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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/22 09:41:36
Wow, that's a new one for me. Yer not allowed to bring a fire arm with you while tracking an animal at nite? Considering the high bear and coyote populations where I hunt, I will NEVER go into the woods at night without a piece. I learned that lesson the hard way! As for it not being legal, well officer, I am out here coyote hunting. Case closed.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/22 09:55:15
The thing is by law, you cannot even track and recover the animal without a firearm after legal shooting time ends. I understand, officer discretion comes into play here as well.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/22 10:05:48
Seems like every game law on the books is implemented by officer discretion. If this isn't a recipe for chronyism, I don't know what is. Have tracked a deer for hours at night with a flashlight so the animal did not go to waste. Will do it again if the problem ever arises again. Can't understand why DWCOs would be aloud to track a bear armed out of season. Oh wait "Officer discretion". My azz. Any of us would have been denied permission to do so or just plain been cited for doind so.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/22 11:51:44
That little magazine you get with your hunting lic. ( with the laws isn't the real deal).You can get the big phone book size one. Thats the one the wardens use.It will open your eyes to the laws that can be created.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/22 13:03:46
ORIGINAL: ridgehunter Yes. You would have to contact and inform a local WCO of your actions. What does one do when their local WCO does not return calls promptly (as in # days), and the district # = answering machine after normal business hours. anyone? RSB?
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/22 13:04:53
ORIGINAL: BloodyHand Wow, that's a new one for me. Yer not allowed to bring a fire arm with you while tracking an animal at nite? Considering the high bear and coyote populations where I hunt, I will NEVER go into the woods at night without a piece. I learned that lesson the hard way! As for it not being legal, well officer, I am out here coyote hunting. Case closed. rule will not apply for possessor of PA LTCF w handgun.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 08:19:01
This discussion raise an interesting question, how is the PGC viewed? And I don't mena in a positve or negative light, but rather do you view the PGC primarily (that measn just pick one) as A) a law enforcement entity; B) a conservation agency; C) a wildlife management group; or D) somehting else -- please list?
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 08:43:41
It is generally viewed as a Law Enforcement entity by myself, and most other agencies/writers and sportsmen outside of Pa. It appears to be trying to convert to a Law Enforcement/Enviromental organization which is not in the best interest of the states sportsmen IMO.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 08:54:21
RE: The tracking/tagging regs, my dad and the guys he goes bear hunting with ran into this a few years back, when one of them hit a big bear late in the season, and they were tracking it late. Once they found it, of course, it was several miles from the nearest place they could get a truck to it, which, of course, was miles from the nearest check station. They did the right thing and contacted the PGC about the situation, and while they did make it in on time, the officials pretty much said, "Thanks for letting us know, but you still better get it in on time." IMO, that's a steaming load of BS, and it makes it abundantly clear that many of these people aren't doing their jobs to protect the resource or make PA hunting a better experience for law-abiding sportsmen, but rather that they're just looking for opportunities to give out citations, harass the average guy, and generally make criminals out of otherwise law-abiding hunters. The laws about the trackign and tagging, while ostensibly in place to curb post-season poaching, in all likelihood to little or nothing to deter those who've made up their minds to poach. Sure, it gives the PGC the legal high ground to throw the book at a poacher caught in the act, but for every situation in which the laws help the authorities successfully prosecute a willful criminal, there's likely 10 cases where they're used to cause problems for a guy that's just trying to be a responsible sportsman and not let a kill go to waste. Would it really be such a problem to allow a 24-48 hour grace window after the close of a big game season for tracking & tagging purposes? You hit something but might not recover it before the end of the season, just call a number that goes to an answering machine. Leave your name, number, and a brief explanation of the circumstances. If you get stopped by a WCO while tracking, just explain that you left a message and he will be able to verify it.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 09:11:21
Not being able to track a hit game animal (legally shot) after dark has got to be one of the dumbest laws on the books. Not saying armed. But making it illegal to recover a legal harvest after dark is just plain stupid. The poachers are still there but the responsible Sportsman has to leave his harvest in the woods over night. You shoot a deer in archery the last 10 minutes of shooting time and it would be against the law to retrieve it, unless it fell within sight or you jumped right up on the track and chase it for 5 minutes. We tracked many deer after shooting hours and until recently didn't even know it was illegal. And I'll bet if you polled all the Goons, thugs, liars and not so good guys you would find that most wouldn't even know if it was illegal and many would still do the ethical thing and retrieve their harvest even if they were breaking the law. Dardys-- I always thought they were a Wildlife Management Agency/w a Law Enforcement Branch.
