semi auto rifles

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wayne c
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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 14:30:07 (permalink)
Yes, dozens created and terminated while you waged your personal war against certain folks and issues.  

Simply attempted slander because things aren't going so well for you debating the topic especially since I have pointed out that you aren't interested in hunters having input on the issue and you want politicians to butt out of game management issues, unless its issues you support.    But since you are going there, Ridghunt, er, I mean ridge commander, er I mean pahunter, er Pacrossbow, er dpms...which one is it HERE again?  And that's not counting the 5 or 6 that I have forgotten and would have to go back and look up.  But That's a far cry from the possibly hundreds current in use by your pals.   Your one gal friend has over 15 on HPA alone!     And the number of fake facebook pages in use by (cough cough,) some people to support issues of interest effecting hunting could make up a small make believe army!
And I have no "personal war" with anyone and never have.  But its clear by your emotional tirade towards me that you do which is unfortunate.  Although it is distracting somewhat from the deficiencies of your argument, which is probably as was intended.    

Don't forgot the MY issue. No deer whacking implements there, yet you have issues with it.

Ohhh.  You mean the issue that many others also had issue with, and even PGCs own law enforcement personel spoke out in support of changes being made?   The same issue that commissioners voted to modify because of the law enforcement issue it created?    ha ha ha.   Ah yes, silly me.   How dare I have had an issue with it. lol

. Most of my friends don't even hunt, lol.
Should I act surprised? lol
post edited by wayne c - 2015/07/20 15:20:23

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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 15:41:36 (permalink)
wayne c 
I never said anything had to be "needed" to be implemented.   I said 'being needed' would be a legit reason to bring up if they were to go against the will of the hunters majority.    Imo there is no other reasonable reason to do so.  If hunters don't want it...don't do it.   If they do want it.   Do it.  *Unless there is a dam good reason to go against our wishes, which only would leave the biology/management "need"   Now, did I say it slow enough and break it down far enough for you to comprehend this time? lol

It was you that used the "need" factor as a reason to oppose. If you want to bring it up, be ready to defend it. Another bogus angle used to oppose issues. There is simply no need for many of our seasons and regs. Therefore it is not legit. 
"Reasonable reason"? If it is reasonable for the pgc to regulate autoloading shotguns. bolt, lever, single shot, revolving, muzzleloaders, bows, crossbows etc......which you have continually ignored when it is brought up, it seems to be "reasonable" for a objective person to think that it would also be reasonable for the PGC to regulate autoloading rifles as well. It was you who suggested it was "stupidity" for the PGC to regulate a certain firearm. 
I comprehend everything quite well. 
post edited by dpms - 2015/07/20 16:01:58

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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 15:51:28 (permalink)
wayne c
   But since you are going there, Ridghunt, er, I mean ridge commander, er I mean pahunter, er Pacrossbow, er dpms...which one is it HERE again? And that's not counting the 5 or 6 that I have forgotten and would have to go back and look up. 

Actually. My only two screen names are dpms and ridgecommander. And I only use ridgecommander on one board. Swing and another miss..... I know Pa Crossbow. His first name is Stan.  My name is Gene. Ridgehunt and pahunter I have no clue. You act so connected, yet put stuff out there about folks that is simply factually incorrect. Not sure if it is meant to impress others or what. 
But That's a far cry from the possibly hundreds current in use by your pals.   Your one gal friend has over 15 on HPA alone!     And the number of fake facebook pages in use by (cough cough,) some people to support issues of interest effecting hunting could make up a small make believe army!

I asked before to tell me who my "friends" are.  Since you swung and missed on all the screen names I supposedly have, I suppose you have no clue who my "friends" are either. Maybe your definition of a friend is sharing a message board with others. If so, you are now my friend too!
You mean the issue that many others also had issue with, and even PGCs own law enforcement personel spoke out in support of changes being made?   The same issue that commissioners voted to modify because of the law enforcement issue it created?

The more deer crowd certainly had issues with it. You being one of them. The drive behind it was not enforcement driven. The drive was other hunters complaining about seeing kids with pictures of bucks or does that should have been saved for them. The enforcement angle was used by a few commissioners as justification for the change. LE has issues with many different issues. They don't set regulations but will offer opinions when asked. LE did not go to the commissioners. The commissioners went to LE looking for ammo. 

post edited by dpms - 2015/07/20 16:45:45

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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 16:28:41 (permalink)
wayne c
And I have no "personal war" with anyone and never have.  But its clear by your emotional tirade towards me that you do which is unfortunate.  Although it is distracting somewhat from the deficiencies of your argument, which is probably as was intended.    

