hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff
2020/10/31 23:22:47
All my shopping is done in nys. I don't plan on visiting anywhere but solitude in woods and water for the hunker down long winter season coming. This was from my stand at 8am this morning. I was armed only with a camera
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/01 16:46:17
A pic of the family, with that deer pic on the flip side= great Christmas card. Nice capture.
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/01 22:16:28
The last few years have been nothing but memories with my family. We try to put photographs with them as much as possible. I'd probably let that 8pt pass to give a good gene.. its young with lots of mass to achieve. If we want table fare, its usually not a problem to do. For us its kinda a self management deal. Know I've shown these before but these are shooter antler deer for us . Body and mass that have passed their genes a few times
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/01 22:52:02
r3g3 Outa staters beware New York States new 19 mandates. MUST have a negative 19 test 3 days prior to entering and then quarantine in state for 3 more days and another test on the 4th Presumably you can then move about if thats negative too. Last time around the NY fine for non compliance were up to around $2,000 --no mention of the fine this time around.
Yeah, there will be no legal travel in or out of new York without a test and quarantine. Wonder how this will play out...
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/02 06:46:30
So does this mean if in Erie, one cannot drive east on RT 5 to the Pond Winery that is about a mile into NY with all the testing and quarantine stuff?
If so, that will be pretty rough on those types of businesses.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/02 07:32:13
PA CT and NJ are not included as I understand it because of interstate commerce.
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/02 07:43:01
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/02 08:17:04
DarDys So does this mean if in Erie, one cannot drive east on RT 5 to the Pond Winery that is about a mile into NY with all the testing and quarantine stuff?
If so, that will be pretty rough on those types of businesses.
Cuomo threw out the tri states pac. It doesn't matter where you come from anymore. The only exception is if your in or out of NY less than 24hrs
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/02 09:58:15
Contiguous states are still exempted from the quarantine requirements. NY’s new rule is actually a loosening of restrictions in a way, giving people a means to “test out” of the 14 day thing.
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/02 10:07:13
At least it’s not confusing — lol.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/02 10:14:03
Soooooo if ya are going in and out to shop or work within a day its OK but if your going up fishing or hunting for a few days its not-- Got it- 19 does NOT spread with folks only staying a day.. Got it. Whenever voting for a Governor in any state from now on we all gotta try and figure out if they are gonna go power nuts in an emergency or be normal.
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/02 11:24:24
As hot spots emerge things will remain in constant flux. The rule of the day may change tomorrow. Last week the mantra was to restrict unnecessary travel from NY into CT, it's now less austere.
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/02 17:50:53
As I sit and read news a lot am finding that here in Ct there are many stories of STUDENTS getting tested positive for 19- lots in places of higher learning of which our state has MANY and they test heavily. Also of STUDENTS being kids and partying hardy and causing peer groups to have a higher rate than normal in short order. In many cases they are sent home and forced to miss semesters or the year because their actions were in violation of school rules. Then their home states have likely got to claim them as victims too--- Because of their age they generally are likely to not even be aware they have it but the TESTING shows it. Classes or whole schools get shut down- the states earn higher degrees of danger in its 19 grading and the press has a field day.
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/11/02 18:26:52
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/02 21:44:34
Its crazy and getting more by the hrs. My wife was not allowed to bring our dog into the veterinary clinic. She handed Lukas off and my sister was pizzed. I have a tattoo appointment tomorrow and I'm not allowed to take my wife in on a life changing event.
These are not fun times.. Vote responsibility tomorrow and hopefully more things don't get taken away
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/03 09:35:39
HT, the protocol for veterinarian visits has been in place since businesses started to reopen. God forbid you have to put an animal down. I never had interest in getting a tattoo, probably never will. Lol
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/03 09:55:31
Oh- silly me- thought the dog was getting the tattoo
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/03 11:05:46
Before micro chipping, we would get our dogs tattooed with their permanent license number inside the lip.
Our vet never changed his regular protocol on visits.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/10 18:10:52
We are making the sleep over move tonight. I've had this new expensive bed for 12 days and I said to the wife, tonight's the night ( aka Neil young). We are 90% done with house after 2.5 months and I'm on a mountain sleeping in a tent for 5 days starting Friday. Let's hope the deer are more active in 50 degrees, then they were in 70 last weekend. They are there..
