Does this bother you?
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/14 10:13:11
ORIGINAL: SilverKype ORIGINAL: DarDys  The minority gets special privledges and the majoirty does not. Simple as that. I see you're having trouble separating biological versus social. This is not about you, or me, or majority, or minority. It is about the deer herd itself. The PGC does not care how deer get killed, but what they do know is archery season is low impact on the deer herd, rifle season is not. That is why you will see archery season expand in the future. The PGC is not favoring archers (what I meant when I said social favoritism), it's low impact. As far as your comments about enough is enough. You sound a little jealous. Get off your arse and join the ranks. We get to pick the biggest bucks >> You don't have a clue how difficult it is to get one of those bucks under you and make a shot. For some reason, 80% of the deer kill is my unit is from rifle season. Who has it easy ? We get nice weather ? Pick up a bow. We get a longer season because it's more difficult, alot more difficult despite nice weather and unpressured big bucks (yeah right). Do you "get it?" You are correct, the PGC doesn't care how the deer herd gets killed, so why not cater to those buying an extra stamp to increase their revenues. I don't consider 30% of the kill low impact. I consider it darn near a third. I don't want to join your ranks. I shot a bow (recurve because comps didn't exist yet) long before you were a gleam in your father's eye and I was fairly good at it. But I have no desire to turn deer hunting into a job, no desire to stick one with an arrow, and no desire to give up small game hunting. And why should I have to - to apease a minoirty? As for how difficult it is to get one of those bucks under you and make a shot, your right, I don't. But I would bet the farm that it is a darn sight easier to get a buck under you and make the shot in archery season than it is when that buck is in someone's freezer before the season even starts. Remember, hunting isn't a catch and release sport. Use whatever numbers you want 70/30, which is what the PGc license sales say, or 60/40 or even 57/43, archer are still a minority. When they get to be a majority, which they probably eventually will, then do the firearms hunters get the special tratment that the minority does now? If not, why not? It seems okay now. No one said it was easy. But you must admit, it pretty hard to harvest (kill, whatever) a deer in firearms season when it has already been harvest (killed, whatever). Again, I have no issue with how things are now. I am glad you guys enjoy your sport. But realize that there are many, as in a majority, that do no enjoy your sport and by keeping asking for more and more, you appear to be getting alot and wanting even more.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/14 10:21:25
ORIGINAL: DarDys ORIGINAL: SilverKype ORIGINAL: DarDys  The minority gets special privledges and the majoirty does not. Simple as that. I see you're having trouble separating biological versus social. This is not about you, or me, or majority, or minority. It is about the deer herd itself. The PGC does not care how deer get killed, but what they do know is archery season is low impact on the deer herd, rifle season is not. That is why you will see archery season expand in the future. The PGC is not favoring archers (what I meant when I said social favoritism), it's low impact. As far as your comments about enough is enough. You sound a little jealous. Get off your arse and join the ranks. We get to pick the biggest bucks >> You don't have a clue how difficult it is to get one of those bucks under you and make a shot. For some reason, 80% of the deer kill is my unit is from rifle season. Who has it easy ? We get nice weather ? Pick up a bow. We get a longer season because it's more difficult, alot more difficult despite nice weather and unpressured big bucks (yeah right). Do you "get it?" You are correct, the PGC doesn't care how the deer herd gets killed, so why not cater to those buying an extra stamp to increase their revenues. I don't consider 30% of the kill low impact. I consider it darn near a third. I don't want to join your ranks. I shot a bow (recurve because comps didn't exist yet) long before you were a gleam in your father's eye and I was fairly good at it. But I have no desire to turn deer hunting into a job, no desire to stick one with an arrow, and no desire to give up small game hunting. And why should I have to - to apease a minoirty? As for how difficult it is to get one of those bucks under you and make a shot, your right, I don't. But I would bet the farm that it is a darn sight easier to get a buck under you and make the shot in archery season than it is when that buck is in someone's freezer before the season even starts. Remember, hunting isn't a catch and release sport. Use whatever numbers you want 70/30, which is what the PGc license sales say, or 60/40 or even 57/43, archer are still a minority. When they get to be a majority, which they probably eventually will, then do the firearms hunters get the special tratment that the minority does now? If not, why not? It seems okay now. No one said it was easy. But you must admit, it pretty hard to harvest (kill, whatever) a deer in firearms season when it has already been harvest (killed, whatever). Again, I have no issue with how things are now. I am glad you guys enjoy your sport. But realize that there are many, as in a majority, that do no enjoy your sport and by keeping asking for more and more, you appear to be getting alot and wanting even more. Deer hunting doesn't need to be a job. Some people just enjoy the woods without having killing something. And ahh... yes, the old age "experienced" comment. Laughable. You are still missing it. You keep talking about archers vs firearms, or minority vs majority. Let me know when you can focus on the efficiency of the sporting arm, then we'll continue to talk about season lengths and timing.
