Lockeddear pa game commission...

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2012/01/29 20:58:17 (permalink)

dear pa game commission...

please, please, please.....make it legal to hunt any 'in season' game on sundays. cut the crap and make it happen!

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/29 21:27:15 (permalink)
    Maybe plead with the legislature, it's currently their decision and in thier hands, not in the PGC's. The proposed bill would pass regulatory control of Sunday hunting to the PGC of it passes........
    and I agree, I hope that someday I will be able to hunt most if not all game animals on Sunday.

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/29 22:51:10 (permalink)
    its been tied up in buricratic b.s. for years....im just jacked that the PGC dosnt make more of an arguement to push for it. lets face certian truths, it would create jobs, stimulate some local business, and maybe cut the out of control deer, turkey and coyote population a little. these are just to name a few...besides, i wouldnt mind paying the total bill for a liscence including all tags if i could get more out of it....hell, make a $20 sunday stamp!...id be fine with that too...just make it happen!

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/30 06:53:01 (permalink)
    You gotta get past the PA farm Bureau.

    They have a much louder voice than the PGC and the hunters.

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/30 07:52:04 (permalink)
    The proposed bill would pass regulatory control of Sunday hunting to the PGC of it passes...

    As much as I hate to say it then, I'd rather not hunt on Sundays than to give any more control over anything to the PGC. I'm not generally a big fan of the PA state gov't, but compared to the PGC, they're a regular bunch of visionaries. Let them mull over things, and if/when they decide to open Sunday hunting, that'll be fine. Until then, don't let the PGC have any control over it.
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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/30 12:06:01 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: anatikus

    its been tied up in buricratic b.s. for years....im just jacked that the PGC dosnt make more of an arguement to push for it.

    Up until recently, that has been the case.  The PGC has always punted to the legislature saying Sunday hunting was a legislative issue.  The Legislature punted to the PGC saying that the PGC has never asked for regulatory control of Sunday hunting.

    A few commissioners finally took a stand and drafted a resolution supporting legislation transferring regulatory control of Sunday hunting to the PGC. Only after the resolution passed, was legislation (HB1760) introduced to committee.

    Now it truly is in the hands of the legislators and lies at their feet.  There is no more punting of the issue.  The farm bureau opposes and has strong ties to many republican legislators.  I suspect the issue of will come down to the farm bureau trading supporting the regulatory transfer in exchange for the legislature passing another bill that benefits the farm bureau in other ways. 

    At this point, the PGC has done what it can on the issue. There are alot of factors at play here. Ultimately, it will be the sportsmen that lose down the road if we choose to continue to favor politicians regulating hunting.  As demographics change, hunters and those that support them will have less of a voice and impact with elections. Those elected to office will reflect the views of the voters. Hunters will lose as is the case in many instances in the country already.
    post edited by dpms - 2012/01/30 12:15:15

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/30 21:00:01 (permalink)
    The Farm Bureau isn't in favor of it, but it was suggested at the meeting to allow Sunday hunting only on State Game lands, since money from hunting licenses paid for it or on privately own game preserves. 
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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/30 21:40:10 (permalink)
    please excuse my ignorance....but why does the freaking farm bureau have any say about hunting season regulations? its not like a hunting licence gives us the right to hunt THEIR land...i dont see the relationship....

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/30 22:13:02 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: anatikus

    please excuse my ignorance....but why does the freaking farm bureau have any say about hunting season regulations? its not like a hunting licence gives us the right to hunt THEIR land...i dont see the relationship....

    Good question.  They are the prime reason why the legislature still regulates hunint g 52 days of the year in Pa.

    The farm bureau has been given every thing they have asked for by the PGC to prevent crop damage. These tools that they asked for require hunters and hunting.  When there is talk of only allowing our game agency to regulate hunting on Sundays, they all of a sudden threaten to close their lands to all hunting, even if not one Sunday is actually added.  Contradictory positions.
    And you are absolutely correct. This is not a landowners rights issue.  Even though the PFB woud like everyone to believe it is.
    post edited by dpms - 2012/01/30 22:16:07

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    wayne c
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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/30 22:53:01 (permalink)
    it would create jobs,

    Doing what?

    stimulate some local business,


    and maybe cut the out of control deer,

    Yeah. Because thats a problem now and all. lol.

    turkey and coyote population a little.

    Yeah. Those darn pesky turkey. lol.

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/30 22:54:15 (permalink)
    As much as I hate to say it then, I'd rather not hunt on Sundays than to give any more control over anything to the PGC. I'm not generally a big fan of the PA state gov't, but compared to the PGC, they're a regular bunch of visionaries. Let them mull over things, and if/when they decide to open Sunday hunting, that'll be fine. Until then, don't let the PGC have any control over it.

