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hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/07/30 17:47:49 (permalink)
How I can go through my small cucumber patch daily and still find a giant toad cuke is beyond me.
I've been picking cukes and tomatoes everyday except tonight.
There are tons of orange tomatoes even though pictures don't show. We will easily get another 10 quarts sauce this weekend and the motherlode should happen in 2 weeks.
Blackberries are doing well but squirrels, birds and deer are robbing all the ripe ones quicker than me every 12 hrs.
My batch of 40 chickens were sent from Quaker pa at 4:30 yesterday. Arrived at post office 7am when they called. Out of 40 birds 23 were DOA and another is croaking. They are sending more next week but it sucks. Getting them live is the goal, tsc is way to unreliable to buy in person because they are hit and miss on stock.
Oh well, we are having chicken dinner tonight.


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/07/30 17:49:32 (permalink)
The more is better garden


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/01 11:56:03 (permalink)
Put together more jars of pickles today. I think I'm going to either pick them as tiny size, to do baby dills, or just start to give them away. We are gagging on zukes. The tomatoes n peppers are coming fast also. Raining here right now. Hope everyone is enjoying this year's growing season.
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/01 19:41:30 (permalink)
We went out on onieda today and got skunked again. LOL . we got our hayfield done today. Since switching to round bales we have the neighbor come up and do it. We got 23 last year only 18 this. It was a new haybine to him so it was a learning curve maybe lost 2 bales. As ll good though nice not moving the small bales 6 times. Cabbage is almost done.

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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/02 10:47:49 (permalink)
Well,today was the end of the local drought,this morning we got SIX inches during a heavy down pour!! And now on tues. we are slated to get another downpour from the storm off Fla. as it moves up the coast.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/02 11:13:19 (permalink)
We got light rain overnight, not even enough to make puddles. I guess I'm in the no rain location.
Day 2 of making sauce.
We did 8 quarts yesterday but today will be a motherlode. Everything going in is coming from our garden, well except the Busch..
Things are getting busy with garden, pigs , chickens and preparing for the move.
Hunting season will be here before I know it.
Then ICE πŸ€—


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/02 12:35:59 (permalink)
Clint S
We went out on onieda today and got skunked again. LOL . we got our hayfield done today. Since switching to round bales we have the neighbor come up and do it. We got 23 last year only 18 this. It was a new haybine to him so it was a learning curve maybe lost 2 bales. As ll good though nice not moving the small bales 6 times. Cabbage is almost done.

Guy I know, lives in Fulton. He's been killin em. Limit is only 3, but they have been limiting out everytime.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/02 14:33:24 (permalink)
A good 20 quarts simmering with another good 20 in the big pot to go.
We are well on our way to meeting our goal.
Should have another motherlode every weekend for about 3 weeks.
With garlic pizza dough being made and all the sauce simmering, oh the house smells so good.


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/02 14:53:17 (permalink)
Oh man.. very very nice HT
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/02 18:41:15 (permalink)
Spent the morning heating and bending and bashing half inch steel as we bent a pin on the hoe and that in turn bent some other stuff. I need a press . LOL . Since it sprinkled last night I threw some flares down a few chuck holes looking for the "back doors " with no luck on either. Hope I smoked them good though. No tomatoes here yet but hopefully soon . Corn is not getting ripe without water, kernels are stunted

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.Β  ~Babylonian Proverb

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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/03 08:34:13 (permalink)
hot tuna
I am absolutely NOT a fan of my wife's grandma or any online grandma pickle recipe for bread and butter pickles. I have no clue as to why one would salt and ice fresh cukes for 3 hrs then wash/ rinse and cann. It all seems soggy to me at that point.
I really like the pre pack mix of boil and pour on fresh. Maybe I'm missing the purpose of salting first ?
I am in process of doing another 8 pint jars and it will probably be my last pickles for this year. 16 is enough.
I planted 4 coke seeds and have plenty still producing, rest with be given away.
Picking tomatoes daily with another batch of sauce this weekend.
Still haven't started my fall harvest crops yet. To hot, no rain. Like NO rain here. I can't remember a day of steady rain since the mud season of May. For 2 months we have not had a full day of rain..
Is it 2021 yet ? I want a do over for a year..

