Dr. Trout
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2012/01/10 01:52:07
  I think that ANYBODY that puts up a feed station ajoining SGL or any other public land should to fined and their names printed in the paper. This is America.. I should be allowed to do anything that is legal on my property that I want to do.. and feeding deer is not illegal... I don't want you or anyone else telling me what I can or can not do with something I worked hard and long to have... If I want to feed deer on my property how can the government tell me I can't.. just so some hunter can hunt on some other piece of property .. you gotta be kidding !!!! Plus remember I do not have anything out prior to archery and rifle deer seasons,you must have missed reading that part  I'll start in the late season after I have stopped hunting here and no one is going to walk the mile or two to get behind my property to hunt this time of year anyhow . never seen anyone there in 30 years during Jan or Feb or even March.. PLUS I have not even seen a car or truck in the nearest SGL parking lot since rifle season ended this year.. Should there be a law that says I can't cut my grass or make any loud noises because some one may be archery hunting near by in the fall and I might spoil their hunt???? If my neighbor is allergic to cats should I not be allowed to have cats on my property for fear it may wonder over to their property ??? Where do you draw the line on government telling a private landowner what he can and can't do on his property that is legal ??? OA would probably love living in one of those developments where they tell you how high your grass is allowed to be or what color you can paint your house ...   
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2012/01/10 01:55:37
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2012/01/10 07:40:55
ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures I think that ANYBODY that puts up a feed station ajoining SGL or any other public land should to fined and their names printed in the paper. What has happen here is that every single hunter that enters that game land is in jepordy of hunting near bait rather 1/4 mile or 1 foot from the bait site. That entire area needs to be reported and flagged off as a baiting site. To think these kinda people call themselves sportsmen. So every one of those folks that have bird feeders in their back yards should get the same treatment?
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2012/01/10 08:23:11
So every one of those folks that have bird feeders in their back yards should get the same treatment? I don't think that is what he is saying at all. The practical effect of what he is doing is putting off limits a quarter mile or so of State game lands to hunting in addition to his already posted personal property. I have a neighbor who doesn't like me hunting or shooting on my own property and has threatened to put a bait pile on our boundry and call the WCO on me. He hasn't as of yet and I have no intention of quitting if he does, prefering to take my chances in court if it happens and a WCO choses to push the issue. He is within his rights to place feed on his own property next to game lands but is fully aware that by doing so he has just extended his private reserve on to public property as far as hunting goes. The better approach would be to wait until after hunting season is over. As far as bird feeders, I know of no WCO in this area that has ever tried to bust someone for hunting close to a neighbors bird feeder. I do know some folks who have been told to take their feeders down due to drawing unwanted critters into the neighborhood.
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2012/01/10 09:10:53
As long as Dr Trout stops baiting within 30 days of hunting that spot - he is good to go. S10 - The situation with your neighbor is interesting. I think the PGC rule about not hunting within 150 yds of a baitpile is sort of tarded - like if an innocent person did not know it was there - then they are innocent. In your case, you know it's there, but you did not lay the corn. If I was the WCO or Judge, I would find fault with your neighbor - who is indirectly interfering with a hunter (a twisted version of the PETA freaks that got busted for trying to stop NJ hunts). I would not fine the property owner laying the bait (since he is not hunting), but I would give you the green light to blast bambi within the 150yd perimeter - just to irk your neighbor's liver.
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2012/01/10 09:13:57
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2012/01/10 10:38:13
Draketrutta--that's in line with how I was advised it would probably play out in court if a WCO was even bored enough to cite me which is doubtful. Most in this area have enough other work to do without getting involved in an issue like that unless forced.
