More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/19 15:26:46
IMO, Bechtel should be fired along with the Governor's legal team that originally okayed this agreement, Sclemmer and Putnum should step-down from their positions, amd Roe should be called to testify at a hearing regarding this whole debacle.
post edited by dpms - 2014/03/19 15:28:05
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/19 16:01:11
Now I see they wanted the extra money from Crossbow inclusion......
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/19 17:39:01
wayne c
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/19 18:21:32
"let's see if I have this right Wayne.... a lawyer recommends to our club that we stop selling refreshments... we have a vote and everyone decides to do just that stop selling beverages.. then some folks complain... according to you it's the lawyers fault.. even though WE voted on it ????? REALLY ???" No. As usual, you are way out in left field there. I would expect your club not to be idiots and scoff at the idea of it not being legal to sell refreshments, on the other hand, I don't think anyone expect volunteer commissions to be experts on pgc law as it pertains to executive director removal. " I think we have another example of things Wayne makes up.... LOL... who and when was he FIRED !!!! I thought/read he retired ???? LOL" Forced retirement is fired. But if you prefer your hero painted in a different light, feel free to use whatever terminology youd like. lol.
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/19 18:23:01
Better yet would be a Fish and Game Agency absorbing the DCNR, just make it a sub section of Fish and Game.. We don't want those nuts in charge of our forests and streams..
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
wayne c
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/19 18:24:28
dpms IMO, Bechtel should be fired along with the Governor's legal team that originally okayed this agreement, Sclemmer and Putnum should step-down from their positions, amd Roe should be called to testify at a hearing regarding this whole debacle.
I haven't had the chance to read a lot of the most recent happenings of today, but unless something changes, thusfar, Im with you on Bechtel and whatever others he worked with on this. As for the commissioners what are you pointing out those two in particular?
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/19 18:28:54
Just in process of watching the "deer hearing" recorded earlier today. Found it hilarious dubrock wanted to hang his hat on us being "number two" in deer harvest in the nation... Then awhile later, in a different line of questioning, States that Pa is one of very few other states that adds in for nonreporting, and estimate the harvests, huge majority just give the actual count of reports.... In the first statement it was apparently convenient to give the shock and awe value of such a great rank. The second statement, long after the first was forgotten, was made because they wanted to show how much more attention they give than other states to harvest numbers... But he didn't quite point out the problem when you mesh the two statements together. L-M-A-O! Ol' Alabama Schell is now getting her posterior handed to her! lmao. Causer says PFSC is IRRELEVENT, and other legiscritters cant figure out why shes even here testifying when shes from Alabama. lol. I would suggest the hearing, as must watch tv. lmao. Its good to see sportsmen have some friends on the legislature.
post edited by wayne c - 2014/03/19 20:32:32
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/19 20:34:50
wayne c As for the commissioners what are you pointing out those two in particular?
Pres and vice pres.
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/19 20:38:37
wayne c Ol' Alabama Schell is now getting her posterior handed to her! lmao. Causer says PFSC is IRRELEVENT, and other legiscritters cant figure out why shes even here testifying when shes from Alabama. lol. Did Causer really say that input from sportsmens clubs is irrelevant to the discussion?
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/19 22:27:53
"Pres and vice pres." Totally meaningless. They can accomplish nothing alone, based on those postions. A board position is a board position and the vote of a commissioner with no rank is the same as a vote from the president. 1 vote. I have kinda noticed some of y'all don't particularly like Schlemmer very well. lol. Not sure whose soup he peed in, but he seems to be the object of a long term and chronic witch hunt by some, even long prior to this. lol. I really don't know what its all about, or if its deserved or not, so will reserve comment. "Did Causer really say that input from sportsmens clubs is irrelevant to the discussion?" No. He spoke of pfsc, which is an environmental group.;>). But his comment was in response to some things that were said. He was mad about some of Mels testimony, and I think rightfully so. It was pretty offensive towards the legislators. He said something along the lines of "some legislators" feel that way and if you watch the clip, he is clearly including himself in that mix Id say, watch the facial expressions also. lol. He (pretty sure it was also causer, a lot was going on and not going back to look) called her out for being condescending and also for being hypocrititcal when it came to supporting legislators taking action when convenient, but supposedly opposing management by legislation when its not. I don't want to mislead ya as to context, Id suggest watching it yourself. The commentary addressing her by causer starts at 1:47:30
post edited by wayne c - 2014/03/19 22:40:27
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/19 23:17:08
Btw, according to Melody, their little "poll" of members with voting rights these were the results Support 3 day doe season---- 99% opposed. Changing wmus------99% opposed going to msy management---98% opposed... All I can say to that is hahahahahaha! Anyone who would say they believe those kind of landslide figures in that direction or for that matter either direction, from any large groups of HUNTERS, would either be trying to fool someone, or a few bricks shy of a load. lol. I liked the one legislators reaction. I think he was about ready to fall out of his chair. lol.
post edited by wayne c - 2014/03/19 23:19:34
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/19 23:44:17
you STILL do not understand how they do their voting ..... We talked about all the up coming PFSC resolution for the spring convention tonight at our sportsmen's meeting and as for those 3... would agree with the "pool" We would be opposed to all 3 == as well as any coyote bounty, removing antler restrictions for senior hunters, and allocating doe tags by county instead of WMUs
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 01:11:11
Trust me doc. I know ALL that I need to know about that group and their "voting". I just relayed the results as provided according to Ms. Schell, this morning at the house game & fisheries deer hearing, comical although they may be, and don't see how that in any way pertains to your spring convention. She presented them as individual issues and gave percentages you couldn't find on mars. lol. Anyone who heard those results and believes it in ANY WAY represents sportsmen of Pa overall on each and every one of those issues, and by 98 and 99% margin no smokin' somethin' a might powerful. lol. Their credibility with most, including legislators has been a a downward decline for a while now. I think its about bottomed out completely very soon. I thought you learnt your lesson doc, a while back you said you were done with 'em, or your club dropped out etc.. So you are back in? Bad move chief. Bad move. Better off joining Peta imo.
post edited by wayne c - 2014/03/20 01:12:41
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 07:54:02
No... we (club) and I are still not members... I sort of agree that they are not what they used to be... that said, hunters as an entire group are not what they use to be either... the world and our sport of hunting is changing.... I can not image Mel said that the "vote" represented all the hunters in Pa.. that would be stupid.. you posted she said of those eligible to vote.. and don't see how that in any way pertains to your spring convention as for not having to do with the spring convention.. again you don't know what you think you know...the "poll" was probably the results of all the clubs/individual members taking a position on all the resolutions they will be voting on .. there is a total of about 15 this year ?????? I brought up the spring convention at the meeting only because it still deals with what is going on in Harrisburg with politicians and the PGC... and it continues to give me input on local hunters thoughts on hunting issues... for the last time here is an example of how they vote... let's say there are 1,000 individual members, each one is allowed one vote,,,, that vote is given to the delegate who presents all the individual members... so let's say it is a GOOD year and 450 send in their vote.. it breaks down like this == 49 do not care one way or the other... 201 vote YES and 200 vote NO.. The delegate at large (what that person is called) goes and cast ONE vote for YES.... the 200 NOs kind of get lost in the shuffle..... So 25 total delegates (IDK) each get one vote and that is what they got from their particular results for clubs in their areas... easy to see how it could be 98% or 99% ... but in reality there may have been many No votes... just not that 1 extra in each group... I do know this.... before I quit and Les Haas (RIP) was the delegate for individual members he told me that much less than 10% of the total individual members took the time or interest to even give their opinions on issues ( i.e. VOTE) I also know that the local delegate representing Jefferson County Area represents only 2 sportmens club now in Jefferson County and cast the vote for what the simple majority of those 2 clubs vote...
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 08:39:12
getting hunters opinions === let's take a minute and look at that subject.. just how would one go about doing that.... currently the PGC (IMHO) uses public meetings (open houses), sportsmens shows booths, e-mails ,personal letters, and random mailed hunter surveys... that in my opinion is not too bad of a way to get input... but like most methods and polls, it is still only a general view... how many hunters do not go to shows, meetings, don't take time to write... so their opinions are not counted.. let's look at other ways... We have two large sportsmens organizations... I already posted how one gets input, I have also mentioned in the past how I experienced the others methods... at a show I appeared to be anti-PGC and was handed 6 surveys and told to 'just make up names and addresses'... how about using the internet == well this site has almost 38,000 members and we have what maybe 15 that are active or even READ something in the hunting sections. So we have no way of knowing what the other 37,985 thing about any issue oh wait... an internet poll.... yeah that will let us know how hunters feel... NOT.. there is still a large section of older hunters that do not even have or use a computer... there goes their opinions.. on most internet polls you can vote as often as you like by using two methods... the ones that allow a vote ever day.. like the recent PFBC vote on color of badges that did not prohibit more than one vote. .. I like Teal.. so I voted everyday for TEAL... the others are the ones that you can vote for every username or E-mail address that you have .... as for e-mails that gives me 4 votes... only have 1 username, not like some others here... LOL even on the few polls that appear here.. not even close to 10% of the members vote.... so... all that said... just how would you go about getting a better picture of what hunters or even anglers think on a subject... I say random mailed surveys are the best, but they cost money ...... and I wonder just how many of them are never filled out or returned ?? Here in Pa we can not even get 1/2 our successful deer hunters to report their harvest oh I forgot --- there will be the fill out the survey when you get your license folks ... well folks I invited any of you to come spend time this fall with me when we are selling hunting licenses and listen to the answers I get when asking the simple survey questions for migratory bird stamps... yep.. even though they had a stamp last year 90% of them did not hunt anything, they will not even say they did not SHOOT any.. they just say they did not hunt.. the other 10% only shot one or two of the species asked about... BUT... it looks like based.. on the questions.. if you do go out and hunt there is a 100% success rate of at least one harvest.... the other question we ask for furtaker license is are you buying this license to HUNT furbearers... they all say... NO.. what's that all about ????? REALLY.. no one is buying it to shoot a raccoon or other furbearer ???? what's you thoughts ????
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2014/03/20 08:44:12
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 11:14:43
wayne c Totally meaningless. They can accomplish nothing alone, based on those postions. A board position is a board position and the vote of a commissioner with no rank is the same as a vote from the president. Don't think so. Many a president and/or vice president have fallen for questionable actions that have occurred under their watch. I have kinda noticed some of y'all don't particularly like Schlemmer very well. lol. Not sure whose soup he peed in, but he seems to be the object of a long term and chronic witch hunt by some, even long prior to this. lol. I know you are famous for selective snips, but in case you haven't noticed, I have been pretty hard on Roe as well for taking our money to shut up and Bechtel. As far as witch hunts, some do gun for Schlemmer chronically, but I am not one of them. If anyone truly knows about chronic witch hunts, it would be you, the witch hunt master himself, lol. I don't know how you keep all of your aliases straight. Causer has got to be the most condescending and hypocritical member of game and fish. The smirk that he tries to hide as he attempts to dismantle the PGC shows right through as does the smugness in his spoken words. With that said, he does have a role, which is oversight and I did ask him for a hearing into all of the recent allegations flying around over the settlement. I suspect he had his hand in it, though, so that may not happen.
post edited by dpms - 2014/03/20 11:50:28
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 13:45:04
WOW.. just took the time to watch the hearing that Wayne provided a link too..... talk about some IGNORANT people and remarks.... how about the comment when talking about county treasurers and the doe licenses issues.. the Unified president made this comment... the kid at Walmart with 15 earrings can't help me.. #1 == even I can not help him with regards to doe licenses problems and I have NO earrings... that is totally a county treasurer issue.. so what was the point in insulting the Walmart employees who sell licenses.. ?? as also mentioned -- let folks but their doe license through PALS.. and I certainly can help as could the dude with all the earrings .. I also noted that Mel said she was even surprised at the "votes" being 98% and 99% on some issues... but also mentioned that folks opposed to things are more likely to be the ones voicing their opinions.. a very good point !!!! One politician mentioned some PFSC lobbiest called him - "anti-family" --- and he breaks bad on Mel ?????? what did she have to do with it ??? She's just a spokesperson and editor of the magazine... Go talk to the man that said it ..that is.. IF you have "the you know whats" to do that.. much easier to play tough guy when talking to a lady I guess... I was really disappointed in much of the negative and insulting remarks made by MANY.... I did like the idea from PFSC that many seniors feel insulted that we would need removed from antler restrictions in order to harvest a buck... like there is something wrong us... I did like the smart****remark to the unified guy... "what's the difference between doe and a spike to a senior hunter" ... The best === the unified prez mentioning his girlfriend (why) could verify that he gets 3 or 4 phone calls A WEEK from unsatisfied sportsmen... REALLY==== you the Prez and that is all you hear from... SAD ..... I did get some laughs, so it was not a TOTAL waste of time.. but it also re-enforced why I do not want those guys making game and hunting decisions..
