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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/11 07:12:41 (permalink)
Nice catch there Clint. A 3fer 🤗. Congrats to your boatman, that's a dandy 'eye. 👍

r3 congrats on that new vehicle, it sounds sweet.

DarDy 911 crash calls usually require air bag deployment or roll over. I'll bet the moron that asz ended you had air bag deployment.

I too dislike the tracking systems being forced on new vehicle buyers. I refuse to give my email address to a car salesman and they can take that XM Radio and put it, where the sun don't shine.

My newest vehicle was special ordered.... noooo mfg tracking, no navigation, and no XM. (free trial or not🌞)

I have my own cell signal booster, my own wifi and my trusty cell phone to do all the tracking and music playing I need. 🎃
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/10/11 07:30:03

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/11 09:03:18 (permalink)
BTDT, Interesting you should choose to delete one or more tracking devices but carry others.  Everything you do is monitored by Big Brother, everything!    
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/11 09:31:01 (permalink)
Troutbum I hear you I do and I agree but, at least, I can mess with the cellphone tracking a little bit. 🤭 Sometimes....🤫 I fib about my location, like right now when I ask for the location of my local Walmart my phone thinks I'm in Pittsburgh and I ain't nowhere near there.🤗

Seriously though, I don't care for the annoying emails and alerts associated with the automotive stuff plus the additional costs (🤔OK, I'm just cheap) of the add ons like navigation and XM Radio.

So how's the fishing been going? Ya able to get out?
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/10/11 09:32:36

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/11 12:49:00 (permalink)
Great catch Clint. Today is a beautiful day at deer camp. Yesterday was super windy.
Fun times indeed with my family.
One more night.


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/11 19:04:41 (permalink)
BTDT, no I haven't been to the SR for this salmon run.  I do have plans for the end of October to fish both the Oswego and the SR.  More interested in browns and steel but may go begging if we don't get some serious rain. 
A lot of salmon in the river now.  I'm sure it's a slaughter.  Saw a cool photo the other day of fish stacked up in the Joss.    
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/11 19:33:48 (permalink)
Troutbum I hope your plans for end of October works out for you.

I'm milling around Walnut Creek here in NW PA. Not fishing, just muupere as a tourist, seeing what's to see & just killing time.

Lost my desire for trout fishing years ago.

Wishing you good times and tight lines.

HT 👍good times and great memories being made. Sitting among the campfires myself, as I type.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/10/11 19:38:36

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/11 20:37:31 (permalink)
We had 37 degrees at 7 am this morning. I don't see many stars out tonight and rain expected at 5am. Breakdown is gonna suck but you can probably see our campfire from space tonight.
Happy fishing.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/13 14:17:23 (permalink)
Sitting home reading all things SR-going nuts.
Sounding decent up there  right now and its the first season I have missed since the 80's.
Still wont go because of possible exposure- eagerly awaiting some kinda shot to prevent it- 
If I still had my place there it would be different---butt- knew it had an end date the day I bought it---
Was a GREAT 10 year experience--bout 70 days a year there  including  all seasons.
Spring Steel??
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/10/13 14:19:05
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/15 18:28:18 (permalink)
 You can hope R3.  I still may do the winter  lodge and barrel thing, trusting they'd do a better job of spraying surfaces and changing bedding. Having had food poisoning in Poolaski twice already, a cooler will come with me and a backpacking stove. 
    I spent 4 days camping on the coast and it was incredible. Caught about 80  stripes, but none bigger than around 7-8 lbs.   Still an absolute blast. Rode our bikes, as the best thing for my cancer is biking, it turns out. Just so happens I'm into it and have restored an old bike I've had for 45  years, let alone  riding my carbon frame race bike and a new mountain/fat bike I'm ordering for the  ice and snow.  Might try it for ice fishing with studs. Met a guy who does it on Lake George. Got my wife loving it and set her up with a great used bike  that I set up for road and gravel.
     I won't burn a spot if you paid me in gold. I only saw one person fishing on the coast and I avoided him like the plague. He had a two hand  Spey he got out about 40'  with on a good cast and was bragging about fishing  Martha's Vineyard.  Of course, he wasn't into numbers and was happy he could fish his two grand rig for zero fish.  He wanted to trail after me. I told him to pound  the  salt right where he was. This is not the time to tell a soul about your spots.  I mean no one, let alone snobby jerks. Good luck to those that hit the SR, salmon may be a no go for me. We'll see.
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/15 19:42:59 (permalink)
Spot sharing can cause  'issues'.
Knew a fella from Ct who had permission to goose hunt a farm in NY.
He took a friend once and on his next trip up to goose hunt the 'friend' was already set up in the same field with several of HIS friends.
Of course the 'friend and his friends' had no permission whatsoever and quite the confrontation immediately followed-- lol.
( ahhhh to be young and frisky again)
On another front- salmon photos last day or two looking kinda dark- also upper reports still poor despite all the EPIC talk down low.
Dont blame them as it hasnt been EPIC -imho- in a few years now and most of those guys likely werent around for the real BIG runs IMHO.
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/10/15 19:48:41
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/15 19:50:40 (permalink)
Very nice fichy. I do like the coast at times and you've seemed to go it down for what you enjoy. The self contained camping scene really is the social distance the world is crazy about. We knew long ago but it's becoming more and more popular as the only means for some folks to spend their wealth in airstreams.
Strange how they ( big brother) try to restrict that from good folks.

