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Moses Guthrie
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/05 20:40:20 (permalink)
One 21 inch eye and a bunch of perch in the box today, lost an eye of same size at the boat and lost a few decent sized fish. Caught a few wipers as well. Lake was 59 degrees when I left.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/07 08:21:24 (permalink)
Launched out of McDaniel's around 3:30-45pm, man does that ramp need some work. Asphalt all tore up, quite the drop down into the water. Pretty sure I saw Zelie Sam leaving the McDaniel's area and headed back out to the main lake, as we were dunking my boat.
Fished some coves, not much action. Decided to troll a bunch. Stayed mostly 14-20 fow. Seems like a lot of the marks and bait balls were suspended at about 10 fow. Guessing they were wipers harassing the bait. No bites on hot n tots or flicker shads. Kept changing out colors
We ended up boating one bass in the Lillie pads in the cove up past McDaniel's.  Water in the coves was 63-65ish, thought some of the bass would be in pre-spawn mode. Get the same water temp at Kahle, and its non-stop bass action. This was only my 3rd real trip fishing Arthur, and man, its a hard nut to crack.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/07 09:59:00 (permalink)
"P  T  I have caught  striper's in the mid 30's and they would get a fair amount bigger. I have pulled Hybrids out of the river even bigger more closer to 40 inch.  As far as the Walleye your KIDDING RIGHT???  they are just about over running the lake much like the channel cats that they continuously keep FREAKING stocking. The ranger told me that the Walleye's reproduce just fine in the lake, But I asked him I wasn't sure of so seeing average depth is only 8 feet. So I asked him why all the freaking walleye and channel's stocking. Answer was for the public and to Have as many people fishing the lake as possible.  Hmmm Guess it's all about the money Ehhh
  OH yeah how about all the kayak's running around at night with the smallest lights possible that you can't see until your right on them in the middle of the lake   NICE' 
never heard anyone complain about walleye like this before!?!?!. I know they have made a comeback in Arthur the past few years, but overrunning the lake??? Hey if you know where and how to catch them please PM the info. I will gladly take 6 off your hands each time out. Frankly, I've had good and bad days on Arthur for eyes, but never a limit and never consistent. I'd be happy to learn from you. 

Got Walleye???
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/07 19:43:58 (permalink)
Pics or it didn't happen. NOTHING happened!

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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/08 05:16:44 (permalink)
post edited by BIGHEAD_1 - 2018/05/08 18:10:54
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/08 05:22:04 (permalink)
Hey you Kayak guy's PLEASE USE LIGHTS   STERN AND BOW when your out at Night !!!!
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/08 05:52:27 (permalink)
I use the required white 360 degree white light when out at night.  Kayaks are actually not supposed to use bow/stern lights since they are not a power boat.  Never had an issue with power boats at night(other than the****last year spotlighting everyone on the water) but I also avoid lanes commonly used by power boats, and stick to shallow edges.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/08 08:12:31 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby TheBlueLagoon 2018/05/08 09:43:22
^^^^^  Nice SHCMUCK,,, All people that can't catch fish ALWAYS want Pics and info!!!  Not from me you won't I'll never give up INFO or pics so you can see where   LOL   Lagoon they have stocked over a 100 million eye's since the start. You guy's must not be fishing the right kind of spots and right bait/lures. Just like a old friend SPOON use to say FIND THEM yourself Ehhhhhhhhh   By the Way SCHNUCK got me limit Sunday afternoon day HOWA BOUT YOU.    You know they sell Walleyes at the store RIGHT HAHAHA 

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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/08 09:57:00 (permalink)
I'm curious if anyone has knowledge as to what the round about survival rate of fingerling stocking is? This is what Arthur received last year from the stocking. Also I find it strange the lake received no walleye in 2015 and 2016, any particular reason for this?
2013 Channel Catfish Fingerling 16,000
2013 Muskellunge Fingerling 6,600
2013 Striped Bass hybrid Fingerling 16,100
2013 Walleye Fingerling 144,700
2014 Muskellunge Fingerling 3,300
2014 Striped Bass hybrid Fingerling 16,100
2014 Walleye Fingerling 96,700
2015 Muskellunge Fingerling 3,300
2015 Striped Bass hybrid Fingerling 36,100
2016 Muskellunge Fingerling 3,300
2016 Striped Bass hybrid Fingerling 32,200
2017 Muskellunge Fingerling 3,225
2017 Striped Bass hybrid Fingerling 16,100
2017 Walleye Fingerling 64,515

Got Walleye???
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/08 12:37:53 (permalink)
psu_fishLaunched out of McDaniel's around 3:30-45pm, man does that ramp need some work. Asphalt all tore up, quite the drop down into the water. Pretty sure I saw Zelie Sam leaving the McDaniel's area and headed back out to the main lake, as we were dunking my boat.

You probably did!  That's about the time I bailed.  Had to run back to Bear Run (that's probably where you should be launching) to get home for an evening thing.  All those walleye clogging the lake didn't bother to jump in our boat...
Not a great day of fishing, though it was a beauty FOR fishing.  Middle lake looked like a zoo with walleye guys zooming all over the place.  Avoided it.  That may be where the fish are but I won't be involved in that mess.  
Moses Guthrie
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/08 12:59:05 (permalink)
Think those were mostly musky guys, most had boards moving at a good clip.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/08 13:04:29 (permalink)
Will give it a go tomorrow. Sure I'll end up dragging fatheads all over the lake hoping to relieve the lake of the walleye infestation. Will let everybody know how it goes.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/08 14:22:07 (permalink)
Moses Guthrie
Think those were mostly musky guys, most had boards moving at a good clip.

Some of those guys troll about as fast as my barge goes at full throttle.
Maybe that is what those Arthur eyes want?  I'm always trying to mimic the Erie guys advice, and not much success trolling for them.  I've even tried down riggers, and almost lost a ball/destroyed my down rigger.  Too many sudden changes in structure on Arthur to run those things IMO.  Hard to run lead core, bottom bouncers, inline weights, divers, ect.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/08 14:53:13 (permalink)
I usually go out of 528, but with a 3:30ish launch time, I thought the parking lot would be too packed. This was first time out of McDaniel's. Will have to try Bear Run. I was trolling anywhere from 2.0-2.7mph depending on the older 2stroke doesn't like to get down 1.5-1.8. Not sure if I was too fast or not.
Don't the musky guys like to run 3-3.5? same with the King Salmon guys up on Lake Ontario?
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/08 15:56:21 (permalink)
Not sure what the sweat spot is for speed, but try pulling a drift sock or other to slow you down a bit (a buddy of mine used a laundry hamper to slow down his I/O on Erie).  I usually troll with my electric to get me slower (and fumes out of my face).  Maybe I am going too slow though!
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/09 12:21:17 (permalink)
I don't know how many times I heard people say. "fish the main lake, find the road bed and 26' of water drag a worm harness" and you can't help but catch "eye's"   I've done all that and end up with nothing.  
   its frustrating hearing people say they catch eye's on a regular basis.  I wonder how it's possible for me to be that bad at it??
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/09 14:38:20 (permalink)
I'm curious if anyone has knowledge as to what the round about survival rate of fingerling stocking is? This is what Arthur received last year from the stocking. Also I find it strange the lake received no walleye in 2015 and 2016, any particular reason for this?
2013 Channel Catfish Fingerling 16,000
2013 Muskellunge Fingerling 6,600
2013 Striped Bass hybrid Fingerling 16,100
2013 Walleye Fingerling 144,700
2014 Muskellunge Fingerling 3,300
2014 Striped Bass hybrid Fingerling 16,100
2014 Walleye Fingerling 96,700
2015 Muskellunge Fingerling 3,300
2015 Striped Bass hybrid Fingerling 36,100
2016 Muskellunge Fingerling 3,300
2016 Striped Bass hybrid Fingerling 32,200
2017 Muskellunge Fingerling 3,225
2017 Striped Bass hybrid Fingerling 16,100
2017 Walleye Fingerling 64,515

