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2015/09/29 22:05:44 (permalink)

Early season results??

Got out for the first time this morning. Had 2 mature does and 2 fawns sneak in at 7:10. Lead doe spotted me in my ladder within seconds.
After 5 minutes of stare down they bolted off. Not 10 minutes go by and a solo body goes sneaking along. I see rack....SWEET
Turns out to be a nice 8 point. He never sees me. He keeps looking for the girls. Moves along at a steady walk. He gives me a 25 yard broadside shot.
First day out....Did not like the shot, on the move. 
Holdin out for his daddy...
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/09/29 22:23:39 (permalink)
BTDT gettin caught sitting in the "high chair", hate when that happens, as for the hold out, not this year.  I need some venison to go along with the walleye I ain't caught yet, for some "redneck surf and turf".
Do want to wish ya luck Wags, keep the postings comin.

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/09/30 06:47:06 (permalink)
First day in ohio I had a small 5 or 7, if u count 1 inch points at 6 yards. Since then 0 deer in 5 hunts. Did have a giant flock of turkeys come by me twice and have seen 5 raccoons now. The full moon always drives the deer nocturnal where I hunt but hopefully the rain the past 2 days will have them moving this morning!
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/04 01:30:06 (permalink)
I don't know that the moon phase has all that to do with hunting. I'm a firm believer right place right time,luck,well placed stand, scouting and if a stand works once chances are it will work again. My son shot a beautiful high rack 9 pts. on Sunday in Ohio after passing an 8pts a few minutes earlier and seeing 3 does. 5 deer in  a 2.5 hour sit,lucky don't think so that's his 4th second day Sunday Ohio buck and 9 th out of the same tree. 
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/04 08:35:23 (permalink)
Been tree sitting since the 20th or so here in CT.
Many sightings of Deer too far walking the woods off the trails eating a VERY abundant mast crop.
Every time the wind blows a bit nuts can be heard dropping like a hail storm.
Great mast years consistently produce a drop in harvest of Deer here.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/09 21:37:49 (permalink)
Welll- my nice new spot got busted-relative of the owner has a crew clearing a field and woods right in the middle- Brought in a camper and are living there full time throughout the months long job.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/12 08:18:03 (permalink)
That just ain't right..............  you tell them people I said, get the he#* out of there!  Stupid relatives.
Seriously, that does suck but, if there were deer in that area they moved somewhere.  Any chance of you relocating to maybe even a better spot now?
I had a similar situation like that last year right in my back yard.  First it was the neighbor cutting trees less than 200 yds to my north then it was Amish kids setting up a trap line along the neighbors fence line.  Needless to say, two kids running around the area before sun rise and after sunset kept that area pretty much free of deer.
My biggest problem last year was passing  early season shots before the ruckus started.  My biggest early season problem this year is sitting in front of this computer instead being in my high chair.  Stupid computer! 
Well.... anyway good luck, hope ya find a better place and harvest (trying to be politically proper) a trophy with a stick.

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/12 16:18:54 (permalink)
Only doe here on the 3 evenings I managed to make it out since the early opener.  Not much hunting going on here this year with all the kids activities this fall and a possibly work trip to China towards the end of the month.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/12 19:11:02 (permalink)
Problem here in Ct is that you MUST have a signed state form from the landowner to hunt any Pvt property-they are HARD to get and often require a visit to City Clerks to investigate records and find documentation on who the actual registered owners of woodlands actually are.
IF, they are wiling to give a stranger hunting permission is another story.
Then there is the issue of size,  most often you have only 15 or 20 acres.
Not uncommon to have one spot for a stand that is far enough from buildings and roads and has some trails or sign.
Plenty of Deer but often hard to get at.
post edited by r3g3 - 2015/10/12 19:12:15
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/12 20:55:49 (permalink)
Just mowin does here.

Blacktop Charters
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/12 21:14:32 (permalink)
Not a dam thing first 2 hours this morning, Same as last Tuesday.
Decided to sit last 2 hours, had mom and 2 fawns walk by........
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/12 22:08:41 (permalink)
Well I didn't make it out today, I'll be hanged if I'm sitting in my high chair leaning against some tree with dead branches while the gales of November are blowing in October. Nope......... won't do it.
R3G3 that simply super sucks to have to go through all that just to harvest a deer.  If ya ever make it to PA. I could probably get you set up in the area(s) marco hunts.  Gotta watch that guy though, he gets people hyped up and concentrating on fishin line and walleye then, while their off fishin, he's hunting for deer!
Hope things do work out for ya, sure would be nice to see some pictures from the great state of Connecticut. 

