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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/19 14:50:01 (permalink)
According to my cameras i should be hunting the 10pm/3am shift.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/19 21:13:28 (permalink)
Similar  here S-10...... 2 mature bucks 3 am and 1 am..........small 6 point 1 pm........
Climbed in by 6am today-----25 degrees-----
Holy crap there are walking all around me...hurry up sun !!
OH dam leaves falling everywhere.......
I watched 3 doe for an hour after sun-up..
NO sniffers following........Stupid bucks !!!!
watched 7 turkey
That Is All
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/19 23:20:20 (permalink)
No comment..........................
                                   Walcat  ............................ yelled at me

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/20 09:22:48 (permalink)
In tree at 6:10......yotes howling at 6:15
I hear tip toeing by 6:30
Shadow at 40 feet and closing in.
Rocks his head and see rack....
goes behind tree at 25 feet.
comes out other side seems to be a nice buck, looks to be legal.
stays close for 10 minutes.
starts to leave, give him a bleat, he stays for 5 more, then disappears......
light breaks, he's no where to be seen.
tried a rattle run
never comes back--------------------stupid buck
Gotta make night vision scopes legal for cross bows........
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/20 11:12:30 (permalink)
That's funny Wags, I just hate when that happens........
I was sitting in my ground blind last night muttering to myself about the stupid chipmunks making noise.  Bad enough, the wind was trying to upset the blind and rip the dead dry corn stalks out by the roots.  Just as I had decided enough was enough and  got ready to cash it in for the night, the wind died down and those cute little chippers seemed to disappear.  The low setting sun was now casting shadows making it difficult to see back through the ground brush.  Then the crunching of leaves, stupid chipmunks I thought but WAIT!  That's not the sound those PITA little varmints make, that's something much heavier and taking it's time as it moves.  Problem was, my ground-blind has windows on three sides and whatever it was is approaching from the blind side.  Crunch, crunch, crunch; step by step, as it draws ever closer and now my mind is wondering what it will be.  A legal buck with perhaps a great rack, maybe a scrub buck with barely "3 up" or possibly a doe, didn't matter I was ready with bow in hand.  All I wanted was a legal deer presenting a text book shot; I'm tasting the baloney and jerky already.  But then nothing, whatever it is stopped and it was right outside of my ground-blind; close enough I'm thinking I hear it breathing.  Time passed, still nothing and my mind begins to wonder, the sun has set, I'm on the edge of a corn field boarded by now darkened woods and something is outside my door and I can't see it.  I'm now thinkin do I try and slowly, ever so slowly, unzip the flap and see what I can see when suddenly,  a flash back strikes, about a story of some guy running around slicing through tents and killing people with a double bit ax.   
Happy Halloween everyone I gotta get.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/10/20 11:23:57

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/20 20:44:40 (permalink)
7:05 I watch a buck make a scrape mock fight a sappling,then walk in at 15 yards broadside, walk by then return and walk by at  at 12 yards only trouble could have been the world's smallest 8 pts in the whole state of Ohio. I gaveave him a pass,he looked like he belonged in Potter county 40 years ago. There not all big in
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/20 22:39:52 (permalink)
I didn't do squat, missed a chance on a couple of doe but, found some really heavily traveled trails well lit up with rubs.   
While hunting today I wondered if any of the old timers remember the first climbers from way back when.  
Mine consisted of a metal platform attached to a tree using a flat, perforated metal band.  The band adjusted to different tree diameters by placing a pin through any of the many holes.  Standing on the platform, a elastic rope is drown from behind your heels, between your feet and over a pin on the frame.  Nothing too unusual about the way the platform was connected to your feet as, it's pretty much the same  today.  The difference back then, there was no seat unit to sit on as you climb the tree.   A guy either hugged the tree as he pulled the platform up the tree or, you may have one of the more high tech devices to assist in climbing.  This device, called a rope with two (usually) wooden handles was placed around the tree as high as a guy could reach, the rope twisted on itself so it would 'bite' the tree and up the road you go.
Why, you may ask, am I discussing equipment of yesteryear and I would have to say, I............................ have no idea.

