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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/05 11:51:37
The Japanese beetles started to get to my roses last week. A coating of Sevin dust worked. Well, almost. Two plants were covered again today. They got Sevin spray.
At the same time I saw them chewing away on my peach trees (which will not bear fruit this year because we got four days in the 20’s after they had blossomed). I hit them with Bodine fruit trees spray. There are some in the pear trees (same deal on the frosted flowers) and apple trees (a few fruits, especially on the Red Rome that flowered after the cold snap), so they got a round of Bodine as well.
Well, today (one week later), they are back in the peach trees in significant numbers, so they got a spray of Sevin (purchased in a spray bottle, so not very efficient). The plum, pears, and apples had some, mostly a huge glob of them on one leaf cluster, then nothing elsewhere. They got sprayed with Sevin.
Has anyone used Sevin concentrate in a backpack sprayer?
Are there other methods of getting rid of the Japanese beetles? I’m not too keen on spraying trees that have fruit (not much of an issue this year because 90% frosted off, but for future reference) with chemicals.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/05 12:30:16
DarDy, I used Sevin Concentrate in pump sprayers to treat everygreens infected with mites, newly planted willow trees for whitefly's, newly planted apple trees, flowers, shrubs and veggie gardens. We had several flowering cherry bushes and the Japanese Beetles would strip them of every leaf if left untreated. Unfortunately, repeated sprays are necessary, as may be required. Also, exercise caution applying insecticides during the heat of the day, especially pre-mixed sprays that may contain oils. Be sure to spray the underside of the foilage too. I also used Sevin with hose end spayers where heavy applications on large trees were needed. For fruit bearing trees, netting is probably the safest protection against beetles, when insecticides are not prefered. Here's a link to an article on Roses and Beetles. https://www.gardeners.com...nese-beetles/5163.html
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/07/05 12:44:06
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/05 13:17:12
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/05 19:56:48
Sevin today is not the sevin of old they changed the mix because of modern warnings on some chemicals. I still use it too and have limited success with it.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/06 08:26:07
I buy the Sevin concentrate and use it in a 1.5 gallon sprayer from TSC. I also buy the Japanese beetle traps and set them on the edge of the property, to pull the beetles off my Blueberry bushes and fruit trees, as well as the vegetable garden and roses and other shrubbery next to the house.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/06 09:45:40
Thank you all for your assistance.
The last spraying of Sevin (I did see where they changed their formula) did a number on them. I guess I’ll need to get some concentrate so I am ready at the next sign of an infestation. It seemed to really come on when the temps hit the 90’s.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/06 18:55:32
All I gots to say is, I am sick and tired of watering everything twice a day. This is getting old!
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/06 20:47:04
eyesandgillz All I gots to say is, I am sick and tired of watering everything twice a day. This is getting old!
I hear that !! I picked 18 German red garlic Saturday that were in a container box because I got tired of watering that box . The others are in bigger raised beds and hold the water better. They are getting close and larger. It seems 2020 is the year that keeps taking.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/06 21:41:32
HT I bet you could leave the garlic lay out and it would be roasted in no time, in this heat.🌞
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/07 07:31:59
hot tuna
eyesandgillz All I gots to say is, I am sick and tired of watering everything twice a day. This is getting old!
I hear that !! I picked 18 German red garlic Saturday that were in a container box because I got tired of watering that box . The others are in bigger raised beds and hold the water better. They are getting close and larger. It seems 2020 is the year that keeps taking.
It's been so hot and sunny, I have to "water" the pool every couple of days! Water is getting too warm, so I need to keep the solar cover off....when I do that, evaporation takes its toll....but if I keep the cover on too much, water gets too hot and algae takes off like a bat out of hades...can't win....so hot, we have only been night swimming here.... Just trying to keep my cucumber plants kicking...they are looking so good and starting to pick one or two a day for salads but, want to get a bunch to make some pickles. I think if I miss watering good one day, may lose them....at least the quarantine is keeping me home and I can stay on top of it...
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/07 11:36:08
Yesterday I picked some cherry tomatoes and peppers (hot Hungarian wax). Peppers are delicious sauteed in EVOO, garlic and onions. A loaf of good Italian bread, extra sharp provolone, dried sausage along with a glass of wine or a cold beer and you have a meal fit for a king.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/07 15:23:16
Geez Louise... practically all of east central Ohio and the very tippy top of NW PA lighting up like a Christmas Tree on the weather map.
Weather dude forecast 30% chance of rain this afternoon. Right now in my neighborhood it's raining like the proverbial cow and flat rock with some heavy thunder bumpers. Guess 🤔 I'm in that 30% range.