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/13 11:15:07 (permalink)
Just mowin does here.

Bagger or a mulching blade?

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/13 14:29:25 (permalink)
                                                 No hat rack but, a shooter 

                                                              It's baaaaaaaack!

Went for a walk around mid-morning just to see, what kind of condition the conditions are in.  Covered the perimeter of one hay field of 12 acres, one corn field of 15 acres, one corn field of 25 acres and, my azz is draggin!
All that walking and I spotted one rub on a 3 foot blue spruce.  Typical hoof prints in the dirt but, even those didn't show sign of a thunderous herd, of whitetail, roaming the fields.
So, in conclusion, from the data recorded from my daring scientific ventures into the Pennsylvania Wilds, I didn't see crap!!!!
And yes, it was a daring venture, as I had but a, primitive weapon using a pointed stick propelled by a string to protect myself from possible attack by the above creature.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/10/13 21:18:47

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/13 15:13:07 (permalink)
I don't archery hunt (too much tied up in bird dogs), but I do enjoy hearing the hunting stories. Odd thing, at least for me, is that I have yet to talk to any coworkers who are still using a vertical bow. They haveball switched to crossbows.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/13 17:15:27 (permalink)
Below freezing temps. on the horizon......let's get the Big Boys on the chase
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/13 21:06:07 (permalink)
Still using a very old Hoyt mystic intruder with 31 inch aluminum arrows and 125 grain thunderheads.
Got it soon after the new 'compound bows' came out and retired the recurve ( still have it for backup and practice with it too-same arrows for both.)
The recurve is a Red Wing Hunter..
Figure the Hoyt is 30 to 35 yrs old- bought it new and still lovin it. Taken many deer and turkey and a Bear as well as assorted small stuff.
Hits where I aim and passes right through Deer- what more can ya ask for.
Hey  Dar- my rig might be older than some of those co-workers.  lol
post edited by r3g3 - 2015/10/13 21:12:02
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/13 21:28:36 (permalink)
I don't archery hunt (too much tied up in bird dogs), but I do enjoy hearing the hunting stories. Odd thing, at least for me, is that I have yet to talk to any coworkers who are still using a vertical bow. They haveball switched to crossbows.

I've noticed a similar trend with most of my coworkers and friends now shooting x-guns.
It's been a chaotic fall for me and I've only been out a few times so far.  I did manage to shoot a big doe on the first evening of the state wide season opener.  Buck activity has been slow as is expected for this time of the year.  Although I did watch a little 4 or 5 point harassing a doe last weekend, which made for an interesting evening.
I won't have much time to hunt until November, but by that time things should be in full swing.  Good luck all!   
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/13 23:11:42 (permalink)
Bear First Strike purchased in 1990,  only repair was one string about 12 years ago.  Same release, same quiver and just switched to carbon arrows and a D-loop last year.  Has a 65% percent let off and the draw weight set at 65 pounds. Let off is getting a bit tougher to hold compared to years gone by but, something tells me that ain't the fault of the bow.
Did buy a crossbow that shoots 20" bolts at 346 fps, has a scope and  tack driving capability at 40+ yards.  Most likely won't use it during regular or the extended archery season hunting the infamous whitetail.  However, bear, turkey and, maybe back in the thick under growth of the bayou while sitting in a ground blind when firearms may be used.  Let's face it, if inline muzzle loaders and scopes with a 100 yd range can be used, I have no reason not to try the crossbow.
Dardy you are absolutely correct, more and more crossbows are being purchased for harvesting deer with a stick.  In my little piece of Penn's Woods, it has become common ( the past few years), seeing bicycles and scooters laying along side of the secondary roads.  The devices of travel are, of course, a means of transportation used by the local residents to transport their climbing stands and crossbows to the wilds in search of, the elusive whitetail.  Which brings me to the conclusion that; should I chose not to shoot a whitetail, be it with my compound or crossbow, there will be a Dutchman that will. 
In closing may I say it will be nice to see the Penn State Game Commission get the stupid Antler Restrictions shoved right up their 'donkeys'!    Allowing  a person of one age group to kill/take/harvest a antlered deer that is illegal for other persons of another age group to kill/take/harvest is nothing more than, age discrimination.  
And if elected President I shall make this my personal project and do sumthin bout it!  Oooops wrong soapbox...... sorry!
Congrats on your whitetail Esox, we'll keep ya entertained til ya make it back out.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/10/13 23:28:22

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/14 02:55:33 (permalink)
fishin coyote
Just mowin does here.

