Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but...

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/17 10:24:12 (permalink)
not saying it is terrible to post property.. its just gonna keep happening until steelhead alley dies. ny is taking away most of the tourists now anyways. i believe that every creek should be deemed navigable. I know this will never happen though.  

Are you a guide on the tribs?
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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/17 11:27:18 (permalink)
Good joke pan fisher pa ain't N.Y. they just wanna take our money and not give shoot back pa sucks fer reel

Nope, I have talked to two land owners in the last month that Pa offered to buy their land on Elk. 

I know they have people watching for areas to get easements or buy land.   I was just wondering if they looked at this property.
Too bad they didn't have the easement program available when the land at Manchester hole was up for sale.  They could have purchased that property.

The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/17 14:39:24 (permalink)
That's section and house has been for sale for a good bit ... I called it a while back that it would be posted with in a week of papers signed

Should have coughed up 700k it you want to fish it

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/17 14:40:38 (permalink)

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/17 14:53:09 (permalink)
Not even worth it. Not even close...
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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/17 14:57:23 (permalink)
Looks like prime kayak water!
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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/17 15:14:07 (permalink)
You can come over and kayak it anytime you want... I know your truck, just don't block the driveway

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/17 15:15:26 (permalink)

Nice bachelor pad...
Looks like a little competition for Genieman on the cymbal count.
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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/17 15:35:22 (permalink)
You can come over and kayak it anytime you want... I know your truck, just don't block the driveway

Cool, thanks!  Don't let these other jags fish there though.  Except MowntinManN, he alright.
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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/17 22:28:48 (permalink)
Beautiful home. I bet thats the same studio HUFF n' DOBACH recorded "BOATS n' H*ES"

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/19 23:53:43 (permalink)
Powerbait chuckin num nuts everywhere this weekend wow seen an awful lot of gill ropin I guess not everyone enjoys watching a fish they just kissed swim away
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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/20 00:30:39 (permalink)
Someones salty they got skunked

Pro tip: slip a little tongue in on the kiss, theyll tell the other hens about you

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/20 06:14:17 (permalink)
No skunk had a blast even put my old lady on her first hunk of steel nice fish prolly give pound and even better it was on my fly rod we hiked miles in to get away from Powerbaiters it work fished miles of creek ALONE ps I tongue all my girls

Keep em tight
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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/20 08:00:12 (permalink)
Your rod isnt long enough if you have to tongue. Jus sayin

PS Tako tuezday at Teezrz smelz lik poor richardz... skank n old fart dissappointmentz

Pss ropem n smokem stIlhed ExtincTion fAl 2017.
post edited by Mountian Man - 2017/02/20 08:04:17

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/20 12:24:41 (permalink)
guy was screaming at people to get off his property thisweekend. upper elk wasn't to good. I personally didn't catch any but people were catching them on minnows. water had good color. sawmany on stringers that were very nasty looking.
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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/20 12:39:43 (permalink)
Durrlicks don't understand them beautiful colored up fish ain't fit ta eat go ta the bottom get a few chromers and smoke em if ya hungry let the warriors live ya fight another day
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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/20 12:53:59 (permalink)
We have a platform in a tree at the lower end of our property. It is 15 feet in the air and about 12'X12' square. It has a wooden ladder to get into it.

I have a No Trespassing poster stapled right to the steps on the ladder -- at eye level. There are also No Trespassing posters on the other three sides of the tree.

To get to the tree from the North, one must walk through my yard which is almost 1/2 mile down a private road from the nearest public road. From the South, one would need to park along a limited access highway; jump the highway fence; cross through two sections of private, posted property; and cross an ankle to knee deep stream (depending on flow) through a line of No Trespassing posters.

From the West, one would need to cross about 1/2 mile of private, posted ground; cross another couple of hundred yards of private property; and then cross another line of No Trespassing posters.

From the East, one would need to cross almost 3/4 mile of private, posted property owned by four different owners.

