Does this bother you?

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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 12:33:07 (permalink)
Dang...did I really write all of that?!

Yep---not bad either--you should do it more often
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 12:36:24 (permalink)
Dardys, you will just have to sell those mutts and use the money to buy a crossrifle and white bucket.
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 12:36:33 (permalink)


Again, its not an archery vs. firearms thing, it is simply that the majority gets seconds now and what you are proposing means there will be even less of those seconds for those footing the largest license inflow stream for the PGC budget in the future.

I believe it is approaching a 43%/57% percent split at this point.  Firearms folks have much less of a majority than they used to and the truth of the matter is most archers join you in firearms seasons if they have tags to fill. 

I just checked PA license sales for 2010 to see where I might be erring.  I am not so sure I am.
Since one must have an archery license to hunt archery, it can safely be presumed that the 289,416 resident and non-resident archery licenses were sold to archery hunters only.  That would be their total as a subset of all PA hunters.
According to the PGC numbers, the total number of licenses (exclusive of the 7-day small game license) is 927,149.  I must admit that I have no idea what a junior or senior combo license is, but included them in that total along with all of the other various variations, so that may affect the overall number (If I am incorrect, I am sure someone will point it out and I apologize in advance).
Dividing 289,416 archery licenses by the total license population (have to buy a regular backtag first) of 927,149, that makes archery exclusive hunters 32.2% of the population and not 43%.  That leaves 68.8% of the population as non-archery hunters, not 57%.
Of course, there is a percentage of license buyers that do not identify themselves as deer hunters, but that information, like most PGC surveys is pretty useless except for general trending purposes becuase it is poorly designed and way too small of a sample size and cannot accurately be used in any mathematical sense.
So, in nonhunting terms, lets use a goofy example or two.  You want to go see a movie, heck, let's say just for fun, "The Deer Hunter," to stay in theme.  You along with 927,148 others buy a ticket.  But because 289,416 of them buy Snow Caps instead of popcorn they not only get to enter the theater first, but they get to watch 30% (I know, I know, the PGC number is flawed, so let's say 25% or a quarter) of the movie before you are permitted in.  Sound fair to you if you don't like Snowcaps?
Or maybe its a buffet, where those 289,416 that eat with their hands (we are talking primitive, right) get to go first and those that use ultensiles get whatever they leave?  Sound fair for those that prefer a knife, spoon, and fork to fingers?
Again, it has nothing to do with archery vs. firearms.  I has to do with a minority getting advantages that the majority doesn't and then wanting more and more and more.
And it also doesn't have to do with unwilling vs. unable.  Let's say you want to get ahead in the fashion or interior decorating industry.  But in order to do so, you need to, well, move in certain circles that aren't exactly to your liking.  You just don't want to go there, literally.  Are you unwilling or unable?  Neither, its just a choice.  Same here.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 12:44:37 (permalink)
I believe the PGC stated we have about 700,000 hunters that indentify themselves as firearms deer hunters.

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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 12:48:30 (permalink)
Gotta get back to work, but here's my punchline: "Adapt or go home" works really well when you're talking about death, and taxes, and the electronic age. But the world has become a very impatient place to live and has become populated by people with Napoleonic complexes: They want what they want, and they want it now. Everyone who participates - not just the winners - gets a trophy. The consequences brought about by the change in the fabric of this sport has made it easy for that mindset to take root. And when you make it easier for the J.G. Wentworths of the world, you open the door for a characteristic of hunters that defy and further scrape away at what more than not of us hope the sport - and to be sure, the tradition of this sport - was supposed to represent.

post edited by ShutUpNFish - 2011/10/13 12:50:29

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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 13:19:21 (permalink)
MM, In my area I see far less hunters than years ago(mostly laziness around here). X-bows made no difference. BUT there is also much less land to hunt on, thanks to housing developments, gas drilling, etc. Mohawk, how was it voluntary when my great 84 acre hunting area got turned into 40 houses? How was it voluntary when a gas co. put a huge well pad right smack in the middle of my new hunting area? If thats not adapting to CHANGES beyond my control, than what is???  Explain if you will. BTW I will NEVER give up hunting. It is my passion.
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 13:34:46 (permalink)

I believe the PGC stated we have about 700,000 hunters that indentify themselves as firearms deer hunters.

