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2015/08/17 11:23:13 (permalink)

fishing the lake for steelhead?

have never fished the lake itself for staging steelhead prior to their moving up the tribs.  i've seen guys wading and casting at the mouths but never paid much attention to them.  how's it done?  what type of rod is needed?  lures?  time of day?  any help will be appreciated.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/17 11:40:56 (permalink)
Not sure if serious or trolling - But...
Your post from 2014 on this topic has the answers =)
Early morning or night at this time of year.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/17 11:45:30 (permalink)
 That's the only way I fish for steelhead cant stand the crowds and the circus at the creek mouths.Its a bit too early yet but in a month or so I starty trolling the mouths of walnut and trout run .We use planer boards off the side and flat lines in between usaual gear Cleo's, thunder sticks, ko woblers time of day doesn't matter that much Its a blast in lake when u hook up cause they have the whole lake to run in be prepred for a good battle and some Chinese fire drills!!!!!!.Nothing like on shore where they have 15 feet of creek and and a few feet left or right.!! any more questions pm me I will fill u in otherwise I will be ripped on here for spot burning and the like .
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/17 12:01:39 (permalink)
h3, i'd forgotten all about this.  i'm definitely not a troll, been here too many years for such.  however, i am getting pretty old and do forget things from time to
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/17 12:03:35 (permalink)
thanks, bill.  i know that a few of the veteran steelheaders will indeed wade the mouths when everyone else is upstream.  i don't do well in crowds either.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/17 12:15:25 (permalink)
WHAT !!!!!!!   Rap a troll................?  I think not!!!!!!!   Do believe the old thing though, just quite not enough to retire..... 10-4?

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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/17 12:22:36 (permalink)
h3, i'd forgotten all about this.  i'm definitely not a troll, been here too many years for such.  however, i am getting pretty old and do forget things from time to

lol - no worries, but yes... spoons, smaller in-line spinners cast out as far as you can. The only part that stinks is snags. I've made over $100 in lure deposits the past couple years I bet in Lake Erie. I should go snorkeling and see if I can find them while waters warm lol.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/17 12:33:38 (permalink)
h3, been there on other waters.  the north end of pymy holds a lot of my stuff from years gone by.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/17 12:38:59 (permalink)
btdt, i can go in december of this year but will wait until sometime later next year.  then again, if the company goes under or if we go on strike, my retirement may get here much quicker....sigh.  if it does, i'll meet you half way between your place and mine for breakfast.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/17 12:48:10 (permalink)
Rap, the shoreline fishing is a ball with spoons and is about the only steelhead fishing I do these days.   I too like to avoid the crowds and have enough places to hit to avoid them.   I do most of my fishing with 1/8 ounce Cleos to avoid the rocks as much as possible.   I bump up to 1/4 ounce on occasion, but you have to become wary of the rocks at that size and heavier.   The 1/8 ounce more often than not outfishes other sizes.   PM me for more.   Our trips are often planned and finalized the afternoon before the trip hoping for best assurance of SE, S or light SW wind.   Would like to see you in the mix some time.    
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/17 13:04:37 (permalink)
gone, i'll take you up on that if this overtime ever ends.  nothing more rebuilding than standing waist deep in water and letting fly with something to make a fish angry.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/18 08:34:55 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby XtopwaterkingX 2015/08/18 16:38:31
Although I've had days where I've caught a bunch of fish launching spoons out into the lake, usualy that is not the case (esp the further into the season you get).  90% of the time if you're standing waist deep then you are standing where the fish WERE.  Infact, one of my better days of the season last fall was in mid-september, standing on a jetty, casting spoons parallel with the shore line 5-15 yds off shore.  This was also hundreds of yards from any tributary, pay attention to wind as that will push creek water down the beach.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/18 09:08:08 (permalink)
Huckin a streamer as far as I can on my 8 wt fly rod, lettin the current take it and swing it. You'll no ya got one when the fish takes it, and runs ya all the way down into your backing as it heads for Canada. 

