Do you ever wonder?

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Re: Do you ever wonder? 2015/10/23 19:31:51 (permalink)
I know for the past few years the guides and the association have been pushing for anyone fishing the river to take a online certification. This would be in eddicite,proper handling on fish and how to release a fish and other helpful tips for the river. It sounds good to me but I think that would be very hard to keep track of and police. DEC already has enough trouble trying to police things. Unfortunately if you break the law anywhere on the river you won't get caught because most of the time there are more DEC officers in Ponderosa than policing the river.

I talk to Mike from mid river yesterday and we talked for a bit and some of the things he told me that happened the past couple of weeks on the river made me sick to my stomach. It was close to looting and riots in certain parts.Things are really getting out of control sounds like time to call the national guard into some of these spots.
It ashame the direction things are heading. Something needs to be done before someone gets killed.
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Re: Do you ever wonder? 2015/10/23 20:21:01 (permalink)
Uglyfish, maybe you should fish somewhere else.  I didn't see anything problematic on the SR during my visit.
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Re: Do you ever wonder? 2015/10/24 10:16:11 (permalink)
We are so very far from many of the issues brought up herein--
Ex- Most every tackle shop up there sells #1 hooks and flies- Sells those heavy spin rods with salt water reels and 40 lb line already on the reels, also most sell fly rigs with 'running line' already on them ( for those who wonder- running line is a fly reel full of heavy spin line instead of fly line).
They also have racks of weights with muzzle loader sizes prominently displayed.
Shops are there to make a living and this stuff sells--
The one thing I haven't noticed lately is the two foot ready made rigs of #1 hooks and very heavy ( 40 lb?) leader with a swivel.
 Likely stopped that when the swivel laws changed and ya can now just tie on to the 40 lb line at will.
Yes-I was one of those guys for a long time and know whats offered------
Its the way they said it should be because- as we all know- they don't bite----
It starts at the beginning----
post edited by r3g3 - 2015/10/24 10:24:23
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