millineals and steelhead

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Re: millineals and steelhead 2017/09/29 13:27:49 (permalink)
No maybes about it, you're old. 
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Re: millineals and steelhead 2017/09/30 21:37:02 (permalink)
Kokanee Killer

tech advances of the  "Super 8" home movie cameras and projectors  of the '50s and ''60s.
as well as the easy  ability to broadcast them beyond the screen (or wall) of your  living room ...I reckon
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Re: millineals and steelhead 2017/10/01 14:22:33 (permalink)
I’ll say this:

I have a GoPro and just recently bought an underwater stick for it. My plans are to use it to film fish in their habitat as they are and hopefully catch a few feeding to learn more about their habits. My videos never leave the hard drive other than to share with family and friends.

I also use it for metal detecting to relive my good finds :)
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Re: millineals and steelhead 2017/10/01 15:37:33 (permalink)
I got a good shot of one today taking my streamer. Got off at shore. Pictures or it didn't happen
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Re: millineals and steelhead 2017/10/01 19:29:30 (permalink)
So is 2017/2018 the "official" year is now ruined??
Just want to be clear... in case next Sept when someone proclaims "ITS RUINED", we can all have a good laugh and kindly remind them Oct 1 2017 is the correct steelhead apocalypse

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Re: millineals and steelhead 2017/10/01 20:25:16 (permalink)
we can all have a good laugh and kindly remind them Oct 1 2017 is the correct steelhead apocalypse

Sept 23 '17  
Nibiru did it
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Re: millineals and steelhead 2017/10/02 09:06:54 (permalink)
It's all an inside job, don't believe the mainstream media. The Fish Commission wants to gain support for raising license prices, so they got the steelhead Illuminati to broadcast brain waves from Area 51, that controlled the minds of the steelhead not to run into the streams, while they bring JFK and Elvis back from the dead. The fish that are in the streams now are all the smart ones who didn't get paid off. 

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Re: millineals and steelhead 2017/10/02 14:23:14 (permalink)
It's all an inside job, don't believe the mainstream media. The Fish Commission wants to gain support for raising license prices, so they got the steelhead Illuminati to broadcast brain waves from Area 51, that controlled the minds of the steelhead not to run into the streams, while they bring JFK and Elvis back from the dead. The fish that are in the streams now are all the smart ones who didn't get paid off. 

This makes meh brain hurt. Just a dumb fisherman here #yinzernet
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