My reports and advice are for everyone to enjoy, not just the paying customers.
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/14 12:18:31
Dave, I lived in Penn Hills & Oakmont from 1960 - 1985 & worked in the Oakmont CC Clubhouse. It was a blast hunting/trapping & fishing then. Think I was the only one in town that walked around with a shotgun in hand   Plum was GREAT Hunting grounds, farmland. Bought a place in the country in 85 & could walk out the door & hunt sm. game from sunrise to sunset. Times have changed in many ways here also. If it wasn't for knowing some land owners & having a State Park basically out my front door I would ov gave up hunting yrs. ago more than likely. Still might in the near future but probably not for my boys sake. Have a couple guys coming up tomorrow from Penn Hills for the duck opener, the one shot a 22 point buck in Highland Park last fall while archery hunting. Later crappy
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/14 12:33:34
ORIGINAL: DarDys ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz Dardys, Just admit it, you are jealous of archery hunters and the archery season. One simple fix, join us. I know it would cut into your small game time but I have many friends that do both. See, if archery season is extended, you'll definitely have time to enjoy both! See how easy that was.... And yeah, PA's archery season should be longer and should definitely include the rut. There, I said it. My selfishness has shown through. But guess what, those 60% or so of PA hunters that identify themselves as rifle deer hunters only have just as much opportunity to pick up the bow and, geesh, even a crossbow now and join in the fun. NO ONE is stopping them other than themselves. No sense complaining about it or trying to gain sympathy from others for it because you'll get none when you are limiting yourself. If I were jealous of archery season, I wouldn't be in support of it as I have written many times. I just think that the minority has been given enough. I also bet that your friends that do both don't have nearly $50K worth of bird dogs either. I am not loking for sympathy, just an admission that archery hunters have it pretty good for a minoirty and, as you did, admit that they want more, more, more. It is like handing a person a briefcase with a million dollars in it and they complain because all the bills don't face the same direction. And, yes, you are being selfish. Why should the majority need to become part of the minority in order to benefit? I don't understand why it doesn't sink in that the reason firearms hunters don't bow hunt is because they don't want to -- for whatever reason. If your line of thinking were applied to fishing that would be like saying, okay all you bait fisherman out there, of the six months of steelhead season, the first 75% of the seaon will be open to centerpin only and if you don't like that, just become a pinner. Heck, with your thinking, we should all go on welfare -- no one is stopping us but ourselves -- then it wouldn't matter how long the seasons were. And what DO I care if they choose to NOT partake in a season that is there for their benefit? Too frackin' bad! boo hoo... Opportunities are going to expand for archery, as they should, and either partake or just enjoy your dogs. $50k, nooo...but a couple are 5 digits into it and go to preserves quite often as well and they still find time to archery hunt and plant food plots for deer AND pheasants. As far as those slimey steelheads go, I gave up on those in the mid 90's when the crowds started gettin' rediculous. I could care less who fishes for them and by what methods. Just not my cup of tea. Same for stream trout, pelletheads or natives. I'm not into it but don't begrudge others who are (some fanatically). I do enjoy the posts, pictures and stories though.
