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hot tuna
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/22 17:52:44 (permalink)
So in a week , we went from blizzard to 50 to freeze again.
A week ago I fell and broke my right wrist. Dominant hand.
Puts me sideline from fishing. Thankfully it's in between transition for me and should be good to go when those linesiders show.
Learning a lot about left handed chores and not liking the club as its a nuisance.

Hope the sunshine is bright for everyone

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/22 18:54:08 (permalink)
Sucks HT  I fell on my surgically repaired wrist yesterday and was scared I popped it. Right around 0 here this am. Waiting for the snow t melt so I can get my dingy out

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/22 19:19:09 (permalink)
HT sure sorry to hear of your mishap. That super sucks.

Weather dude was right on the mark with todays weather forecast in my little piece of Penn's Woods.

Low teens for tonight 40s for tomorrow and nuttin but warmer temps. for the near future. C'MON Spring!!!

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/23 08:15:53 (permalink)
I took photos of blooming wild flowers on Tuesday; it is 12 degrees now; and is forecasted to be 70 on Saturday here in south central PA. This weather is a tad confusing.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
hot tuna
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/23 09:59:54 (permalink)
10 this morning. I'm only seeing 45 here on Saturday and mostly rain for next 10 days with 50 as a high.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/24 11:33:01 (permalink)
Spring arrives AGAIN tomorrow and the temps are going to be spring like after that...for awhile!
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/24 17:38:34 (permalink)
Sorry to hear about your wrist, HT, but the linesiders won't be that early this year.  A week and I'm away to hopefully sunny California to surf fish. The winter flew by for me. 
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/24 21:05:07 (permalink)
SPRING HAS SPRUNG, and the patio furniture from my mancave has been flung,  right back outside where the stupid stuff belongs!!  
Peep-frogs are going full throttle as I type and a  beautiful sunset tonight saying "sailors delight" for tomorrow.
Told my better half I won't be available for anything but fishing, ALL DAY tomorrow and I do mean, ALL DAY!!!  OK..... so I didn't actually tellll her,  but I did,  send her a email.
I deserve it, it's a lotta work putting that stupid patio furniture, back outside.
Til next time.... Tight Lines.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/25 15:29:56 (permalink)
38 and steady rain. Going to turn to freezing rain towards sundown.
Mud ,mud and more mud . No pleasant spring weather in near future here.
Boat is expected at dockside in 26 days for striper. Going to be a scramble

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/26 09:43:48 (permalink)
34 and still raining. Where is this spring weather you guys are talking about?
At this rate, it will take forever to melt all this snow
post edited by hot tuna - 2017/03/26 09:45:31

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/26 10:51:48 (permalink)
hot tuna
34 and still raining. Where is this spring weather you guys are talking about?
At this rate, it will take forever to melt all this snow

Snow mostly gone to go South Rich
hot tuna
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/26 12:10:59 (permalink)
Rain and more rain in forecast with maybe a high of 50 and lows in 30.
This spring weather is depressing because it's mud season with still plenty snow yet to provide more mud !!

Going to California seems like the right idea. Enjoy !!

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/26 17:49:07 (permalink)
Thanks, I hope I get to see the deck of the Mae this year. I'm going to hit The Mighty H on my way home from a job this week. Walleye and maybe a smallie or pike.  Heal well. 
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/29 12:26:00 (permalink)
All three species are illegal to target during their closed seasons, even in the mighty H.  And all three seasons are closed. 
hot tuna
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/29 13:26:04 (permalink)
Stripers used to open on March 15 and now it opens April -1. Typically you never see even schoolies until first week April anyway. Las year was an exception but with temps, snow and a high muddy river, I don't think anyone will be venturing out before Saturday.
As for the green bass, they are caught in the major trib by my house. If I'm legally targeting striped bass but can't keep the smallmouth off the lures, please tell me what I am doing wrong ?

