New to Trolling

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2015/05/19 13:41:24 (permalink)

New to Trolling

Hello everyone, this will be my first post on the forum. I've been fishing Erie as long as I can remember and it's by far my favorite place to fish, but it's always been by drift fishing, which admittedly works very well to catch white bass and drum which the rough-fisherman in me loves catching. However, we decided that we wanted to started catching walleye more consistently than two per year and wanted to catch lake trout period. So, we decided to setup our boat for trolling.

We don't exactly have a fishing boat so it looks kind of odd with all kinds of trolling equipment on it, but it works for now haha. Anyway, we have a 215 express cruiser sea ray (22') with a 250hp Inboard/Outboard (we're docked in PA, not far from our beach cottage). Which really isn't a good motor for trolling but to avoid spending a grand on a trolling motor we bought a spring loaded trolling plate (troll-a-matic) in hopes of slowing down our minimum/trolling speed without slowing down our max cruising/travel speed, I'm hoping this plate will work well enough to troll slow enough. We also have a lowrance HDS-5 gen2 fish finder we just got as well to replace an old, broken, 17 year old hummingbird. We have 2 downriggers we got the other day (Cannon Easi-Troll STs) which I'm thinking won't have enough space to mount on the side of the boat and still be able to fit on our boat cover so we're currently building an 8' oak trolling board to mount the downriggers on that can be removed when not in use. I'm really hoping this board holds up as the way we are mounting it is we are attaching some hardwood dial rod to the oak board with brackets and the dial rod will slide into some 6" deep (2" diameter) flush mount stainless-steel rodholders that we have on the back of our boat for drift fishing. So, as you can see, we have a pretty "modified" speed boat that we're trying to make into a fishing boat (might be cheaper just to buy a used fishing boat lol).

Getting into the reason that I made this thread though. Both myself and my dad are both completely new to trolling and have never been fishing with anyone who trolls before so we know absolutely nothing about troll fishing erie (or anywhere for that matter) other than the very basic things. We really want to get some nice walleye this summer though and lake trout have always been a dream fish of mine even to just catch one in my life would make me happy (but let's hope that's not all I catch for all the money we just spent!). So, I'm looking for some advice from erie anglers here on the best ways, techniques, lures, places, etc to catch Lake Trout and Walleye on Erie, if you'd prefer not to share your best spots on here feel free to PM me and don't worry I won't fish out your spot, I'm often yelled at for releasing to many fish including every perch we catch all day haha.

But yes, pretty much any tips you guys have for a newb to trolling would be much appreciated! The next time we'll be up to erie for fishing will be this weekend from Friday-Monday (5/22 - 5/25) and then for the rest of the summer every or every other weekend. I'm up there pretty much whenever I'm not (scuba) diving.

To start out, I'm going to be focusing almost entirely on Lake Trout for this coming weekend and then mainly walleye for the weekends after that since I theorize after May it gets a bit hard to catch lake trout on the US side, correct me if I'm wrong though as I'd like to catch lake trout as long as I physically can on the US side this year regardless of water depth. My plan for lakers as of now is to fish the southern edge of the mountain (which I've never been to so I have to find first haha, if anyone has coordinates of a good place to start fishing at the mountain I'd really appreciate some!) and troll from East to West with Spoons around 1.5 mph. That's open to changes though if there's a better way to catch them, like I said I'm a catch and release fisherman so I just want to catch and put back as many lakers as I can this weekend before the season is over for them.

I'm also looking for any Walleye tips you guys have for all the weekends after this one because that's what I'll be targeting for the rest of the summer mainly. I haven't done much research into walleye yet as I've been busy looking up lake trout information lately.

Thanks for the help and here's hoping I'll have lots of pictures of fish from this weekend to show for it!


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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/19 22:59:41 (permalink)
    Ive never done the laker thing and haven't trolled for eyes in s few years. But practically grew up trolling Erie for Walleye. I'd suggest using the search function to get a few snippets of info on a good laker program. here's one w just a bit of info for you. . the walleye bite starts to heat up later into summer. The biggest numbers of good eyes are still to the west Right now. Downriggers are a good start. You'll also want planer boards(make your own ;) ) and dipsey divers. Trolling spoons, worm harnesses and deep diving long bodied crank baits are the lures of choice for eyes in summer. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than myself will chime in with more info for you. Good luck.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/20 09:09:50 (permalink)
    I'm pretty sure a dial rod wont stand up to the torque an 8' hardwood board and 2 riggers will put on it.  If you have flush mounted rod holders, look into a couple of quality gimbal mounts.
    If that plate doesnt work get yourself a pair of amish outfitters bags.  They will slow you down enough for sure, and some days catch you more fish.  I use them sometimes when its rough to prevent too much surge in my lines.
    Trolling can get complicated and very very expensive.  My best advice to you as someone starting out is to start with something basic, like 4 dipsy rods.  Look up out to properly calibrate your line counters and get a dive curve chart.(I cant stress this enough, if you don't calibrate your line counters then you have no idea where your lures are)  On each side you will have 1 rod on the inside on a 1.5 setting and 1 rod on the outside with 3.5 setting.  Once you get comfortable with this and have some success then move to another thing like planer boards.  
    If you really want to learn in a hurry book a charter.  Seriously. You will learn more in that 1 day than you would in a few summers of weekend fishing on your own.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/20 19:52:15 (permalink)
    Thanks for the responses guys!

    FishinGuy, no problem on planers, I'll be sure to pick some up before 'eye season starts. I've already got two dipsys so no problem there.

    freshwaterdrumR, I thought of that with the dial rod so we had a guy weld us 7" steel pipes on to the brackets which I can almost certainly say are not going anywhere, the dial rod might have snapped though, you're right :). Yes I've looked in to calibrating the lines and it seems like a good way would be to set the rod in the holder and have the lures right on the water then set it to zero, I've also printed out some depth charts for reef runners whenever we use those and I assume spoons go at whatever depth your weight is at. We only have 2 Downriggers and rods for now because that's all we can afford at the moment but once we get good at this we'll buy some more.

    This is probably a very newb question but once your line is attached to the release on the Downrigger and is going underwater then what is it that makes the rod double over if you are letting the line free spool, or are you supposed to keep the drag tight?
    post edited by Divemaster - 2015/05/20 19:54:21
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/20 23:14:09 (permalink)
    pm sent
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/20 23:34:11 (permalink)
    Actually he meant calibrating your reels so that you know the footage reading on then is accurate. Easiest done with a large spool of line and a 100 ft tape measure. Look it up on YouTube there's a bunch of videos. If your looking for mid sized planers check yellowbird website you can get blemished ones for cheap and work perfect just don't have the labels on them.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/21 08:51:03 (permalink)
    Here is a vid on calibrating. If you dont do this, then your linecounter may say 100' but you might really have 50' of line out, or even 150'.  Basically if you dont do this your linecounter is useless.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/21 09:41:07 (permalink)

    This is probably a very newb question but once your line is attached to the release on the Downrigger and is going underwater then what is it that makes the rod double over if you are letting the line free spool, or are you supposed to keep the drag tight?
    use free spool w/ clicker (or thumb the spool if the clicker is off) while the rigger is on its way down. Then take it out of free spool and reel down until your rod had a good bend in it. This puts tension on the releases making it easier for the fish to pull it out.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/21 11:59:27 (permalink)
    Looked at that line counter video now and that's going to be difficult to do. I've already got all the line on my reels that they can take and don't have enough extra to spool them both up again. Just going to hope they woke accurately I suppose. I have a feeling we're going to get skunked for the first few weekends doing this until we get good at it.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/21 12:38:03 (permalink)
    Just go out and try it with the tape measure. If they are completely spooled more times than not you actually hAve too much on
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/21 14:42:04 (permalink)
    If you don't get into any Lakers at the mountain, Raystown is always a good option. We caught them there through June in the past and again in the fall. Not the monsters like Erie has but I got a nice 30 incher there a few years back.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/21 14:46:57 (permalink)
    Bring back TopDog. He was the trollin master 

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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/21 16:50:11 (permalink)
    I'm fairly new to trolling as well, but a lot of the suggestions these guys gave are spot on. I do the tape measure thing as well to calibrate my line counters, but for me I do it so I know all my rods are the same. So if I am catching fish on one rod 150' back I can duplicate it on my other rods. I use mostly 4 dipsys and I use the same settings that were suggested above with the inside ones at a 1.5 setting and the 2 outer ones at a 3.5 setting. When using dipsys I think braided line is a must. I found that it was not productive to mix worm harnesses and spoons. The worm harnesses like a much slower speed than spoons and if you pull the worm harnesses at the faster speed the friction in the water just strips the worms right off. In fact I haven't used a worm harness in 3 years because I am much more productive with the spoons and or plugs. I also found that when trolling for walleye it is better to pull your lures over top of the fish rather than under them. A pro told me that a walleye will always feed up and never down. My favorite 3 lures are the Michigan Stinger Spoon in monkey puke color, Michigan Stinger Spoon in Watermelon with a copper back and a Watermellon colored Renosky. I hope these tips help. I also would only catch 1 or 2 per trip but now I am catching 10 to 15 once I learned a little. I know I still have a ton to learn.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/22 07:06:16 (permalink)
    Here is a vid on calibrating. If you dont do this, then your linecounter may say 100' but you might really have 50' of line out, or even 150'.  Basically if you dont do this your linecounter is useless.

    Maybe the most helpful post that I have read on this forum in years. Thanks J.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/22 20:34:39 (permalink)
    Anyone have coordinates for a good starting point at the mountain?
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/23 17:38:53 (permalink)
    Well, got trolling for the first time this morning. Trolled from 8:30am until 3:00pm without a single hit at the mountain. Our depth varied from 75 FOW to 108 FOW with 3" spoons suspended 10-20 feet above the bottom. Trolled at 1.2-1.8 mph but normally stayed 1.3-1.6. Saw a few on the fishfinder but no action. Was about 6 other boats out there with us and we saw 3 or so fish get landed but that was it. Talked to a friend of ours who trolls for walleye and he said it's probably because the lake is churned up from yesterday's winds. I'm hoping that's the case and it's not that we're THIS bad at it lol. Anyway, going to try again tomorrow, same place (mountain), any tips for that? It'd be nice to catch one laker this weekend but I'm not setting my expectations to high after today (did manage a jumbo perch on the way back after anchoring for 5 minutes so that was nice).
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/23 18:34:06 (permalink)
    Those speeds are too slow for spoons. Bump it up. We got around 20 and lost a bunch this morning out there.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/23 19:03:54 (permalink)
    Those speeds are too slow for spoons. Bump it up. We got around 20 and lost a bunch this morning out there.

    Oh wow! What speed would you recommend then? We actually had trouble going that slow with a 260 horse even with the trolling plate because if carbon buildup so no problem speeding up. Oh and what FOW and lure suspension were you getting most at, if you don't mind sharing?
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/23 19:22:13 (permalink)
    1.6-2.0 for paddles, 2.0-2.8 for spoons. We caught em all over. No particular depth. From on the bottom to suspended 20' from the bottom
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/23 19:27:01 (permalink)
    1.6-2.0 for paddles, 2.0-2.8 for spoons. We caught em all over. No particular depth. From on the bottom to suspended 20' from the bottom

    Wow, no wonder we weren't getting any action! I'll try around 2.4 mph tomorrow and go from 75-100 FOW over a few hours. Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it!
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/24 16:45:52 (permalink)
    Well, did much better today. 3 for 5 fishing from 7:00 am until 4:15 pm and only lost those two because our net is way to small (buying a larger one tomorrow). Biggest landed was 30" 12 pounds and lost one around 36" 14-16 pounds right next to the boat (literally 1.5' from the boat!). Caught them all on a 4" silver and green spoon in ~75 FOW trolling 2.3-2.6 mph. Weather permitting I'll get a few hours in back there in the morning otherwise I'll hit some walleye or perch and stay close to shore. I'll probably be back in 2 weeks and chase them out to however deep they are as they're the best fighting freshwater fish I've caught in my life! Thanks to everyone who gave me pointers and experience!
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/25 10:28:29 (permalink)
    Any predictions about where the lakers will be in 2 weeks? I'm willing to chase them all the way to the Canadian border as long as we're still fishing on the US side, I should be up the first weeknd in June and am hoping to catch a few then as well.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/25 23:00:36 (permalink)
    Why Lakers ? Slim balls,get a 30 lb king at Olcott now that's a fighting fish or a big steelhead near 20 lbs. As for deep water trolling riggers are great for salmoniods,but boards and dippsy are walleye killers. I fished everyway possible from 79_ 92 riggers,boards,dippsys,jet divers, wire, drop balls. I you don't have line counters you can count passes on your reel. You can run 3 line off each board,outside line set the farthest back inside the least. When you get a release on the boards let the eye get behind the boat before reeling. You can run 2 dippsys off each side  inside set at 1.5 out side set on 3,same as boards outside diver set farther back. Off the riggers you can use two rods off a rigger first one down set farthest back stack the second one  with a short  lead. Sliders are deadly on summer steelhead,set rigger with a spoon a slider is a short lead with a light flutter spoon,tie about 5 feet of line to a quality sampo snap swivel,open snap and attach to your rigger rod line it will find the belly of your rigger line. Also a three way rig can be deadly flat line,off the boards or dippy You'll need a 5 foot lead on the bottom with a deep diver plug,and a short 3 foot lead with a light spoon on top. Believe me  I caught many doubles on this rig back in the hay days of eye fishing the big pond. There's a ton of Lakers out  Barcelona  Ny.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/26 07:09:30 (permalink)
    Lake Trout are just very appealing to me since they're native, though I wouldn't mind catching a few salmon or steelhead. Erie, unfortunately, is lacking in the salmon department and catching Salmonids in the US waters in summer can be difficult I've heard.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/26 22:45:37 (permalink)
     I went to  Olcott  NY lake  Ontario from spring to fall and caught hundreds of salmon and steelhead . Very easy to catch once you figure a pattern,spring kings 16-20 lbs,late summer and fall they get 25-30 lbs.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/27 07:04:35 (permalink)
    That'd be some nice fishing but our boat is docked in Erie because we own a beachfront cottage there so we don't really plan on moving it's location. I could possibly run it over to Ontario for a weekend after we pull it out before it's winterized but that's about it.
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/05/27 12:03:28 (permalink)
    Has anyone ever read this article, if so is it pretty accurate?

    After reading it it seems very well put together but I see that out of over 3,000 reviews it only got a 3/10 and I can't figure out why, is the information incorrect?
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    Re: New to Trolling 2015/06/09 23:07:51 (permalink)
    Bump for above ^ post.
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