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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 09:26:07 (permalink)
Nope not at all, completely within the context of navigability.   PA has a navigability law already, and their definition just makes more sense than ours. 
It would also save tons of money for the state in future easements which could be used in other areas, like perhaps stream clean up and garbage removal.  It's unbelievable that their are major parking access areas on Elk that do not even have a single garbage can.  It wouldn't take that much Erie stamp money to have a garbage can at every major parking area and pay a garbage service to remove it.
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 10:27:24 (permalink)
for those (like me) who needed to look up pa's definition of "navigable"
seems way more complex than it needs to be.  also leave quite a bit of gray or areas open to interpretation.
Does the Fish and Boat Commission determine which waters are navigable and therefore public?
No. Only a court can decide. No agency, including the Fish and Boat Commission, is authorized to determine navigability by administrative action.
handling on a case by case basis doesn't seem very efficient.
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 11:13:24 (permalink)
Nope not at all, completely within the context of navigability.   PA has a navigability law already, and their definition just makes more sense than ours. 
It would also save tons of money for the state in future easements which could be used in other areas, like perhaps stream clean up and garbage removal.  It's unbelievable that their are major parking access areas on Elk that do not even have a single garbage can.  It wouldn't take that much Erie stamp money to have a garbage can at every major parking area and pay a garbage service to remove it.

I'm sorry, but that's exactly what you're doing.  If there's a law in another state that would help you as an individual, then to hell with anyone else's rights, you want to adopt that law, because "if it's good enough for Narnia, then it's good enough for PA"...but then when that same logic is extended to areas where it conflicts with your own nearsighted desires, then you don't want it.  
So without cherry picking, whose laws do you want?  PA?  Wisconsin?  Montana?
If the answer isn't PA, then you should just leave and go to that state.
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 12:20:57 (permalink)
Maybe it's not an exact replica of any other state's law but some hybrid form, or heck anything different than what PA currently has now.  All ideas should at least be considered and on the table.   Like wayneo73 said handling on a case by case basis isn't very efficient.   PA's current navigability law is obscure at best.  A law for stream access in my opinion what ever it may be should at least be simple, clear cut, and concise so there is no confusion by the public about what might or might not be navigable.
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 12:26:34 (permalink)
Maybe it's not an exact replica of any other state's law but some hybrid form

Some hybrid form that gives you everything you selfishly want without giving up anything at all, or respecting landowners, perhaps?
Kind of like Montana's navigability laws? That their own state supreme court can't get right, that you seem to want to adopt, that would not change the legal situation in Erie anyway?
post edited by Cold - 2013/10/23 12:28:13
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 12:36:08 (permalink)
"Cold" I agree with you this is a unique situation but it doesn't hurt to look at what has been done elsewhere.

So altering the laws so that the landowners are forced to allow access is the solution?
And track, to answer your question, it's getting harder and harder every year for me to justify getting an Erie stamp.  At this point, it's mostly the friends I've made in Erie that I look forward to fishing with that keep me coming back.  If it went heavily private (and both the hunting and fishing here are nowhere near as privatized as Europe as far as I can tell), I'd drop the stamp in a heartbeat and never regret it.  Wouldn't go to OH or NY either, I'd just stop making trips to the Erie watershed.  Too many good hunting opportunities to miss fishing for slimers in a ditch in the fall.

Cold you are right that the hunting is not as privatized as Europe, but we also have more land so there are public and private options. I have done the wild boar hunt at the place near Slippery Rock and paid to hunt and I know there are many other pay hunting places and hunting clubs in PA. However, I typically hunt on private land for "free." I was just pointing out that my European friend noticed that the hunting setup in PA seems to be similar to Europe with different pricepoints for pay to hunt options and the only real difference is that there is "free" private hunting and state gamelands.

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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 12:50:14 (permalink)
I'd say that when you account for the overall opportunities (land/water available, management involved, stocking, etc.) the amount of privatization of hunting and fishing in PA are (very) roughly equal.  But if your friend is getting his/her view of PA through you as a 'tour guide', and you take part in more private hunting than fishing, I can see how they'd get to that conclusion.

