State record brown trout

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Re: State record brown trout 2016/11/07 13:40:02 (permalink)
No need to repeat yourself, wasn't trying to be ignorant, just wasn't sure if you were aware.  I didn't feel the need to take mine to PR for photo or rope it...I collect licenses buttons, patches, etc., just wanted patch for the collection.
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Re: State record brown trout 2016/11/07 17:58:50 (permalink)
idk how accurate my scale is but i think it was heavier than 12lbs...  just bc how thick it was....both released

For years I would weigh certain fish to get an idea of how big they actually were, once you hit the 29-30 inch mark it was 10lbs +..
pheasant tail 2
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Re: State record brown trout 2016/11/07 21:19:54 (permalink)
Do you all feel that your best chance at landing a truly large steelhead is to fish the lower stretches of the creek (closer to the lake)? I've never been one to tape or weigh fish, but I'd venture to guess that the majority of the 10+lbers I've caught are closer to the lake.  I've never been fortunate enough to land a 15 lber.  Just curious.
PT 2
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Re: State record brown trout 2016/11/07 22:44:46 (permalink)
idk if its just me or what but this year i've certainly noticed that there are bigger and more numbers of larger fish this year... i wonder if the mild winter last year contributed to this... maybe giving some of last years fish the opportunity to run again.... or maybe not killing as many bait fish in the lake... just some thoughts

my vote is with the baitfish thought.
my pb was a 31.5x16 buck out of elk, mid winter. hooked up with him twice.
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Re: State record brown trout 2016/11/08 08:12:23 (permalink)
pheasant tail 2
Do you all feel that your best chance at landing a truly large steelhead is to fish the lower stretches of the creek (closer to the lake)? I've never been one to tape or weigh fish, but I'd venture to guess that the majority of the 10+lbers I've caught are closer to the lake.  I've never been fortunate enough to land a 15 lber.  Just curious.
PT 2

i say yes... to get upstream they have to make it thru the gauntlet....

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Re: State record brown trout 2016/11/08 16:53:28 (permalink)
Seen a 15lb. and several 14lb.ers caught years back all way upstream above I-90.
Today I'd say closer to the lake due to low water conditions along with tons of fishermen.
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Re: State record brown trout 2016/11/08 18:28:34 (permalink)
pheasant tail 2
Do you all feel that your best chance at landing a truly large steelhead is to fish the lower stretches of the creek (closer to the lake)? I've never been one to tape or weigh fish, but I'd venture to guess that the majority of the 10+lbers I've caught are closer to the lake.  I've never been fortunate enough to land a 15 lber.  Just curious.
PT 2

Good question
I've caught very few 10 pounders in Pa
And can't remember if mid, hi or low
 I know the "monster" steel I lost was up in Sterrtainia 
On Connie Ohio side, they can be and are anywhere from top to bottom 
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