I would guess, a fairly low number. PFBC might have some studies on it. I'm sure other states have done survival studies. What I do know, if the PFBC stop stocking the lake, there would be no walleye fishery. Its 100% hatchery dependent, along with most other PA lakes. 
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/09 15:42:33 (permalink)
I always heard most stocked fry were under 10 % ....fingerlings do better . The Walleye programs have been all cut back on stockings with lots of excuses by the PFBC. They have a tendency to brag about Bass , Crappie, Catfish , and Pike numbers ...everything they don't stock ! Shenango Lake has been shorted big time also on Walleye stocking and the low numbers show more every year. Real tough for Walleye fishing.  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/09 16:10:42 (permalink)
Arway made it well known, trout are getting cut big time if there is no license increase. Walleye and Musky will be getting scaled back big time as well
post edited by psu_fish - 2018/05/09 16:16:51
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/09 19:39:06 (permalink)
KJN I'm with you. I struck out on walleye today...again. Caught a nice channel for the pan--those things seem to jump in the boat at Arthur.

Was a gorgeous morning water temp was around 63 with no wind. Few boats around 6:30 but got busier as the morning warmed up. Saw one boat nailing crappie on the road bed drifting. Everybody else I talked to said it was slow.

Tried drifting for walleye with fatheads. Trolled for walleye. Casted for walleye. Cursed at the walleye gods and would have just thrown a grenade in the water if I could have been convinced they're actually in the lake.

Next trip will be at night...for striper!
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/09 21:33:40 (permalink)
Just my two cents.....when fishing with fatheads especially the large size I find those big black headed ones are terrible for catching fish overall. Don't get me wrong sometimes a hungry fish will grab anything, but those black headed carp looking ones are my least favorite . I prefer the lighter shinier ones..... they get ate up five times as fast...especially by Walleye and Trout.
I feel your pain on Walleye also..... tough season all over.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/10 08:50:24 (permalink)
Looking to take the kayak to Arthur but only fished it by shore. Any particular launch I should use? Try to target some crappies/bass.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/10 09:37:29 (permalink)
Your options are pretty much endless with a kayak.  The wind is a big thing to watch out for.  If calling for gusts over 15mph in Portersville, PA, then stick to some areas with a lot of coves, to hide from the wind...  Even then, the wind seems to swirl up there.  Those forecasted winds of 15mph, often end up being 18-20 sustained in certain areas.  And just end up battling the wind in a kayak, rather than fishing.  When I used to fish from a kayak, I would look for days that were gusts under 10mph.  Even with my 17' hunk of aluminum, I am getting blown all over the place under certain wind patterns.
Some nice small craft launches, that will keep you mostly away from the bigger boats (at least launching) are;  Upper 528, Mt. Zion Church, Porters Cove and the 5 Points group camping area (walk in path for kayaks and canoes only).  I have never used, but I think there is a non-powered launch at the Pleasant Valley area, but restricted fishing in that cove.  There are bass and crappie just about anywhere in the lake.  Not sure where they are right now, but you should be able to find some.  These small craft launches, put you in coves, often shielding you from the wind.  Most have good weed beds to fish and some fallen timber.  Submerged structure map is on the PFBC site, but will be hard to locate without a GPS & sonar.
McDaniel's launch, is possibly the most overused launch on the lake, but is nice (in terms of easy access to the dam/main lake, coves and "the lost river" or whatever it is called).  Great place to explore with a kayak.  Not sure if the fishing is all that great in that lost river, but might be?  That said, McDaniel's has a ton of traffic (closest to I79 for larger boats) and one of the only launches that larger boats can launch from.  I'd probably avoid on your first trip with a kayak.  Many of the guys that fish a lot, don't have much patience for the kayak crowd, leaving their boats at the launch and unloading, ect.  Doing so, at one of those smaller launches, will likely make for a more enjoyable first time on the water there.  If you are an experienced kayak fisherman, with a good launching routine, and put your yak in the grass (not along a dock), you should be fine.  I had a good routine down, but still preferred the smaller launches.
For the main lake, Bear Run is used a good bit too, so kind of like McDaniel's Jr.  Same with the 528 Bridge launch.  The Watts Bay and Porters Cove marinas, each have a public launching area, that don't get packed with boaters.  That said, coming from Pgh, you will add about 20 minutes to your commute to Watts and 30 minutes to Porters, since North Shore Dr is like 15mph.  But easier access to the North Shore. 
Make sure your yak is either registered with the PFBC or have a state park launch permit.  They will site you, if you don't.
Hope this helps.  I'm not sure of really which launch will give you the most success right now.  I think they all have great opportunity near by.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/10 10:04:16 (permalink)
Porters Cove is kayak friendly. I usually launch there since I don't need a dock for my jon and it's the closest. Its normally quieter there as well compared to the other landings.