They also said we had 1.6 million deer at one point.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 13:36:04 (permalink)

Dardys, you will just have to sell those mutts and use the money to buy a crossrifle and white bucket.

Sorry, I like to fire more than one shot per year.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 13:37:16 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: Noplacelikehome
BTW I will NEVER give up hunting. It is my passion.

More than catching 47 rainbows and 743 pike on waxworms and globugs?

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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 13:41:02 (permalink)
Sorry, I like to fire more than one shot per year.

Your welcome to miss as often as you like.
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 13:43:59 (permalink)
Does it really bother you if a 6 year old shoots a deer with a crossbow? Is it because he/she got one and you didn't? Next you'll probably complain about handicap people taking all the good parking spaces, too! ME ME ME ME ME !!!!! Well, time to get out the inline this Saturday. I hope I don't upset any archery hunters by walking past "their" spot. Good luck to all!!!
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 14:46:57 (permalink)
SK, I will ALWAYS take hunting over fishing. Fish must stay in the water. A deer can and will hide in someone's flower garden!! You can fish 365 days a year in Erie. Wanted to be hunting right now but its POURING rain here!
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 14:54:45 (permalink)
Maybe we'll get the rain over with and it'll be nice in a couple weeks. 22 inches of rain here in the last 2.5 months. ekk!
post edited by SilverKype - 2011/10/13 14:58:14

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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 16:09:27 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: Fishtamer

Does it really bother you if a 6 year old shoots a deer with a crossbow? Is it because he/she got one and you didn't? Next you'll probably complain about handicap people taking all the good parking spaces, too! ME ME ME ME ME !!!!! Well, time to get out the inline this Saturday. I hope I don't upset any archery hunters by walking past "their" spot. Good luck to all!!!

Not about the deer at all.

I do have a problem with 6 year old children with ZERO formal safety training discharging lethal arms...

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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 16:27:28 (permalink)
I know all about C&M and I'm personal friends with the original owners Dik and Rudy. It's no secret that they can't compete with large retailers any more. I often visit them and the store is dead come September nothing of what it once was. Arrow sales also took a drop from earlier days. They used to make arrows non stop from Aug till into October. Wasn't the case when I stopped in and yes it was the end of September last season. Now, many can buy on line and get exactly want they want. I would try and buy my raw materials from them as to support the dealer and personal friend as did some members of the BV archers club. Only high end compounds can be bought from a dealer as one example but many other items are being bought on line and at large retail stores. The dealers such as C&M could not finance the amount of stock necessary to compete with others as mentioned and pushed some to buy else were. Remember when other than the dealer, the only place you could buy archery products was Sol's Neft stores and what little K-Mart carried ? Times are changing.Order online with free shipping. One thing most large retailers don't have is a knowledgeable people behind the counter and a good pro shop to properly set up and tune equipment. C&M has been for sale for a long time and yes you are right Big O wanted out. I watched the business slowly go down hill as the years passed and watched help come and go.I also think that when BV archers built their indoor range that many left C&M as to a place to shoot indoors. BTW another large dealer is closing as well in Warren. Wild Wind Sporters. Once a Bowtech dealer with also an indoor range with video recently had more x-bows than compounds and is going out of business. Go figure.
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 16:30:40 (permalink)
I do .. I do... hunting is no where near what it was when we grew up LOVING it... but it was what it was.... it was the only game in town ...
Please do tell how hunting was the only game in town growing up in Penn Hills or are you going to change that story also?
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 16:35:19 (permalink)


ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures

You tell me, for the better or the worst?

In the late eighties, we had close to 320,000 archers.  Today with archery license sales already plateauing after crossbow inclusion we sell about 290,000.  Participation is up, archery harvest up a tad, more kids hunting, older folks back in the game, folks enjoying their time in the woods and continuing to buy a hunting license.  Looks good to me, overall.  Some negative stuff but that will never be eliminated.

Down the road when license sales continue to fall overall, we will again be looking at ways to get folks hunting.  Archery is gonna be mid September till the end of January statewide in the future. 