post edited by eyesandgillz - 2011/10/14 12:39:56
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/14 13:21:43
Tell that to my 3.5 yr old son who throws a fit when I am leaving for afternoon hunts! Now, he is definitely NOT ready for any mentor hunts but the enthusiasm sure is there and I think he'll be out there with me sooner rather than later in the upcoming years. I started mine at 6 with an empty BB gun. We went out together, sat and watched, climbed fences, crossed creeks, etc all the while teaching gun safety, aiming, being quiet, etc. At home we shot bb guns, 22's etc. By 9 he was big enough and had enough of a idea what it was all about that had it been legal I would have let him hunt. A while back there was an article (I think in the game news) of a guy who took his 5 yo daughter spring gobbler hunting. They eventually got one but she had no concept of what she had done. All she was interested in was the treats she had been promised for going hunting. I'll say again, for many (not all)when their that age it's merely a power trip for the parent. Teach them what it's all about and make sure it's what they want before you let them kill something. When you have to hold the bow or gun, aim the thing, and do everything but pull the trigger because the child is too young, or too small,or too weak, or too inexperienced to know which end the projectile comes out of let him/her have a couple more years to grow up.
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/14 13:28:27
Since the weather isn't going to be conducive to archery hunting this weekend, maybe eye and SK can ride to gether to Wall Street. Those folks there seem to be of like mind.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/14 13:38:57
Since the weather isn't going to be conducive to archery hunting this weekend What makes you say that----If your alive when you wake up, if a fireball isn't hurtling towards earth, the deer are still out there, it's hunting season, Real hunters hunt, others drink beer and talk hunting.  Just try not to be lulled to sleep by the gentle rocking of the tree.
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/14 16:39:39
ORIGINAL: S-10 What makes you say that----If your alive when you wake up, if a fireball isn't hurtling towards earth, the deer are still out there, it's hunting season, Real hunters hunt, others drink beer and talk hunting. Just try not to be lulled to sleep by the gentle rocking of the tree. Sheesh I can't even take one day off to drink beer (on my b-day) without losing my status as a real hunter Its only the second week so I am not overly concerned with missing a day here an there due to nasty weather. I have vacation for Nov and will hunt those days regardless of weather. And what is this "gentle" rocking in sustained 20-30mph winds you speak of? More like the magic carpet ride at Kennywood
Dr. Trout
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/14 16:59:07
Thanks Crappy... It was fun back then, but I am even happier here...   Heard about a huge buck getting whacked 2 miles from here today at work and I'm waiting for an E-mail picture... It's supposed to be an 8 point that weighted 191 AFTER field dressing... taken on SGL #54 ... RSB .. It's the same guy you ran into last year on the handicaped trail that shot the pie-bald 9 pointer I posted photos of .......
