Lake Whitefish

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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/02/10 01:44:37 (permalink)
Smaller emeralds should work.  When I was a kid my dad took me up to a Canadian lodge to fish for a week.  We had great luck all week on eyes and pike and bass.  The older gentleman that owned the lodge told me he would take me fishing and we could catch anything I wanted.  Well, I heard there were whitefish in the lake and we hadn't caught any so I said that I wanted to go catch them.  He took me to the deepest hole in the lake and we used minnies on basically a perch rig.  He used a hand line though and he said they are such light biters that they are very difficult to detect on rod and reel/mono. They also have really fragile mouths, paper mouths, and the hand line helped him be extra gentle when bringing them in.   We caught em!  He outfished me by about 5-1. I remember missing LOTS of bites before I caught one.  Soooo, probably use a braid for sensitivity, but you will lose stretch and maybe rip their lips...gonna be a tough one but it would be pretty cool if you caught a couple. 

Thanks for the tip! Glad to see someone has direct experience with fishing for them in a large body of water.
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/02/10 13:42:37 (permalink)
baked stuffed lake erie whitefish was our Good Friday traditional meal growing up.  Spent many a Good Friday afternoon sewing the fillets together after they were stuffed, at least we had smoked whitefish to pick on while we were doing this.
post edited by pikepredator2 - 2018/02/10 13:43:57
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/02/10 23:31:14 (permalink)
The whitefish are up to rt five
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/02/11 18:24:18 (permalink)
The whitefish are up to rt five

Nothing you say is funny or original
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/02/11 19:26:50 (permalink)
The whitefish are up to rt five

Nothing you say is funny or original

Criticizing me isn’t original. Many people do it. Welcome to the bandwagon
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/03/04 18:48:39 (permalink)
Dive, real good article on Whitefish in the Dec/Jan/Feb 2018 In-Fisherman by Matt Straw. Lots of good tips and info on that species. Check it out...........worth reading.
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/08 00:16:08 (permalink)
 In the 70's I spent many days on commercial fishing boats fishing Whitefish in Georgian Bay of Lake Huron. We caught a slew of Whitefish and it is still my favorite fish to eat. They came in to the shoals in the fall to spawn and we gill netted them. We were not denting the population. With the small amount of nets we put out and the vast spawning shoals there had to be a huge population. Trouble was in the summer they are deep and hard to fish. I never knew anyone that hook and lined them in that part of Georgian Bay. I tried to ice fish for them in Lake Simco  however I was unsuccessful. We used the rig I talked about earlier. When I was commercial fishing we had to dress them (gut) and always kept the livers. Floured and fried they were delicious and considered a delicacy in the little town I was staying in.
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/08 11:56:22 (permalink)
Tree what was the average size of those Whitefish netted ? What about any other species netted ?
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/08 15:45:41 (permalink)
was talking to a fisherman recently who fishes for them from shore this time of year  he does quite well gets them off the piers in and around the southern portion in lake michigan in indiana  uses small pieces of worm fished off bottom  

I have become comfortably numb
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/09 18:47:25 (permalink)
Might have to target them this year! I’ll let you know Sean if I am successful
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/11 21:20:00 (permalink)
  C.H., The Whitefish ran from 6-15 lbs. with the females being the largest like walleyes. Of course in the spawning
fish the males were the best eating, as the females flesh was soft not firm in the fall as they were also full of eggs. We caught the occasional off species however that was one in a hundred while fishing whitefish on the spawning shoals. Once every couple years a Musky would get caught in the nets and they were huge. they were out there slurping up those Whitefish Some would be alive and released some would wrap up and drown. Other than that Suckers, Carp, Smallmouth, Walleyes and sometimes a trout or salmon were caught. However not many.
           We also targeted Lake Herring that averaged 2-3 lbs each. They  spawned earlier in October and deeper water
even though they also were along the shore to spawn. They were also good eating but don't freeze very well. I remember one fall the Lake Herring run and weather was great and we were doing great at $ .60 /lb. Of course the other Commercial fishermen up and down the bay were doing the same and the distributor droped the price to $ .20/lb. We pulled the nets and that was the end of that years Lake Herring run. I have never heard of anyone catching a lake Herring on hook and line.
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/11 21:38:34 (permalink)
treesparrow, I caught a Lake Herring (I’ve always called them Cisco, same fish) in the St. Mary’s River last June, along with several Whitefish and other misc. Salmonids. Little guys put up a heck of a fight for their size. Pound for pound the one I landed fought better than a jack Steelie.

