turkey sightings

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RE: turkey sightings 2012/03/12 21:20:50 (permalink)
John,now I know why I gave up the guns.Too many idiots in the woods.Even archery is insane.I guess i'm old school.We had values then.
retired guy
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RE: turkey sightings 2012/03/27 20:12:25 (permalink)
   I walked the ridges out back today- ZIPPO sign- in keeping with the zero Acorn crop this past  year the Turks have changed their eating habits. Like the Deer last Fall and early Winter the Turks  too are very low. Nada to eat up top.
  Good thing there is an early Spring- the bugs will be out in the fields early too. Guess it'l be tick fed wild Turkey steada those lousy corn fed tame ones.
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RE: turkey sightings 2012/03/28 07:28:49 (permalink)
I got permission on a new piece of property for spring turkey.  The landowner will only allow me to turkey hunt at this point but maybe that wil grow into more opportunties down the road.
Him and I took a walk this past Friday. It is all timbered with the exception of a 2 acre plot that he put in the middle of the place. Looks like this will be a killer afternoon spot during the second half of the season. He showed me alot of trail camera pictures from the afternoons.
4 weeks to go............

My rifle is a black rifle
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RE: turkey sightings 2012/03/28 10:27:37 (permalink)
Those buggers are like rats in the south hills. Seeing them every day in multiple fields on my drive into work and going through Round Hill Park, it is like a pinball machine with them flying from one hill to the next.

Also seeing a lot of road killed ditch chickens this spring. I have seen 4 so far and only a couple live ones on top of that. Mild winter probably helped their survival, until the cars got them.

Good luck with the turks. Don't know if I'll even get out after them this year.
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RE: turkey sightings 2012/03/28 11:47:19 (permalink)
I may have saved one of those ditch chickens his morning. Came up on a hen in a brushy field and it saw me and flushed. About 3 feet from it a big mink headed in the opposite direction. It's probably pizzed at me for spoiling it's lunch. Found one gobbler with some hens.
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RE: turkey sightings 2012/03/28 19:32:48 (permalink)
Hello eyesandgillz, I saw 8 on Tuesday morning. They were in Zimmermans' storage fenced lot. For you nonlocals---that's on Large Hill route 51 South before Elizabeth bridge. 5 gobblers and 3 hens. 3 of the big boys had 10" beards and 2 were over 10". I used to hunt across 51 there before they posted it. Always held a few big bucks and some nice gobblers.
I live opposite side of 51 from Round Hill. Haven't got into the woods yet, but hitting the box call every morning and evening for a week or more . Finally got a reply Monday morning. Guy down the street had 35 in his yard every morning for 2 weeks. Now has not seen them for past 3 weeks. Maybe they like the Elizabeth Twp fields better than the Forward Twp fields.I look forward to SUMMER gobbler season.....
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RE: turkey sightings 2012/03/28 21:46:49 (permalink)
Yep, seen them several times in full strut in the gravel between the storage units.

The also hang out on the hillside above 43 down in Large. Going home in the evenings I have looked up and seen them on the graded hillside strutting away. Several of the fields on Mars Hill rd in Sewickley Twp. are loaded with them almost daily too.

They'll all melt away just in time for the season to start though.
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RE: turkey sightings 2012/04/16 04:08:44 (permalink)
Videoed a 4 yr old layin it to a hen yesterday, pretty cool stuff.

The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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