PorktownI tried to tie a few of these (doing a visual breakdown), so not the same thing. They came out really nice. I used at the beach trying to mimic glass minnows, but they look almost identical to emerald shiners. I had birds trying to pick these up out of the water... http://forums.fishusa.com...of-finding-the-chrome/
FishinGuy http://hatchesmagazine.co...ker-by-kevin-hospodar/ <(link to the bottom pattern)
D-nymphFishinGuyhttp://hatchesmagazine.co...ker-by-kevin-hospodar/ <(link to the bottom pattern)Guy who wrote the link is a total Jag...
FishinGuyhttp://hatchesmagazine.co...ker-by-kevin-hospodar/ <(link to the bottom pattern)