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/10 19:59:38
Good luck to you and your on the hunt rich- sounds like a nice break. To all heading up to fish- Check the travel restrictions and read carefully- big differences between 24 hrs and longer stays. Gotta pre file travel records and stick to them as well as having test docs in many places. Lots of states in flux right now because of upticks in numbers. Hope some in charge dont get used to treating people like this- could lead to --- issues Couldnt go to VT weeks ago to see my oldest son and now he cant come to ct, overbearing periods of containment and testing between leaving and coming back. Nurse said her dept head got stopped going in Vt recently and hadda turn around.
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/11/10 20:02:47
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/16 07:55:31
So I've been sleeping in the woods in a tent the last 3 nights, 1 more to go. There's been no fun staying awake in a blizzard and 50 mph winds hoping the tent dosen't blow apart. And the hunting, sucks. While winter tent camping might be for some, never again for me.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/17 11:57:54
LOL, every other vehicle is out of state and I'm sure they are not here for less than 24 hrs. Our country has had mucho increase especially in this area........
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/22 08:34:37
Havent heard from Rich on the hunting soooo kinda guess it didnt get much better. Here in Ct my last piece of Pvt property to hunt is the worse ever for years for Deer sightings sometimes weeks between a tail. Have never chosen to shot a doe there in the 30 years I have been fortunate enough to have permission but have taken several nice shooters. This year is the same, over 18 hours in the woods and not a tail even though my old self imposed bucks only on this property is now an anything goes policy, lol. Used to make up for it on other properties but as time passes they have all turned into housing projects soo this is the last holdout. As in most places it aint how ya hunt but WHERE ya can hunt. Can drive around in the evening by where I live and seen dozens on NO props out in the fields.
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/11/22 08:36:45
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/22 09:31:32
I got out for opening day in NY yesterday. In my spot that abuts 1200 acres of private property long before first light. Five minutes after getting to my tree seat I hear something coming. A minute later the Cuddeback trail camera about 20 yards to my left goes off. Whatever it was didn't stick around. Around 6 AM I hear a deer walking within 15 yards and could see it's blacked out silhouette, two fawns feeding. Both hung around until after 8 AM with one walking by four times. She knew I was there but didn't seem to care. I pulled the SD card from the camera and found the deer that triggered a photo when I first sat down was a 6 pt buck approximately 1 1/2 YOA. Because he was moving so quickly I assume he was on the trail of a hot doe. Hope to get out this afternoon before it rains.
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/22 10:34:23
I've been putting my time in everyday. Thursday it was 20 degrees with snow on the ground and let's say, the deer were hot and heavy. We seen over 8 bucks from 10pt down. Everyone was chasing doe and didn't offer a good shot with xbow. Friday the temperatures soared into the 50's and we haven't seen squat since.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/22 16:17:00
Zilch !! This is the first year I can ever remember not bringing any venison home by opening gun weekend.. Is 2020 OVER YET... Back at it Tuesday Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday then I pull the plug on hunting.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/22 20:00:18
Vaccine cant come quick enough- Hoping for some Spring Steel.
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/22 20:34:14
Just for reference, I physically lived in the woods 7 days and in an Airbnb for another 3 while hunting so far. The vaccine wasn't the problem unless the deer suddenly got covid. The people are crazy in this times and so is the weather. It's supposed to stay warm right through next weekend. Ugh... Me and my sons hunt 864 private hardwood acres on the very top of the mountain with thousands to the bottom that don't get hunted. There is zero pressure. We didn't hear a gunshot. We have plenty of quality deer but something is just not right this year so I blame the whole 2020 mess, lol.. I guess the saying might hold true. Starve a fever and feed a cold .. It better get cold soon !!!
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/29 17:12:08
Got ice yet ? Strange season and we're done .
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/29 17:52:29
Rich that buck your holding is a BRUTE- congrats
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff
2020/11/30 18:37:38
I got home yesterday and quartered 2 deer to put in our refrigerator's so they wouldn't spoil because of crazy weather. Waste nothing is my moto. I was beat and after spending weeks in the woods, dreading going back to the JOB today. I'm finally starting to figure out the days of the week. I really can't wait to retire so a Monday means no difference than a Sunday. It was a difficult season for us and I blame 2020 in a whole. For a Fact, there are still bigger bucks on the property that get a free pass this year. Zero people, zero pressure.
Rain, rain go away. Bring some ice tomorrow day.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen