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2017/01/03 09:34:52 (permalink)


First year hunting with a flintlock.  I've already filled my doe tag during the regular season.  Am I correct in assuming I can shoot another anterless deer with my flintlock and tag it with my antlered/flintlock tag?

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    Walleye jigs
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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/03 11:08:19 (permalink)
    That's how I always did it. Never had any problems.
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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/03 12:36:57 (permalink)
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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/03 12:40:46 (permalink)
    First year hunting with a flintlock.  I've already filled my doe tag during the regular season.  Am I correct in assuming I can shoot another anterless deer with my flintlock and tag it with my antlered/flintlock tag?

    Yes. The unused back tag is good for an antlered deer or antlerless deer with a flintlock statewide. Good luck on your hunt. The upcoming cold weather should bring some exceptional hunting for those that are willing to brave the elements.

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/03 18:46:54 (permalink)
    DPMS, I agree,also I would like to see 2-3" of new snow to help follow up a shot. Nice breeze,few ticks, & no sweating while dragging out a deer. What's not to like ? Of course I am saying that now after  a nice meal of tenderloin from a doe that my son got with his compound bow yesterday. I may feel differently when that alarm goes off.  lol  sam
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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/04 12:56:44 (permalink)
    Yinz are likely to get yinz wishes. Windy and temps. beginning to drop with lows forecast in the teens. Reports of some areas to receive lake effect snow over the next few days.

    Not much happening the last few days, in my little piece of Penn's Woods but, we're having fun. 😜
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/01/04 12:59:18

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/04 13:10:55 (permalink)
    Not calling for any of the white stuff here around Pittsburgh. Winds out of the west will keep the lake effect limited to north of here, according to the latest. Looks like just a bitter and brown weekend. Hopefully a little red painted on the brown leaves.

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/04 19:58:13 (permalink)
    I hear ya dpms, for me it will be maybe a inch today then maybe a inch tomorrow followed by an inch the next day and, so on and, so on. At least until next Wed. when the temps are forecast to be in the 40s and there goes Frosty again. But, til then we'll take what we can get..... 10-4?

    Good luck.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/05 07:57:31 (permalink)
    Change of forecast.
    A southern storm is supposed to clip southern Pa this afternoon with 1-2 inches around these parts. Southern slopes will melt off with the bright sunshine forecasted for Friday and Saturday, but there hopefully will be a skiff left for non southern slopes for Saturday.

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/05 08:24:43 (permalink)
    They keep calling for snow for little ol' Knox Boro....so far they have been wrong
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/05 09:06:39 (permalink)
    DP, I'm a little further south than you and we're seeing light fury's off one on but Penn DOT has passed the house a couple of times pertreating the road so maybe you'll get lucky.
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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/05 09:09:38 (permalink)
    I been passing by the The Weather Channel (shhh, was jist channel surfing) past couple days and "STORM HELENA" (brilliantly named by TWC) is now dumping up to 3" of snow and has dropped "brutal cold" (1 degree) temperatures over Denver, Colorado. OMG cold temperatures and snow..... in Denver no less!!!

    Anyway, "STORM HELENA" will be delivering some (projected by models) heavy snow and freezing temperatures to the South East by Friday, this week.

    Sounds like you are going to luck out getting a bit of the white stuff down your way dpms and it looks to be cold enough the snow won't be that wet stuff that sticks to every tree and piece of brush making it nearly impossible to see in the woods.

    Losing snow on those south facing slopes ain't such a bad thing. We know this time of year (for us) those areas warm the most first and, so do the animals.

    Drivers be wise to remember this when travling as they drive roads facing south that suddenly face north.

    Heh heh hehhhh, ooops...... can ya tell not much happening here in my little piece of Penn's Woods this morning? 17 degrees and that stupid wind.

    Bag a trophy.......

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/05 09:56:54 (permalink)
    Walleye jigs
    DP, I'm a little further south than you and we're seeing light fury's off one on but Penn DOT has passed the house a couple of times pertreating the road so maybe you'll get lucky.

    Where you close too? I live west of Pittsburgh but do a lot of hunting down around Dutch Fork Lake and East Finely areas. Probably plan to hunt the farm I hunted last Saturday this coming Saturday around Dutch Fork.

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    Walleye jigs
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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/05 11:20:11 (permalink)
    Use to hunt from Dutch Fork down to the state line. I live over towards Cross Creek park. Close to Hickory.If I remember isn't there state land directly across 70 from the Rest area?
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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/05 11:29:11 (permalink)
    Walleye jigs
    Use to hunt from Dutch Fork down to the state line. I live over towards Cross Creek park. Close to Hickory.If I remember isn't there state land directly across 70 from the Rest area?

    Not sure. I hunt the northern side of Dutch Fork down towards the line in and around 231 and 331.

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/05 19:14:10 (permalink)
    HEYYyy JIGS..........Get enough snow yet???

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/05 19:22:04 (permalink)
    We got maybe 1/2 inch here in Pittsburgh.
    How much down your way Walleye Jigs?

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/05 22:11:39 (permalink)
    Still coming down mup north but it sure was pretty as I watched from inside the ground blind.

    'bout all I saw though; as not even a squirrel, could be seen.

    Just my luck, darn stuff is that fine sticky snow and it's clinging to west sides of the trees and hanging on branches and in the brush. Probably Jig's fault.

    I'm thinkin' I may be catchin whatever it is people are catchin and it ain't fish so may need call, in sick the next day or two.

    For the record I wasn't using my compound tonight 'cause it don't work so good in the pop-up. Rather, I had hoped to get a shot at a legal buck using my smokeless sticklock.

    Oh well, I did enjoy myself and as usual, there's always tomorrow.**

    ** If I don't call in sick.

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/05 22:20:07 (permalink)
    East Finley. That's my stomping grounds. Before mining activity I owned a home and 25 acres adjacent to a parcel of SGL 245. Moved about six miles west of the ole' homestead and still hunt the area fairly often.
    Bout two inches of snow on the ground.
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/06 06:51:50 (permalink)
    OK, Who's the wise guy? Someone dumped about 2" of white stuff all over my yard last night. Not Funny!!!!!!!!  We'll you guys got your snow so have fun and good luck.
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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/06 07:42:08 (permalink)
    pheasant tail 2
    East Finley. That's my stomping grounds. Before mining activity I owned a home and 25 acres adjacent to a parcel of SGL 245. Moved about six miles west of the ole' homestead and still hunt the area fairly often.
    Bout two inches of snow on the ground.

    It seems the mine now own lots of homesteads in that area. All you see is vacant homes now.

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/06 07:43:27 (permalink)
    Walleye jigs
     Someone dumped about 2" of white stuff all over my yard last night. Not Funny!!!!!!!!  We'll you guys got your snow so have fun and good luck.

    Cool. Hopefully the bright sunshine forecast for today and Saturday doesn't melt it off.

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/06 07:44:46 (permalink)
    I was out last evening bowhunting in the snow showers. Saw nothing...... Gonna bowhunt again tonight in Allegheny County then head down around Dutch Fork tomorrow with the flintlock.

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/06 09:31:03 (permalink)
    I'm thinkin' maybe somebody should have stayed indoors yesterday...... and the day before. My head hurts.

    Good luck and have fun in the snow.

    PS. 4 degrees F. at my little piece of the PA. Wild's, before sun, up this morning.

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/06 22:44:56 (permalink)
    Yuppers, lots of abandoned homes out in Bugtussel these days. I miss my little piece of paradise. Probably be out that way tomorrow afternoon kickin some brush in search cottontails. 
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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/07 18:50:06 (permalink)
    I am the worlds worst flintlock shot. Missed another today. Good thing is I whacked a doe last night with the bow. 

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/07 19:04:03 (permalink)
    You think you're a bad shot for missing a deer..... I "missed" the past three days!!!!

    Congratulations on your doe with a bow.

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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/07 21:00:35 (permalink)
    Saw 10 this afternoon but the only one in range was a 4pt. D missing them is half the fun at least the gun went off 🙂

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    Walleye jigs
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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/07 21:31:06 (permalink)
    DPM what gun you shooting? Every flintlock has it's only personality.. Round ball or sabots? Some guns like a thicker patch, some a little more or little less powder.My Lyman great plains uses a heavier ball with light patch, Firestorm, though made to shoot sabots shot light ball with double patch.. Lot of people think you just grab a smoker and go for it, not so.. I know for a fact I've spent up to a week learning one Traditions Long gun habits.
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    Re: FLINTLOCK TAG 2017/01/08 08:26:30 (permalink)
    Walleye jigs
    DPM what gun you shooting? Every flintlock has it's only personality.. Round ball or sabots? Some guns like a thicker patch, some a little more or little less powder.My Lyman great plains uses a heavier ball with light patch, Firestorm, though made to shoot sabots shot light ball with double patch.. Lot of people think you just grab a smoker and go for it, not so.. I know for a fact I've spent up to a week learning one Traditions Long gun habits.

    I shoot a TC Firestorm, 90 grains with 245 grain Powerbelts. I shot many different loads out of it and settled on that. It is not the gun for sure. It is the shooter. When I bench it I can shoot 2 inch groups at 60 yards. My problem is when I get into a hunting situation, I pretty much need a rock solid rest to hit what I am shooting at. I just need more time shooting the gun without a bench to learn to hold steady at the shot. I tend to miss low as I drop a hair when the pan goes off. 

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