    I see somebody's been payin' attention to our situation.
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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/30 23:31:03 (permalink)
    well mr. wayne....... create jobs is easy, if you add days to a hunting year, the state would need more wgc's. whats the alternitive? pay overtime? not gonna happen.

    and mr. wayne......stimulate local business....again, easy.....add extra days and people will need more supplies or rent that room or cabin for a little longer.

    and mr.wayne.....where are you living? a penthouse suite in pittsburgh? the deer, turkey and coyote populations have exploded....making a huge push into ALL urban areas.....and yea, those darn pesky turkeys....well they need to die......ON SUNDAYS TOO.

    now go pee on someone elses parade.

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    wayne c
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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/30 23:42:35 (permalink)
    and maybe cut the out of control deer, turkey and coyote population a little.

    and mr.wayne.....where are you living? a penthouse suite in pittsburgh? the deer, turkey and coyote populations have exploded

    Maybe if youd go to the reading room of your "penthouse suite" and bother to read your game regulation manual, youd find that....Coyote hunting is ALREADY legal on Sundays.

    well mr. wayne....... create jobs is easy, if you add days to a hunting year, the state would need more wgc's.

    Whats a "wgc's"? lol.

    and mr. wayne......stimulate local business....again, easy.....add extra days and people will need more supplies or rent that room or cabin for a little longer

    Thats pure unsupported speculation. Most hunters DONT rent a room or cabin when hunting. And most hunters if they werent spending money on hunting related items like food, etc. theyd be spending it somewhere else anyway. Gotta eat. And if anyone is so concerned with hunting providing rent income etc. Maybe they should do something about the deer situation, which effected those things much more than lack of sunday hunting ever could. Further declines to the deer herd because of sunday hunting would likely result in even less folks going to "camp".

    and mr.wayne.....where are you living? a penthouse suite in pittsburgh? the deer, turkey and coyote populations have exploded....making a huge push into ALL urban areas.....

    Perhaps you havent been in Pa long sir, but those urban and suburban areas are where the highest deer populations are these days, and the herd pretty much everywhere else has declined significantly over the last decade plus. Thats according to it being blatently obvious to anyone who lives and hunts here, and its also shown in the scientific data.

    now go pee on someone elses parade.

    Sorry, but when I see a parade of misinformation, I feel the strong urge to urinate.
    post edited by wayne c - 2012/01/30 23:51:08
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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 01:51:15 (permalink)
    mr. wayne..... ive been in pa. all my life and ABSOLUTELY disagree with everything youve said other than hunting yotes on sunday...honestly i could care less what you think and wipe my rear with your scientific reports of game decline....seriously, thats the cop out that bonehead hunters use when they cant find what their hunting for. sure, i said lets face facts.....when i should of said its my opinion....but either way, what i spoke of wasnt wrong and dont care if you think it was. oh, and parade of misinformation? plllllease....all you did was combat my opinions with your opinions.....if you dont want to hunt sundays, for cripes sake dont. stay on your more than likely posted property and enjoy not seeing any deer....and f.y.i. wgc = wco .....frankly, im suprised you couldnt figure that out on your own.

    now go get a drink and calm down, i got a feeling your gonna make a mess in your depends and leave yourself a lil dehydrated.

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 01:51:15 (permalink)
    mr. wayne..... ive been in pa. all my life and ABSOLUTELY disagree with everything youve said other than hunting yotes on sunday...honestly i could care less what you think and wipe my rear with your scientific reports of game decline....seriously, thats the cop out that bonehead hunters use when they cant find what their hunting for. sure, i said lets face facts.....when i should of said its my opinion....but either way, what i spoke of wasnt wrong and dont care if you think it was. oh, and parade of misinformation? plllllease....all you did was combat my opinions with your opinions.....if you dont want to hunt sundays, for cripes sake dont. stay on your more than likely posted property and enjoy not seeing any deer....and f.y.i. wgc = wco .....frankly, im suprised you couldnt figure that out on your own.

    now go get a drink and calm down, i got a feeling your gonna make a mess in your depends and leave yourself a lil dehydrated.

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 07:47:57 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Cold

    As much as I hate to say it then, I'd rather not hunt on Sundays than to give any more control over anything to the PGC. I'm not generally a big fan of the PA state gov't, but compared to the PGC, they're a regular bunch of visionaries. Let them mull over things, and if/when they decide to open Sunday hunting, that'll be fine. Until then, don't let the PGC have any control over it.

    Are you also in favor of politicians regulating bear hunting in Jersey or politicians regulating hunting in California?

    As demographics change, Pa will be swinging away froma hunter friendly state. That is inevitable. I do not believe for a second that we are better off perpetuating the premise that wildlife is better managed by politicians.  Now or forever.
    post edited by dpms - 2012/01/31 07:49:39

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 07:56:17 (permalink)
    The discussion should not be about jobs, religion or dollars. It should be about who is best suited to regulate hunting. Game agencies or politicians. Currently our game agency regulates hunting 4/5 of the year with politicians controlling the rest. 
    post edited by dpms - 2012/01/31 10:16:58

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 08:08:11 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: SmMouthSeeker

    The Farm Bureau isn't in favor of it, but it was suggested at the meeting to allow Sunday hunting only on State Game lands, since money from hunting licenses paid for it or on privately own game preserves. 

    The only issue with restricting Sunday hunting to only State Game Lands and preserves is quite simple, it raises the valid question -- Why can I hunt there on Sunday, but not on my own land that I bought, paid for, and pay taxes on?

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 08:25:59 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: DarDys

    The only issue with restricting Sunday hunting to only State Game Lands and preserves is quite simple, it raises the valid question -- Why can I hunt there on Sunday, but not on my own land that I bought, paid for, and pay taxes on?


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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 11:05:04 (permalink)
    ABSOLUTELY disagree with everything youve said other than hunting yotes on sunday...honestly i could care less what you think and wipe my rear with your scientific reports of game decline....seriously, thats the cop out that bonehead hunters use when they cant find what their hunting for.

    Sorry. But FACTS are FACTS. Opinions arent always wrong, sometimes thats all there is, is opposing opinions. But not in all cases, and certainly not now. This is your unsupported opinion, in this case isnt worth wiping a rear with when its not even debatable, your "opinion" is proven to be counter to the "facts". So on that you are wrong. And there are no 2 ways about it.

    all you did was combat my opinions with your opinions....

    As much as youd like that to be true to "save face", you are wrong yet again. The herd decrease is documented fact. Scientifically shown to be the case. lmao. Sorry.

    .if you dont want to hunt sundays, for cripes sake dont. stay on your more than likely posted property and enjoy not seeing any deer....

    I dont hunt posted land, and if I did, Id likely see MORE deer than hunting unposted, not fewer. Again your logic is mind numbing. lol. And I dont have a problem with sunday hunting. I do it in other states, and Ive done it here for already legal game. The issue is what many of us sportsmen have with the gross deer herd mismanagement/slaughter. Sunday hunting is just another tool they want in the tool box to further the agendas. And btw, as for "me" not seeing "any" deer, Im not the one whining for more days to try to get the job done. N'at.

    and f.y.i. wgc = wco .....frankly, im suprised you couldnt figure that out on your own.

    Whats the "g" stand for?

    now go get a drink and calm down, i got a feeling your gonna make a mess in your depends and leave yourself a lil dehydrated.

    Sorry son. But you grossly overestimated my age if you believe that to be the case...Unless youre like 13, then I can see why you'd think "I" am old. lmao.

    post edited by wayne c - 2012/01/31 11:10:16
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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 11:07:07 (permalink)
    Currently our game agency regulates hunting 4/5 of the year with politicians controlling the rest.

    Not exactly true. Legislators have to power to "outlaw" hunting on any day of the week other than sunday if they wish. And seeing as how much oversight they have over pgc, as well as the governor...They actually control EVERYTHING.
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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 11:32:05 (permalink)
    They do have that power although they are not the agency or entity that is tasked with regulating hunting.  They can step in at any time if they have the support to do it. As hunters and those sympathetic to our cause decreases with changing demographics, the politicians will be subjected to more pressure from those not friendly to what we enjoy.

    The more pro hunting intitiatives we can move forward on, the harder it is later to strip each and every one.  It is already happening elsewhere.
    post edited by dpms - 2012/01/31 11:34:32

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 12:11:46 (permalink)
    While I may not agree with all of the PGC's policies and management strategies, I believe that they should have the authority to regulate hunting 365 days a year.
    I think for many, the perception that PGC is mismanaging the deer herd obscures the fact that politicians will never have the best interests of hunters at their forefront.  The goal of politicians as a whole is never going to be to promote hunting and that is where I see the issues with affording politicians the opportunity to make any wildlife/hunting related decisions.  You may disagree with the PGC's management strategies, but remember that they are the people who will always support and promote hunting. 
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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 14:24:18 (permalink)
    thanks to all of the people that sent p.m's.... i didnt know what a thread hijacker was untill now.... and to the guy that said a certian someone puts the****in criticize.....LMFAO!!! u made my day. dude, i know someone didnt post any proof of what he was yappin about either....and it really dosnt matter. all i wanted to do was post how i feel about sunday hunting because believe it or not, some of us work for a living and only get weekends to play, i just want to get more fun and food out of what im paying for.