Just be polite like Pork said and don't tie up the launch--there is plenty of space in the grass. It's a little annoying when kayakers leave their boats on the launch when they could just as easily leave them aside.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/10 10:19:09 (permalink)
Thanks for the relies guys! Yeah Mainly looking for a spot in the grass so I'm not holding anyone up. I'll give Porters Cove a shot. I'll keep an eye on the wind for sure, that would easily ruin a trip.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/10 10:45:28 (permalink)
Good advice above ^
As someone who regularly uses both a kayak and a power boat all spring and summer. I can never figure out why they leave their yaks sitting in the middle of the launch. I just figure they are no worse than the dudes who have to prep/unprep  their boats in the middle of the launch instead of the parking lot/staging areas.

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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/10 11:07:01 (permalink)
You think yaks are bad at Moraine's boat launches? Come watch them in Franklin, groups of people will come down the Allegheny spread out across the whole river, oblivious to how a jet boat has to run the riffles. They will wave their hands and paddles, all ticked off at you, when in fact they are the inconsiderate ones.
.....Rant over
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/10 11:08:43 (permalink)
fishin coyote
Good advice above ^
As someone who regularly uses both a kayak and a power boat all spring and summer. I can never figure out why they leave their yaks sitting in the middle of the launch. I just figure they are no worse than the dudes who have to prep/unprep  their boats in the middle of the launch instead of the parking lot/staging areas.

No doubt!
Probably better to avoid the marina launches at this time of year, as well as closing (around Halloween) for that very reason.  Many of those guys that leave them moored all year, don't have much common sense when launching.  Likely, due to only launching once per year...  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/10 13:57:48 (permalink)
You think yaks are bad at Moraine's boat launches? Come watch them in Franklin, groups of people will come down the Allegheny spread out across the whole river, oblivious to how a jet boat has to run the riffles. They will wave their hands and paddles, all ticked off at you, when in fact they are the inconsiderate ones.
.....Rant over

MY turn.......
You can blame much of this nonsense on the yak/canoe rentals that do not educate the customers.  Does it make sense for operators of power boats, etc. to require testing and a permit and not require non-powered watercraft operators to be educated?
I'm all for "share the river" but if it comes to me having to run a $18,000.00 boat and motor into the rocks, I'm exercising my right to "navigable water".  Don't worry about waving your paddle, showing me your age or IQ, just grab your boat cause I'm coming through!!  
Jets can navigate in a few inches of water leaving little to no wake "if" the boat is up on plane but a jet squats on take off, and needs much longer runs to get on top.  Especially a ill fitted boat or one powered by minimal horse power.
Enjoyed the rant, PSU.
Anyways, it matters not whether a self propelled boat, sail boat or the shirtless hairy guy wearing a speedo in his big boat with the loud motor pulling screaming kids on a rubber replica of Nessy, we are always going be subject to those who either don't know what they are doing, or those who just do not give a dam about other people.
Next time yinz run into those yaks/canoes blocking the ramps you have one of three options, (1) wait; (2) offer to help load/unload; (3) run over anything in your way! 
Visit Wilhelm for some real chyts and giggles,  as you back your boat  toward the water and you see in your rear view mirror some snot nosed kid wearing a stupid looking helmet shoot out from behind your trailer, riding their bike or skate board.  Hit one of them little darlings and kiss that $18000.00 boat, (and life) good bye!! 
Disclaimer; not my fault there is high wind, heavy rain with lightning and thunder, other wise I'd be fishing and not on this stupid computer!!
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/05/10 14:01:23

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Re: Arthur! 2018/05/10 14:54:36 (permalink)
My favorites are the ones who are bank fishing, set up with chairs, tackle boxes, etc... ON the actual boat ramps.
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