HT, you expanding your "farming" to another business enterprise???
No time for gardening for me this weekend.  Dek hockey tourney all weekend with the kids.  They won their bracket in their division so nice to kick off the season with a few trophies....
Green peppers are loaded and pulling the plants over.  I need to pick, clean and freeze some so I can make stuffed peppers over the winter.   Still need to make my neighborhood "crop share" drop offs but I'll still have a bunch to use after that.   My cukes and zukes are about done.  Disappointed with the taste of my english cukes this year.  They were really bitter for some reason and I never had that problem before?  Anyone else ever have that issue? 
Tomatoes are still in limbo land...way to many to keep up with eating them daily but just not quite enough for me to want to break out the canning stuff to make some quarts of stewed tomatoes.  My San Marzanoes are loaded but only a handful of red ones right now.
Did get a decent amount of rain the last few days so no watering and I actually cut my grass for the first time in 2.5 weeks....I tried to replant lettuce, same seeds from this spring, nothing sprouted.  Not sure if it is too hot or what.  
Same thing trying to replant some beans that didn't come up.  Put some seeds in the same spots and nothing.  I need to dust my beans with 7 dust as something is eating the leaves right now....
Skeeters have been horribly bad at my place as soon as the sun goes down.  Been out playing with the telescope with the kids on the clearer nights we have had and if we don't spray down with deet, we get hammered by the skeeters...
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/03 18:32:06 (permalink)
Been waiting all summer to make this from the garden....yummm


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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/03 19:04:15 (permalink)
Welll its gonna happen here late tomorrow-quite possibly gonna go from no rain to wayyy tooo much all at once.
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/03 20:17:18 (permalink)
eyes that sure was a pretty picture from your garden. Congrats to the kids on the deck hockey wins

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/03 21:22:58 (permalink)
Been waiting all summer to make this from the garden....yummm

Yummy. Fresh and we dig margarita.
Good deal.
I got 20 quarts canned after work. Its basically a 3 hr project solo from setup to clean up. Warmed the sauce on bbq grill and outdoor cook stove.
Nothing better then no mess in house.
Highly reccomend a 2 burner cast camp cook stove.
Anyway, 20 more quarts to do tomorrow after work. Hopefully not a tropical storm. Our year total so far is 43 quarts. I bought 25 lbs from farm on first batch. Everything else is grown here.

Speaking of rain, I've gotten to nice nighttime showers. Helping garden but having issues with birds. First time. They are hammering everything from tomatoes, berries and hog feed. Do say, but I might have to put some owls out.
Be well folks, happy gardening and don't get flooded out.
post edited by hot tuna - 2020/08/03 21:25:24


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/04 18:11:40 (permalink)
Another shot from the storm,so now every stream in the area is blown out!
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/05 19:56:30 (permalink)
Just finished this batch. Up with an even 60 quarts canned so far. Tomatoes are coming heavy now in all kinds. Roma, jet star, better boy and plum. Making great sauce . Getting 3 colanders a day. Basil is having hard time keeping up .
Second batch replacement chickens all good and seem happy so I have my original order of 40 plus 2. They will go out in pen next week and harvest early October.
Pigs go Monday.

To answer a question:
I always wanted to retire a farm stand farmer. After a few years raising livestock and, fruits and vegetables, it seems we use all I can produce in my time available. I'm sharing our amount to our family of 18 people. They share things as well.
I still have " extra " of this and that . I try to give it to anyone willing or someone needing. All scraps go to my pigs and compost so it a no waste.
Someday soon I hope to become a full time farmer. It wouldn't be about making money but more about helping others.
post edited by hot tuna - 2020/08/05 19:58:35


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/06 17:33:09 (permalink)
Here comes the motherlode. This was just tonight's pick. Expecting close to same tomorrow. I already have that amount sitting in fridge I've been picking since Monday. Sauce day this weekend. I'd think I'm another 40 quarts after then which would already hit my goal. Now I'm setting sights on 150 and 20 quarts salsa.
Hard work but pays off for us in the end.
Last week's chick's are going outside in pen this weekend also. The chickens are exactly 1 week apart but last weeks chicks are over twice the size in just 8 days apart.
Gotta run. Gonna start mowing lawn for first time in 3 weeks


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/07 20:18:06 (permalink)
Picked these tonight to go along with the weeklong pick.
We be busy canning thos this weekend