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 15:28:06 (permalink)
    A few things to consider

    1. The turkey population has DECREASED statewide over 30% in the last 10 years. There are still many near Pitts and a few other places in the south but the PGC has already tried trapping and transfering them with good success and intend to do more.
    2. There is a Documented reduction in the deer herd of 25% to 45% depending on the area. There is a slight increase in the southern urban areas but statewide the population has been greatly reduced.
    3. The Farm bureau and private landowners control more land in Pennsylvnia than the PGC or the DCNR together and 80% do not favor Sunday Hunting. Many say they will post if it passes.
    4. The two greatest documented reasons for hunters quitting the sport are lack of game and lack of places to hunt.

    Before you push for Sunday hunting ask yourself---How is Sunday hunting going to increase the game population or get us more places to hunt.
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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 15:50:23 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: S-10
    How is Sunday hunting going to increase the game population or get us more places to hunt.

    I don't think anyone is saying it will.  I think most are asking for more opportunities where the resources can withstand them. 
    Believe me, I support the regulatory transfer wholeheartedly.  But, I also would urge a slow guarded approach with its expansion for various reasons.
    The good thing is the discussion will be where it should be.  In front of our game agency and not directed at politicians.

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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 16:26:39 (permalink)
    thanks to all of the people that sent p.m's.... i didnt know what a thread hijacker was untill now....

    Then I guess that shows you arent too bright. Though I dont see where that has a thing to do with me, since everything Ive posted has been spot on topic. The reason I opposed sunday hunting is the deer situation. There is no "hi-jacking" involved simply because you got your feelings hurt. My stating I dont support sunday hunting is no more "hi hacking" than your nonsense about needing it because the states deer population has again exploded! lmao! And perhaps youd better take some meds, your emotions are clearly WAAAY out of control. As is usually the case, nothing but nonsense gets posted when someone with chronic pms tries to argue a point. lol.

    and to the guy that said a certian someone puts the****in criticize.....LMFAO!!! u made my day. dude,

    Just got a pm saying you are a few pints short of a quart. To the guy saying, that: Also said he didnt believe you about your pm childishness. I said to him its entirely possible, because there are a coupla malcontents that whine about everything that hurts their enviromental agenda, who dont care for other opinions AND the FACTS to be stated. And have whined inappropriately about the same in the past..... But such is life.

    i know someone didnt post any proof of what he was yappin about either...

    Its so much common knowledge to anyone thats lived outside a cave for the last decade or so its ridiculous. Everyone understands this but you. lol. Though if its proof you want, its proof you'll get. lmao!

    Btw, I have no problem with folks supporting sunday hunting, and while there are a coupla enviromentalist types with bizarre notions here who do damage control on message boards pushing agendas which have little credibility... There are also plenty of guys whose opinions I respect, even when I disagree. Some of them strongly support sunday hunting for reasonable rational reasons. But they generally dont spread ridiculous mistruths and generally have a clue about what they are talking about.

    post edited by wayne c - 2012/01/31 17:38:52
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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 16:31:53 (permalink)
    The more pro hunting intitiatives we can move forward on, the harder it is later to strip each and every one.

    You mean like INCREASING the deer herd instead of further decreasing it? Remember that was the NUMBER ONE reason given for hunters not buying licenses, "lack of game" according to the PGC survey done by Jagnow.
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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 16:37:14 (permalink)
    The good thing is the discussion will be where it should be. In front of our game agency and not directed at politicians.

    The game agency has blatantly ignored us for over 10 years. Politician have, to some extent at times listened. Being elected officials who need votes, they are answerable for their actions.

    You may disagree with the PGC's management strategies, but remember that they are the people who will always support and promote hunting.

    Thats debatable as to whether pro-hunting legislators or environmentalist oriented managers have hunters best interests in mind more. Thats VERY debatable, and largely unknown. I dont think either are "anti-hunting" by a long shot. I also dont care who makes SOME of the decisions as long as they are the RIGHT decisions. And Pgc is nothing more than a political puppet. Anyone thinking they are in any way "independant" when it comes to setting their deer management goals, hasnt a clue about deer management, in particular in Pa.
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    RE: dear pa game commission... 2012/01/31 16:43:11 (permalink)
    well said dpms.... its nice to see that somebody knows what is going on and is capable of saying so

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