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/21 04:43:31 (permalink)
Sounds like the old Baker climber. I destroyed mine when it came out from under me and I came crashing down on top of it. Didn't do me any good either. AAAHHH the good old days.
Big Tuna
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/21 07:09:19 (permalink)
Yea the Baker I left mine in a tree till it rotted away,no one would steal Death trap.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/21 08:23:20 (permalink)
Yeah buddy, thems was the days.  We didn't need no stinking safety harnesses neither back when, "the going got tough, the tough got going"!!  Not like that now days, what with special harnesses and even safety let down devices on the market.  Heck.......  I wouldn't even use a rope for safety, using them climbers,  if I was less than 25 inches up a tree.
Just funnin of course, I would never do more than 20 inches off the ground but, that's just me. I happen to run across mine while I was looking for something else which, I didn't find.  Got to thinking how it might make a nice portable tree seat.  Danged if it don't, also serves as a "tree stump" what with, to stand on and get a better look see.
Even better, when I strapped that thing to a tree and I sat down, it became a time machine.  It just don't get no better then that.
Good luck to all and "Hunt Safely".
Color me...........  gone!!

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/21 11:41:31 (permalink)
If you don't stop picking on me; I'm going to develop a complex!


Your friend and mine,
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/10/21 11:45:49

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/21 18:46:34 (permalink)
Still struggling to see deer this year. Nothing on the ground yet. Can't even scrape up a doe. 

My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/21 20:51:05 (permalink)
Haven't been out in a week and a half myself.  Hoping to sneak out this Fri and/or Sat for an evening hunt.  I'm starting to hear more reports that guys are seeing better bucks on their feet during daylight.  
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/22 19:19:49 (permalink)
Ya ever go up in one of those 2 piece climbers and have the whole bottom fall all the way to the freaking ground while you were up there hanging onto the top part for dear life.
Then- of course-   ya gotta hug the tree and slip down.
Sounds easy---try it.
From then on you will tie to two together- Believe me.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/23 06:59:46 (permalink)
Ya ever go up in one of those 2 piece climbers and have the whole bottom fall all the way to the freaking ground while you were up there hanging onto the top part for dear life.
Then- of course-   ya gotta hug the tree and slip down.
Sounds easy---try it.
From then on you will tie to two together- Believe me.

^^^^^ And thats the day i quit climbing and started using fixed ladder stands ^^^^^
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/23 14:03:58 (permalink)
Still struggling to see deer this year. Nothing on the ground yet. Can't even scrape up a doe. 

Gosh DPMS that's the the last type of report I expected to hear from you.

Have been wondering what might be up as, we've heard little from your corner of the hunting grounds.

Glad to hear your out and about.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/23 14:30:10 (permalink)
Only have been out a few times with my son, but we've had some good action. 
Two weeks ago, we were running a little late so left the ground blind at home and tried to hide ourselves in a fencerow along a field edge.  We had 10 does and skippers within 20 yards of us at different times that evening, including a button buck at 8 yards (close enough to see his buttons) and a young female at 5 yards that I thought was going to walk up and let us pet her.  Unfortunately, he was always turned the wrong way as different deer entered the field.
Same field on a different edge Wednesday night in the pop up.  Nice 2.5 year old 8 point walked by at about 50 yards to push a couple does around in the last 5 minutes of shooting light.  
Heading out this evening I hope.  Gonna give him the option of gunning for a doe or taking the crossbow, but I'm pretty sure he'll choose the crossbow.  2 years ago during the youth doe hunt, he opted for the crossbow and missed a BIG 8.  Really liking the cooler weather here in 2D today - feels like a good night for deer to be on their feet.  
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/24 09:53:31 (permalink)
Dropped a doe with the crossbow yesterday afternoon around 4. First deer I've killed in 20+ years. Gave up rifle hunting many years ago, and its only my 2nd year archery hunting. Put one through the heart at 15 yds, and she went about 20 more before crashing. Felt good to put a nice shot on her, and gave me a huge confidence boost.

Deer around me have been a lot more active in the past week. Seen 5 small buck including a huge 6 pt chasing a doe through on Monday. Starting too get good now. Got a few bigger ones on camera on another property that I'm gonna concentrate on now.

Good luck to all.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/24 10:26:32 (permalink)
Congratulations Crappie_Slayer on your deer, a true shot, a quick kill and, getting back to a great heritage.  (no thanks to some)
Let's not be bashful with the pictures.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/24 10:30:23 (permalink)
Glad your back in the game- congrats
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/24 10:43:34 (permalink)
Thanks guys. Sorry BTDT, but in all of my excitement I forgot to snap a pic.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/24 15:10:43 (permalink)
OoooooooooK  I understand but.......................,  I'm still celebratin anyway!