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2014/03/20 13:57:05
wayne c
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 16:09:37
"so... all that said... just how would you go about getting a better picture of what hunters or even anglers think on a subject..." Ask someone other than Pfsc.
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 16:41:31
"Many a president and/or vice president have fallen for questionable actions that have occurred under their watch." absolutely. And many others HAVENT. That depends on the particulars. That doesn't mean it should be the blanket approach at every agency or organization no matter what. And this is an instance where it really wouldn't make a lick of sense, at least it doesn't so far, unless we find out otherwise. We either want blame placed where blames due, or maybe some want to punish others for "Other" misdeeds that really aren't, but hurt somes feelings on other issues... If anyone truly knows about chronic witch hunts, it would be you, the witch hunt master himself, lol. I don't know how you keep all of your aliases straight. Seriously? That's hilarious. If you think I have another aliase, tell a mod here, and have it/them remove it. Till then, youre flappin' your gums. I guess I hit a nerve via providing the facts. Not even going to dignify such ignorance considering how many aliases YOU and some of your friends use. How many are Gal and your buddy dutch up to know? How many dozen on hpa alone? hahaha. How many on pfsc? Not counting all the ones that have been added to pad the member stats of the board every day that aren't even activated! haha. Cat got your toungue there, I mean trophyhunter, mountain... er, I mean dpms. Still laughin you even had the gall to say that... n'at... No need to take out your frustrations over pfsc getting S-P-A-N-K-E-D at the hearing, not my doing pal. And I go on no witch hunts. I speak the truth the whole truth and nothing but. That doesn't always sit well with agendas though I guess. Causer has got to be the most condescending and hypocritical member of game and fish Its funny you weren't screaming about it until he spanked pfsc on their heiny though? I think more legislators should speak up when it comes to wrong-doing. You whine when they enable corruption, then whine when they try to reign it in. They just cant win with some people. "With that said, he does have a role, which is oversight" I agree, and oversight includes potential for actions being taken to address problematic issues. Otherwise your "oversight" is NO oversight. "I suspect he had his hand in it, though, so that may not happen. " It seems EVERYONE that pfsc doesn't like for one reason or another "probably had a hand in it" from what I have read on the internet lately. lmao. All these people, senators, reps, commissioners, mostly eveil republican gas industry lovers according to some....and all ones not the best of friends with pfsc. Also the governor is involved according to many of the pfsc. That evil conservative repub! Yep...those are ALL things Ive read according to the same few. So is the president also involved? Oh, no, that's right, hes a liberal dem. Hes "cool" and down with the good guys. Hes no fossil fuel proponent, So he definitely isn't trying to destroy the pgc. lol.
post edited by wayne c - 2014/03/20 16:54:59
wayne c
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 16:49:38
talk about some IGNORANT people and remarks.... I told you pfsc was out in left field doc. #1 == even I can not help him with regards to doe licenses problems and I have NO earrings... that is totally a county treasurer issue.. so what was the point in insulting the Walmart employees who sell licenses.. ?? Deer management is all political doc. Do you think the kid with 15 earings would be a lib or conservative? Im guessing he wont be voting Corbett. lol. I also noted that Mel said she was even surprised at the "votes" being 98% and 99% on some issues... Yeah, she was real shocked. lmao. The same type comical nonrepresentative type of voting results have been the norm from them for several years now. 99% on these isn't shocking. Its actually quite funny imho. I did like the smart****remark to the unified guy... "what's the difference between doe and a spike to a senior hunter" ... Yeah, pfsc's "boy" Haluska there. Thank goodness he isn't seeking re-election. Im sure he'll be greatly missed after having been a thorn in hunters buttocks the last few years especially with his goofiness. Although on the issue itself, I do agree, I don't support changes to ar. World wont end if they do, but if given the choice, that's one thing I personally would choose to leave as is.
