Helpful ReplyWalnut

harley 45
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2014/10/29 11:00:35 (permalink)


Fishing on walnut creek took my girlfriend hoping she would land her first steelhead. But conditions where low and clear with very few fish im talking about the first two holes on walnut maybe 20 fish in the falls? The runs get smaller every year? I remember when they where think as thieves? Where are all the fish? I will tell you,when everyone keeps 3 fish per day,every day they fish through 4months from oct-jan add that up let some go guys its all about the fight not the smoker or the frying pan? They should pass and enforce catch and release only for a few years so the fish come back. Good luck to all this fall season and let some go ok

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Re: Walnut 2014/10/30 08:15:47 (permalink)
i'll just leave this here, interesting
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Re: Walnut 2014/10/30 08:41:57 (permalink)
Jis take out yur handy dandy white wooly bugger

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Re: Walnut 2014/10/30 10:27:58 (permalink)
I keep one once in awhile.  But does anyone actually read the consumption advisories?  Eat too many slimers (or any other erie fish), u may get some nasty things skimming in your body.  

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Re: Walnut 2014/10/30 13:43:36 (permalink)
One thing to consider too, is low clear conditions cause fish to drop back out to the lake. Not all of them stay in the streams. I've seen thousands of fish in the creek one day to return three days latter and there were very few. They all didn't get caught or more upstream. some do drop back down too.
So if conditions were low and clear on the lower nut, chances are they moved up in high water or dropped back down when it started getting lower.
The lower sections are good to fish when the water is rising and fresh fish are moving in, once it drops try further upstream for the ones that moved up.
Or wade the lake if the wind is right for wading.
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Re: Walnut 2014/10/30 14:32:35 (permalink)
I keep one once in awhile.  But does anyone actually read the consumption advisories?  Eat too many slimers (or any other erie fish), u may get some nasty things skimming in your body.  

i really dont even consider the risk. after three decades of putting nasty things in my body like tobacco, alcohol, hot dogs, burgers, etc, i'll take the risk of eating walleye and steel. naive?? may
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Re: Walnut 2014/10/30 15:20:39 (permalink)
Most fish from the grocery store are from Indonesia, China or Vietnam.  I'd take my chances on Erie over any of them.  That said, I have never eaten more than 2 in a year.  Those 2 are smoked and shared, so I maybe get two servings for myself.  I'd be more concerned about eating walleye 2-3 times per week.  If I could catch enough eyes to eat that much, I'd do it...  
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Re: Walnut 2014/10/30 15:51:07 (permalink)
I agree 100% with OP. There are still plenty of fish to catch at any given moment throughout all of the tribs, but not nearly as many as in early 2000's. My first Erie experience was at the walnut marina. I remember people were lined up shoulder to shoulder all the way around. Better yet, it seemed like guys would catch fish every so often. Now, I rarely ever see people fishing there. I am thankful I had the chance to learn how to catch these fish during the hay day. If I had to start from scratch today, given number of fish and dwindling public access, I don't think I would have become as addicted to it. Just .02.
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Re: Walnut 2014/10/30 17:49:02 (permalink)
there was an interesting article in last months In-Fisherman dealing with a study done on catch and release northern pike in germany.  if you think catch and release doesn't affect the fish, you might want to read this.  of course it doesn't affect the population like putting them on a stringer does, but it isn't a completely harmless practice.
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Re: Walnut 2014/10/31 08:23:22 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Chriswalker97 2014/11/02 16:46:17
I am thankful I had the chance to learn how to catch these fish during the hay day. 

In the mid to late 80s, when I first started, you could actually be all by yourself on a weekend mid day, by taking a short walk from lower Elk or Walnut parking areas.  Half the fish were steel head and half were salmon.  In the 90s, there were more people and less salmon, but figured out that you could fish 5 miles upstream on a Saturday, and have 200 yard stretch to yourself.  Fishing on a weekday, meant seeing one or two other people all day fishing upstream.  By the hay day of the early 2000s, most of this land was posted, and fishing on a weekend involved sharing a hole with at least one other person.  Fishing within a mile of the lake, any day of the week, meant holding hands with your neighbor.  I guess different idea of hay day for me.  I heard in the 70's, they'd jump in your cooler and hand you a beer.  60's were the same, but spark a doob for you.
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Re: Walnut 2014/10/31 08:29:53 (permalink)
think about how many huge fish there would be if they had the chance to come back next year 
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Re: Walnut 2014/10/31 09:46:19 (permalink)
Ain't the new tourism industry in PA. WONDERFUL?


Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Walnut 2014/11/29 19:28:38 (permalink)
I am thankful I had the chance to learn how to catch these fish during the hay day. 

In the mid to late 80s, when I first started, you could actually be all by yourself on a weekend mid day, by taking a short walk from lower Elk or Walnut parking areas.  Half the fish were steel head and half were salmon.  In the 90s, there were more people and less salmon, but figured out that you could fish 5 miles upstream on a Saturday, and have 200 yard stretch to yourself.  Fishing on a weekday, meant seeing one or two other people all day fishing upstream.  By the hay day of the early 2000s, most of this land was posted, and fishing on a weekend involved sharing a hole with at least one other person.  Fishing within a mile of the lake, any day of the week, meant holding hands with your neighbor.  I guess different idea of hay day for me.  I heard in the 70's, they'd jump in your cooler and hand you a beer.  60's were the same, but spark a doob for you.

Now THATS what I been lookin for...a fish to hand me a beer AND spark up a the good old days

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Re: Walnut 2014/11/29 19:30:53 (permalink)
Where are all the fish? The old members must not be around much anymore theyd have a field day with that comment lmao

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Re: Walnut 2014/11/29 20:59:14 (permalink)
there is a phenomenon in Pa known as "Drag and Brag".I fish Ohio and New York as much as Pa and Pa fisherman easily rope the most fish.It is the opening day mentality.Sad part is most of those fish go to waste anyway.I was letting all the fish go one day on Elk creek,and some dude actually said,"so you are one of those guys."There are still plenty of fish,but think how great the fishing would be if hundreds of fish didn't get roped daily.As stated earlier, Pa still has fantastic runs of fish,just way more dudes roping them.
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Re: Walnut 2014/11/29 23:57:06 (permalink)
This horse has been beat every year! No one answer will fix this issue. One guy says there are plenty of fish the next 2 guys can't get a hit. No doubt fish numbers are down compared to past years but some areas have a decent number of fish around. Fish don't hold in one area very long before they move on especially when water flows go up. The biggest issue I think is Creek access . One must realize that on Elk Creek from I-90 to the lower bend below Follies is all posted water! Not to mention the RR Tubes above Rt. 5. Look at a satellite map and realize just how much water that covers ! There could be hundreds of fish holding in those waters steady and I'm sure there is. I've walked and fished those areas back in the day and they load up with big numbers of Steelhead as the season and weather progress. I've seen those holes and runs stacked with Steelhead and there are lots of beautiful runs and deep holes in that entire stretch.  So once fish move up and hold in those areas the rest of the creek goes pretty dry with fish numbers until they move up or down. With less access more fishermen squeeze the open areas and pound the fish in those spots day in and day out seven days a week! Some of these fish are hammered looking and have probably been caught and released several times. Others aren't so lucky the go for walk out on the stringer but so goes the cycle of put and take. Expect Erie Steelhead fishing to stay this way into the future as creek access diminishes.
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Re: Walnut 2014/11/30 00:27:32 (permalink)
I am for 1 fish a day it would make a difference seen it in NY.
Captain Hook is right its about less access more fisherman in accessible areas pushing the steel into private waters where they can do their thing "LESS" harassed.
These fish do react to pressure ...
I still have fun when I go out but #'s are down no doubt.
Enjoy what is available...WCW
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Re: Walnut 2014/11/30 00:30:32 (permalink)
A few glimpses of beautiful past open fishing areas. Posted for years now.


Access to these areas is gone for most fishermen including's too bad other fishermen won't get the enjoyment I experienced years past !   Captain Hook
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Re: Walnut 2014/11/30 13:55:44 (permalink)
would love to see a one fish limit.
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