As for SR.
My friends/ co workers had enough of the non friendly crowded kitchen.
They won't return until December. Worst they've witnessed this year. Of course low water was a factor but the circus with the rona was to much to bear.
They did say they would return to the jail water as they were well versed in sanitary conditions. It was worth the peace of mind, not like the old days of just a place to crash.

We have an end in sight to the projects I've taken on this summer. Move date is November 1st. First day of deer hunting for me is November 4th until November 30th. I'll be spending many hrs on the mountain and time away from home.
Let's hope it's a soft landing into winter.
Peace and tuna

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/16 09:45:52 (permalink)
Spot sharing can cause  'issues'.
Knew a fella from Ct who had permission to goose hunt a farm in NY.
He took a friend once and on his next trip up to goose hunt the 'friend' was already set up in the same field with several of HIS friends.
Of course the 'friend and his friends' had no permission whatsoever and quite the confrontation immediately followed-- lol.
( ahhhh to be young and frisky again)
On another front- salmon photos last day or two looking kinda dark- also upper reports still poor despite all the EPIC talk down low.
Dont blame them as it hasnt been EPIC -imho- in a few years now and most of those guys likely werent around for the real BIG runs IMHO.

That is how hunting got shut down on my farm. One
guy has permission , next thing I know there are people who got permission from people who got permission.
I limit it now to 2 people a season and the guidelines are given and set in stone. No exception without permission.

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

Clint S
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/16 09:48:59 (permalink)
On another note I drove by all the local haunts up north coming back from Henderson Harbor on Tuesday. No water anywhere and none dry up there. 2 more trophy fish were taken in a 32 inch walleye and a 43 inch pike. No other fish were really caught not even perch. I ended the day weekend with 3 small perch and countless goby. Good times good people

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/16 21:51:21 (permalink)
So we been working really hard trying to get the move in place together. New sub and flooring installed and finished throughout.
Well we bring our dog Lukas over to check out the new pad and continue to do more work.
Don't you know, first thing he does is take a poop on the day old floor. Then decides to pizz on it. Mind you, he did those things prior to entering.
So is it a marking of territory or saying 2020 is a kick in my shins...
Fun stuff.


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/17 10:01:02 (permalink)
It means he likes it — a lot.

Male dogs pee on things they want to claim as their own. The poop on something to send an even stronger message.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/18 11:37:54 (permalink)
Enough got upriver, even in the low waters, for the annual egg harvest --good.
Like Charlie said- perhaps the LFZ will now open- good.
Kings seem to be turning black now with even the low end runners being black- Its likely about over for Kings.
More and more Steel in the reports so looking forward to EPIC reports---hmmmmm
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/10/18 11:41:03
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/18 16:02:09 (permalink)
I've watched the dec video from hatchery. If they've got their quota, that's great but it dosen't look like days of the past. Lots of standing around with fewer fish then I remember.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/18 20:05:00 (permalink)
Lovin the latest BS voice mails-
One says my ss number is being used fraudulently so I am REQUIRED to call a certain number- ITS A RECORDED MESSAGE 
Another  gives a phone number twice and then says failure to call the number will result in an arrest warrant being made for me- It too is a RECORDED MESSAGE
Hope they send someone for me they dont want back------------
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/18 22:12:39 (permalink)
Hope they send someone for me they dont want back------------

Too funny. Thanks man.
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/19 16:49:53 (permalink)
Lovin the latest BS voice mails-
One says my ss number is being used fraudulently so I am REQUIRED to call a certain number- ITS A RECORDED MESSAGE 
Another  gives a phone number twice and then says failure to call the number will result in an arrest warrant being made for me- It too is a RECORDED MESSAGE
Hope they send someone for me they dont want back------------