Yet, 3-4 times per year, we find someone in the treehouse (oddly enough not during deer season) doing all nature of things from drinking to attempted breeding. And typically, they get very indignate when asked what they are doing up there.

So, having the attraction of steelhead thrown in, it should not be surprising that a land owner gets weary of people.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/20 13:02:38 (permalink)
I would be using the trespassers floats as target practice... No need to yell. It's a shame there is no IQ test for purchasing a fishing license...
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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/20 16:31:05 (permalink)
 if I owned land and was not a fisherman id probe post land too....
but I also wouldn't buy a house on a highway and complain about their being too much traffic.....
you could look at it from both perspectives.... I know I definitely wouldn't be posting land that isn't even near my house... like I said on here before a lot of elk runs down thru gorges and areas where you cant see houses or other structures..... no reason to close those sections off....
I don't see there being a whole lot of trash on the tribs... the occasional bottle or hook packet... but there's that much litter any where you go....
sad to say at 22 i feel as if i'm losing my desire to fish for erie steel....

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/20 21:03:58 (permalink)
The reason to post it???

It's private property and the landowner doesn't want people there... end of story

The blame lies with the state
They created a fishery with little/no public access and then advertised it as an amusement park...

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/20 21:28:27 (permalink)
Sounds like the old tree house was a sugar shack !
Those Trojans lying on the floor would tick me off too .....lol 
Jat , you got a point I-90 up to Follies is nothing but a huge gorge can't even see a house except near the old covered bridge. Never seen much litter either years back when it was open. I'd say parking was a culprit more back then. That's the land owners call and I respect that , but it just seems like the majority of people fishing are just enjoying the outdoors without much issues. Like I said I'd rather see a bunch of kids enjoying fishing rather then hanging on the street corners idle. The more areas get posted in time, young people will find other things to entertain themselves...good , bad who knows .
We complain about kids staying on computers playing games all day and having no ambition, well sometimes we have to have areas for them to roam outdoors. I grew up in a different time era "No Trespassing Signs" were very rare hunting, and fishing ! That was a good time.  
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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/20 22:58:45 (permalink)
State doesn't care, its a free for all for them.. stamp sales, fines , little to no money output... all sorts of income-while laughing all the way to the bank. Nothing is going to change.
I bet eries poor economy relying on the fishermen boom every year has a lot to do with why the state just keeps letting the cards fall where they may and ppl coming to fish just continue to put up with it...

i would like to see 24 hr cameras at every pfbc access area to supplement in detering poaching and other night time offenses (cheaper than paying officers). More porta jons, dumpsters, and parking in every pfbc area.

This is all cheap simple stuff. I would also like the fish commission to work with cooperating property owners on being more direct and informative on where to park and where not to park..if the fish commission has to supply the signs so be it.. just because somewhere doesnt have a no parking sign doesnt mean its not private property and its ok to park there .. ppl often forget these are just small little back roads that get little to no traffic when them stillhedZ aren't in the ditches
post edited by fishfashfush - 2017/02/20 23:09:45

Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/20 23:06:20 (permalink)
Imma buy me up a trib side property, dam da bytch name it laKe muphErekaka, charge jagoffs $99.37 plus $26 stream side parking fee. Only aloud to use gill nets n gigz

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/20 23:17:03 (permalink)
Mountian Man
Imma buy me up a trib side property, dam da bytch name it laKe muphErekaka, charge jagoffs $99.37 plus $26 stream side parking fee. Only aloud to use gill nets n gigz

Da new world klass dumfezhery. Can i bathe in it with my swim trunks on

Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/20 23:30:49 (permalink)
Mountian Man
Imma buy me up a trib side property, dam da bytch name it laKe muphErekaka, charge jagoffs $99.37 plus $26 stream side parking fee. Only aloud to use gill nets n gigz

Da new world klass dumfezhery. Can i bathe in it with my swim trunks on

16.73£ be baptised by stiLhed jezUz increase catch and hookup percent by 53.282837162635528%

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/21 06:38:45 (permalink)
Mountian Man
Mountian Man
Imma buy me up a trib side property, dam da bytch name it laKe muphErekaka, charge jagoffs $99.37 plus $26 stream side parking fee. Only aloud to use gill nets n gigz

Da new world klass dumfezhery. Can i bathe in it with my swim trunks on

16.73£ be baptised by stiLhed jezUz increase catch and hookup percent by 53.282837162635528%
i don't understand your percentages?

does this mean i will fullfill my rite of passage to be able to use green egg saks in the secret spots?