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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/11 21:41:45 (permalink)
Might as well throw up a Whitefish pic too while I’m looking through the album for that trip. This one was about average and of course I snapped off a good 9-10 pounder not far from the boat lol.
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/11 22:00:43 (permalink)
tree ......thanks for all the info .....that's interesting stuff. Never really heard much about Whitefish and I'm amazed they get to that size! I also never heard of Lake Herring. Don't think I've ever ate any Whitefish or Herring. Are those Herring in our stores the same ones ?  They are smoked and salty (blind robins ) and I have ate them on occasion . Must oily fish don't freeze well, but put smoke to them and they are very good. Maybe I've had Whitefish in restaurants or frozen fish sticks just not sure. Did a lot go overseas or were there processers here ? 
Feel free to share more stories about Lake Huron. How is the overall fishing there as far as the lake or tributaries ? I've fished Ontario and Erie for many years, but know little about the others.    
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/11 22:04:17 (permalink)
Nice Dive.......they look like silver bullets! Jumpers....or line burners...or both  ?
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/11 22:11:53 (permalink)
Nice Dive.......they look like silver bullets! Jumpers....or line burners...or both  ?

Definitely runners! They’re closer to Bonefish in appearance and behavior than any other freshwater fish I’ve encountered. Really felt like I had a saltwater fish on with that guy.
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/11 22:14:19 (permalink)
tree ......thanks for all the info .....that's interesting stuff. Never really heard much about Whitefish and I'm amazed they get to that size! I also never heard of Lake Herring. Don't think I've ever ate any Whitefish or Herring. Are those Herring in our stores the same ones ?  They are smoked and salty (blind robins ) and I have ate them on occasion . Must oily fish don't freeze well, but put smoke to them and they are very good. Maybe I've had Whitefish in restaurants or frozen fish sticks just not sure. Did a lot go overseas or were there processers here ? 
Feel free to share more stories about Lake Huron. How is the overall fishing there as far as the lake or tributaries ? I've fished Ontario and Erie for many years, but know little about the others.    

+1 to this for sure. I’d love to hear more about the upper Great Lakes aside from Lake Michigan. Huron and Superior definitely seem to be the two most underrated waters of the five. Not sure why either, they’re both amazing fisheries if you like to target species other than Pacific Salmon.
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/12 12:16:31 (permalink)
Divemaster, That Cisco does not look like the Herring we used to catch. It could be and just is smaller than what we caught. I am told that the Chubs ( Deep Ciscoes) are gone from where I was. That was the summer staples of the few Commercial fisherman in the 70's.
C.H.,         Those blind robins I do not know. The Lake Herring is different than the supermarket herring which are Ocean. Also the whitefish you get in the supermarket or restaurant are both Ocean. The Whitefish we caught were shipped to NY for a Jewish market. I guess they somehow got a taste for them and kept the yearly supply coming.
The best way I ever tasted Whitefish was baked stuffed with onions. Oh my, they are good. I have eaten them boiled also . Tried one I bought couple years ago filleted and grilled that was good however my favorite is baked. I had to grill because I was serving relatives that wanted no bones. I overcooked it to boot, and it was still good.
                   I still every year go up to the little town of Britt. Town that's funny. Many of my old friends have past away. The son of the Gentleman I fished for still does some seasonal Commercial fishing mostly Whitefish. He and I both fished for his father. If I fished a hundred years I wouldn't make the fisherman he is, and the skill with a boat that I have never seen equaled. That said I worked a few years on Riverboats with some great Captains that I know would be impressed with his skill. He asks me often when I am coming back up for the November Whitefish run to Com. fish with him. I guess my days of jumping the border and working up there are over. I worked up there because I loved it not to financially better myself. My brother and I guided and I commercial fished. Back then in late 60's into 70's the Canadians didn't seem to care. As the 80's came things changed and I was getting a hard time at the border with some nervous crossings. I had to quit because I didn't want to get the people I would work for in trouble. Some friends had a sport fishing camp on an island and the husband died. His wife asked me if I would help her run it the next season. I was nervous and said we would need to do it legal. We couldn't get the papers and I gave up my border jumping. Maybe its a good thing I am not President or I would have a real soft spot in my heart for the dreamers and others especially those that were accepted in our military served and now are rejected. In my opinion shame on us.   
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/12 12:26:18 (permalink)
I would guess underrated on the recreational fishing end, due to a shorter open season and less population fishing them (reporting, ect).  Also, that far north, the inland lakes seem to be much more productive than here.  Those MN and other northern US inland lakes and Canadian inland lakes seem to be filled with walleye, small mouth, white fish, burpits and pike, and all over the place.  The smaller lakes get safe ice faster (where guys pull fishing huts/houses on the lakes and fish in comfort), then open to boating faster, as well as more much more affordable smaller boats to use on their limited seasons. 
Big water fishing is fun, but really expensive.  Sitting in a 60 degree cabin on top of a lake, catching the same variety of fish as those great lakes, while sitting on a sofa, would be an easy sell to me, and likely 1/4 the cost.  I'm just fine barging along in my 17'er, often times catching the skunk.  Trade that in for 4-5 walleye just about every time out, and I couldn't imagine ever spending what it would cost to be on Huron/Superior.
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/12 20:29:58 (permalink)
Porktown, I fish Georgian Bay where a 17 ft boat is large for what I do. I have fished a 14 ' for years and it is a little small. A Canadian friend that couldn't swim insisted we fish his 18' with 115 Yamaha and I was a nervous wreck. He didn't know the waters I did the boat running. I refused until he told me the boat was fully insured. I now have a 16' that is fine running around the shoals and Islands. It is treacherous water with shoals and small cuts you have to go through and granite is very unforgiving. 
             I have a free place to stay however rent a cabin for $900/ week split between 4, because I go with to many adults to stuff in the freebe. The fishing is different every year.
             Some years the bass fishing is great, and no pike. Next year the Walleyes are the ticket just neat how it changes. Walleyes they call Pickerel or Yellows in the Commercial trade.
             Spent some time around Superior and it is a deep big Lake. It is for trollers and such. I favor rod in hand kind of fishing maybe just because that is what I am used to.
             PA. has some good fishing just differen, and a lot more competition.
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/13 09:13:57 (permalink)
That is surprising that the Georgian Bay wouldn't require something larger, with it's size.  I would imagine the main lake of Huron and Superior to be different, and more like larger versions of Ontario/Erie.  Did you fish any of those other smaller inland lakes in the area?  From what I see on fishing shows and articles that I have read, most seem to be pretty productive, with mostly the same species (I think they are remnants of ancient great lakes that were connected at one point).  There appear to be thousands of them surrounding Huron and Superior, especially northern side.  The amount of those inland lakes in Canada is amazing.  Too bad it is so cold there...  I couldn't imagine people making more than an hour commute to fish the great lakes often, if those lakes are right in their back yard.  Nothing like the amount of lakes that we have here, and many don't venture to Erie to stick with Pymie/Arthur/Shenango/ect.  Obviously, those living close to those great lakes are using them.  I'm guessing not to the extent of Michigan, Erie or Ontario, or wouldn't be underrated (or more under-publicized) with shows and articles in comparison, which I think is what Divemaster was suggesting.
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/14 08:22:54 (permalink)
Nice Dive.......they look like silver bullets! Jumpers....or line burners...or both  ?