 Bagger or a mulching blade?

The brush hog is coming out soon.

Blacktop Charters
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/14 13:05:24 (permalink)
Could have ended it on a 16" 7point the first hour of the first day and again yesterday morning on a 15" 6 point with no brows. Both under 17 yds. Had a few does in but nothing real exciting. Don't know what happened to the two good ones I was watching. Happens every year. I may have tracking snow for Sat.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/15 21:08:34 (permalink)
Been really slow for me. Seen a few little does. Have not had a good shot at a mature doe yet. Only seen one small buck and not many bucks on my cameras. 

My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/15 21:23:27 (permalink)
Had a doe and fawn come up to me at 15 yards then a 6 point came and started chasing the doe around.  Was cool.  The buck chasing the doe and the young one following behind.  Earliest I have seen a buck chase a doe in my neck of the woods.
post edited by Panfisher - 2015/10/15 21:24:35

The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/15 22:02:42 (permalink)
It was to long to put here check out my new thread in the archery section, sorry to screw this up
post edited by anzomcik - 2015/10/15 23:10:48
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/16 11:44:38 (permalink)
S-10, time to take an hd camcorder or good camera out there with you and get some pics...
I am just glad I have 11.5 days of vacation left.  Have only been out 3 evenings so far and have only seen doe...
I am going to try and find some time to scout out a new area this weekend (in between all the kids activities). 
Some of my old haunts just don't look like they will do it this year.
Good luck ya'll...
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/16 14:36:41 (permalink)
I bought a good camcorder when I retired and tried it for awhile but it wasn't my thing. I was  always afraid a good buck would bust me taking pictures of something I wasn't hunting and just didn't want to be bothered when scouting or hiking. Sure have missed some great shots over the years by not carrying one though. Bleated in a 3 point today.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/16 23:03:48 (permalink)
I went..............  I saw................... I came home............  Stupid deer................! 
Might of done me some good to of had some antlers to rattle, a doe bleat, or a grunt tube today but, I didn't.  Stupid deer....!
If I would of had my deer blind on the other  corner of the corn field I may have had a buck........ I didn't.  Stupid me.......!
End..................  of stupid story!!!!!!

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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/17 03:26:34 (permalink)
Although I wish could have hunted early,due to work I've not been out,but things are about to change.  One on my spots is covered in scapes. Sort of surprised me but it is the 16th October,I killed 125 inch there on the 19th of October a couple of years ago.By Monday I'LL be in Pa.or Ohio every day till my two buck tags are used. It's my time now. Good luck to everybody.
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/17 20:34:37 (permalink)
I went..............  I saw..................  ho hummm.
Hunted from the blind this morning; that's kinda like fishing in a ice hut where I can stay all cuddly, warm and, not care if I see nothing.  Which is what I did, saw nothing buttttttt, I enjoyed my pop tarts (blueberry) and coffee before returning home (10:00 am) for a nap.
Returned around 5:00 pm, all dressed in my proper attire of orange vest and hat, to do some still hunting and have me a look around.  Picked up and followed a deer trail until I came to an intersection of recently used trails leading back into heavy thorn trees and under-brush.  
Found me a spot in a cluster of cherry trees semi surrounded by heavy green brier about 20 yd.s from the trail intersection where I placed the required 100 sq. in. of fluorescent orange within 15 feet of my set-up.  
About 20 minutes passed and for reasons unknown to me I turned toward the thick growth of thorn trees and under-growth where I saw a deer moving toward the intersection of trails.  Standing ready for the deer to make it's way out of the thickets and into a shooting lane I waited and, waited and, waited...................................... and, waited.
Wind was blowing all day and it was just beginning to settle down where as, it would become calm before gusting and blowing again.  During those periods of calm I could hear noise coming from the general area in which I saw this deer but, couldn't see crap!  I have no idea what that animal was doing but, assuming it just came off it's bed, perhaps it was taking a shower, shaving, brushing it's teeth, fixing dinner, I have no idea.  I just know I waited and, waited and, waited...................... and waited!
Oh welllllllllllllll, Monday will be a new day and perhaps the wind will be from the north which will allow me to stand down trail and watch the deer move up trail the next time.  Stupid deer!!
Good luck to all and hunt safely.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Early season results?? 2015/10/17 21:11:44 (permalink)
Had enough snow to track tonight. Problem was, nothing to track.
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