Half full

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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 08:37:21 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: draketrutta


before these posts get zapped..


CEASE POSTING "This Sucks" "I don't Like" , "I'm crying like a baby".

and the nonsense will stop...

you were told that REPEATEDLY already by several people..

try Qtips - that waxy ADK build-up may be preventing the messages from reaching your whiner mellon-contentz.


Apparently you may get banned for saying stuff like this... based on the recent moderator post... I advise you erase it
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 10:35:06 (permalink)
     No more letters or contacts bout the garbage- but then no more sent out lately either-Hey n that parking lot garbage can potty thing- those are (believe) State property-cant be too much dif than a park. Somebody gotta read the tea leaves and step up to the plate.
  Personally filled a bag from both Altmar parking lots last week though.

Have heard that theory before on the egg taking timing at the hatchery- Guys have thought it may just be getting one 'strain' of fish or something thus shortening some runs and affecting the kind or size of fishes by just hitting the later arrivals.
Frankly I give those Biologists more credit than what I personally  think about it cause I tend to buy into some of the theory stuff.
  Then again the natural repro which has become a very large part of the runs in recent years would certainly seem to care for any deficiencies we may perceive in the egg taking timing. Those fishes would then turn around and be breeding with the stockies when they come back.
     Think that report showed bout 40% of kings were natural and a Bio from the hatchery told me last year bout 57% of the Hos were natural too. Add the fact that we see Steel and bows on nests all the time it would seem that the fishery still has a real neat mix of fishes for any mix of genetic backgrounds to be happenin.
   Clearly there is some ebb and flow in the cycles of fish migrations with  Flooding years or very dry hot years having a cyclical affect on some species migrations- lotsa Hos one year and maybee not so many the next for ex.
     Think that kinda thing get some of us- me too- kinda overly concerned from time to time.
       For example we knew before hand that this years returns were from a drought year history.  Even then the States stats are outstanding.  IMHO.
post edited by retired guy - 2012/03/02 11:52:09
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 14:09:47 (permalink)

Sad truth is, the Dignitaries you wrote know that addressing your concerns (with or without 1,000 signature petitions)is that your letters don't promise any baby holding, parade attending vote gettinz events or cash-in-pocketz stuffinz dinnerz.

Hate to Rain on your Parade, but I'm sure you've been around da block many times and have stepped in deep puddles.

If it will make you feel any better:

I paid the price of admission to Ma Nature today:

No prob on my part, least I can do..
ask nuttin in return,
can't let the filthy PIGS win...


perhaps one day when I exit the woodz, the filthy pig perp will be caught in da act, then arze kickin will ensue and da filthy trash will be tossed on trash heap, which may be bloodied...

4.7 miles logged today - half uphill - # smokes so far 0.

will have a few later today though - it's Friday

workin on quittin the filthy filtered habit - gettin there...

My MOM is home:

40 hrs after major C-4 Spine Re-Construction Surgery..
Simply amazing - all her pains are history..
Thanks for askin.

Gotta shower up, head to Liquor Store, then to hospital - to hand deliver the Knife CutterzMen a bottle each of the very best spirits available, with a heartfelt letter of gratefulness.


post edited by draketrutta - 2012/03/02 14:12:13

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 14:18:36 (permalink)
I know -its like facing the wrong direction into the wind an gettin  yourself all wet -but -just gotta try now and then. Ya know - nothin ventured---------
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 14:22:47 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: retired guy

I know -its like facing the wrong direction into the wind an gettin  yourself all wet -but -just gotta try now and then. Ya know - nothin ventured---------

just make sure, that if, they pizz down your back whilzt tellin you it's raininz,
give extreme elbow to ______________..

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 14:45:02 (permalink)
I spent 55 bucks on Muskie fly tying stuff today at Bass Pro.
Had to celebrate the 1.5% raise we got at work.
Great news on yer mum dt. Glad to hear it.