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 17:37:19
Oh I forgot another good one.. how about Rep Lucas presenting a resolution about opening rifle season on Saturday then in his own comments admits most folks he heard from were against it .... LOL so why did he make the resolution ???? yeah I want these guys running our game management decisions .... he simple voiced HIS opinion by making a resolution...
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 17:52:57
my guess= the kid with 15 earrings does not even vote... You must admit it was not a very nice thing to say.. PERIOD.... compared to the unified guy at least Mel was in the ballpark in left field...that guy was out in the parking lot tail-gating... I was surprised to hear after the 98% and 99% votes it was only 87% opposing allowing senior to shoot any buck and only 75% opposed to closing public land to DMAPS .... ?? I was happy to hear someone say that some private landowners were abusing the DMAP system.. many around here are doing that..
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 18:22:41
wayne c Seriously? That's hilarious. If you think I have another aliase, tell a mod here, and have it/them remove it. Till then, youre flappin' your gums. Ya, seriously. Never said anything about here....... Not even going to dignify such ignorance considering how many aliases YOU and some of your friends use. How many are Gal and your buddy dutch up to know? How many dozen on hpa alone? hahaha. How many on pfsc? Not counting all the ones that have been added to pad the member stats of the board every day that aren't even activated! haha. I don't know who you are referring to as friends? I am not friends with the two you mentioned. I actually could care less about how many they have. I was talking about you and your "witch hunt" comment and how you have made it a mission to follow folks around on every message board that lets you sign up to continue with your witch hunt and every magazine or press article that allows comments so that you can continue with your witch hunt under different aliases. Hahaha.... Cat got your toungue there, I mean trophyhunter, mountain... er, I mean dpms. Still laughin you even had the gall to say that... n'at... No need to take out your frustrations over pfsc getting S-P-A-N-K-E-D at the hearing, not my doing pal. Again I am not a member of the PFSC and I have two screennames anywhere where you may find me. DPMS and Ridgecommander. How many do you have, lol!! The PFSC are adults, they can defend themselves. And I go on no witch hunts. I speak the truth the whole truth and nothing but. That doesn't always sit well with agendas though I guess. LOL. Its funny you weren't screaming about it until he spanked pfsc on their heiny though? I think more legislators should speak up when it comes to wrong-doing. You whine when they enable corruption, then whine when they try to reign it in. They just cant win with some people. Clueless as to my views and past statements on Causer. But you are quick to assume for your agenda. I called Causer out on a PCN call in program many moons ago for the exact same thing. It seems EVERYONE that pfsc doesn't like for one reason or another "probably had a hand in it" from what I have read on the internet lately. lmao. All these people, senators, reps, commissioners, mostly eveil republican gas industry lovers according to some....and all ones not the best of friends with pfsc. Also the governor is involved according to many of the pfsc. That evil conservative repub! Yep...those are ALL things Ive read according to the same few. I don't represent the PFSC nor am I a member. I think I may have mentioned that? My personal opinion is there are several legislators with their hand in this fiasco and that is why I would be shocked if we got the whole story on what actually occured.
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 18:28:53
"my guess= the kid with 15 earrings does not even vote... You must admit it was not a very nice thing to say.. PERIOD...." If a kid had 15 earrings and had no clue what he was doing when it came to knowledge of a hunting license transaction, what is the problem with someone saying so?? I think we have all experienced it through the years, perhaps with a few less earrings involved. Lets face it, not all sporting good dept. clerks are geniuses, and no, that's not very nice, and no, I don't really care. (lol) Hurting some hypothetical persons feelings should be the least of our concerns when addressing these important issues, unless someone just wants to sidetrack the conversation in the name of petty personal vendettas? I also disagree about the kids with 15 earrings not voting... who do you think it was that got same sex marriage legalized in some states by voting in liberals? It wasn't the 50 year old men with no earrings carrying the bible in one arm and his Remington in the other. lol.