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/10/14 17:01:48
RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/14 17:04:56
ORIGINAL: BIGHEAD I know all about C&M and I'm personal friends with the original owners Dik and Rudy. It's no secret that they can't compete with large retailers any more. I often visit them and the store is dead come September nothing of what it once was. Arrow sales also took a drop from earlier days. They used to make arrows non stop from Aug till into October. Wasn't the case when I stopped in and yes it was the end of September last season. Now, many can buy on line and get exactly want they want. I would try and buy my raw materials from them as to support the dealer and personal friend as did some members of the BV archers club. Only high end compounds can be bought from a dealer as one example but many other items are being bought on line and at large retail stores. The dealers such as C&M could not finance the amount of stock necessary to compete with others as mentioned and pushed some to buy else were. Remember when other than the dealer, the only place you could buy archery products was Sol's Neft stores and what little K-Mart carried ? Times are changing.Order online with free shipping. One thing most large retailers don't have is a knowledgeable people behind the counter and a good pro shop to properly set up and tune equipment. C&M has been for sale for a long time and yes you are right Big O wanted out. I watched the business slowly go down hill as the years passed and watched help come and go.I also think that when BV archers built their indoor range that many left C&M as to a place to shoot indoors. BTW another large dealer is closing as well in Warren. Wild Wind Sporters. Once a Bowtech dealer with also an indoor range with video recently had more x-bows than compounds and is going out of business. Go figure. OA you said that C&M is out of business because of crossbows and that is NOT the case More like when Rudy got out so did a fair amount of customers and some of the people that are/were working there did pretty shoty work on equipment/bows,bad attitude,and some retail stores did not help.Plus the FACT that Larry has been wanting to retire for a few years! CROSSBOWS DID NOT PUT THEM OUT But I bet you knew that RIGHT Dave Well Dave lets look at this this way. If the archery business was booming such as it was years ago then C&M probaly would still be in buiness regaurdless of who owns it. The amount of guys shooting coumpounds has decreased and the populatity of the x-bow has increased.The buisnass is not there. Big Buck in Wexford is also dropping their compound bows as well due to the popularity of the crossbow. Best thing for them is that they sell other than archery. Go out to D*CKS and look and see how many people are buying x bows rather than coumpounds and then tell me that x-bows didn't have an effect on C&M's buiness.
RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/14 17:26:39
ORIGINAL: DarDys ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz Dardys, Just admit it, you are jealous of archery hunters and the archery season. One simple fix, join us. I know it would cut into your small game time but I have many friends that do both. See, if archery season is extended, you'll definitely have time to enjoy both! See how easy that was.... And yeah, PA's archery season should be longer and should definitely include the rut. There, I said it. My selfishness has shown through. But guess what, those 60% or so of PA hunters that identify themselves as rifle deer hunters only have just as much opportunity to pick up the bow and, geesh, even a crossbow now and join in the fun. NO ONE is stopping them other than themselves. No sense complaining about it or trying to gain sympathy from others for it because you'll get none when you are limiting yourself. If I were jealous of archery season, I wouldn't be in support of it as I have written many times. I just think that the minority has been given enough. I also bet that your friends that do both don't have nearly $50K worth of bird dogs either. I am not loking for sympathy, just an admission that archery hunters have it pretty good for a minoirty and, as you did, admit that they want more, more, more. It is like handing a person a briefcase with a million dollars in it and they complain because all the bills don't face the same direction. And, yes, you are being selfish. Why should the majority need to become part of the minority in order to benefit? I don't understand why it doesn't sink in that the reason firearms hunters don't bow hunt is because they don't want to -- for whatever reason. If your line of thinking were applied to fishing that would be like saying, okay all you bait fisherman out there, of the six months of steelhead season, the first 75% of the season will be open to centerpin only and if you don't like that, just become a pinner. Heck, with your thinking, we should all go on welfare -- no one is stopping us but ourselves -- then it wouldn't matter how long the seasons were. I agree the Pa archer has plenty of opportunity to hunt but also has to share time out with other groups. Not saying good or bad but the archer has to deal and share with other groups as well, Sr firearms,Jr firearms,MY, Muzzle loaders,Small game including Jr's to name a few. Once these other groups invade the woods the mature deer get educated making it much tougher to kill one. So I don't think that archers own the woods early in the season plenty of other groups out as well. In my opinion gun is is most popular % wise because it's easy with very little practice.
RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/14 17:36:38
wayne c
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/14 18:50:01
Just one short comment on the crossbows, I know for the last few months those things have FLOWN off the shelves around here. I Dont know if its rifle hunters picking them up, or bow guys converting or both, but they are selling like HOTCAKES. Would have liked to have had a way to get separate stats to see how much they make up of the overall archery license sales.
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/14 19:42:28
RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/15 01:09:40
Wind gust expected up to 50 MPH in some northern counties. Be safe everyone .
