Most Hunting shows on TV are a joke

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Re: Most Hunting shows on TV are a joke 2017/09/14 16:21:05 (permalink)
Captain the Pursuit Channel is featuring GIRLS WITH GUNS. I think I saw between commercials, the girls are hunting hogs with dogs. Got tired of MUCK BOOTS and RUGER GUNS and switched to DYI Channel to watch paint dry.

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Re: Most Hunting shows on TV are a joke 2017/09/14 20:44:32 (permalink)
I like the time Babe Wilkleman ambushed a spring Turkey on film then spent 2 shows trying to lie out of it . What a sorry hunt that was for TV. Looked like something a 16 year old would have done to get his first bird.
How about the show with the money bag hunter, he's arguing with his private guide that I won't shoot that buck unless he's got a 20" spread. They are sitting in an open field with 3-4 huge bucks feeding , while the hunter is arguing about the antler size for 10 minutes! Finally he picks up the rifle and adjust his tripod and tells the guide I'm going to take your word hope I'm not disappointed with this deer ! He better be a 20 ! Bang !
Talk about one sorry azz spoiled, spoon feed, lead by the hand guided hunter ! Maybe the local taxidermist's can beef up the tines and or spread like they do on the wild hog tusks ! Yea....seen that too !  
Yea he was a 20" spread huge trophy the story is much different about the hunt, but most people looking at a deer head on a wall don't care, they just know he's a great hunter as they look at his trophies and sip his fine wine.
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Re: Most Hunting shows on TV are a joke 2017/09/14 21:17:27 (permalink)
I want you to know it's all your fault that I even stopped on the channel to watch that stupid show. Four minutes of commercials followed by two minutes of some dude tugging and pushing some chic with a high-powered rifle getting her in position for a 20 yd shot.

Speaking of 'God's Gift to The Outdoors', I did enjoy Charlie cooking with wild game. Don't know where she went but at one time her recipes were available in a cookbook.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Most Hunting shows on TV are a joke 2017/09/14 23:07:42 (permalink)
Never could figure that one out..... his name is Babe and her name is Charlie ???? 
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Re: Most Hunting shows on TV are a joke 2017/09/14 23:22:07 (permalink)
Never could figure that one out..... his name is Babe and her name is Charlie ???? 

Dam Captain that's a vision I didn't need dancing in my head. I'm confused enough as it is.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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