Actually. It was you that has repeatedly questioned my intelligence and ability to comprehend. I have no ill feelings and don't have to resort to 3rd grade antics to have a discussion. I like good discussion. Always have. 
post edited by dpms - 2015/07/20 16:44:04

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wayne c
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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 17:25:06 (permalink)
"It was you that used the "need" factor as a reason to oppose."
And again my statements on the matter that you somehow misconstrued grossly.  ha ha.
its basically nothing more than a social issue, not a management biological necessity which would be the only excuse that if valid would make input from constituents take a back seat. 

I never said anything had to be "needed" to be implemented.   I said 'being needed' would be a legit reason to bring up if they were to go against the will of the hunters majority.    Imo there is no other reasonable reason to do so.  If hunters don't want it...don't do it.   If they do want it.   Do it.  *Unless there is a dam good reason to go against our wishes, which only would leave the biology/management "need"   Now, did I say it slow enough and break it down far enough for you to comprehend this time? lol

Its right there in black and white chief.   
"If it is reasonable for the pgc to regulate autoloading shotguns. bolt, lever, single shot, revolving, muzzleloaders, bows, crossbows etc......which you have continually ignored when it is brought up, it seems to be "reasonable" for a objective person to think that it would also be reasonable for the PGC to regulate autoloading rifles as well."
Page 2 of this thread.   Post #34.    N'at. 
And you don't need to "inform" me about who is who, I'm quite aware. lol.
post edited by wayne c - 2015/07/20 17:33:28

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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 17:32:52 (permalink)
wayne c
Its right there in black and white chief.   

Yep. Just as my response to that bogus angle is in black and white as well. The fact is most of our seasons and regulations are not needed from a biological perspective. So whenever that angle is thrown out there, by whomever, my black and white response is there to counter it.  Of course there are other things to consider like social, safety, resource etc..... I was specifically referring to the biological need which you specifically referred to as a reason to oppose. 
Chief?  And you talk about emotion being brought into it, lol......
post edited by dpms - 2015/07/20 17:35:49

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wayne c
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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 17:34:54 (permalink)
Chief?    lol, I say the same goofing off with my 8 year old nephew, my work buddy or others occaissionally with absolutely no emotion involved whatsoever.  What makes you think you are special? lol

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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 17:37:17 (permalink)
wayne c
Chief?    lol, I say the same goofing off with my 8 year old nephew, my work buddy or others occaissionally with absolutely no emotion involved whatsoever.  What makes you think you are special? lol

Intention is lost in type. You should know that by now. 

My rifle is a black rifle
wayne c
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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 17:41:22 (permalink)
The enforcement angle was used by a few commissioners as justification for the change.

A rep from the law enforcement branch also gave testimony that there was significant evidence showing abuse.    Quite a few incidents where very young kids tags were on deer, but no kid was around. lol    And that it was tough to enforce.   Not my opinion, fact.    It was during a meeting prior to the decision being made.   At the time it was livestreamed.    
That was also a concern I raised both on this board previously and with legislators and pgc.    The potential for much abuse.    Was pretty obvious to anyone that could look at it objectively.
And Ive missed way too much prime time tree time while taking kids (even with crossguns! lol) after bucks to be ever in a million years be referred to as some greedy jagarse that doesn't want a kid to kill a deer. lol.
I was specifically referring to the biological need which you specifically referred to as a reason to oppose. 

As my quotes of myself In previous post show, I said none of the such.   Biological need isn't there, so its not a reason to oppose or support in this case. Its really NOT that complicated. lol.
post edited by wayne c - 2015/07/20 17:52:55

wayne c
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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 17:43:22 (permalink)
wayne c
Chief?    lol, I say the same goofing off with my 8 year old nephew, my work buddy or others occaissionally with absolutely no emotion involved whatsoever.  What makes you think you are special? lol

Intention is lost in type. You should know that by now. 

Fair nuff.

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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 18:03:02 (permalink)
Can't we allllllllllll,  just get alongggggggg.....................................?
Sorry..........................  carry on! 

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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 18:04:34 (permalink)
wayne c
A rep from the law enforcement branch also gave testimony that there was significant evidence showing abuse.    Quite a few incidents where very young kids tags were on deer, but no kid was around. lol    And that it was tough to enforce.   Not my opinion, fact.  

Certainly. I have never denied that some abuse occurs. 
How much party hunting goes on in this state by adults? Is there not the same concern among adults? Adults killing deer and putting someone else tag on it? It is tough to enforce as well. What is the solution? Stop letting adults hunt deer? 
The issue of people tagging deer with others tags is not new. But, some commissioners went to LE looking for ammo. LE was just stating, yes, some abuse occurs and this is what we found. The reality is much more tag abuse goes on among adults, yet it was the kids that were targeted because some hunters and a few commissioners were worried someone else was going to shoot their deer. 
The number of adults putting MY tags on deer is a fraction of the number of adults putting other adults tags on deer in this state. 
In the end, all that changed was kids had more restrictive regulations put on their program while the many adults that party hunt and do the same thing, continue on. 
post edited by dpms - 2015/07/20 18:15:34

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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 18:06:49 (permalink)
Can't we allllllllllll,  just get alongggggggg.....................................?
Sorry..........................  carry on! 

Was wondering when you were coming back in. We are getting along. Just two guys talking and disagreeing is all. 
post edited by dpms - 2015/07/20 18:10:18

My rifle is a black rifle
wayne c
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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 18:13:01 (permalink)
I agree more adults abuse things.   And if they were able to address, I will readily support doing so.   The kid deal was addressed to some degree, and it wasn't a hard fix even though it didn't solve necessarily 100% of the problems.   I also find that poaching involving kids makes it even more aggregious so worthy of having been addressed.   Besides, I see no logical reason for kids in diapers to be hunting anyway.   But that's another story.    The topic here seems to have deviated quite a bit from topic.   So in order to get things back on track...     
 ...So, did you contact anyone about the Mt. Lebanon controlled hunt? lol
post edited by wayne c - 2015/07/20 18:17:46

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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 18:17:27 (permalink)
wayne c
Did you contact anyone about the Mt. Lebanon controlled hunt?

Yeah. Have a call into the project manager. 

My rifle is a black rifle
wayne c
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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/20 18:19:07 (permalink)
Sorry I was adding to post with long edit added instead of making another post, was trying to hurry up as Im on the way out the door.     Have a good'n.

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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/21 10:49:45 (permalink)
Since deer seem to be the center of everything (except air rifles), how about we make things simple for a change so we don't need a forensic scientist or a Philidelphia lawyer to go hunting.

Archery deer, any darn deer, runs from October 1 until February 28 (Sundays included) -- choose your weapon as long as it propels something with a string.

Regular deer, any darn deer (antlered means they have antlers, any darn antlers), choose your weapon -- firearm (with the exceptions of air rifles and rim fires) of any darn action, something that throws something with a string, something that burns black powder or a substitute there of, spear, atal-atal, handgun, whatever -- runs from December 1 to Decrmber 12 (Sundays included).

Muzzleloader, any thing that uses black powder or a substitute there of, with any ignition system and any sighting system, runs from December 15 to February 28.

General license provides an antlered tag. Antlerless tags based on WMU with allocations determined by DPSM with 10 DPSM = zero tags and allocations increasing with every extra 5 DPSM.

Hunting starts at age 12. No special early anything seasons.


And not doable.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/21 12:12:04 (permalink)
"Was wondering when you were coming back in. We are getting along. Just two guys talking and disagreeing is all". 
 post edited by dpms - 19 hours ago
Thanks for clarifying that.

You two ever get togeather for a beer?

If yinz get on the subject about 'youth hunting' I got a cute story that occured while I was standing in line waiting my turn for a license.

Still enjoy reading yinz opinions and thoughts. Doesn't take much "reading between the lines" to see yinz 'passion' for hunting The PA. Wilds.

Was just hooking the boat when out of nowhere, the thunder roared, the sky went from blue to really.... really dark and the rain fell like the proverbial cow and rock. Clearing off so, I gotta get.

Til next time...... Ever' body be Happy.... appy... appy!
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/07/21 14:02:45

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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/21 13:04:13 (permalink)
Don't know who us two you are referring to, but I never met anyone who is on the hunting boards. Fished with guys from the fishing side at the One Fly.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: semi auto rifles 2015/07/21 18:04:10 (permalink)
wayne c
 ...So, did you contact anyone about the Mt. Lebanon controlled hunt? lol

Spoke at length with the project manager today. It is going to be a small group of highly screened hunters with lots of time to hunt to start with. I am interested and they were interested in having me, but I can't devote the time they want from their initial hunters. Maybe as it expands, opportunities will open up for guys to get in there on a more casual basis. 

My rifle is a black rifle
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