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/15 20:11:39
ORIGINAL: wayne c Just one short comment on the crossbows, I know for the last few months those things have FLOWN off the shelves around here. I Dont know if its rifle hunters picking them up, or bow guys converting or both, but they are selling like HOTCAKES. Would have liked to have had a way to get separate stats to see how much they make up of the overall archery license sales. Archery license sales are only about a couple thousand. All indications are that compound folks are making the switch.
My rifle is a black rifle
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/15 20:56:31
They are making the switch because crossbows are so much easier to kill a deer with than a bow and they get the same season as bow hunters. A couple of the fellows I hunt Ohio with use them for the same reason. Their goal is to kill big bucks and using crossbows in archey season gives them their best chance.
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/15 21:14:49
Much like those that made the switch from recurves to compounds. Then, archery saw much more participation with a weapon that was easier to master and had advantages over the other. Statistics show only a couple percentage point difference in success rates between compounds and crossbows. I wonder what the difference is between recurve/longbow and compound? It is interesting when we see license sales that are already plateauing and all the talk about crossbows flying off the shelves. If it is former compound guys doing all the buying, I wonder where the white buckets and rifle mentality came from?
post edited by dpms - 2011/10/15 21:25:44
My rifle is a black rifle
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/15 21:41:27
We were all rifle hunters to start with. Some never lost the mentality.
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/15 21:46:29
ORIGINAL: S-10 We were all rifle hunters to start with. Some never lost the mentality. Could be. Could also be there are alot of folks in all weapon groups that show poor judgement at times. Anyway, been tough for me this year. I am seeing deer but I must have fawn magnet written on me becuase that is all that I can get under me. Have yet to see a buck.
My rifle is a black rifle
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/15 21:54:16
By the end of next week things should pick up. I've only had 3 small bucks under me so far but it was the same thing last year until the end of the third week. I have had a couple hog doe both with twin fawns under me. One looked to be 5-6yo.
RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/15 23:01:22
ORIGINAL: dpms ORIGINAL: S-10 We were all rifle hunters to start with. Some never lost the mentality. Could be. Could also be there are alot of folks in all weapon groups that show poor judgment at times. Anyway, been tough for me this year. I am seeing deer but I must have fawn magnet written on me because that is all that I can get under me. Have yet to see a buck. Could also be there are alot of folks in all weapon groups that show poor judgment at times. My GF said she made a poor judgment mistake using a cross-bow. She going back to a compound this week. Waiting for me to make her arrows and she's set. She said that using a cross bow doesn't excite her at all and she may as well use a gun in archery. She never looks for what's easy, she looks for what most challenging. Oh well to each their own I guess.
Dr. Trout
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/15 23:02:30
Not getting many reports at work, most guys are coming in to buy stuff for home inside projects and stating they are waiting for the rain to stop.. about three straight days of it here.. BTW.. I can't get over we are STILL selling 5 or 6 regular adult hunting licenses per week... this past week was alot of muzzleloader and archery stamps too . I sold 3 adults licenses today, one was a non-resident from of all places === West Virginia !!!  
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/10/15 23:07:17
RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/15 23:07:15
ORIGINAL: S-10 By the end of next week things should pick up. I've only had 3 small bucks under me so far but it was the same thing last year until the end of the third week. I have had a couple hog doe both with twin fawns under me. One looked to be 5-6yo. I haven't heard of many bucks going down yet. Things should pick up as you mentioned.Hope no warm weather come in but I don't think so. GF told me flurries in the forecast.Remember a few years back when 14 " hit in Warren county ?