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2012/01/10 12:05:15
ORIGINAL: S-10 So every one of those folks that have bird feeders in their back yards should get the same treatment? I don't think that is what he is saying at all. The practical effect of what he is doing is putting off limits a quarter mile or so of State game lands to hunting in addition to his already posted personal property. Bird seed and corn are no different and considered bait. There are deer coming to my neighbors bird feeder just about every night. If someone has to have thier picture posted in the paper for throwing corn in their backyard, the same treatment should be given to grandma Jones, according to OA.
post edited by dpms - 2012/01/10 12:07:19
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2012/01/10 12:14:43
Drake, there is no set distance that you may hunt from a baitpile and still be legal. Whether you are 50 yards or 500 yards from a baitpile, if the WCO believes that you were taking advantage of that bait in any way, you are toast. This time of year it would not be hard to prove that a deer traveled a considerable distance to a bait station and if you happen to be hunting somewhere along their route to the bait, well you know what happens next if you are caught....
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2012/01/10 12:18:46
Try hunting near a pile of corn and when caught ask the WCO why he is picking on you and not the guy sitting a couple hundred yards away from grandmas bird feeder. It's some of that common sense RSB keeps talking about. Now, scatter 10# of bird seed around grandmas bird feeder everyday and you have a different story.
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2012/01/10 12:34:37
ORIGINAL: S-10 Try hunting near a pile of corn and when caught ask the WCO why he is picking on you and not the guy sitting a couple hundred yards away from grandmas bird feeder. It's some of that common sense RSB keeps talking about. Now, scatter 10# of bird seed around grandmas bird feeder everyday and you have a different story. Doesn't much matter. Both are bait. Folks bash Doc for hunting near where there used to be bait months ago yet somehow a birdfeeder that deer are habituated to is okay? The point is that the are tons of sources of "bait" out there that deer are habituated too. Too single out someone with some corn in their backyard that likes to watch deer and ignoring the rest just brings to light the agenda that persists. Of course, I would be wrong if OA did agree with me that everyone with birdfeeders should have their pics in the paper too.
post edited by dpms - 2012/01/10 12:36:12
My rifle is a black rifle
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2012/01/10 12:48:52
I disagree----Corn is the most common baiting practice that was even discussed and allowed by the PGC in some areas with posted instructions on how to most effectively use it. I am also a landowner who has a couple birdfeeders that sometimes gets hit by deer. I know of no case where a WCO cited someone for simply hunting in the area of a simple birdfeeder. While a landowner has a right to place corn on his property to draw deer if not hunting, in this case, that right is interfering with the right of the citizens of the commonwealth to use public land for it's intended use. It is probably a mute point as I doubt a WCO would persue it unless pressured and the courts have ruled in both directions in similiar cases.
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2012/01/10 12:56:36
ORIGINAL: S-10 I disagree----Corn is the most common baiting practice that was even discussed and allowed by the PGC in some areas with posted instructions on how to most effectively use it. I am also a landowner who has a couple birdfeeders that sometimes gets hit by deer. I know of no case where a WCO cited someone for simply hunting in the area of a simple birdfeeder. You bring up a good point that citations for hunting around birdfeeders are not that common. Why is that if the deer are habituated to them? A deer may visit a salt block once every two weeks but the hunter will get busted for hunting around it when there is a birdfeeder close by as well that the deer visit every other night. Really just points out the inconsistancies, headaches and the difficulties with enforcing these type of regulations. For hunters and LE, both.
My rifle is a black rifle
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2012/01/10 13:10:13
You bring up a good point that citations for hunting around birdfeeders are not that common. Why is that if the deer are habituated to them? A deer may visit a salt block once every two weeks but the hunter will get busted for hunting around it when there is a birdfeeder close by as well that the deer visit every other night. Really just points out the inconsistancies, headaches and the difficulties with enforcing these type of regulations. For hunters and LE, both. Yep--Could you imagine the friends the PGC would make by making hunting within 300-400 yards of a birdfeeder illegal and trying to enforce it. Now, with all the food plots, deer food, etc, that's available it must be a nightmare enforcing. A pile of bright yellow corn under a Hemlock tree, not so hard. I agree on the mineral blocks 100%. If you want to kill a deer in April-June they would be the way to go. Oct-Nov you are much better off watching a apple/oak tree or crop field. I think with the salt block it is just a matter of being easy to prove the stuff is in the ground not that it gives the hunter much of an advantage.
