Spring is just around corner!

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Big Tuna
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2016/01/21 22:53:44 (permalink)

Spring is just around corner!

Tuesday checked out a couple lakes for ice.Saw a group of 40 ish birds,the last 8 where fat jakes followed by a giant strutting tom..I guess he thinks it's spring. I learned a long time ago Turkey's gobble and strut year round not just in the spring.

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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/01/22 06:05:37 (permalink)
    According to the forecast for my area of the Pennsylvania Wilds. Spring begins this coming Monday.  Temps to be 40 and hover around the mid 30s for the rest of the week.  Doesn't appear to be much difference between the highs and lows.  Bye bye ice rods, hello shotgun.
    Pretty cool about the turkey, maybe with this mild winter those jakes will mature a bit faster in the next three months.  I might see a flock of birds twice a year around my parts, usually once in the fall and again in the spring.

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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/01/28 21:25:35 (permalink)
    Okay so we are waiting for spring gobbler.
    I came home to this. My son caught 2 turkey ON the front porch.
    I am taking bids on who wants to be in the chair on the right????
    Whats the offers????
    Oh there were ten more in the yard....


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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/01/28 21:59:46 (permalink)
    Man-O-Man Wags, I'd be sleeping with one eye open buddy.  Looks to me those birds ain't waiting for May to start their hunting.(lol)

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/14 07:35:57 (permalink)
    I have been hearing the toms gobbling for weeks now. Just yesterday noticed the first Turkey Vultures(3/13). They may have been out earlier however I didn't notice or see them.
    As for gobblers I occasionally hear them all year long. 
    Big Tuna
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/14 19:45:18 (permalink)
    Yes gobbles gobble all year,just like we talk. But  March till June is there time to sing.
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/15 21:39:17 (permalink)
    Turkeys are talking a **** load every morning and every evening around my house...
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/15 22:11:03 (permalink)
    Saw my first flock of the new year while having coffee and, peering out my window, this morning.   About a dozen birds strutting their stuff across the road in the neighbors pasture. 

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/21 18:47:41 (permalink)
    GOOD MORNING TO ME..........
    25 feet from my rocking chair.......


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    Big Tuna
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/21 22:05:30 (permalink)
    Your sweet Wags,is that their dog box they roost in .lol You should have a tough first day.lol Bow range. Looks like 3 brother two-year olds.
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/22 09:28:32 (permalink)