No right or wrong answer here just courious. Why do you shoot a X-Bow ?
Dr. Trout
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 19:20:24 (permalink)
Please do tell how hunting was the only game in town growing up in Penn Hills or are you going to change that story also?

by only game in town I meant for those wanting to enjoy the sports of hunting and fishing...

I don't know how much you know about Penn Hills in the 50s - 60s and 70s.. but there was ALOT of huntable woods in Penn Hills. We'd walk thru one just to get to school... our family doctor had a huge farm 10 miles away in Plum Township... My great Grandfather also had a farm 15 miles away from our house (I could not count the number of times hunting there)that was in Penn HIlls..

You were allowed to hunt some of the ground which nows has been added to Oakmont Country Club... and another large wooded area was turned into a golf course in the 1970s...

There was the Greer Farm and the Rider farms BOTH loaded with rabbits and pheasants and within walking distance, If I want to walk a mile...

The Turner Dairy Farms were open for hunting... lots of hunting in Penn HIlls back in the day...

ALL gone today .. NA-DA none of those places are there today except the golf courses and NO HUNTING NOW.... .. all turned into malls, stores and housing projects today..

Last time I returned to my little home section of Penn Hills I could not even find my way around it had changed so much....

no need to "change any story" .. it is what it is...........

I'd love to hear from someone here that knew the area in the days I am talking about... ???
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/10/13 19:22:26
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 19:30:25 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures

No right or wrong answer here just courious. Why do you shoot a X-Bow ?

Was against crossbows in archery season not that long ago. When they became legal in the SRA, I continued to hunt with my Browning compound for a few years.  My curiousity got the best of me and I went out and purchased one in the summer of 2008 to get some personal experience with one.
After spending some time with the crossbow, my feelings began to change and I enjoyed shooting and learning all I could about them.  Hunted with it that first fall and killed a good buck on opening day. A 10 yard shot.  I have missed some deer and killed some deer since then.  Sure, they have some advantages.  They have some disadvantages as well.  My hunt hasn't changed and I still feel that I am bowhunting.
I enjoy using the crossbow and sharing my experiences which has taken me into outdoor writing/filming in crossbow media.  Some day, a recurve will join me in the woods.  That has appeal to me as well.  Used to shoot alot of traditional bows but never hunted with one.
Alot of reasons I guess somewhere in there.  Hard to put a finger on it but I enjoy the hunt with one as an archer.

My rifle is a black rifle
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 21:42:15 (permalink)


Please do tell how hunting was the only game in town growing up in Penn Hills or are you going to change that story also?

by only game in town I meant for those wanting to enjoy the sports of hunting and fishing...

I don't know how much you know about Penn Hills in the 50s - 60s and 70s.. but there was ALOT of huntable woods in Penn Hills. We'd walk thru one just to get to school... our family doctor had a huge farm 10 miles away in Plum Township... My great Grandfather also had a farm 15 miles away from our house (I could not count the number of times hunting there)that was in Penn HIlls..

You were allowed to hunt some of the ground which nows has been added to Oakmont Country Club... and another large wooded area was turned into a golf course in the 1970s...

There was the Greer Farm and the Rider farms BOTH loaded with rabbits and pheasants and within walking distance, If I want to walk a mile...

The Turner Dairy Farms were open for hunting... lots of hunting in Penn HIlls back in the day...

ALL gone today .. NA-DA none of those places are there today except the golf courses and NO HUNTING NOW.... .. all turned into malls, stores and housing projects today..

Last time I returned to my little home section of Penn Hills I could not even find my way around it had changed so much....

no need to "change any story" .. it is what it is...........

I'd love to hear from someone here that knew the area in the days I am talking about... ???

ALL gone today .. NA-DA none of those places are there today except the golf courses and NO HUNTING NOW.... .. all turned into malls, stores and housing projects today..

Trouts quote: ALL gone today .. NA-DA none of those places are there today except the golf courses and NO HUNTING NOW.... .. all turned into malls, stores and housing projects today..

All gone except golf courses and no hunting huh Trout ? Penn Hills has some of the best hunting in Pa today. Now tell the nice people how this buck was killed in a shopping mall parking lot,or housing project !

