In case you were wondering GILL NET

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Re: RE: In case you were wondering GILL NET 2012/08/01 22:16:05 (permalink)
do you remember why your fishing license went up years ago? it was to pay them to stop using those gill nets!
this is a big slap in the face to all that  purchase a license and follow the laws.
To think 90 days probation and $250 in fines for each of the 27 counts against one of them and no probation and 100 dollars in fines for each of the 26 counts against the other is a good chunk of change,think again.
Thats just chump change to them.hell our license increase over them years easily paid for that.
In my opinion they should of nailed them to the long u think this has been going on?
Eventually when you break the law,it will always catch up with you...aint KARMA a ****
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Re: RE: In case you were wondering GILL NET 2012/08/02 19:11:20 (permalink)
Like i said....good chunk of change, but not big money. Still suprised they got that much. Seems like even in this day an age with "stiffer" poaching laws anybody can go out and straight murder a bunch of anything an pay a minimal fine compared to offence an go do it again. The game laws in this state have got better but the fish laws seem way laxed.
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Re: RE: In case you were wondering GILL NET 2012/08/03 09:49:42 (permalink)
So, are they still going to be allowed to fish commercially? 

Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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Re: RE: In case you were wondering GILL NET 2012/08/03 18:25:38 (permalink)
According to the PF&BC, they are still fishing. Very seldom are businesses put OUT of business for violations. They are typically fined, sometimes assesed restitution for damages, forced to come into compliance ( in this case deploy legal nets ), and then allowed to continue operations. Hopefully under greater scrutiny.
"Krowicki argued that, at the time the gill net ban was passed, Gerald Mathers was paid what amounts to $250,000 in today's dollars to stop using the nets."
I don't know if it was in judges authority as far as the criminal case. Or if the statute of limitations has passed. But perhaps a civil suit to recover that payment, could be anthor avenue for the PF&BC to pursue. They obviously acted in bad faith in accepting those monies.

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Re: RE: In case you were wondering GILL NET 2012/08/03 20:34:17 (permalink)
While smallie fishing this past May..I saw the "Big Tony" coming through the channel so they are def. still fishing 
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