post edited by bingsbaits - 2012/01/23 09:12:50
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 09:20:05
ORIGINAL: bingsbaits I always thought they were a Wildlife Management Agency/w a Law Enforcement Branch. I would agree.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 12:30:42
303. Game Commission officers and employees. (a) Appointment.--The director shall select competent persons as Game Commission officers, assigned to field, administrative or office duties, and other competent persons for other duties as may be necessary to fulfill the requirements of this title. (b) Status.--Except for the director, all personnel shall be employed in accordance with the classification and compensation plans of the Commonwealth and regulations of the commission. (c) Power and authority.--Every officer, employee or representative of the commission in the exercise of their powers and duties shall have the right and authority to go upon or enter any property, posted or otherwise, outside of buildings. How do you interpet this?
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 12:53:09
Clear as a bell- You can post your property but the Warden can walk it. Otherwise all the poacher would have to do is post and be secure in his violations. Its that old 'state owns the game' thing and thats why he can do it. Imagine all kinda illegal out of season trappin and bow hunting one could get away with if the Warden had no right to passage on property. We all know guys who would do it too given half a chance.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 12:58:41
Can we get the PGC's definition of competent?
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 13:08:47
Retired guy---what I am refering to is it seems to say all employees are able to act as law enforcement and not just WCO's. The law enforcement branch may consist of any employee of the PGC. They are all employees or representives of the commission.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 14:17:25
The moral to this story is: Always keep your mouth shut, don't bother other people, only go to the law if you have exhausted all other avenues, and certainly never offer up any information unless you absolutely have to.
"Part of being a Leftist is the smug conviction that you and people like you are smart, while everyone else is stupid and/or evil" - T. Fleming
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 14:43:42
10 Ct's laws laws are generaly patterned after NY State statutes and one would see no reason Pa is too very much different. Maybee--maybee not--- In our state in order for anyone to make a legal arrest or enforcement action they MUST have completed the Academy and be State certified to make such actions. Said Academy and Certification takes many many weeks of full time attendance not to mention the grading process within that schooling. It would seem that the laws that you showed may well be modified by a mandate of ones having to be Certified. The old case of one set of laws or rules being controlled even further by another. Any CO or LE person participating here could quickly advise of any such mandates in PA. Just an example --in the old days our Game Clubs could pick most anyone to be their Constable and monitor guys on their properties- Long ago when this law about Certification came about all us Cops were getting called like crazy from clubs offering free memberships to become their Constables- The alternative was to have their guys go to the academy for months to get certified ( full time too). The only other alternative was for prospective Constables to attend a couple of years of night school to be certified to give tickets. Pretty clearly if you folks have anything even close to this it would exclude many of those employees the initial rule kinda indicated had standing- like secretaries and such. Perhaps ??? Will be interesting to know the answer---Be kinda neat if Mary down in payroll can pinch ya---
post edited by retired guy - 2012/01/23 16:32:01
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 14:53:33
Being a Goon, I have recovered many animals after dark and had no idea I couldn't do that until now.Now, where would the "line" be between dragging out and tracking?...WF..Goon
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 15:36:07
ORIGINAL: S-10 (c) Power and authority.--Every officer, employee or representative of the commission in the exercise of their powers and duties shall have the right and authority to go upon or enter any property, posted or otherwise, outside of buildings. How do you interpet this? Not sure. Maybe if it is listed as a essential job duty then that partcular employee has the right to enter any property.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 16:06:46
---Be kinda neat if Mary down in payroll can pinch ya--- Don't know about Mary in payroll but not too many years ago when I was more involved, food and cover guys, land managers, and other PGC outdoors types were involved in more than one bust or investigation plus until recently the DWCO's had a minimum of training and made more arrests then the WCO's in this area.
