Winter ticks

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Re: Winter ticks 2017/12/23 15:11:04 (permalink)
Yea seems they favor brushy areas and golden rod patches up our way. I agree ....hardly ever heard of ticks from the 60's - 90's ! I kind of quit Spring Turkey hunting past few years from all the ticks around now days.
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Re: Winter ticks 2017/12/23 21:29:13 (permalink)
The thing that is most scary to me is that I know of at least 4 confirmed cases of Lymes that was contacted by friends of mine in their own back yards,literally,while they were cutting grass & we live in the city in Westm'd Cnty.  sam
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Re: Winter ticks 2017/12/23 21:33:36 (permalink)
Rsquared, I appreciate the info on the meds and time frame. I don't think the little pryk was there for longer than an hour and maybe was hiding in a jacket I put on that morning to run the dogs outside. I do not know how long it takes for a tick to become fully gorged but there did not seem much feeding to have occured.

From the info I've read, it is important not to squeeze or do anything that may cause the little darlings to regurgitate fluid(s) back into the wound.

Also, when removing, it is important to use a slight pulling motion straight out from the sight, allowing the little @#&!es to release on their own, preventing a chance of leaving any mouth parts inside the wound.

Leaving "mouth parts"....... dam that's gross!!!

I'm not saying its Lyme's Disease, but I think I may be suffering paranoia as the past two nights, when I hit the hay, I think I feel the covers moving. Shouldn't have to worry after today, I bought a necklace, guaranteed to prevent such occurrences. It's good for 90 days, made by some company called Sargent and, sold at PetCo.

Solitario may have a good point as the day before, being viciously attacked, I was wading through green brier and dead goldenrod, in a field that held winter wheat this past summer.

Not sure of type of tick but this one was much larger than the size of the head of a pin and I understand deer ticks are smaller than the head of pin. Problem is, I know there are some pretty big pin heads out there so, who knows?

I have no idea if a tick will leave one host for another, but I suppose the little pryk could have gotten into the house via one of the dogs or possibly a cat even though the animals are treated.

Still, after years of hunting, fishing and, camping this is my first time being attacked in the Pennsylvania Wilds.

Always the first time for everything, I guess?

Addendum; oops, MSNBC link (edited out) was not intended for this page and I deny, deny, deny any connection. Stupid spellcheck.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/12/24 08:18:57

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Re: Winter ticks 2017/12/25 00:38:35 (permalink)
  I am outdoors much more than most and I get ticks on me. When I am unsure how long they have been on me I call my Dr. for antibiotic which I believe is Doxycycline ?sp. I get one tab at drug store. I end up doing this once every couple years. that one tab is supposed to protect you from lyme disease. I also get tested once a year. I use the Sawyers Permethrin on outer garments to protect myself. Sometimes I forget or in middle of summer when I dress light and I get one. I have seen them active in 32 f weather. Hot and dry weather they do not like and stay somewhat dormant. Cold winters will not hurt them they will be right back out come spring. A hot drought year will knock them back. They will just build back up again in couple seasons. They are now in northern Minn. against the Canadian border. They are not native to this continent.
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Re: Winter ticks 2017/12/25 10:06:00 (permalink)
Had two crawling on the pointer’s ears yesterday and it was about 30 degrees. I picked them off before they embedded.

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Re: Winter ticks 2017/12/26 07:39:33 (permalink)
How about you guys in high-tick areas try this ....... a 50-50 mix of cheap vinegar and water. Put in a spray bottle and spray your shoes/boots pants, bare legs if it's warm, up to your waist. Safe for dogs I guess. When the weather warms up let us know how it works. You'll smell like a side salad for a few hours but it's cheap. Always a compromise.
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Re: Winter ticks 2017/12/26 08:24:05 (permalink)
I've seen that formula on a couple of Utube videos but have not tried it yet. Hopefully this spring.
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Re: Winter ticks 2018/01/03 10:11:57 (permalink)
With this Arctic air mass parked on top of us, I was thinking of the good it will do in slowing down the tick army out there.  Then, I find out that extreme cold does very little to ticks...  Trying to find the silver lining in this cold.  I guess it does kill off mosquitos and gizzard shad.  Hopefully the lakes that have been infested with shad will get a little break.  You'll be able to tell, when ice off comes around.  
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Re: Winter ticks 2018/01/03 16:35:12 (permalink)
Seems cold and ice doesn't bother Shenango Shad. Tons of Shad bait balls almost every year, maybe this year will be the exception with a strong kill .....I hope.
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Re: Winter ticks 2018/01/15 23:21:50 (permalink)
Been there done that. Nothing to make your heart drop quicker then finding a tick burrowed down into your skin.

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Re: Winter ticks 2018/01/16 00:53:52 (permalink)
I must admit, when I first realized what it was, I think my heart missed a beat.  I've been reading and hearing of ticks being in the area and I have had my run in with wood ticks but this is my first with a tick that's out (or in) for blood.  Deer ticks are said to be the size of the head of a pin but this one was much larger than that which leads me to believe it was a dog tick.  Another plus, there was no evidence the thing had yet began to gorge itself with my wholesome, vitamin fortified blood.
I been keeping a close eye on the sight and so far so good but the little pryk did leave a mark.

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Re: Winter ticks 2018/01/16 12:29:41 (permalink)
For your tick viewing enjoyment....
I have had PLENTY of the female blacklegged/aka deer ticks on me the past couple of seasons but luckily, always on the outer layers of my hunting clothes.
Deer tick adults are still a decent size.  To be safe, I'd get the antibiotic BTDT but, it may be too late if it has been 4 weeks.
Hopefully this new tick borne disease does not get as good a foothold as Lymes:
post edited by eyesandgillz - 2018/01/16 12:40:16
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Re: Winter ticks 2018/01/16 14:17:17 (permalink)
For your tick viewing enjoyment....
I have had PLENTY of the female blacklegged/aka deer ticks on me the past couple of seasons but luckily, always on the outer layers of my hunting clothes.
Deer tick adults are still a decent size.  To be safe, I'd get the antibiotic BTDT but, it may be too late if it has been 4 weeks.
Hopefully this new tick borne disease does not get as good a foothold as Lymes:

Prophylactic antibiotics never hurt if you're concerned but he's definitely out of the time frame.

I don't care what kind of tick is what as long as they aren't attached to me. I burn them all.

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