Word to the wise, when in the path of thunder storms having heavy lighting and very loud thunder.... remove the cat from your lap. 🌩 🙀 😖. ouch!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/07 17:39:15
I'm like, should I get garden hose out or wait. Plants could use a drink but hose is pia. Yes I now have a filter . Just finished vacuuming pool so I will wait until dusk. Last year I was losing water in pool and thought it was evaporating but realized it was leaking underground. Since fixed, evaporation is usual with a bit of water once a week but WAY better. 40 year old Inground pool, no solar cover. Long range weather looks wet coming next week but who knows, TB, I'm gonna take you up with the kings randsome this weekend. Sounds awesome .
post edited by hot tuna - 2020/07/07 17:40:24
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/07 18:08:16
    Son picked these yesterday and today. He sold a ton of Garlic, Leeks and Candy Onions today at auction. Enjoy reading every ones post on here. Thanks. crappy
post edited by crappiefisher - 2020/07/07 18:20:09
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/07 19:01:36
Pigs are getting there now. 2 @ 130 ish 1 about 110 ish. I'm shooting, literally around week 3 of August. I'll corn fatten them heavy till then. My target weight is 150-175 . No that's not poop they lay in. Clouds and storms not producing so time to water
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/07 19:02:45
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/08 20:38:39
What a weather kick in the bust. Heavy storms predicted, even as fast as saying 9 minutes away. Well some got gulley washers 5 miles away, we got 3 minutes of sprinkling. Ugh, my garden is hurting and so am I.. Local farmers that produce locally are becoming strapped and now only supplying to the highest markets bidders. Local produce is becoming scarce. If you ain't growing and doing well, buckle up for the next wave
post edited by hot tuna - 2020/07/08 20:56:12
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/09 09:11:00
my zizzler hungarian waxes are getting good and ready.....look perfect for stuffing with sausage, and roasting with my homemade stewed tomatoes in our mini-roaster....put them over some fresh italian bread and fresh cheese....yum, yum... Finally getting some redish maters. Should be able to pick a few tonight for a salad. Crappiefisher....holey heck....loving all those cukes.....I will be making some pickles myself next week. We'll just be overloaded with them and too many to eat....
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/09 10:02:47
Supposed to have some real gully washers this weekend here in Ct - one report says up to 5 inches. Could be wayyyy toooo much of a good thing. Calling for big winds too.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/10 00:26:20
r3 I just saw where yinz will be hit by a tropical storm and some areas can expect 8" rain. Do be safe over there.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/07/11 23:24:49
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/10 13:02:45
WE ,in SE PA are finally getting a good STEADY rain today,we need this and some more to recharge the water table  .
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/10 17:17:57
Well, after another sweltering day, at 3:30 pm when I walk to truck from work it started raining. It's a 50 minute ride home and it rained pretty decent for about 60 minutes. Now it's hot and humid again with forecast calling for occasional showers overnight , clearing by morning. As you can see by btdt radar map. It's missing us by staying south and blowing west towards pulaski. I'll take what we got but in no way is going to stop the constant watering. Actually our clay ground is already light brown dry.
I thought I was a decent gardener and small farmer but I have the worst luck with the weather no matter what I do. Peace and tuna
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/10 18:47:47
We got dumped on today and its raining again.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/10 19:38:47
Light wind and some intermittent rain here- this after up to 8 inches predicted. Guess it went West and North of here.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/10 20:04:22
It's all south of us near Albany ny and staying south heading west towards Ontario Basically nothing in rainfall here. The drought continues
post edited by hot tuna - 2020/07/10 20:09:07
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/10 20:43:55
HT maybe the front just passing through my neighborhood will push "Fay" back your way.
Neighbors to my north and to my south look to have gotten some heavy stuff but for me, a few showers and lots of humidity.
For me the weather dude saying chance of rain lessens as the night closes in, but increases to 70% as dawn approaches.
I don't need the rain but my fingers will be crossed for those who do.
Hope all y'all get good and wet.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/11 09:07:48
I received a good amount of rain from 1 PM into the evening but far less than the predicted amounts. Still better than nothing.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/11 09:58:27
Its been raining here since early evenging.
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/11 12:06:58
Getting plenty wet in my neighborhood this morning. Light showers followed by bands of heavy rain, back to clearing a bit, then it starts over.
Looks to be the norm for the day until 5:00 oclockish.
I hope to soon be benefiting from the nearby Amish fruit & veggie stands. 😁
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/07/11 16:49:56
We got nothing of significant from Fay. Kinda stinks but some was better than none. Some real rain expected on Monday 🤞. So today was harvest garlic day. I planted 275 cloves last October. Today I harvested 212 beautiful bulbs. Red, white and music. My investment was $50.00. My thoughts were to get a $400.00 selling return and have an ample amount for use. Obviously coronavirus put a dent on the sale I had lined up because of restaurant in NYC going out of business. It's really no matter to me because it won't go to waste and who knows if future seed will be available this fall. These will sit to dry for however long it takes ( about 3 weeks) then hang indefinitely in mesh sacks plus re planting if necessary. Tomorrow is sweet corn day as our local farm has fresh available by the burlap bag for $15.00 . We blanch and freeze. It was so good last Thanksgiving. Someday I'll go fishing again.
post edited by hot tuna - 2020/07/11 16:51:07
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen