snaggers beware

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Re: snaggers beware 2014/11/14 12:35:29 (permalink)
I don't change my speed when i see a police car....if i get a fine so be it.  I think those who jam on the breaks are idiots.
That being said...everything about the political system is corrupt including how fines and money is dispersed.  It will not change as long as those elected to "rule" do so with their own self interest in mind make the calls.

wishin i was fishin
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Re: snaggers beware 2014/11/14 13:20:43 (permalink)
Fines aren't kept by the le that issues tickets to avoid those agencies from doing blitzes for STUFF and the ticketers themselves when wanting a new contract.
The general fund is were money from tickets should properly go.
No 'special' enforcement for dubious reasons including 'quotas' that reflect in ones annual evaluation used in promotional situations, for example..
That said a  local community can pass ordinance with fines to their general fund.
Those fines are generally much lower by statute than the similar   state offence but failure to pay results in an arrest warrant just like the state .
For example here in Ct the local littering ordinance is generally $25 while the state fine is $300.
Could never figure out why Pulaski and Altmar don't have such ordinances eagerly  enforced locally at the lower rate with city tickets and enrich their coffers.
Yes --I just changed the subject a bit  but the litterers are commonly the outright snaggers as well. A common kinda mindset.
LE has a 'broken window' theory wherein ya enforce the smaller stuff and the bigger stuff seems to diminish greatly---same people.
 Burglars don't relish communities that enforce their traffic laws sternly- they stay away from 'active LE.
Put that into the  local ordinance perspective and some with guilty conscience will see LE behind every tree.
post edited by r3g3 - 2014/11/14 13:27:28
hot tuna
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Re: snaggers beware 2014/11/14 13:46:27 (permalink)
All good points from those who know.
As for the young man, he payed no attention to us and slashed away. Hearing that he might get wet only made him move away but didn't change his mentality . I'm sure a stronger presence would have. I see it all the time, guys looking over their shoulder to see if " the man" is watching.

Another one ,
While we were waiting around the parking lot of LFZ, there were 2 guys fishing in the LFZ with spinning rods. I tried to say to one that you need to fish the other side of the bridge with that gear. He ignored me and kept walking upstream.
Another angler walked over to the guy and tried to explain the same but they guy starting talking in Asian and kept walking like he didn't understand,. So the angler goes over to the other guy and gets him to understand. Well he obviously did because he goes to his car and comes back with a fly rod.
Now the angler goes back to the first guy and tries again but the dude with spinning gear just waves his arms like no understand and keeps fishing anyway. Again , he knew but just didn't care unless it was someone with a uniform that could punish him .

Oh well, The river has come a VERY long way since 1980 but I guess in some ways thing may never change except the good anglers get frustrated and decide to find other waters.
Its a river of big fish which draw ppl from all over. I hear many say its not just about the catching . I too feel the same, it's the frustration of idiots that limits my time there these days , not the fish or lack of .

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: snaggers beware 2014/11/14 13:59:31 (permalink)
When I took a look at the Church pool last week it was to scope out the crowd and likely fish there for the first time  in a long while-I scoped and then scooted.
Same tactics as everywhere else and much more crowded-yea more fish but the atmosphere was lousy.
The best was the guy with 3 large weights flipping blue sacs off Clints rock while shouting back and forth with  a guy on the other side for everyone in the pool to hear, ad nauseam.
Watched and listened for bout 20 minutes and went back into the brush way down river-no fish and no aggravation- nice time too.
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Re: snaggers beware 2014/11/15 16:15:52 (permalink)
From what Ive gathered the hearings for the fishing violations are all heard and mandatory appearance is instilled.

Back to the police state topic... I feel as if there are not enough enforcers to keep their eyes on every street and alleyway in this country... Let alone every stream and river to be sure that everyone is "not" breaking the law. Don't see why it should turn in to a "what do you have to hide" question. I'm kinda with tuna as well as many others I know... This river has become more of a chore than a fun pass time. Its too often I actually have free time to wet a line and pass on it... Not worth the hassle or the nonsense that so often comes along with it. Never thought the day would come but when politics and mass opinions start flooding an activity that should be fun, for me the fun is usually lost...
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Re: snaggers beware 2014/11/15 17:47:14 (permalink)
If this is a general consensus Draketrutta was right.
Lucky what were you thinking 25 years ago when you made up a fishing club to get a voice at the conservation league and getting the definition word for word into the reg book that lifting was snagging.
Why did you bother.
Its all about me and my fun and I don't want to have to give anything to have it.
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