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/24 20:25:39 (permalink)
A friend dropped a nine point yesterday. He Bleated 4 times and 4 bucks came in within minutes. Hope to get a picture....
Can't wait till monday...........
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/25 07:59:41 (permalink)
Gosh DPMS that's the the last type of report I expected to hear from you.

Have been wondering what might be up as, we've heard little from your corner of the hunting grounds.

Glad to hear your out and about.

I have been out and about. Probably, 14-15 sits and very little to show for it. Saw a three point and maybe 5-6 does in all of those sits. 
Took a walk yesterday in one of my better areas which I don't like to do this time of the year to have a look around. I saw very little sign. Few rubs, no scrapes. 

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/25 09:17:03 (permalink)
I guess we're not alone; a quick check on the "Rut Report" ( with information provided by hunters like you and me, show little more than pre-rut conditions across the "Pennsylvania Wilds".
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Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/26 21:18:55 (permalink)
HOT mature doe came in 7am. squatted and pee-pee-ed in my mock scrape. small 3 point came in at 7:15. & watched the nice 8pt at 100 yards looking for the doe at the same time...
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/27 19:44:24 (permalink)
Was out tonight as this weather front approached and endured another sit without seeing a deer. Crazy slow for me. 

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/27 20:48:14 (permalink)
5:30 pm I'm getin cozy in my ground blind;  5:45 pm I hear crunch, crunch..............., crunch.  Okay I'm just kidding but, a y-buck pops out of the corn field and hits a tree branch overhanging the the UN-planted space between the field and trees.  That tree branch is exactly 20 yd.s from the blind and the reason I set up where I did.   The buck was straight out of the corn and went immediately to the branch where he sniffed around then went to the ground with his nose.  Didn't do any pawing as in, making a scrape and made no attempt to leave his scent before he walked into the woods where he meandered around for quite some time.  Try as I might, I couldn't find a third point on either of his antlers so, it was frustrationville at it's best.  6:05 pm; crunch, crunch................okay, okay  but, for real I see a dark figure moving from the corn field, this time about 50 yd.s out and coming at me staying tight to the edge of the corn.  As luck would have it, the deer saw the blind and stopped, moved out into the clearing, where I could see horns before he disappeared into the trees leaving me wondering if he is a shooter.  
The first guy never payed any attention to the blind but, made no real attempt at marking the turf and the second guy seemed much too leery of his surroundings and from what I could see, neither deer was sporting the swollen neck of  a buck bitten by the love bug.
A last ditch effort on my part, hoping the two would see each other and maybe a chase leading back to my area would ensue..... failed!
6:25 pm crunch, crunch..............., crunch as, I made my way back to my house still dealing with frustrationville.
But hey, things are looking up and I'll be at it again tomorrow come rain or shine!
Respectfully submitted;

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/27 21:24:58 (permalink)
Two best sits so far this year, last night and this morning. Last night, had momma and two youngins move by around 5 pm. Atvs started up again running all over the place. Around 6 pm had a doe come off the field and mill around directly under the stand. Few mins later, I hear leaves from up top and a spike goes by about 40 yds out. Uh oh, moving to see him, the doe busted me....

Get down and start the long walk back to the truck and I walk up on a decent buck in the golden rod field...could just tell rack about ear width...he snorted and took off when I got to 40 yds...

This morning was steady action all morning. Saw first deer at 7:15 am and last deer at 9:15 am. 10 deer in all with 2 Ufos but probably doe, 7 does and fawns....and one 16" wide 2.5 yr old 8 pt that I passed up. Had him broadside and then again quartering away at 30 yds. Made the decision to not try and take him and must have made some noise while getting the camcorder out. Did get 20 seconds or so of video of him walking away. Saw 6 fresh scrapes after I got down out of my tree... Starting to get better down here,
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/27 22:50:00 (permalink)
Been hunting up north in 2f marenvielle, still really slow up here. Gonna be pheasant hunting thurs fri sat then back up here on Sunday for the week... They are starting but just not there yet. Small bucks running during night.
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