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/16 23:26:26
Just read this whole thread- interesting stuff. I started with a Red Wing recurve cause there was no such thing as a compound now shoot what may be an antique compound. Guess to some degree its all relative to when you started the game-- however there seems to be some kinda myth that a Crossbow shoots like a rifle-but quietly that may attract some looking for an easy way. My understanding is that they shoot no further than my compound which may disappoint some and cause slobs to do just what they always did- poor shots. Dont get the Kids thing with real young children out there. Here in Ct they have to pass a course first and they have to be a lot older than some of the examples you folks give on youth hunting. 5 or 6 ??- whos doin the shootin???? Know that will get bad response but hey--5 or 6. Crayon time...ours gotta be twice that age.
post edited by retired guy - 2011/10/16 23:28:09
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/17 05:51:26
Like I said BEFORE They been ready to out of business FOR YEARS!!!!! Well before Crossbows were made legal to hunt with. No matter HOW YOU PUT IT YOU ARE WRONG posting YOUR reason they went out Period Nice try tho. Dave ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures ORIGINAL: BIGHEAD I know all about C&M and I'm personal friends with the original owners Dik and Rudy. It's no secret that they can't compete with large retailers any more. I often visit them and the store is dead come September nothing of what it once was. Arrow sales also took a drop from earlier days. They used to make arrows non stop from Aug till into October. Wasn't the case when I stopped in and yes it was the end of September last season. Now, many can buy on line and get exactly want they want. I would try and buy my raw materials from them as to support the dealer and personal friend as did some members of the BV archers club. Only high end compounds can be bought from a dealer as one example but many other items are being bought on line and at large retail stores. The dealers such as C&M could not finance the amount of stock necessary to compete with others as mentioned and pushed some to buy else were. Remember when other than the dealer, the only place you could buy archery products was Sol's Neft stores and what little K-Mart carried ? Times are changing.Order online with free shipping. One thing most large retailers don't have is a knowledgeable people behind the counter and a good pro shop to properly set up and tune equipment. C&M has been for sale for a long time and yes you are right Big O wanted out. I watched the business slowly go down hill as the years passed and watched help come and go.I also think that when BV archers built their indoor range that many left C&M as to a place to shoot indoors. BTW another large dealer is closing as well in Warren. Wild Wind Sporters. Once a Bowtech dealer with also an indoor range with video recently had more x-bows than compounds and is going out of business. Go figure. OA you said that C&M is out of business because of crossbows and that is NOT the case More like when Rudy got out so did a fair amount of customers and some of the people that are/were working there did pretty shoty work on equipment/bows,bad attitude,and some retail stores did not help.Plus the FACT that Larry has been wanting to retire for a few years! CROSSBOWS DID NOT PUT THEM OUT But I bet you knew that RIGHT Dave Well Dave lets look at this this way. If the archery business was booming such as it was years ago then C&M probaly would still be in buiness regaurdless of who owns it. The amount of guys shooting coumpounds has decreased and the populatity of the x-bow has increased.The buisnass is not there. Big Buck in Wexford is also dropping their compound bows as well due to the popularity of the crossbow. Best thing for them is that they sell other than archery. Go out to D*CKS and look and see how many people are buying x bows rather than coumpounds and then tell me that x-bows didn't have an effect on C&M's buiness.
RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/17 16:22:32
If business was so great before or after the x bow came into play then maybe C&M would have new owners don't ya think ? Talked to Larry on Saturday, he made his very last sell to my GF. He told her it thought it was great that she went back to a vertical bow. Care to guess why ?
RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/17 16:44:28
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/17 18:57:34
ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures It would be ashame to take a trophy animal with a cross bow and not be recognized for it. P&Y requirements: Will be interesting to see what happens down the road. As more states fall to full inclusion and crossbow users out number vertical users, P&Y willl be hurting for entries.
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RE: Does this bother you?
2011/10/17 19:03:07
Just got the new issue of Petersen's Hunting. There is a feature titled "Are crossbow killing archery". Some good information in there about recruitment and success rates. Pretty much paralells the statistics used by the pro-crossbow folks. As more data becomes available, more states will fall to inclusion. I was surprised to see data from two states that showed compound users have higher success rates than crossbow users.
My rifle is a black rifle