post edited by S-10 - 2012/01/23 16:26:40
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 16:17:02
ORIGINAL: RhnstnCowboy The moral to this story is: Always keep your mouth shut, don't bother other people, only go to the law if you have exhausted all other avenues, and certainly never offer up any information unless you absolutely have to. This.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 19:35:00
The moral to this story is: Always keep your mouth shut, don't bother other people, only go to the law if you have exhausted all other avenues, and certainly never offer up any information unless you absolutely have to. I could not have said it any better myself.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 21:33:12
Hey 10-= Your spot on with the minimal training thingie- that ended up being the 'issue' with the very expanded Certification requirements here- Too many pinches didnt last in Court due to minimal or practically nonexistent 'training and experience' in far too many cases.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 21:46:57
ORIGINAL: RhnstnCowboy The moral to this story is: Always keep your mouth shut, don't bother other people, only go to the law if you have exhausted all other avenues, and certainly never offer up any information unless you absolutely have to. x2 - loose lips sink ships. if you ever find yourself under arrest - by a WCO or any Cop, the only words you should speak are "I want my lawyer". Don't even talk about the weather.
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 22:50:28
ORIGINAL: S-10 ---Be kinda neat if Mary down in payroll can pinch ya--- Don't know about Mary in payroll but not too many years ago when I was more involved, food and cover guys, land managers, and other PGC outdoors types were involved in more than one bust or investigation plus until recently the DWCO's had a minimum of training and made more arrests then the WCO's in this area. Actually the Game Commission deputies are among some of the best-trained officers in the state. Even in the old days before the more intense deputy training many of the Game Commission deputies were better trained than many and perhaps even most of the municipal police officers across this state. The reason deputies made more arrests than the WCOs had nothing to do with being overzealous. They made more arrest than the WCOs because the WCOs spend most of their time dealing with everything from the administrative duties to citizen complaints or doing educational programs and have very little time to do law enforcement. The deputies on the other hand were the backbone of the Game Commission law enforcement program. When the deputy program became so intensely scrutinized and criticized many of the most actively deputies simple said the heck with it, it wasn’t worth the aggravation and quit. When that happened wildlife protection took a major hit and the honest sportsmen of this state became the big losers in the end. About the only time I get to do law enforcement is when it because reactionary because someone called in some information that is sufficient enough to make it worth investigating. Plus once we lost our deputies we rarely have a partner available so we simply don’t work as much during the most dangerous times of the night like we used to. It used to be I always had at least one deputy available about any time I wanted one, but now I very rarely have a deputy available. Once again it is the sportsmen and the wildlife resources that come up the losers. R.S. Bodenhorn
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/23 23:29:42
ORIGINAL: draketrutta ORIGINAL: RhnstnCowboy The moral to this story is: Always keep your mouth shut, don't bother other people, only go to the law if you have exhausted all other avenues, and certainly never offer up any information unless you absolutely have to. x2 - loose lips sink ships. if you ever find yourself under arrest - by a WCO or any Cop, the only words you should speak are "I want my lawyer". Don't even talk about the weather. That isn’t always the best advice at all. I have seen many occasions where had someone simply told me the truth it would have worked out very much to his or her advantage. Once such case was when I came up over a hill just in time to see three guys closing the tailgate of a truck, jumping in a heading down the road ahead of me. As I got to where they had been I could see the drag mark and the blood on the embankment so I knew they had just loaded a deer. It was deer season but it also appeared the deer had probably just been shot from the roadway. I stopped the truck and found a doe that hadn’t even been gutted yet with a deer tag just stuffed in the ear and not even tied in. They wouldn’t tell me anything. The tag wasn’t even for the unit where the deer was killed, but I didn’t feel that the guy with the rag on the deer had even been the one that shot it since he was the back seat passenger of a two-door truck. A little investigating produced a spent a casing in the ditch where the deer had been dragged down to the road and the drag mark only went up the hill about 50 yards