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/29 14:22:43 (permalink)
IF you can use the same size lure, I don't know.  Maine woods law they were handing out out of season walleye tickets to anyone using yellow.  And before the C+R bass regs up on LO, they would hand out citations based on what you were mainly catching.  If you say you're after stripers but keep catching green bass or esocids, they may have a case for targeting.  If you are not targeting but keep catching out of season species, time to move.
hot tuna
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/29 14:35:09 (permalink)
No moving. I use a very large white deceiver fly or a silver Rapala that catches both striped (legal ) and smallmouth out of season in the exact same location. Sometimes both within minutes apart. Nope , I'm not moving on because I can't control what species wants to eat my lure first. I'm targeting stripers

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/29 15:15:29 (permalink)
If you're catching stripers, the Gamie will probably look at the Smallies as incidental catch, unless you start taking a bunch of hero shots (A person may not fish for a species (even if immediately released) during the closed season for that species on a given water. Fish caught during the closed season must be unhooked and released immediately. They may not be handled for any other purpose.)  If all you are catching is smallies, because the stripers have not showed up yet, you'll probably get told to move or get a ticket.  You should also remember that the ECO's are finding the internet to be a very helpful enforcement tool.
We have a stream around here that opens for trout this weekend and will have walleyes at the lower end.  If you are fishing a brown jig down low, you'll likely get a ticket for targeting walleyes, but in general that's a little easier as no one really fishes for walleyes for sport, they fight like old shoes, and most of the guys that watch that spot will be down there the first weekend in May when they can take home some fillets, and will be further upstream looking for trout if they are on that stream until May.
hot tuna
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/29 16:53:43 (permalink)
Agreed. There have been many times I'd be out in the yak scouting for schoolie striper and or herring in my major trib . It's kinda like the SR from little black to the mouth, only my estuary to mighty Hudson river is much bigger depending on tide. ( loaded with eagles and birds of prey.
Trolling with a sinking line and deceiver would produce action as well as Rapala J-11. I knew , if the smallmouth weren't active, the striper weren't around yet.
One thing is the stewards in green are always friendly and helpful here, just make sure to have your FREE marine permit !! No fishing license required, as per regs..

Poaching is the biggest problems. With tighten restrictions towards bait regs and slots on linesiders, yup its an issue. Last season was one of the strongest runs in both size and numbers ,both herring, shad (illegal ) and striper I have seen in about 7 years.

Right now the weather has been rainy, tribs are raging chocolate and the mighty is MUDDY. . PERFECT.!! Everything is right on course for a normal season with fishing to pick up in 2- weeks TAX DAY :)

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/30 12:13:54 (permalink)
You get a few extra days this year because the 15th is a Saturday and the day before Easter.  Pretty sure it is the 18th this year for the big check.
Trying to have mine done before then for a change.  My daughter's got finished and sent on Sunday.
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/30 17:35:55 (permalink)
All three species are illegal to target during their closed seasons, even in the mighty H.  And all three seasons are closed. 

Except from the Troy Dam to Fort Edward. You know a lot , but not everything, Lucky. Year round catch and release for smallmouth due to the PCB contamination.  OK, Warden? Walleye and Pike are incidentals and released, anyway. Dec. 1st to 3rd Sat. in June is C and R on both small and largemouth, statewide. Catch away and let em go HT, legal all the way.  Black Bass
 3rd Sat in June through Nov 3012"5Dec 1 - Fri preceding the 3rd Sat in JuneCatch and release only
Artificial lures only
The last section I pasted from the 2017 regs.
I'll stop back next fall, have a good spring and summer.
post edited by fichy - 2017/03/30 18:30:30
hot tuna
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Re:Weather thread 2017/03/30 18:43:06 (permalink)
Some people think that when folks like you and me fish so often they must be poachers, snaggers, lawbreakers or otherwise criminals in the outdoors.
Have I taken pictures of smallmouth on the fly while targeted stripers, guilty as charged officer oppie. . No worries however about seeing hero shots on the www anymore because I don't know how to functionality operate this device to post pictures to www.
The sad thing is I love fishing and all outdoor activities. Game and peruse of quarry is alway held in respect for the opportunity it has given me . I don't bite the hand that feeds what keeps me active and alive.
Being confined in front of a TV or computer is not me at all. I despise television, and rarely read a newspaper, it's just media hype or non reality fantasy programing.
My world is about providing for my family, doing things outside every opportunity I'm able and teaching my family the importance of those that were taught to me.

