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2017/11/13 12:00:58 (permalink)


Just wondering if anybody has seen any browns or salmon this year. I hooked a really small king at walnut last weekend and saw 1 really small brown and 1 big one.
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/13 12:07:24 (permalink)
Caught a avg size brown a few weeks ago in the water near a boat launch. I've seen several nice ones in the pile of fish @ Trout Run. But have yet to see anyone catch a big one.
No salmon sightings yet, and no Pink salmon sightings. Saw a dozen or so last year.
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/13 12:44:09 (permalink)
Caught this brown on Saturday, and saw one bigger one caught. It's my first brown since 2013. 

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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/13 18:39:32 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby johnthefisherman 2017/11/14 09:11:23
Nice feesh John!

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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/13 19:13:01 (permalink)
Brownies early in the week in the dirty water. 
Nothing really big. Bob's biggest one was maybe 7lb.
Lost a nice one when it ran under a hemlock and up the far side of an island.
Got 2 of the 3 hooked today but only 23-24 inches. All out of the same deep hole. Never caught brownies that far up the creek before.   
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/13 21:33:50 (permalink)
Brownies early in the week in the dirty water. 
Nothing really big. Bob's biggest one was maybe 7lb.
Lost a nice one when it ran under a hemlock and up the far side of an island.
Got 2 of the 3 hooked today but only 23-24 inches. All out of the same deep hole. Never caught brownies that far up the creek before.   

Yeah I saw one really big brown and I threw everything I had and nothing prevailed. Hooked the king on a pink wollybugger
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/14 12:23:39 (permalink)
Haven't seen anything in person but Steelhead this Fall. Heard that someone caught a decent Chinook on a west side trib awhile back and saw a picture of a relatively large Coho last week on an NY Erie trib. No Pinks this year, in the streams or the lake. Hopefully a few passed on their genes last year and there will be a few wilds that return in the next couple of years.

Really hope the Browns start coming back in numbers soon. Saw 6-12 last year and even hooked into 2, but I haven't even spotted one this year. Not sure why they aren't doing well in a cool, shallow lake with plenty of Gobies to eat.
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/14 12:26:02 (permalink)
Haven't seen anything in person but Steelhead this Fall. Heard that someone caught a decent Chinook on a west side trib awhile back and saw a picture of a relatively large Coho last week on an NY Erie trib. No Pinks this year, in the streams or the lake. Hopefully a few passed on their genes last year and there will be a few wilds that return in the next couple of years.

Really hope the Browns start coming back in numbers soon. Saw 6-12 last year and even hooked into 2, but I haven't even spotted one this year. Not sure why they aren't doing well in a cool, shallow lake with plenty of Gobies to eat.

The absence of the pinks is because only run every other year. Only seen two browns all year but many in trout run
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/14 12:35:22 (permalink)
Haven't seen anything in person but Steelhead this Fall. Heard that someone caught a decent Chinook on a west side trib awhile back and saw a picture of a relatively large Coho last week on an NY Erie trib. No Pinks this year, in the streams or the lake. Hopefully a few passed on their genes last year and there will be a few wilds that return in the next couple of years.

Really hope the Browns start coming back in numbers soon. Saw 6-12 last year and even hooked into 2, but I haven't even spotted one this year. Not sure why they aren't doing well in a cool, shallow lake with plenty of Gobies to eat.

The absence of the pinks is because only run every other year. Only seen two browns all year but many in trout run

My understanding was that in the Great Lakes they can run every year (where present) because they can potentially mature a year earlier than Pacific Pinks. Western Lake Superior tribs typically get a run of Pink Salmon every Sept-Oct.
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/14 16:39:23 (permalink)
Really hope the Browns start coming back in numbers soon. Saw 6-12 last year and even hooked into 2, but I haven't even spotted one this year. Not sure why they aren't doing well in a cool, shallow lake with plenty of Gobies to eat.

In all my years of fishing I personally notice lake Browns favor more muddy or stained water over clear running tributaries. Most of the tribs in NY that have good Brown Trout returns are all the more muddy or silty bottom steams like the Oak. The Niagara as big as it is gets some Brown migration, but nothing compared to the stained or colored smaller tributaries feeding the lake. 
I'd say just guessing that most of Lake Erie migrating Browns would favor the Catt (NY) as far as steady returns over the clear shell rock creeks in Pa. Wonder how many Pa. fish run the Catt ? That's why I doubt that Erie tribs will ever get the numbers back as stocked in the Brown Trout species. They just prefer murky, muddy, stained water just like Carp ! 
Only a good tagging system would identify their migration patterns something I never heard of on any Pa. Lake Erie Trout programs. Would be very interesting to get and see some results.  

post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2017/11/14 16:51:17
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/14 17:41:23 (permalink)
Captain, Click the link below.
PA Brown Trout Program
NY Erie tribs including Catt has seen a decline in brown trout numbers. I used to see quite a few huge ones caught a decade ago in the 27-30 inch class. My largest was 31.25" out of Canadaway Creek in 2005. (Yep, Muddy Water). Didn't weigh it and let it go.
I haven't seen big ones over 27" in quite some time. 2005 to 209 seemed to be the best years for NY LE brown trout in size and quantity. 
post edited by dano - 2017/11/14 17:42:28
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/14 18:11:09 (permalink)
yeah you guys are right about the dirty water theory  in fact now i recall all the browns i caught in elk were during dirty water periods over the years

