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When I start a thread about steelhead, it is going to be the best steelhead thread. Did you guys see these other steelhead threads? They're a disaster. They lose. We need a steelhead thread that wins. I'm strong on Avonia Tavern, strong on Theressa's Deli. I don't even know these threads, but I'm sure if I wasn't replying, no one would be reading them. These other threads are "wah, wah, Gatorade, beef jerkey". China and North Korea are laughing at us. Look at my replies. They are so much higher. I've heard they are breaking all sorts of records. Don't believe what the other threads replies say. They are liars. Lying Thread is what I call them. Biggest liars that I have ever heard. Excuse me. This steelhead thread is going to make steelhead threads great again. Believe me.
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/07 21:36:41
LMAO. Was just thinking to myself earlier today: "I wonder if I should try to count the number of threads with Steelhead in the name made on here in one year?". Then I thought: "Nah, there's no number that high" LOL. Some of them are good topics too, but add some more words to the title people, it's so confusing when I get an email notification saying someone responded to the thread entitled "steelhead" and there's currently three active ones with the same name and different topics!
I'll stop complaining now :).
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/07 21:46:08
There is a new member with a few on his own, and all a week or so old. Just thought I'd join in on the fun and Trump his posts. Trumping is pretty fun. Give it a try!
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/07 21:52:05
Porktown There is a new member with a few on his own, and all a week or so old. Just thought I'd join in on the fun and Trump his posts. Trumping is pretty fun. Give it a try!
and who gonna pay for a wall at Elk access ?...Girard of course ..it'ssimple ..L.T.A.
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/07 22:26:50
Porktown There is a new member with a few on his own, and all a week or so old. Just thought I'd join in on the fun and Trump his posts. Trumping is pretty fun. Give it a try!
No thanks, I prefer to stay away from all Trumps :).
Big Steve
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/08 06:49:12
genieman77 and who gonna pay for a wall at Elk access ?...Girard of course ..it'ssimple ..L.T.A.
The contract will be granted via closed bid, a subsidiary of Porktown Construction inc. will 'win' and the taxpayers of the state will foot the bill. There will be much saber rattling in Girard's direction, but in the end we will all pay Fortifications Unlimited, Un-Scalable Abutments llc.
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/08 07:37:56
Holy cow, I read that in his voice.
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/08 08:20:40
We're going to make Ohio pay for it. They are snaggers, liners and under sized fish keepers!!! Don't get me wrong, I love Ohio. Some are good people. They steal our walleye and do other bad things, they are scum. Excuse me. Walleye try to go up their river in Toledo, or maybe Harbor View. I don't even know where, but I know places. Believe me, I know. Those fish abusers are going to pay. It's all about stocking differentials. We're losing. Big time. PFBC biologists. Don't even get me started. They make horrible deals. Low energy. It's a disaster. We need to win. Believe me, when I post a steelhead thread, we will win again.
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/08 08:44:24
At this point, what difference does it make?
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/08 13:17:04
Oh for crying out cornflakes, everybody knows that a FishErie steelhead thread aint considered "good" unless it contains at least three of the following: - A no fish complaint - A "keeping fish" complaint - A spot burning complaint - A "blue power bait/ camo wader/ zebco 33" joke - An "is it worth it yet" post - An argument between lake vs stream fishermen over whose fault the diminished returns is. - An argument about posted areas Let's get back to the old way of doing things.. http://forums.fishusa.com/Message/528422-Any-word-yet/
Now then, "Where have my steelhead gone, they were just here like two seconds ago" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5dmcceVIwY
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/08 15:34:08
You owe me a keyboard porktown, mine is cover in through-the-nose afternoon tar coffee.
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/08 15:38:19
PorktownThere is a new member with a few on his own, and all a week or so old. Just thought I'd join in on the fun and Trump his posts. Trumping is pretty fun. Give it a try!
and who gonna pay for a wall at Elk access ?...Girard of course ..it'ssimple ..L.T.A.
The Russians will pay for this. They have been beating the fish limit for years.
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/08 17:46:48
This thread will be amazing. It will be so fantastic. It will make the Erie boards great again. It will make them so great we will get tired of how great it will make them.
As always, jus say'IN....
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/08 18:19:37
2017 the year of the Steel. Gonna be an Epic run.
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
Mountian Man
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/09 06:56:28
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/09 08:46:09
tippecanoe You owe me a keyboard porktown, mine is cover in through-the-nose afternoon tar coffee.
It's going to be the best keyboard. Not going to be one of those sissy ergo keyboards. Have you ever seen those things? Horrible. Believe me, it won't be an ergo keyboard. Those keyboards will never be the best.
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Re: Steelhead
2016/04/10 13:36:16
I guess no one wants to admit how fantastic this thread is. How much winning this thread is doing. Honestly, I've heard things that this is the most fantastic thread in years. It is so great, so fantastic that I don't think there will ever be a greater, more fantastic thread ever. It is just so amazing. Pork is making the Erie boards great again. Making them win again. Making such a fantastic thread.
Jus say'IN...........