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/21 08:10:00 (permalink)
It's not just Erie. I drove along a section of the Little J last week and noticed No Trespassing posters where there were none before.

The section about a mile upstream of Spruce Creek was always posted by the yellow house, but there was some parking downstream from it and upstream there was even a parking area that was put in via cooperation of several organizations. Now, the whole area is posted from the top of the hill before the yellow house the whole way to the junk yard pool -- a distance of over a mile. It is not only posted with the normal No Trespassing signs (about 10-20 feet apart), but in any place there was room to park a vehicle (including the one vehicle pull off spot where Shovel Works Road intersects) had a metal sign with No Trespassing and Vehicles Will Be Towed At Owner's Expense.

Keep in mind, that through a recent court ruling, the Little J WAS deemed navigable. That means public access is granted to the normal high water mark. In other words, wet feet means legal access.

However, the ground that is posted here means that unless one is willing to park and wade (not sure that is even possible the whole length), not walk, for a mile or more starting at an open access point, there is no way except to trespass to get to the high water mark.

With steep, unclimbable banks and the posted railroad tracks on the other side, this effectively takes out about 2 miles of stream, much of it unowned by the posters (not that it matters due to the court ruling) and, like the secluded areas mentioned in relation to Erie, not within site of a residence or the road for that matter.

I've talked to a few folks who belong to one of the organizations that aided in putting in the now posted parking area in an effort to see what happened, but they not only didn't have that information, they didn't know that it happened. So it might have been done very recent to when I drove through that area.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/21 08:53:27 (permalink)
DarDys, That piece has been locked down since Fall as a response to the landowners Religious signs being vandalized...per The Little Juniata River Association. The  LJRA is working very hard on rectifying the situation so we wait and see. 
It's not just Erie. I drove along a section of the Little J last week and noticed No Trespassing posters where there were none before.

The section about a mile upstream of Spruce Creek was always posted by the yellow house, but there was some parking downstream from it and upstream there was even a parking area that was put in via cooperation of several organizations. Now, the whole area is posted from the top of the hill before the yellow house the whole way to the junk yard pool -- a distance of over a mile. It is not only posted with the normal No Trespassing signs (about 10-20 feet apart), but in any place there was room to park a vehicle (including the one vehicle pull off spot where Shovel Works Road intersects) had a metal sign with No Trespassing and Vehicles Will Be Towed At Owner's Expense.

Keep in mind, that through a recent court ruling, the Little J WAS deemed navigable. That means public access is granted to the normal high water mark. In other words, wet feet means legal access.

However, the ground that is posted here means that unless one is willing to park and wade (not sure that is even possible the whole length), not walk, for a mile or more starting at an open access point, there is no way except to trespass to get to the high water mark.

With steep, unclimbable banks and the posted railroad tracks on the other side, this effectively takes out about 2 miles of stream, much of it unowned by the posters (not that it matters due to the court ruling) and, like the secluded areas mentioned in relation to Erie, not within site of a residence or the road for that matter.

I've talked to a few folks who belong to one of the organizations that aided in putting in the now posted parking area in an effort to see what happened, but they not only didn't have that information, they didn't know that it happened. So it might have been done very recent to when I drove through that area.

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/21 09:25:19 (permalink)
Thank you for the info.

The people I talked to last week were from the Little J Association and they didn't know it was now posted.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Hate to be the bringer of bad tidings but... 2017/02/21 16:13:46 (permalink)
Most welcome DarDys! Here is the info direct from LJRA Facebook page just for reference. If you are on Facebook you can watch for updates or any changes pertaining to this situation if you'd like. 

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