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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 15:07:04 (permalink)
Sittin here tryin to figure out your pay-Hmmmm 55 bucks is 1.5 %--is that per week? Or is you one of those guys who gets 5 more bucks and spends 55- keeps the economy goin that way though. Obo will be proud of ya.
post edited by retired guy - 2012/03/02 15:08:08
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 15:25:32 (permalink)
Drake, I had L-5/S-1 done. No picnic.As long as incision heals nice the surgeon is happy.Good luck to your mom.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 15:36:28 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: salmotrutta

I spent 55 bucks on Muskie fly tying stuff today at Bass Pro.
Had to celebrate the 1.5% raise we got at work.
Great news on yer mum dt. Glad to hear it.
U hittin St Lawrence this yr?

Steel on a pin---so easy a caveman can do it.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 17:09:51 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: retired guy

Sittin here tryin to figure out your pay-Hmmmm 55 bucks is 1.5 %--is that per week? Or is you one of those guys who gets 5 more bucks and spends 55- keeps the economy goin that way though. Obo will be proud of ya.

you can always donate those "No Tension/on Pension" checks to redistribute some wealth around RT.. Obobo the Socialist Clown will be very happy...

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 17:36:02 (permalink)

Steel on a pin---so easy a caveman can do it.
retired guy
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 17:49:15 (permalink)
Drake- thats how I bought the place by da River. Evrey body happy.
post edited by retired guy - 2012/03/02 18:06:15
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 17:51:05 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: metalslayer


?????? I don't get it,whats the point?
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 18:08:09 (permalink)
John Lennon once said "I write them I don't explain them.
Everybody decides what they mean for themselves."

I think tat holds here as well.

it's not lying if you believe it.
George Costanza
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 18:24:25 (permalink)

it's not lying if you believe it.
George Costanza
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 19:04:47 (permalink)

Steel on a pin---so easy a caveman can do it.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 20:03:03 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: retired guy

Drake- thats how I bought the place by da River. Evrey body happy.

No waze Josez..

you like math, evidentzly,
since you trying to figger Slammo's ching take..

howz thiz:

YOU have an extra crib - next to a "Destination River - PREMIERE" - per CofC pamphlets.
(a.k.a. COUNTRY CLUB BOY in Socialist slang)

YOUR EXTRA crib is located in Oswego County - one of the most economically depressed counties in the EMPIRE State of the People'z Republicz of New Yawk.. (I know upstate folkz don;t talk that way - bu the purse-string holders/snatchers,buzzards do).

Thereforez, you are part of the 1% and your wealth should be ree-deestributed - per Obobo the Socialist Clown's Bible - the Cloward-Pivens Plan.

do a little light reading and get back to me on watt's ya thinkz..

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 20:08:05 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: pafisher

ORIGINAL: metalslayer


?????? I don't get it,whats the point?

IT's a Video..
nuttin buttz a video..

I'm going to post a similiar one - war theme - ROLLING STONES - VIETNAM WAR - one of my favorites that I actually keep in MY FAVORITEZ..

It's Friday night,,,

as best as I'ze can tellz,

nuttin in da new rulezook y the MEET THE NEW BOSS man,

- slammed in the general populace's faces

- due to (see sig line),

prohibits tuneage & dancin,

(dancin snakes optional ??) <<<--- canz I getz clarificationz onz datz??



turn itz upz...

post edited by draketrutta - 2012/03/02 20:09:15

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 20:12:25 (permalink)
will have to rip my CD'z nowz..


let's lighten things up:

This D00d was HI-LARRY-OUS,,



post edited by draketrutta - 2012/03/02 20:13:51

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 20:17:14 (permalink)
    Since we are talking bout golf- there are some very nice courses up there. Wife and I use them often in the Summer. Specially Pines and Elms. Great prices too.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 20:20:21 (permalink)
THe ones along Rte 3?

Never played golf up there,, I should give try.

I'm a hack, used to be mid80's - back in da 80'z...