    The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/22 21:44:41 (permalink)
    Big Tuna....My Lab died about 5 years ago... I was thinking of climbing in there first day...It's heated.....
    Bow range ----Yeah Buddy!!!
    Took my Spring bird with Xbow 2 years ago....
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/22 22:07:59 (permalink)
    It just can't get any better then that!  Heck, I'm feeling lucky I'm still seeing the same flock of birds everyday in the pasture across the road.  Keep the pictures coming Wags.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Big Tuna
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/23 06:19:19 (permalink)
    I'm heading out the door now to check on a few birds, I know it's a month early and things will change but been doing it for 40 plus years, I guess it just habit. I get a lot out of scouting,some days the they look like Einstein and some days they look dumb as a rock. I always tell my son every turkey has it's day to die,sometimes persistent pays off,I shot my bird on the second day last year my son got his on the last Friday. He had more fun,I got more sleep.lol
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/23 09:28:16 (permalink)
    BT gettin out this time of the year in search of the ever elusive PA. Meleagris gallopavo is half the fun of hunting.  I have some fond memories from scouting turkey when my kids were at home.  In fact, most of the memories come from early season scouting in the spring as we never really got into hunting and harvesting a bird.  We would dress up in our camo, go sit in the woods and try to strike up a conversation with old Mr. Tom or, stand along an old logging road early mornings/evenings and beller away on a owl hooter hoping to hear the response of gobbles rippling across the hill tops and ridge lines.
    Can't beat the expression on a kids face the first time they use a owl/crow/turkey call and get a response from the birds.  Best time with my daughter was when we were sitting on the edge of a logging road, all dressed up like trees and bushes, when my daughter called in a flock of birds that came running at, around and, past us.  I thought she was going to climb a tree she was so nervous.  
    My son located a gobbler and worked the bird assuring it was still there for opening morning when he set up on a power right away.  I walked in with him but, set up about twenty yards behind him.  First light, my boy started with his reed call which was a perfect representation of a seal pup.  But, the bird answered and didn't take long to fly down and begin hammering for a response from a hot hen. My boy would answer, the Tom would fire back, followed by a yelp then answered by a gobble and I waited and waited and waited for the shot that never happened.
    When the music finally came to an end, I didn't need to ask, the look on my boy's face and the excitement in his voice was enough to tell me he just witnessed a dance in nature, most people will never ever see.
    As for me, well never shot a turkey but one morning I was working a bird, had it coming straight into me when a few yards directly behind me a Jake cut loose that dam near had me climbing a tree.  Can't wait to get out and try it again this year and I still don't know if I'll squeeze the trigger.
    Ahhh; the memories.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/23 12:58:13 (permalink)
    Coming up Large Hill this morning on Rte. 51 coming from the Elizabeth bridge, three nice toms sitting on the roost just up from the Ultra car shop, full strut on the branches.  All had decent beards and I can imagine they were talking up a storm.  Nice seeing them skylined like that....
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/23 13:44:03 (permalink)
    the woods are going to be so thick you are going to have to call them into fields to shoot!
    Big Tuna
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/23 19:53:06 (permalink)
    Ticks where out,Turkey scouting sucked. Had 20mph winds at 6:45 AM.
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/23 20:56:49 (permalink)
    I think this is the best time of year to brush up on your cadence. Try a few different reeds. Break in a new one.
    Get them talking and not running away..
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/23 23:54:15 (permalink)
    Wags I will certainly be giving effort to early calling.  I keep seeing the a flock of birds each morning, in the same field.  There is several Tom's hanging around a dozen hens so, come closer to the 'spring fling' I'm hoping to get a few of the boys to stop over and visit the ' old bird' they hear in my back yard.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2016/03/24 10:17:16 (permalink)
    Gobblers were in the same roost this AM.  Was darker today as I was coming in to work a little earlier but I could still see them puffed out and sky lined.
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2017/02/21 12:27:37 (permalink)
    Out looking yesterday and found bout 3 dozen birds ( on a NO area) mostly  hens all spread out on the snow with half a dozen fanned out Toms all in a group.
    Been a real mild winter so far so they may come through in good form.
    Don't know if breeding is controlled by daylight or weather but perhaps it will be early with this warm winter ??
    Our Ct season starts in late April and bout halfway through the season Toms seem finished -for the most part.
    In early April ya can call one up most anytime --but later it gets tough
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2017/02/22 22:27:32 (permalink)
    Well they are not on the porch yet. BUT they run across the yard and taunt the wife's cat
    1st flock 15. 2nd had 16. 3rd had 19....all within 20 minutes....


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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2017/03/23 12:06:06 (permalink)
    Shortly after day break on my morning hike heard my first gobbles of the season, been hearing them cluck for several weeks
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2017/03/23 13:12:36 (permalink)
    I had a gobbler with about a 8 inch beard in the yard this morning. First turkey we've seen here!
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2017/03/25 11:12:59 (permalink)
    They were talk'n this morning! Guess they too are glad spring has sprung!
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2017/03/25 11:30:41 (permalink)
    All I heard this morning was beeping of IV machines and thump thump thump of a heart monitor.... come on baby daddy hates hospitals
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2017/03/25 11:48:11 (permalink)
    Sorry to hear that! I've been there myself! If my doctor had his way I'd either be at a health center or still at home as a couch potato. When I hike in the woods I forget everything else.
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2017/03/25 12:00:35 (permalink)
    9am made 24 hours since the wife was induced. We are hoping he shows up pretty soon.
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Spring is just around corner! 2017/03/25 12:45:31 (permalink)
    Oh your there for a Good event! Well good luck to you and your wife and especially the little one. God be with you!
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