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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/14 21:54:24 (permalink)
Browns caught way upstream are rare catches at least on Elk. I caught my biggest Erie Brown(25") in Girard Park many years ago and it was a total surprise. Have caught and seen more at Trout Run than any where else. They seem to stay close to the mouths and shores on Erie.
How's old Canadaway doing now days ....had a banner day on Steelhead one day many moons ago. Anybody fish 18 mile creek past few years ? (not Burt )
The Catt seems to be always muddy maybe this year was an exception with the dry spell. Browns should favor it the most. 
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/14 22:33:47 (permalink)
Captain, Catt has been high and dirty all of November. Don't fish Canadaway much anymore since it got overrun my the crowds. 18-Mile west of Buffalo has always been hit or miss for me. Nice looking water on that creek. 
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/15 08:30:37 (permalink)
Thanks Dano, I've fished all a few times years ago and was just wondering.Your right on both creeks one's always dirty, and the small one won't take much to crowd up, and the last was exactly as you say ,nice water but more miss for me .   
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/15 10:09:30 (permalink)
Really hope the Browns start coming back in numbers soon. Saw 6-12 last year and even hooked into 2, but I haven't even spotted one this year. Not sure why they aren't doing well in a cool, shallow lake with plenty of Gobies to eat.

In all my years of fishing I personally notice lake Browns favor more muddy or stained water over clear running tributaries. Most of the tribs in NY that have good Brown Trout returns are all the more muddy or silty bottom steams like the Oak. The Niagara as big as it is gets some Brown migration, but nothing compared to the stained or colored smaller tributaries feeding the lake. 
I'd say just guessing that most of Lake Erie migrating Browns would favor the Catt (NY) as far as steady returns over the clear shell rock creeks in Pa. Wonder how many Pa. fish run the Catt ? That's why I doubt that Erie tribs will ever get the numbers back as stocked in the Brown Trout species. They just prefer murky, muddy, stained water just like Carp ! 
Only a good tagging system would identify their migration patterns something I never heard of on any Pa. Lake Erie Trout programs. Would be very interesting to get and see some results.  

I've definitely noticed that inland Browns seem to prefer feeding in stained water. This is probably just coincidence, but, all of the Browns I've caught in Great Lakes tribs have been in ultra low/clear water. Landed 3 trophies last November in Lake O tribs when the water was 12-18" low and hooked/lost two in PA last October including one that could've been a potential state record, had to be at least 15 pounds (yeah, yeah, fish stories, etc.... I know ;) )
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/15 13:35:58 (permalink)
Yes the water can be clear at times, but I have noticed they are more attracted to mud , clay silty bottom creeks especially on NY. Creeks like Oak , Burt (18mi), Johnson, those creeks have very muddy bottoms until you get near the dams then they have some rock bottom. Those creeks also boost the most Brown Trout and the largest almost every year. ( My best NY trib Brown is 15lbs. )
Try wading the Oak farther down stream ,your boots will be buried in soft mud to your hips ! 
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/16 09:18:11 (permalink)
Most of the browns are caught at trout run and elk. Hooked up with a nice brown elk back in 08
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/16 09:24:30 (permalink)
I have always caught more browns down low on tribs in DEEP SLOW slots which can be muddy bottom at times now that you mention it...WCW
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/16 10:39:56 (permalink)
I have always caught more browns down low on tribs in DEEP SLOW slots which can be muddy bottom at times now that you mention it...WCW

I can't remember a time I saw a brown in low clear water . They are always present after a good blowout
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/16 11:11:25 (permalink)
I have always caught more browns down low on tribs in DEEP SLOW slots which can be muddy bottom at times now that you mention it...WCW

I can't remember a time I saw a brown in low clear water . They are always present after a good blowout

^ yes INDEED, the browns are VERY PRESENT AFTER A BLOWOUT!!!! 
Sorry I couldn't resist.  Poop jokes never get old for immature people like myself. 

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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/16 11:31:57 (permalink)
I have always caught more browns down low on tribs in DEEP SLOW slots which can be muddy bottom at times now that you mention it...WCW

I can't remember a time I saw a brown in low clear water . They are always present after a good blowout

^ yes INDEED, the browns are VERY PRESENT AFTER A BLOWOUT!!!! 
Sorry I couldn't resist.  Poop jokes never get old for immature people like myself. 

I set that one up to perfectly for someone not to make a joke
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/16 11:47:13 (permalink)
I though it was a Cleveland Browns joke.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/16 11:52:43 (permalink)
I though it was a Cleveland Browns joke.

Just saying the name "Cleveland browns" is a joke
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/16 13:06:45 (permalink)
steelies fight better than browns 

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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/16 13:08:44 (permalink)
Nothing like taking the browns to the superbowl, after a big breakfast and hours of fishing. 

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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/16 14:30:08 (permalink)
It could be a poop or a cleve brownies joke, either one is crap!

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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/17 23:08:40 (permalink)
Caught a nice brown at walnut today... ironic
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/18 12:10:44 (permalink)
So did brad.. crazy

Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Browns/salmon 2017/11/18 13:54:45 (permalink)
so did guru .. wacky

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