A hole up in the vicinity of Castle Craig and a bag of lime should do the trick. 
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/19 19:58:06 (permalink)
Only real issue for me with those kinda call is the old folks who may buy into it and call back only to loose their life savings or credit scores to some crook who should be slowly fried.
Never hear of arrests for those guys even though the calls are commonplace.
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/20 15:18:05 (permalink)
Geez , I like the ol' rope, oak branch and a skittish horse......My amazon account and  credit card are also under attack by robots.
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/23 13:34:15 (permalink)
Talking a lot about yard signs for the upcoming election over on another thread'
Reminds me of coming back from SR Country years back in upstate NY and passing a yard where someone had all their older worldly belongings out.
Big plywood hand painted sign said ' PRETEND I DIED SALE'
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/10/23 19:12:22
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/25 12:01:50 (permalink)
After 7 long weeks . Countless trips to buy materials and hours that went way past bedtime, we are finally rounding the corner. The end is near. New furniture is coming next Wednesday so it's crunch time.
Obviously there will always be more to do but we have to hit our target move in date of November 1st.
Sadly the last time I held a fishing rod in my hand was may 9th and the next time will be on hardwater.
We dialed the xbows in yesterday to the point of hitting a quarter at 40 yards consistently.
Also got a great score of free stainless steel butcher tables. We will put a utility/ laundry sink at the end of this 6 footer then another 4 foot stainless finishing table on other side of sink.
Fun times ahead...


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/25 14:51:08 (permalink)
Great score on the tables! That type of cleaning/processing area is on the 'wish list' for a future build. 
Glad to see the grind is showing an 'end in sight' for you. Will seem like a vacation when you get back to your normal 'just average hectic' schedule. 
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/25 21:35:42 (permalink)
Thanks Fisherlady. Wednesday was our 36 marriage anniversary, today my wife's birthday. I met a keeper as we both have like minded goals. Work hard and reap the rewards...
The end is in sight for the betterment of our family. My sister is doing well adjusting and my wife is happy having her in our homestead.
Life is good....


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/26 21:04:44 (permalink)
Well ,Salmon season seemed to last a lot longer than I thought it  would after the past couple of years- Still coming in a bit in late Oct is OK.
Steel showing up seem to be nice sized - not just cookies.
Hope things are turning around.
Not my kinda fishing down low but the masses seemed  happy.
If I had got up there for low fishing - mighta been one quick time in that environment.
Not my cupa tea.
At least I avoided past due food, generally over salted too. lol
Up top seemed real slowwww with the low waters and most photos of caught fish were below the 81 hole to the estuary'
Glad to hear  the zone is opening so some can get  up to fish.
Season long clousure says a lot.
IMHO NY gotta start rethinking the extra summer high flows for kayakers in low rain years.
Lots of different folks use the river but the fishery has a ton of cash into it by the state and is a big long term effort.
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/10/26 21:10:52
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/27 08:50:01 (permalink)
  There's quite a few other rivers to yak on, some not far from the Salmon.  The state needs to work with Brookfield to establish  minimum reservoir levels before spawning runs.  r3  your absolutely right, after all, many thousands are spent in licenses by people who only visit the SR, God knows how much the State spends on its operations.  The SR is at least a 6 month fishery, oppose that to a weekend for boaters. I've watched my home river, the Battenkill be sacrificed to tubing and canoeing by the state, don't let them do the same to the SR. They will if they have the chance. The DSR may be more critical as a political ally, at least for now, than people think. Money talks, especially into politician's pockets.
post edited by fichy - 2020/10/27 08:51:20
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/31 15:39:12 (permalink)
Outa staters beware New York States new 19 mandates.
MUST have a negative 19 test 3 days prior to entering and then quarantine in state for 3 more days and another test on the 4th
Presumably you can then move about if thats negative too.
Last time around the NY fine for non compliance were up to around $2,000 --no mention of the fine this time around.
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Re: fun stuff 2020/10/31 17:21:24 (permalink)
Outa staters beware New York States new 19 mandates.
MUST have a negative 19 test 3 days prior to entering and then quarantine in state for 3 more days and another test on the 4th
Presumably you can then move about if thats negative too.
Last time around the NY fine for non compliance were up to around $2,000 --no mention of the fine this time around.

Sounds like a border war is brewing for those New Yorkers like myself who live in close proximity to Connecticut and shop across state lines regularly.
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