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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/18 10:14:10 (permalink)
tim, you need to write a book on your steelhead knowledge.  as always, thank you for the lesson.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/18 11:25:52 (permalink)
Thanks for the kind words buddy, always an open invitation if you ever decide you'd like to come along.  I must say though, I had the priviledge of growing up learning from what I believe are some of the best steelheaders in the great lakes.  Some of those guys are still lurking around, and many I'd like to call my friends.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/18 11:48:39 (permalink)
Agreed, some of my best days shore casting I was ankle to calf deep.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/18 16:39:46 (permalink)
Although I've had days where I've caught a bunch of fish launching spoons out into the lake, usualy that is not the case (esp the further into the season you get).  90% of the time if you're standing waist deep then you are standing where the fish WERE.  Infact, one of my better days of the season last fall was in mid-september, standing on a jetty, casting spoons parallel with the shore line 5-15 yds off shore.  This was also hundreds of yards from any tributary, pay attention to wind as that will push creek water down the beach.

This is very true. Had some really good days in the past nowhere close to a creek mouth
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/24 12:06:16 (permalink)
Rap, you know as well as I do that Tim probably already had a double digit day upere.
My recruiting season starts next week. My very first day is at Union city. Three times in/near erie in sept at a school. I'll have the noodle rod ready. Take a day off and come on out.

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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/24 13:03:38 (permalink)
Hello Fellow Members,
I been debating on purchasing a new level-wind baitcasting reel to chuck-out lures (as far as possible) using weights in the sub 1/4 oz and heavier sizes. I am aware I'd most likely get further distances using a spinning reel but I'm simply looking to switch it up a bit. Anyone have experience using one for early season surf fishing?
Have a great season everyone!
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/24 13:52:40 (permalink)
No reason to go that route IMO. Seems like it would be obtrusive and a pain. Especially with the ease of spinning reels.

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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/24 13:55:24 (permalink)
Only takes one backlash to get you all fired up lol. But i have been tempted to use one when not using the fly rig on the creeks to get a easier drift.

I think spinners way to go. Can cast as hard as you want and not have to worry about your thumb.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/24 14:39:19 (permalink)
I caught them floating egg sacks under floats in the surf as well. Right past the wave break line.
Never caught any cause I really never fihed that way much, but Ive seen guys get them on paste baits on the bottom with small slip sinker rigs. Just like most people fish for stockies in lakes.
Hard thing is you need the right wind to fish the lake. If you have anykind of north wind ,all you do is get pounded by waves. It's no fun getting knocked down by a wave when you are re-tying a lure... makes for a cold day. Plus I don't like jumping over them as well.. But you can catch fish in the surf, but I like a south wind.. 
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/24 17:29:44 (permalink)
IMHO, as a die hard baitcast user, they are not particularly made for lures less than 1/4 ounce.  Yes, you can make it work, but the hassle won't be worth it.  1/4 ounce and less baits I personally consider finesse baits and are best fished with spinning equipment.  Just my $.02 worth.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/25 20:32:23 (permalink)
Agreed, some of my best days shore casting I was ankle to calf deep.

Some of the best days are when you dont even havta wade. With the right wind... jus say'IN...
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/26 17:36:00 (permalink)
Nothing worse than some duud gettin in the water and chasin the fish away-stream or lakefront. There's really never a need to wade very far ANYWHERE in Erie for steelhead.

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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/26 20:29:01 (permalink)
Ya like the 6 or 7 that always havta get out there at 5AM. Then stare with that perplexed look when guys start fishing and catching fish behind them.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/30 19:52:24 (permalink)
Hope you guys don't mind I would like to keep this thread going . I wanting to do 99.9% in the lake this year trolling or anchoring . What speed if trolling? What depth is usually the best ?

Mercury jet, & Tohotsu prop.  Lowes boat, ST. Croix poles Shimano reels .
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/31 07:19:25 (permalink)
 Most of time your trolling in 5 to 10 fow out to maybe 25 fow youll see then on your finder lots of times stacked up.also have to vary your speed 1.8 to 2.5 .We had a few unbelievable days straight out from walnut in 20 to 25 fow.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/31 07:42:08 (permalink)
We were killing them up trout run last year. Power bait and minnows. They hit just about any bait actially. Caught 10 one day and the next day the lake got really flat only managed 1. Alot of fresh chrome out there and they fight hard. If we don't get much rain it will be your best chance at them. Hopefully by the end of September I will make my first trip.
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Re: fishing the lake for steelhead? 2015/08/31 08:07:34 (permalink)
I do believe they like that lure moving a bit faster than what you'd be going for walleye.
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