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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/13 21:54:58 (permalink)



Again, its not an archery vs. firearms thing, it is simply that the majority gets seconds now and what you are proposing means there will be even less of those seconds for those footing the largest license inflow stream for the PGC budget in the future.

I believe it is approaching a 43%/57% percent split at this point.  Firearms folks have much less of a majority than they used to and the truth of the matter is most archers join you in firearms seasons if they have tags to fill. 

I just checked PA license sales for 2010 to see where I might be erring.  I am not so sure I am.

Since one must have an archery license to hunt archery, it can safely be presumed that the 289,416 resident and non-resident archery licenses were sold to archery hunters only.  That would be their total as a subset of all PA hunters.

According to the PGC numbers, the total number of licenses (exclusive of the 7-day small game license) is 927,149.  I must admit that I have no idea what a junior or senior combo license is, but included them in that total along with all of the other various variations, so that may affect the overall number (If I am incorrect, I am sure someone will point it out and I apologize in advance).

Dividing 289,416 archery licenses by the total license population (have to buy a regular backtag first) of 927,149, that makes archery exclusive hunters 32.2% of the population and not 43%.  That leaves 68.8% of the population as non-archery hunters, not 57%.

Of course, there is a percentage of license buyers that do not identify themselves as deer hunters, but that information, like most PGC surveys is pretty useless except for general trending purposes becuase it is poorly designed and way too small of a sample size and cannot accurately be used in any mathematical sense.

So, in nonhunting terms, lets use a goofy example or two.  You want to go see a movie, heck, let's say just for fun, "The Deer Hunter," to stay in theme.  You along with 927,148 others buy a ticket.  But because 289,416 of them buy Snow Caps instead of popcorn they not only get to enter the theater first, but they get to watch 30% (I know, I know, the PGC number is flawed, so let's say 25% or a quarter) of the movie before you are permitted in.  Sound fair to you if you don't like Snowcaps?

Or maybe its a buffet, where those 289,416 that eat with their hands (we are talking primitive, right) get to go first and those that use ultensiles get whatever they leave?  Sound fair for those that prefer a knife, spoon, and fork to fingers?

Again, it has nothing to do with archery vs. firearms.  I has to do with a minority getting advantages that the majority doesn't and then wanting more and more and more.

And it also doesn't have to do with unwilling vs. unable.  Let's say you want to get ahead in the fashion or interior decorating industry.  But in order to do so, you need to, well, move in certain circles that aren't exactly to your liking.  You just don't want to go there, literally.  Are you unwilling or unable?  Neither, its just a choice.  Same here.

It's not minority vs majority either.  It's low vs high impact on the deer herd.   No social favoritism going on.  What is it you want anyway ?   Get a group organized, set realistic goals and go for it.  Yer gonna have to justify low impact however, which isn't possible with high powered rifles being used by so many. 

