for grins.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/18 13:30:59 (permalink)
Dude I saw a carp breach Sunday that looked like an orca.  Those things are pigs.  
We considered Friday night over Saturday, but those wipers can be jerks this time of year and not come out until mid morning.  Ain't nobody got the time to unhook yellow bullheads all night just to catch a couple wipers.  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/18 13:47:08 (permalink)
Watched an Amish fella battle a fish for at least 20 minutes Saturday, thought it was going to be a musky come up, nope one of those giant carp.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/18 13:54:15 (permalink)
The wipers "spawn" at this time of the year as well.  At least go through the motions.  I have seen a bunch of carp out in the open water flopping around midday.  If you noticed that splashing at night, they could have been wipers.  They don't seem to have anything else in mind, besides spawning when it happens.  Have had some really slow nights in the past, and was told that was likely the culprit.  That doesn't explain the alewives though.  Usually when the wipers are doing their thing, the large mouths and small mouths seem to take advantage of the unattended buffet.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/18 13:55:54 (permalink)
They haven't fished it in awhile 

That is a nice photo.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/20 01:07:03 (permalink)
Anybody happen to find a fishing license at 422 launch area since Saturday? I can't believe that after all these years of fishing I finally lost it for the first time.

I emailed the park but haven't heard back yet.

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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/26 15:28:46 (permalink)
I'm thinking of giving the wiper a shot Friday night.  Just curious if the rain has the lake muddy and if that hurts the alewive/wiper fishing?
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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/27 08:24:37 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crawlerman2 2018/06/27 15:01:45
I think enough vegetation in the upper 528 area, to slow down the sediment and keep the rest of the lake it's normal murky color when heavy rains come.  Granted, we've had a lot of rain this year, and the times that I have been out wiper fishing, have been much slower than years ago.  It has been a trend for the past few years, getting less fish and most are on the smaller side.  I think much more due with the amount of people chasing them now, than the weather.  Or could just be a coincidence on the fewer nights that I make it out, compared to the past.  It has definitely gotten much more crowded though.  Friday should be about full capacity.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/27 11:37:36 (permalink)
Thanks Pork, that doesn't sound too appealing.  Might just tough it out on the high river.  Every time I go for a night trip I say I'm leaving at a decent time but stay till 5.  No self control, when I hear fish popping all around I just can't leave.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/06/27 13:07:18 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crawlerman2 2018/06/27 15:01:40
I'd imagine the tough fishing on the rivers with the endless rains, have added more anglers to Arthur.  If you do decide to go, I'd suggest to head up early and claim a spot.  Might go a few hours with no action, just waiting for fish to appear though.  Or show up when the first wave of anglers leave around 1-2AM.  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/07/01 18:20:35 (permalink)
Had a decent day today on Arthur, 2 eyes, 5 good sized stripers, a few crappie n perch and a catfish. Not too much pressure but a ton of yaks out.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/07/02 09:14:51 (permalink)
The river jumped 2' so we went to Moraine Friday night.  Alewives were around but the there wasn't a lot of hybrid activity like other nights when I was there.  I was away from the crowd, so maybe they were doing better.  Got one 25" hybrid and a nice largemouth on alewives.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/07/02 10:46:44 (permalink)
One 25"er and a bonus LM isn't bad, especially when not having to deal with the crowds.  Don't get me wrong, most guys out are cool.  I personally just don't like pulling up and fishing a spot, within 100 feet or so of anyone.  Often, on nice weekend nights, you end up hiking through the woods, and finding out the entire area is taken.  Then have to make the decision to try to squeeze in, or hike back to the car and find another spot.  Even worse is hiking out there, and showing up with a boat without lights on, sitting there...  If I happen to be fishing a shore accessible spot, and I see a shore angler coming, I move.  Boat accessible spots on the lake are virtually endless, especially for the night bite.  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/07/02 11:49:22 (permalink)
I was happy with it.  Only have a trolling motor on a 20' wellcraft so when we quit around 2:00 I put out live bait on planer boards to slow troll back to the ramp. Only reason I got the striper is because a boat pulled in ahead of us so I decided to circle the cove.  That was when he hit.  Probably around 3AM.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/07/02 12:32:08 (permalink)
Nice. I thought you were wading.  I knew you had a bigger boat, and thought that you didn't use on Arthur.  Always a few places on the boat to get away from others.  The ramps at 2AM-3AM can be a circus though...
fishing now
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Re: Arthur! 2018/07/02 13:53:29 (permalink)
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Re: Arthur! 2018/07/02 17:20:57 (permalink)
Wonder how bad Artie will be on the 4th.  Wife wants to kayak.  Told her we'd be better off hiding up in the stumps at Wilhelm since it is off the beaten path.  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/07/03 01:45:17 (permalink)
Went out saturday morning and got a few eyes. Lost probably double what we caught. They were biting real soft. Went back out in the evening and proceded to catch none. Probably hooked close to ten but they would all pull the hook within a few seconds. Never encountered such a subtle bite. Then to top it off, finally got an upper twenties eye to the boat right after dark and it broke my harness and swam away. 😂
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Re: Arthur! 2018/07/03 09:25:57 (permalink)
Anyone ever try alewives for walleye?  I would imagine that is what they are feeding on. 
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Re: Arthur! 2018/07/03 13:00:56 (permalink)
I'll be on the water early. Hoping to catch a walleye
 Yea...that didn't happen. Stupid Fish!
post edited by psu_fish - 2018/07/05 08:43:55
Moses Guthrie
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Re: Arthur! 2018/07/03 13:02:35 (permalink)
Never tried alewives during the day but have caught plenty at night on them striper fishing. Also have caught 3 of them in my throw net over the years when trying for bait.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/07/03 13:14:49 (permalink)
We cleaned a larger walleye from lake Erie last week, and found a 7" white bass in its stomach, we had another (30") take a 6" blue gill being used for catfish bait on the river... so I would bet alewife would be a good choice if you can figure out a good rigging for them. 
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Re: Arthur! 2018/07/03 13:55:21 (permalink)
Small nose hook, and if you want to hook short strikes a trailer hook.  I use a small treble.  But i gave that up, since Arthur is jam packed with small yellow bullheads with no respect for your terminal gear or bait size.  They will chew on any bait regardless of size and they are a challenge to de-hook with a single hook.  Plus side, they are easy to clean and good to eat.  Most people are annoyed by them.  
And yes... walleye eat alewives.  Every fish in that lake will eat a 'wive if they are physically able.  Catfish will jump in your boat and open the bucket themselves to get them.  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/07/03 14:13:59 (permalink)
Agree with Sam, anything in that lake that can fit them in their mouths will eat them.  I have caught a few walleye on them, as well as others that I fish with.  Probably 10:1 wiper eating your alewife first though, during the night bite.  Same thing with the standard go to wiper plugs.  If you can get them during the day, or have a nice tank to keep them alive, you could probably trick a walleye during other times of the day.  If you could get it past everything else that wants to eat it...  I think most walleye guys that know how to fish Arthur (I am far from one), have it narrowed down, what they use down to more of a 1:1 wiper/walleye bait.  Maybe even better ratio.  Those wipers, when hungry, will eat whatever fits in their mouths, so I doubt there is anything that catches walleye on that lake that doesn't catch wipers. 
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