Of course it's also true that my own experience with relation to private hunting & fishing affects my own appraisal of the situation.
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 12:51:24 (permalink)
Maybe it's not an exact replica of any other state's law but some hybrid form

Some hybrid form that gives you everything you selfishly want without giving up anything at all, or respecting landowners, perhaps?
Kind of like Montana's navigability laws? That their own state supreme court can't get right, that you seem to want to adopt, that would not change the legal situation in Erie anyway?

I do my part to take an empty grocery bag in and carry out a full grocery bag of trash nearly every time I visit the tribs.  Usually take it into Girard and dump it in the public garbage cans then have lunch at the dinor.  I can look at myself in the mirror and know that I respected the landowners and feel good about it;  So I could care less what you or others think about my idea that we should all be able to walk at least within the water itself "wet feet" to pass through private property.
Your quoted article from Feb. 2012, is a little old.  Looks like their state law still stands today according to the Montana fish, wildlife, and parks site:
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 13:04:00 (permalink)
Well you can tell the big Erie Steelhead Run of 2013 is over ! More people on the forums then the creeks (maybe not ) but that's usually a good indicator . All you out of towners pay attention and save your gas & time ! Try again in 2014 or 2015...........maybe ?
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 13:45:30 (permalink)
I do my part to take an empty grocery bag in and carry out a full grocery bag of trash nearly every time I visit the tribs.  Usually take it into Girard and dump it in the public garbage cans then have lunch at the dinor.  I can look at myself in the mirror and know that I respected the landowners and feel good about it

WTF does any of that have to do with easement and access laws?
So I could care less what you or others think about my idea that we should all be able to walk at least within the water itself "wet feet" to pass through private property.

That's obvious.  What isn't so obvious is why, if you care so little, you insist on making so many stupid posts to try and defend your delusional opinion.
Your quoted article from Feb. 2012, is a little old.  Looks like their state law still stands today according to the Montana fish, wildlife, and parks site:

Maybe you're having a little trouble with reading comprehension.
I didn't cite the link as recent.  In fact, if anything, your point that the law still stands shows how little it matters when the article was published.  I never said anything about the law not existing anymore, you're just making that up as a point you can actually counter.  
My point is that if a waterway like the Madison river isn't navigable by Montana standards, their navigability laws would certainly not apply to Elk creek, so your whole premise is based on a flawed perception of reality.
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 13:46:47 (permalink)
Well you can tell the big Erie Steelhead Run of 2013 is over ! More people on the forums then the creeks (maybe not ) but that's usually a good indicator . All you out of towners pay attention and save your gas & time ! Try again in 2014 or 2015...........maybe ?

Yep.  Best to wait for the EPIC RUN of 2017 now.
I'll only be making 1-2 more trips this year.  Ducks, squirrels, and deer need shot!
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 14:23:39 (permalink)
This is really getting ridiculous.  The owners of Trout Run B&T are good people, and in no way should be receiving this amount of negative perception regarding their business establishment.  Any bait shop up there would have immediately accepted this offer if approached by the landowner.  Please remember that it is a business, and good business acumen leads to the pursuance of any opportunity to increase your revenue stream through monetary gains.  Being that I am a combat veteran, my opinion on this topic will probably contain bias and I apologize for that, but I don't think people should be so quick to point fingers.  I understand this is upsetting considering the quality and location of the spot, but I really think everyone is just looking for a scapegoat to channel their frustrations which is a normal social behavior especially in smaller communities.  And that's exactly what we are here, a community of people from all walks of life who share the same passion and are challenged on a weekly basis because the area to where we must navigate to fulfill our passion is considerably small, making fishing extremely difficult at times.  Fellow Anglers, there are sooooooo many Steelhead in all of the streams!!!!!  We can share.  Refusing to shop or make purchases at Trout Run B&T over this is completely ridiculous.  They are a family run business, and that's how they put food on the table.  I will be the bigger person, and not allow this foolish topic to deter myself from supporting a fine small business establishment.  Small businesses are the backbone of America.
P.S.  Trout Run B&T ties way better Egg Sacs than Poor Richards. 
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 14:50:03 (permalink)
WTF does any of that have to do with easement and access laws?