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 20:28:12 (permalink)
Yea -
  Pines is South of Selkirk Shores and Elms is a few miles up near Sandy. Im usually in the 90s. As usual up that way very nice and agreeable folks running both places. Actually think the same folks own both of them and if one has something going on they will call the other for you to be sure ya can get in stead of wastin a drive.
    Not PGA ( but then where is) but nice courses. They stay open late and really drop the prices ( always very reasonable even at full Summer rates) in the Fall and its great to go up and fish in the AM and golf in the PM with wifey.
We take bout a week each Oct for that stuff. Then I turn around real quick like and go back and FISH.  Well-- tween Deer huntin.
Like to see other courses- here at home am on the golf commission for a top 10 Municipal course located in my Political area. Wife plays at least 4 days a week and the old man is down to about two.
post edited by retired guy - 2012/03/02 20:31:47
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 20:33:56 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: retired guy

Yea -
  Pines is South of Selkirk Shores and Elms is a few miles up near Sandy. Im usually in the 90s. As usual up that way very nice and agreeable folks running both places. Actually think the same folks own both of them and if one has something going on they will call the other for you to be sure ya can get in stead of wastin a drive.
   Not PGA ( but then where is) but nice courses. They stay open late and really drop the prices ( always very reasonable even at full Summer rates) in the Fall and its great to go up and fish in the AM and golf in the PM with wifey.
We take bout a week each Oct for that stuff. Then I turn around real quick like and go back and FISH.  Well-- tween Deer huntin.
Like to see other courses- here at home am on the golf commission for a top 10 Municipal course located in my Political area. Wife plays at least 4 days a week and the old man is down to about two.

One reason I gave up golf - after moving back East, was too much ching in da POCONOZ area..even the non-PGA's are priced PGA-level - for the Touri-folkz from da Big Cities..

rather fish/hunt or sleep, far awayz from the Touri.

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 20:38:30 (permalink)
   Thats one thing I love bout the Rural SR area- real folks and nobodys tryin to get into your wallet all the time. Just nice laid back fun and most everyone is polite too- heck they even hold the doors at stores and say -how are ya today- like they mean it.
Urbania lost all that someplace along the line.
     Lub dat Salmon Country. Heck, even got horses and wagons passin by my place kinda regular.
post edited by retired guy - 2012/03/02 20:40:03
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 20:47:47 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: retired guy

Sittin here tryin to figure out your pay-Hmmmm 55 bucks is 1.5 %--is that per week? Or is you one of those guys who gets 5 more bucks and spends 55- keeps the economy goin that way though. Obo will be proud of ya.

I just didn't want to wait for the stuff to come in the mail. coulda had the same for about half I'm sure. Just spending funds and getting the wife out. I got into a chat with a few fellows heading up to the SR this weekend. They were thankful of the knowledge I shared with them about fishing for these spawned out fish it appears everyone is catching.

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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 21:03:22 (permalink)
    Think that 'already spawned' thingie is way over played. Will it be on the early side of normal- Perhaps= maybe even likely- but not well into as yet.
If I see them still spawnin in late May ( and I will) dont run around sayin it was a late spawn and if ya see some now ya dont run around yellin OHMIGOD its almost over already.
Just the edges of normalcy. When a mid August King or two show up there is always somebody yellin that the run is on and its  gonna be over soon --- Its NOT.
post edited by retired guy - 2012/03/02 21:08:44
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 21:09:20 (permalink)
You know, the greens were the best in 97. It was incredible.

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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 21:11:16 (permalink)

Golf Greens or the Big Green Kings- lovem both-well maybe the big green Kings are better- all toothy and humpy backed and strong as heck.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 21:27:49 (permalink)
I predict the season will be/ is at least 2 weeks advanced this yr--ALOT more post spawn right now than in a "normal" yr---think drake might b in the $ w/ his dates---on a side note eyez got 2 golden tickets and 3 possible takers b4 Dougie's season ends(not that I NEED any more friends).

Steel on a pin---so easy a caveman can do it.
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RE: Half full 2012/03/02 21:36:10 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: retired guy

   Thats one thing I love bout the Rural SR area- real folks and nobodys tryin to get into your wallet all the time. Just nice laid back fun and most everyone is polite too- heck they even hold the doors at stores and say -how are ya today- like they mean it.
Urbania lost all that someplace along the line.
    Lub dat Salmon Country. Heck, even got horses and wagons passin by my place kinda regular.

The Slickers & Thugs are 40 miles east of me..

They'ze know better to come here - only for river-raft trips, bus in bus out, hit the da road jacks & jackies,,,

Landlocked by state parks, Army Corp land, trigger-happy farmers...
Dandy Neighorhood Watch Program...

SR Glass Hole - Where Fragile, See-Through Ego's get BROKEN.
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