Walleye tactics now

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2014/07/11 12:12:58 (permalink)

Walleye tactics now

I am heading up on 7/12 and going out of either Northeast or Presqule bay.  Just wondering if anyone has a handle on what is working right now.  I have one down rigger and and a planer board and mast set along with dipsy divers.
Any feedback would be appreciated!

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    Re: Walleye tactics now 2016/07/13 17:35:02 (permalink)
    My suggestion would be the fishing reports section of Fish USA. I regularly check this before I go out. This will give you an idea on what's going on with the fishing currently. I like to think of this as more than a bragging board. When I've posted my results I try to put in what I was using, general location, and depth. I'm no expert but I've found early season they don't like anything near the boat so I set my dipsey divers at the maximum setting and use lead core with planner boards to get my lures away from the boat. Later in the season as the fish begin to run deeper I start using down riggers with DD's and LC. The next step is setting your rigs  to the proper depth by the amount of line let out. (line counters important) There are several manuals that can help you with this. I have two, Precision Trolling Big Water edition #2 which deals mainly with devices to get your lures down and Precison Trolling edition #6 which has depth charts on the majority of lures used. There are newer editions (mine are a little dated) and other reference manuals and apps out there. GPS is also critical as you want to duplicate any success not only with lure selection, depth of both location and lure is running, but speed and abililty to repeat what you just did. Hope you get others smarter than me to also help you out. Good fishing!
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    Re: Walleye tactics now 2016/07/16 00:19:00 (permalink)
    There are 3 or 4 local Face Book sites that I use along with the FishErie reports.
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    Re: Walleye tactics now 2016/07/16 07:33:55 (permalink)
    "Walleye tactics NOW" first reply to thread, 2 years later... nice.
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    Re: Walleye tactics now 2016/07/16 08:02:16 (permalink)
    Wellllllllll Fishinguy you know what, they say in the old country.
    Better late then never. 

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
      Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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    Re: Walleye tactics now 2016/07/23 12:05:36 (permalink)
    2014 mid July, lemme recall. OMG it was epic. There wasnt much you couldnt blast em on, and anywhere you wanted in PA waters.
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    Re: Walleye tactics now 2016/07/27 09:58:20 (permalink)
    BloodyHand,  lol, I don't know if that was sarcasm or not but you hit the nail on the head.  We had so many perch and walleye in our freezers I put the boat away at the end of August.  That was my first year with lead core and in-line planers and we were filling our coolers with eyes every trip out.  Unfortunately 2015 didn't shape up anywhere near 2014 and 2016 is not looking much better according to the reports.  After losing my grandson's dad and main fishing buddy last summer, I haven't even been motivated to put the boat in this year.
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    Re: Walleye tactics now 2016/08/04 15:42:46 (permalink)
    Thanks for the feedback everyone!
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