post edited by S-10 - 2012/01/10 13:52:40
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2012/01/10 14:28:29
Had a guy try and tell me once that hunting near an old harvested corn field would get me pinched if corn had missed the truck at the corners of the field. Enough is enough. How many guys shake the old apple tree in the evening and are back by it in the wee hours. Bait- intentional or not is a food source and anywhere near houses or agriculture has spots that 'have messed with mother nature" common sense must prevail. We all hunt food sources.
Dr. Trout
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2012/01/10 18:41:48
For the last time == there is no corn present during archery season and rifle season.. ..so the arguement S-10 and OA and Tuna are trying to make is ridiculous.... I am not infringing on anyone's hunting on the SGL.nor am I doing anything that is illegal.. As for the late season .. as I have said.. if I even suspected anyone was back there hunting I would not have it out... I did not put corn out this year until after I was done hunting here ... a couple folks here are the ones saying I did.. As for a WCO "busting" someone here... I have no idea how that could happen... NO ONE would even know the corn was there unless they were well within the safety zone around my properties... and tresspassing at the same time ....
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2012/01/10 18:48:21
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2012/01/10 22:00:04
A NO BASHING POST...JUST ABOUT MY DAY OUT.... Went out this morning. Started my walk up the main road and I saw 4 at the top of the horse farm 3 properties from mine. They never lifted their heads and were out +400 yards out and it was 6:45am. Binocs couldn't pull enough light in to see their heads. If you haven't been up early the past two mornings the moon is full and quite a sight. Walked up the hollow that runs between two farms (on the opposite side of the road from the horse farm). The one is all grass field on the left and the other is 1/2 grass and 1/2 chest high brush. There is a section of woods that's 2000 yards wide by about a mile long between them. My thought was if they were feeding on the horse farm they should be out on the other. WELL ........I sat til 10 and saw one squirrel and heard one fox bark. I took a leisurely stroll and never found any deer. There is nuts(acorn type) everywhere. I believe there is beech nuts also, not really sure what they look like but I think that's what they are,BUT they are loads of them. Most of the grape vines are berry stripped. Found a few tracks...old ones....NO buck rubs.....home by noon. Four days left for me in 2B....16th 17th 23rd 24th
2012/01/10 22:55:19
Hunted public land today and found lots of deer sign. Run across a well beaten path and set up during evening hours. Guessing I was round 200 yards or farther from private land. Looked to be a few buildings in the far distance. Saw deer traveling up the trail toward the buildings but they stopped when a guy began calling his dog. I left the woods at dark and drove past the guys house as he was still looking for his dog. I offered to help him look and we walked to the end of his property. Would you know it he had a feeding station for deer. Now the PGC good book say you must know your surroundings but how can one if you legally can't get close enough without violating a safety zone. Oh BTW the guy was a hunter and shot a deer in archery so feeding deer and drawing them in from public ground was not a concern of his. He only cared about him self and said the other's that hunted public land can fend for their selves.All it's gonna take is for one hunter to shoot one of his so called pet deer or a neighbor's and then the hunter will be charged for hunting near bait since no distance is written. This guy was all about himself and said go screw the rest of the guys who didn't get a chance to hunt yet. A true sportsman !
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2012/01/11 09:26:55
sounds like a made-up story to me .. but anyhow...Good thing it was not my place.. if you were " ROUND 200 YARDS.. YOU'D HAVE BEEN TRESPASSING.... and of course = I don't have a dog.. so you would never had know I had a feeder.. plus where I live you couldn't "drove past the guys house " either.. So as I have been saying all along ... I am bothering no one feeding this last week of late deer season.... 
Jenna James
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2012/01/11 09:30:49
maybe you should have stayed in your car and minded your own business.