Congrats on the laker catching! Sounds like a great day.
I was keeping my boat in n.e. this fall to do some laker fishing. I never could get them going. We only mange a dozens or so. This past spring and fall for me have been awesome for those slimmers. I had very high hopes for the fall. No go! My program consisted of spoons off the typical programs. This fall it was not the ticket.
I decided to bring the starcraft home last week and put a fork on my laker fishing. We headed to Port Clinton over the weekend and smashed the eyes. We boated almost 50. It was unreal! I needed it after all the spoon washing.
My walleye confidence is pretty good. However there is a lot I would really like to learn when it comes to open water trout. I had a few very successful trips to lake o this year with running some spin docs and flies.
I'm itching to get on board with a good laker guy. I'm dying to learn about dodgers, flashers, spin&glows, cowbells and such exclusively for slimmers in lakertown! Not many do it.
I can pay my share in fuel costs and run rods with the best of them. I know things are blowing now, but if she cleans up soon, I would love to get out with ya. I'm not working at the moment, so I can go anytime.
I'm with you on putting the boat away. Just cause it's cold doesn't mean it's over. You can troll for walleye in Ohio til she freezes.
You can email me anytime. Thanks in advance!
post edited by eyedreamn - 2012/11/23 21:04:18