Whitefish can't jump.

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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/14 13:15:23 (permalink)
Whitefish can't jump.

Nahhh  he didn't say that, did he??  

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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/14 18:37:26 (permalink)
Porktown, You know how you get used to fishing certain areas and ways, well that I guess is how I  have become. I like to fish the outer Islands shoals and bays of the 30,000 Islands. Everyday we head out down the Magnetawan River and head either North or South to fish the shoals and Bays. We rarely fish The Magnetawan even though it is world class musky water. In the almost 50 years I have fished there I doubt I have fished for Musky three hours. There are fishermen that fish there with the goal of a World record Musky. Group of young guys from Toronto used to spend the weekends sleeping in vehicles and fishing Musky all weekend. The biggest ones are caught in the fall when the water is cooling and they gorge.
              I just never bothered with the inland lakes. I think the Islands are so beautiful and with the usual breeze it is far less buggy.
              I once bumped into a fella up there from Meadville as I was fishing my favorite shoal weed bed. I noticed him due to the pa boat. He proceeds to tell me it was his favorite spot. Coincidence ay. Well we shot the bull for a while and many other recollections were similar. We both were camping years ago on the Islands there during Hurricane Agress in the 70's. He with boy scouts a little south of where we were and me with a friend and two youngsters one my brother. I regret not getting his name.
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Re: Lake Whitefish 2018/04/17 19:50:00 (permalink)
tree , I'm looking at a map of that area your talking and it looks like there must be hundreds of small lakes they all hold fish worth fishing for and what kind dominate ? I'm sure Smallies and Pike are tops but are other species in them. Almost looks like a maze of lakes ! 
Closest I came to fishing near there was near Peterborough , and Buck Horn Lake overflows and that's still away. We fished a river there wading from shore in the 70's that was loaded with Walleyes (Pickerel)  back then. Haven't been near there since. Didn't know what I was doing then, but we caught a few, Crowded up but seen a ton caught....all at night . Had Canadian relatives that fished it steady in May ....unreal night time Walleye fishing. 
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2018/04/17 20:15:58
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