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/08 21:49:18 (permalink)
Dad and bro got the rest of our round bales tonight from a field up the road the neighbor does. Moved them to the farm and we will shuffle them around tomorrow to try to get them under cover. Went to move the farm truck out of the building and all the tranny fluid had leaked out. Bad gasket or rusty pan. Took 3 hrs for a 30 minute job getting the pan off due to rusty bolts. Had to weld nuts to 2. I HATE WELDING ABOVE ME. Will check the pan tomorrow. The truck is soooooooo rusty I hate to put money in it but I like having the plow. Going to look at cabbed tractors this fall so if I drop the $$$ I will use that for snow removal with a front blower I think. Tomatoes are starting, peppers are looking good. Onions look good. Should have early taters in a few weeks and corn is ripe enough to eat, but will be better in 5 days I think. Still have 2 rows of beans too. Cukes are giving me a jar of pickles every other day or so. All is good. Just have to work at a snail's pace due to my heart, but at least I CAN work. Cooler weather will start wood cutting too

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.Β  ~Babylonian Proverb

hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/08 22:21:16 (permalink)
I understand the snails pace. I haven't been feeling well myself. Good thing is your moving forward.
Heat is my downfall. I hate A/C . I feel it's a spores distributor. My head and sinus feel like their in the clouds due to A/C.
Easily another 40 quarts to simmer and cann tomorrow. 1 of 2 fridges


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/09 12:45:39 (permalink)
Wholly motherlode. I'm getting these batches now every other day. I'm expecting 2 more good solid weeks. Trying to keep ahead on the herbs. Did a batch of oregano today and basil yesterday. I dehydrate all my herbs.
Great thing about Sunday's is the kitchen smells soooooo good.


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/09 13:35:21 (permalink)
Gotta luv Sundays. Congrats on your bountiful harvest Rich. From the work you put in, it's well deserved. Eat well, be well.πŸ₯“πŸ…πŸŒ½πŸ†πŸ—πŸ–πŸ»

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/09 13:55:41 (permalink)
Been waiting all summer to make this from the garden....yummm

Caprese salad (not margarita, that's a drink.  Lol) is a favorite especially when served with extra virgin olive oil and a drizzle of good balsamic vinegar.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/09 17:30:21 (permalink)
I'm not the chef. I'm trying..
I dig anything sauce, cheese and fresh tomatoes. Margarita pizza is my favorite.
Tonight I put these to rest hot off the press.
Still have 2 more pots full to cann but I'm settling in for the evening.
Word is I'm going for giant panfish on Tuesday morning.


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/11 10:24:04 (permalink)
The beat goes on. Today's pick with that amount already in fridge from sundays pick.
Still LOTS of tomatoes on the vine.
Way happy with tomatoes this season. All were started from seed back in February.
I pulled all the cuke plants out and the beans are sprouted nicely ( deer haven't discovered them yet).


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/11 18:15:52 (permalink)
Pigs dead weight were 215. 205 and 198.
I should get them back for freezer Friday.
Super busy in this unruly heat. Very difficult to make headway outside. Canned a dozen pints of pickles to round out those.
Wife is making homemade wood cooked pizza for dinner.
Got a tree guy coming at 7am tomorrow to drop 6 trees. I have to do the cleanup.
This vacation has been frustrating due to heat.
Stay cool folks

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/11 19:15:49 (permalink)
Finally got the limbs cut and loaded to the landfill.
Took 8 truck loads plus the small stuff put out back with the wheel barrel.
Heat and humidity is nasty- combined with no real measurable rain in weeks its nuts.
Most apples have aborted and dropped still green and 1/3 grown.
Stuff gotta be watered regularly or they wilt to the point of no return.
Kinda constant breeze feels nice at times but only helps to draw moisture outa everything.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/11 21:22:47 (permalink)
Funny thing. We've been getting daily nightime storms for about 10 days now. Working well on the garden. Downside is by 10 am , it's a sauna outside.

Side note, I've been rolling them up. No not Willie's reserve but coins. Just scratching the surface. It's fun though to sort out and watch the account grow.
I personally, toss about 50.00 a week in loose change in the jar.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2020/08/12 12:51:39 (permalink)
Locally they are calling for HEAVY rain this afternoon and Thursday,then they say it will get in the low 80's with LOW humidity.maybe I'll get some outside work done!
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