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Walleye jigs
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Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/09 15:02:08 (permalink)
I had the Lyman Great Plains in a .54 cal and it was the only mass produced smoker that shot true right out of the box and the overall workmanship was great! Isn't Thompson Center out of the flintlock business? Thought I read they were bought out and the new owners were strictly inlines.
Walleye jigs
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Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/09 15:02:11 (permalink)
I had the Lyman Great Plains in a .54 cal and it was the only mass produced smoker that shot true right out of the box and the overall workmanship was great! Isn't Thompson Center out of the flintlock business? Thought I read they were bought out and the new owners were strictly inlines.
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Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/09 15:22:20 (permalink)
Walleye jigs
I should have known better than to try and pull one on you!

Sorry buddy, I still got some of that vintage (pre EPA) diesel smoke flowing in my veins.

I am enjoying the ratchet jawing about smoke poles.

I just need to get-r-done and remember to run through the smoke of the ka-boom but stay put, through the smoke of the phtttt. lol

Oh..... and if it don't go kaboom, resist the urge to look down the barrel to see why.

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Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/09 15:27:11 (permalink)
Only mass produced flintlocks are Traditions and Lyman. T/C got out few years back.
T/C spends a ton on sponsorship for guys like Michael Waddell and Jim Shockey to use inlines
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