It doesn't.  It has to do with the fact that you implied I have no respect for landowners. 
Back to work for now though, your not even worth my time.  Go shoot your squirrels.  Just put my first deer of the year in the freezer last weekend and will be making my first of many Steelhead trips within the week.  The run of 2013 should be just starting to get good, with fish spreading out on the streams from the recent high water.
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 14:56:59 (permalink)
It doesn't.  It has to do with the fact that you implied I have no respect for landowners.

I didn't imply it.  I said it.  If you think we should have laws that force the landowners to grant access to streams via their land, then you don't have respect for them.
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 15:10:42 (permalink)
Never said their land should be used to grant access to streams.  However, people already accessing the stream from established public access points should be able to pass through their property while staying within the water and keeping their feet wet.  Especially considering the fact that the public already owns the water, and currently has the right to float through their property on top of the water.
I know I respect landowners by leaving only footprints behind and taking out trash left by others.  So think whatever you want, your certainly entitled to your opinion, but the only thing that really maters is what you think of yourself when you look in the mirror. 
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - 2013/10/23 15:44:32
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 16:14:07 (permalink)
Cold, I'm suprised hasn't offered you a website admin or monitoring job, cause the passion is unprecedented.  Just have fun and go fishing guys, it makes me sick to my stomach how ungrateful some of you are.  I missed 3 out of the last 5 Steelhead seasons because I was in the Middle East.  And let's just say they don't offer trout stamps over there.  Geez, I'm just happy to go, and the year we have had has been amazing!!!  I've gone up every Saturday since the second week of September and I can't remember ever seeing so many fish this early.  And i'll be back at it this Saturday, decked out with my Go Pro slaying fish. 
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 16:23:57 (permalink)
Never said their land should be used to grant access to streams. 

Right, you said if landowners don't like it they should sell their property & move somewhere else.
If a land owner wants privacy and is tired of the masses, then they should sell their land and move somewhere near by a smaller stream that doesn't get stocked. 

Which is just as ridiculous.
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 16:41:09 (permalink)
Right, if they don't like the public passing through their property while staying within the water of the stream, the water that the public owns.  Then they should sell their property and move to a more suitable location.  That's what I would do if there was something about the property I currently own that I really didn't like.  Since their land value was increased by the public resource put there, they should be able to at least break even after selling fees and paying someone else to move all their stuff for them if not come out ahead.
If it's a property where the landowner's family has grown up over generations, then that's really unfortunate.  Maybe they would rather deal with it in that case, but I still feel the same way.  At least it's not as bad as if their neighbor sold gas rights to drill directly across from their property line, significantly devaluing their property while receiving nothing in return and causing a noise and odor pollution 24/7 - 365 days a year.
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - 2013/10/23 17:08:28
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 18:53:46 (permalink)
lost sage rod sectio
...a $25.00 steelhead stamp ...would generate plenty of funds to repair and replace what all you Mup ears  destroy when you get north of Rt. 80.

Spoken like a million dollar a s s hat.
lost sage rod sectio
This is world class Fishing and its going to take money to keep it.

World Class?!?!?!  If anything, Steelheading the Erie trib system is a novelty cloaked in a challenge.
Refusing to shop or make purchases at Trout Run B&T over this is...

Totally our choice.
I will be the bigger person, and not allow this foolish topic to deter myself from supporting a fine small business establishment.

In this great nation, even minorities get a vote.  Go for it.
At this point, it's mostly the friends I've made in Erie that I look forward to fishing with that keep me coming back.


"For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley

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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 19:26:14 (permalink)
WOW just WOW!! We here in Pa. have some of the most diverse fishing options available in the US,if you don't like it fish someplace NEW!!I'll admit I've never been up for steelhead,and to be honest probably never will,unless I get to go w/one of my friends that know where to aviod the madness.Really people they're just frigging pellet-heads on steroids.I for one like to enjoy my time alone on any creek or river trying to catch a fish of whatever species.If one's life revolves around just"STEELHEAD" I feel sorry for you,there is so much more to experience and enjoy
Just my 2 cents,
Feel free to rip my opinion,