post edited by wayne c - 2014/03/20 18:31:18
wayne c
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 18:43:56
I don't know who you are referring to as friends? No...course not. ha ha. I was talking about you and your "witch hunt" comment and how you have made it a mission to follow folks around Uh, sorry son. Ive seen where several have been accused of that by some of you and its irrational imo. Many of us are interested in hunting in Pa related topics. Every hunter has every right to post on a hunting related topic as the next guy. If someone else happens to hate it that they don't have the only say and exclusive voice on said issues, that's not my emotional problem, its theres, and apparently shared by you. That's nothing but a slanderous lie, and you making it personal because you find yourself looking clueless on the topic of conversaion so as usual, go on attack. And why? To take the attention off of what I had pointed out, instead of just telling your view of it. Again I am not a member of the PFSC and I have two screennames anywhere where you may find me. That's a lie. I have moderated boards and I have known others than do, and you have had more names than I can count. Usually posting with dpms or "ridgehunter" and using others to "stir the pot" when calm and rational wasn't workin' for ya. ha ha ha. I know where you got that from, your two pals. One had actually talked to herself on one occaission with 5 different names! Because others ignored her and didn't believe a word on other conversations. Oh my, the things I have seen. Its no wonder they are no longer taken seriously politically. Legislators visit some of those same boards, and know a lot more than you think as to "who is who" Trust me on this. Now if you will stick to the subjects instead of whining like a pizzy pants 3 year old by making things personal, I'll be happy to oblige, otherwise, consider further bs tuned out, Im not going to waste post after post defending against extremist type claims from someone acting like a pinhead intended to discredit others because they don't see eye to eye and walk lockstep with pgc and pfsc.
post edited by wayne c - 2014/03/20 20:14:33
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 18:44:03
Speaking of witch hunt. Anyone know of someone on a witch hunt against the PFSC? It is almost like the PFSC is tattooed inside your eyelids and they haunt your every moment, lol.
My rifle is a black rifle
wayne c
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 18:49:38
Why do you care? Youre not a member anyway? ha ha. They oppose quite a few things that most hunters, including me support and vice versa. Why wouldn't I talk about them? They also claim to speak for us, and were a topic of conversation due to attending this latest hearing among many other things over the last several years. I didn't realize they were off limits? Environmentalism is a big issue effecting hunting today.
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 18:52:13
wayne c
That's a lie. Ah, no its not... I have moderated boards and I have known others than do, and you have had more names than I can count. Did I say you were clueless? You are. I have two screennames anywhere I am at. dpms and ridgecommander. I am Gene on Archerytalk as well but we usually don't chat there that I am aware of. I know where you got that from, your two pals. Not my pals. Met Dutch once at a HPA festival. Kathy at a BOC meeting and at the Harrisburg show. Does that make me their pals? One had actually talked to herself on one occaission with 5 different names! Could be. Don't care. Legislators visit some of those same boards, and know a lot more than you think as to "who is who" Trust me on this. I am well aware of it. So do members of the PGC and some commissioners. I don't have to trust you on that. I can handle myself. Now if you will stick to the subjects instead of whining like a pizzy pants 3 year old by making things personal, I'll be happy to oblige, otherwise, consider further bs tuned out.
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 18:54:22
wayne c I didn't realize they were off limits? Environmentalism is a big issue effecting hunting today.
Fire away. No skin off my back. You said that the PFSC was on a witch hunt against certain commissioners or something to that effect. Just pointed out that you are on many witch hunts yourself. Your perogative, Dan. Go for it.
My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: More on Pa game commission / Carl Roe $220,000 Scandal
2014/03/20 19:00:01
Just for the heck of it I went and double checked the few boards were I am a member of. Fisherie, HPA, Dr Trout's Outdoor World, Archery Talk, Crossbow Nation, PA Sportmens Forum, Potter County Fishing. Yep, dpms and ridgecommander. Gene on AT. Was a member of another board until some guy by the name of Guru banned me and half of the members when he got canned as well. I think I was ridgecommander there to.
post edited by dpms - 2014/03/20 19:02:02
My rifle is a black rifle