I appreciate the facts and reminders of regulations but please don't lecture those that promote ethics and stewardship. .
Now , now , don't tell me I get to pick and choose because honestly, I do have that right

Peace & Tuna
post edited by hot tuna - 2017/03/30 18:47:58

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re:Weather thread 2017/04/01 11:20:57 (permalink)
You will note please the explicit prohibition on Black Bass.  Also please be aware that Black Bass C+R is NOT statewide there are many whole counties where it is prohbited 
Do not find the language to which you refer here, oh sage sportsman who never commits any offenses.  But I assumed tidal Hudson as you referred to the river as "the Mighty H". Looking at Saratoga County, I see that the Bakers mills to Troy Dam is open to anything you want to handle ALL C+R.  I'm thinking HT and his trib are still downstream of Troy Dam in "the Mighty H" 'cause he can catch stripers there, and the striper websites indicate the Troy dam is the upstream limit of migration.
post edited by Lucky13 - 2017/04/01 11:51:51
hot tuna
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Re:Weather thread 2017/04/01 13:04:17 (permalink)
Yes I am of the below federal dam . The trib I fish is also in the non - C&R of bass to the first impassable barrier. Now you do not know where this barrier is , but I do as its right behind my house.
Where fichy is, he is well within the C&R section.

When I see and talk to my local encon, they ask how the fishing was and I have no problem telling them all I caught were smallmouth - in the non C&R section - , their response has always been positive. They have bigger priorities then their local fisher catching CPR ing a few bass.

Hope this helps

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re:Weather thread 2017/04/02 16:57:15 (permalink)
Today is the weekend weather day. Here came the sunshine. Drying is in progress through Tuesday.
I must apologize . I have chosen. Some environmental laws could have been compromised.
First, instead of tossing those 1 lb propane tanks into the abyss. I refilled my seasonal usage at a cost of $3.00 total per 12 tanks.
Second, I cut some timber out back and didn't waste ink or paper with the self issue permit.
Lastly I may have exceeded the campfire rules and due to super wet conditions the fire grew. The Atv might have wandered off private property but a wave from Neighbors

Just think what might have happened if.i could fish .. oh the horror
post edited by hot tuna - 2017/04/02 17:34:58

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re:Weather thread 2017/04/03 09:29:54 (permalink)
hot tuna
Today is the weekend weather day. Here came the sunshine. Drying is in progress through Tuesday.
I must apologize . I have chosen. Some environmental laws could have been compromised.
First, instead of tossing those 1 lb propane tanks into the abyss. I refilled my seasonal usage at a cost of $3.00 total per 12 tanks.
Second, I cut some timber out back and didn't waste ink or paper with the self issue permit.
Lastly I may have exceeded the campfire rules and due to super wet conditions the fire grew. The Atv might have wandered off private property but a wave from Neighbors

Just think what might have happened if.i could fish .. oh the horror

Sounds like you might be going a little off the deep end Rich
Clint S
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Re:Weather thread 2017/04/03 13:39:28 (permalink)
hot tuna
Today is the weekend weather day. Here came the sunshine. Drying is in progress through Tuesday.
I must apologize . I have chosen. Some environmental laws could have been compromised.
First, instead of tossing those 1 lb propane tanks into the abyss. I refilled my seasonal usage at a cost of $3.00 total per 12 tanks.
Second, I cut some timber out back and didn't waste ink or paper with the self issue permit.
Lastly I may have exceeded the campfire rules and due to super wet conditions the fire grew. The Atv might have wandered off private property but a wave from Neighbors

Just think what might have happened if.i could fish .. oh the horror

I think I broke every one of those today too Rich.  I really don't see how people can buy new 1# tanks.  Like 25 cent A piece to refill them

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

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Re:Weather thread 2017/04/04 11:21:09 (permalink)
Weather predictions up there seem to change every 15 minutes.
Was planning to be up on a nice sunny Sun through Tues but changed plans when heavy rain was predicted for Thurs and Fri fearing a blowout of local waters for a few days.
One well respected guide posted the high possibility of real high waters too.
Now Thurs and Fri appear sunny and bright and Mon - Tues seems  cloudy--
What to do --what to do----
NOT coming up to a rain fest or a flood fest.
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Re:Weather thread 2017/04/04 11:43:50 (permalink)
Remember that that big sponge known as the Tug Hill Plateau takes a while to drain out, so even with the reservoir to regulate flows, if they anticipate a lot more water on the already soggy ground, they'll be letting it go for a while.
hot tuna
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Re:Weather thread 2017/04/04 17:30:02 (permalink)
Oh the rains came last night making the mighty H all muddy.
Lots more on the way Thursday which will produce FLOOD stage.
Kinda a bummer because I seen my first linesider caught sunday >> far south << of me but still on the river by a bank angler .
Word is , bait , herring are in the area. .
With this big blow , it will take 7-10 days to be thinking about fishing

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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