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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/14 06:15:50 (permalink)
I know all about C&M and I'm personal friends with the original owners Dik and Rudy. It's no secret that they can't compete with large retailers any more. I often visit them and the store is dead come September nothing of what it once was. Arrow sales also took a drop from earlier days. They used to make arrows non stop from Aug till into October. Wasn't the case when I stopped in and yes it was the end of September last season. Now, many can buy on line and get exactly want they want. I would try and buy my raw materials from them as to support the dealer and personal friend as did some members of the BV archers club. Only high end compounds can be bought from a dealer as one example but many other items are being bought on line and at large retail stores. The dealers such as C&M could not finance the amount of stock necessary to compete with others as mentioned and pushed some to buy else were. Remember when other than the dealer, the only place you could buy archery products was Sol's Neft stores and what little K-Mart carried ? Times are changing.Order online with free shipping. One thing most large retailers don't have is a knowledgeable people behind the counter and a good pro shop to properly set up and tune equipment. C&M has been for sale for a long time and yes you are right Big O wanted out. I watched the business slowly go down hill as the years passed and watched help come and go.I also think that when BV archers built their indoor range that many left C&M as to a place to shoot indoors. BTW another large dealer is closing as well in Warren. Wild Wind Sporters. Once a Bowtech dealer with also an indoor range with video recently had more x-bows than compounds and is going out of business. Go figure. OA you said that C&M is out of business because of crossbows and that is NOT the case More like when Rudy got out so did a fair amount of customers and some of the people that are/were working there did pretty shoty work on equipment/bows,bad attitude,and some retail stores did not help.Plus the FACT that Larry has been wanting to retire for a few years! CROSSBOWS DID NOT PUT THEM OUT But I bet you knew that RIGHT Dave
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/14 07:22:23 (permalink)
As much as I'd rather see our youth involved in the outdoors rather than a lot of the other stuff going on in todays society, really think there should be an age limit on the mentored hunts, kinda think at 5-6 years of age that maybe its the mentor doing the actual hunting, which yea imo does make it about the deer.
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/14 07:38:16 (permalink)
"It's not minority vs majority either. It's low vs high impact on the deer herd. No social favoritism going on. What is it you want anyway ?"
Unfortunately it is minority vs. majority.  The minority gets special privledges and the majoirty does not.  Simple as that.
And it is low impact vs. high impact -- but not in the manner you describe.  When a percentage of the population, debateable between 20 and 30% depending on what numbers one wishes to believe, spin, ignore, accept, etc., is removed by the minority before the majority even has a chance to saddle up, that has a high impact by the minority on the majority -- no two ways about it.
It has nothing to do with social anything.  I have been known to not only associate with archery hunters, but actually hunt and fish with them as well.
I don't want much really.  I have always taken the stance that archery is a great sport and enjoyed by many.  I appreciate the time, effort, and skills that many (but not all) bring to the sport.  And I would never want to see that change.  But I must say, enough is enough.  Archery hunters have six weeks in the early season and more in the extended season.  Archery hunters get as near the rut as PA allows.  Archery hunters get the nicer weather to hunt.  Archery hunters get to hunt the first undisturbed deer.  Archery hunters get the pick of the biggest bucks.  And I don't begrudge them any of it. 
But please don't say, I need a season that lasts four or five months because I need more.  Please don't say, I am not for Sunday hunting because although it will provide archers with five more days, those firearms guys shouldn't get 13 days (vs 42 plus the late season for archery) instead of 12 (vs 36 plus the late season) because that is too much.  Please don't say I am not for Sunday hunting because it might, might, cut archery by a day or two (which is highly unlikely becuase the PGC is not prone to cutting seasons) if the firearms hunters get one more day.  In other words, enjoy the advantage that archery has for a minority and don't get greedy at the expense of the majority.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/14 07:51:42 (permalink)

In other words, enjoy the advantage that archery has for a minority and don't get greedy at the expense of the majority.

The fact of the matter is the majority(firearms) are killing 70% or more of our antlered deer harvested.  The other fact is that archers account for about 43% of deer hunters. 

If one wanted to even out the harvest based on percentage of each group participating, firearms season could be cut and archery lengthened.    Not that I would support that but you have got to be careful when pitting groups against each others as dynamics change.  There could very well be a point in time where more folks archery hunt than rifle hunt.  I think Ohio is darn close if not there already. 
post edited by dpms - 2011/10/14 07:56:35

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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/14 07:54:16 (permalink)

  The minority gets special privledges and the majoirty does not. Simple as that.

I see you're having trouble separating biological versus social. This is not about you, or me, or majority, or minority. It is about the deer herd itself. The PGC does not care how deer get killed, but what they do know is archery season is low impact on the deer herd, rifle season is not. That is why you will see archery season expand in the future. The PGC is not favoring archers (what I meant when I said social favoritism), it's low impact.

As far as your comments about enough is enough. You sound a little jealous. Get off your arse and join the ranks. We get to pick the biggest bucks >> You don't have a clue how difficult it is to get one of those bucks under you and make a shot. For some reason, 80% of the deer kill is my unit is from rifle season. Who has it easy ? We get nice weather ? Pick up a bow. We get a longer season because it's more difficult, alot more difficult despite nice weather and unpressured big bucks (yeah right). Do you "get it?"

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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/14 09:45:14 (permalink)
Just admit it, you are jealous of archery hunters and the archery season. One simple fix, join us. I know it would cut into your small game time but I have many friends that do both. See, if archery season is extended, you'll definitely have time to enjoy both! See how easy that was....