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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/23 19:37:51 (permalink)
Never said their land should be used to grant access to streams.  However, people already accessing the stream from established public access points should be able to pass through their property

Do you even read what you type?
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/24 10:57:37 (permalink)
you all do know that ,in pa., if you own the banks, you own the bed, right?so this idea that you can just walk the bed still means you,re trespassing on private property. i believe this was addressed in the little juniata case. also, to change pa. law still means a "taking" which is illegal ander u.s. constitation.
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/24 14:21:19 (permalink)
WOW just WOW!! We here in Pa. have some of the most diverse fishing options available in the US,if you don't like it fish someplace NEW!!I'll admit I've never been up for steelhead,and to be honest probably never will,unless I get to go w/one of my friends that know where to aviod the madness.Really people they're just frigging pellet-heads on steroids.I for one like to enjoy my time alone on any creek or river trying to catch a fish of whatever species.If one's life revolves around just"STEELHEAD" I feel sorry for you,there is so much more to experience and enjoy
Just my 2 cents,
Feel free to rip my opinion,

I share your opinion.  You aren't missing much.  You should try it at least once though.  I am glad I got it out of my system in the mid-90's when it wasn't so crazy like it is today (I thought it was crowded back then).
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/24 14:34:41 (permalink)
Personally I doubt many people's lives actually revolve around just "STEELHEAD", that's a stupid assumption.  I bet most posters here, including myself, like to fish many species found in oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams year round. 
A lot of the Erie Steelhead experience isn't even about the fish themselves.  When you get out and explore, the natural beauty of the area is actually pretty spectacular.  Also, if your not worried about seeing fish stacked on top of each other, then walk upper Walnut or upper Crooked sometime.  There are some very beautiful areas on the tribs where you may never see anyone else most of the day and still have a chance at catching a fish or two if you work for it.
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - 2013/10/24 14:37:45
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/24 23:20:29 (permalink)
May only own west side or very little of elk. That could explain the low $ offered to owner. East side my not be owned by him and thus the property owner my be against the rope again for illegal posting of property. Looking into deed(public record).

Proud to have been a FOT/
I've been out fishing.
Clean your gear/

Ninja of the Steel
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/25 01:53:03 (permalink)
Let's face it!! Real Estate Attorney's we are NOT! We're fisherman. Catch fish = happy, lose fish = sad.  So let's get on with it!

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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/25 09:21:28 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby FiveMilePete 2013/10/25 22:12:30
The thing that bothers me about posting and charging is the thought that eventually we will be like England or other European countries where fishing is only for the rich. Maybe it is inevitible as the population grows and there is more and more pressure on existing resources. It might be just my age, but when I was growing up you could have little money, but still enjoy a pleasant life in this country. Natural resources like woods and streams were availible to those that would get up and go out to enjoy what seemed naturally abundant.
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/25 11:11:10 (permalink)
lost sage rod sectio
For real folks P.A. needs to put on a $25.00 steelhead stamp this should include seniors also. That would generate plenty of funds to repair and replace what all you Mup ears  destroy when you get north of Rt. 80. This is world class Fishing and its going to take money to keep it.

[/quote  look if anyone thinks this is a WORLD CLASS FISHERY ,buy a plane ticket or fill up the tank on the old gas guzzler and broaden your horizon , if you all wouldn't act like a posterior orifice when you get your feet wet, and they come homegrown and imported,  there probably would be a lot more landowners willing to let people use THEIR LAND . And  lets not leave out the fish commish, they started this debacle with no planning of what was going to happen when you invite thousands of people onto a small  private access fishing area, when this started years ago, their where no porta johns or dumpsters for trash, or parking areas, they just promoted the idea, sat back and watched until the damage was done. by the time they started to try and fix the problem it was too  late. I don't think there is a fix for the mess up there . It would be nice if someone came up with a good idea . it's another fishery in pa. and it can be fun at times, but it's not a WORLD CLASS FISHERY ! 
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/25 13:13:04 (permalink)
World's greatest sportfishery in the world!
as it's been said here many times. 
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Re: Tubes Update 2013/10/25 13:21:01 (permalink)
The signs leading to Uncle John's say it, it must be true

Check out my YouTube fishing channel, new videos every week:
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