so it was pretty clear the deer had been shot from the road. The rifle used to shoot the deer belonged to the front seat passenger and the deer was being transported in the truck owned by the operator. Then the backseat passenger tagged it. That put them all very much involved in a deer that illegally killed in the wrong unit from the road. I tried to get them to tell me what happened but they basically told me I couldn’t prove who shot it and they weren’t going to say anything. If they had told me who shot the deer I would have been happy just charging that person with the illegal deer and perhaps the other two with a using a motor vehicle to hunt and lending a tag. But, they decided to keep their mouth shut so the easiest thing for me to prove was an illegal deer on all three guys. That is what I ended up charging them with and all three were found guilty of that charge. Had they simply told the truth two of them would have had much lower fines and not have lost their hunting privileges but as it turned out they all paid the maximum fine and lost their licenses for a year. I have a case pending right now where I can prove, with witnesses and store surveillance video that two felons got into a truck with a rifle on the front seat. I can also prove that a deer was shot from that truck at about 4:00 am while a passenger was casting a spotlight over the roof of the truck and that they loaded the deer in the truck before they ran out of gas. I ended up with the truck impounded after they abandoned it, getting a search warrant and processing it for evidence. Neither one of them are talking at all either. I am pretty sure from other information I have that the driver also owned the rifle they used. If the passenger had talked, other than to tell me I can’t prove he hadn’t gone home before the deer was shot, I would have been willing to just charge him with his part in killing a deer through the use of artificial light. That is a serious summary of the first-degree offense but it is not nearly as serious as the felony I am going to be able to prove once I get the DNA results back from the items I recovered inside the truck that I am sure is going to prove he was the one running the spotlight and using the passenger’s door handle. Forcing me to prove his involvement instead of manning up is going to get end up with his being charged with both the summary and felony plus having to pay for a lot of very expensive lab fees if he is convicted and then there is the mandatory five years in prison for a felon being in possession of a firearm. Nope, sometimes just following my dad’s old advice would be the smart way to go. He always told me “the shortest way out of trouble is always the truth.†I certainly agree with that old advice. R.S. Bodenhorn
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/24 00:20:05
(permalink) can rat out your buddies, and lose a friend in the process, or you can keep your mouth shut, take your lumps, and lose your license for a year...a license to do something legally that you're already pretty morally okay with doing illegally anyway...
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/24 00:50:47
ORIGINAL: Cold can rat out your buddies, and lose a friend in the process, or you can keep your mouth shut, take your lumps, and lose your license for a year...a license to do something legally that you're already pretty morally okay with doing illegally anyway... "Yeah Officer, My buddy said you dont need a license to poach deer"
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/24 06:29:09
ORIGINAL: RSB That isn’t always the best advice at all. I stated after arrest, that you should clam up. Once your Miranda Rights have been read to you, no amount of talking will help you, that's why they say "can & will be used against you in a court of law).
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RE: Situation with PGC
2012/01/24 07:00:27
ORIGINAL: RSB I have a case pending right now where I can prove, with witnesses and store surveillance video that two felons got into a truck with a rifle on the front seat. I can also prove that a deer was shot from that truck at about 4:00 am while a passenger was casting a spotlight over the roof of the truck and that they loaded the deer in the truck before they ran out of gas. I ended up with the truck impounded after they abandoned it, getting a search warrant and processing it for evidence. Neither one of them are talking at all either. Forcing me to prove his involvement instead of manning up is going to get end up with his being charged with both the summary and felony plus having to pay for a lot of very expensive lab fees if he is convicted and then there is the mandatory five years in prison for a felon being in possession of a firearm. R.S. Bodenhorn I'm surprised that you didn't say "when he is convicted" instead of saying "if he is convicted" since you have witnesses and store surveillance video, and can prove that they killed this deer jacklighting? I suppose even with all the evidence, conviction is questionable unless they just fess up.
post edited by ridgehunter - 2012/01/24 07:03:13