And yeah, PA's archery season should be longer and should definitely include the rut. There, I said it. My selfishness has shown through. But guess what, those 60% or so of PA hunters that identify themselves as rifle deer hunters only have just as much opportunity to pick up the bow and, geesh, even a crossbow now and join in the fun. NO ONE is stopping them other than themselves. No sense complaining about it or trying to gain sympathy from others for it because you'll get none when you are limiting yourself.
Dr. Trout
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/14 09:46:31 (permalink)

Trouts quote: ALL gone today .. NA-DA none of those places are there today except the golf courses and NO HUNTING NOW.... .. all turned into malls, stores and housing projects today..

All gone except golf courses and no hunting huh Trout ? Penn Hills has some of the best hunting in Pa today. Now tell the nice people how this buck was killed in a shopping mall parking lot,or housing project !


Why not get a life.. go hunting.. go fishing.. just stop stalking me on this board.. PLEASE..

You are so hell bent on putting my name in all you posts it unbelievable...

You are the one that posted doubting what I said about growing up and hunting in Penn Hills..

I replied listing all the places I hunted back then.... then wrote that done of those places (that I listed where I hunted) were around any more except the two golf courses...

I never made any statement or even mentioned about what the hunting was like in Penn hills today.. nor did I say there were no places to hunt in Penn Hills today... My nephew does fine there and so do some lifelong friends that still live there.... BTW... I was not even the person that brought up Penn Hills .. YOU DID

me.. why would I go back there to hunt when I can walk in the back yard and harvest deer right here at home...

You really need to take a look at yourself in a mirror and read you posts by clicking on your profile and look at them in the order you post not just by topic.. you can't post without adding a reference to or using my username...

Get a life... I have no idea why they keep allowing you to get away with your false accusations about what I post or and TOTALLY mis-representing what I post .. nor your direct insults..

but IMHO it shows you have a definite problem in dealing with folks that disagree with you.. and you definitely have the traits of a stalker....

Sit for an hour or two and think of something besides insulting me, mis-representing what I type or even asking those stupid PGC questions that you all ready know the answers to but use as bait to get pro PGC folks to reply so you can pounce on them once again with more BS... just re-read you road kill post... the question was answered and answered and answered BUT you still keep adding to a question... call the PGC with your stupid questions .....

Even after an hour or two of thinking I doubt you could add anything to a discussion that would not be insults or mentioning my username.. as I said.. You need to get a life.........

I hope Ken or fishUSA just edits out the BS and does not close this thread as you would like...
there are some interesting things beside your "attacks" whicxh I still feel I must defend against.. but that's up to the moderators as to who keeps starting these things.....

to the rest SORRY.. I did it again... defended myself against his BS
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/10/14 10:07:20
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/14 09:47:50 (permalink)


It seems very much that you are trying to intertwine two seperate approaches to hunter recruitment. In your opinion, increasing the deer herd is the best way to recruit hunters to our sport. Because of that, it seems you are unwilling to accept any other means as possibly helping. I'm I wrong in that assumption?

I am merely pointing out the facts of life and the facts show that with all the increased opportunities for the youth in the last decade or so their numbers are decreasing as the deer herd is decreasing. Their numbers were increasing up until about 2004-5 when the effects of herd reduction began to be felt. You can throw all the medicine you want at a symptom but until you treat the root cause of the problem you are wasting your time and the facts prove that. I also believe that 5 or 6 is too young to hunt and feel it is more a power trip for the parent than a thrill for the youth.

Tell that to my 3.5 yr old son who throws a fit when I am leaving for afternoon hunts! Now, he is definitely NOT ready for any mentor hunts but the enthusiasm sure is there and I think he'll be out there with me sooner rather than later in the upcoming years.
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RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/14 09:59:56 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz

Just admit it, you are jealous of archery hunters and the archery season. One simple fix, join us. I know it would cut into your small game time but I have many friends that do both. See, if archery season is extended, you'll definitely have time to enjoy both! See how easy that was....

And yeah, PA's archery season should be longer and should definitely include the rut. There, I said it. My selfishness has shown through. But guess what, those 60% or so of PA hunters that identify themselves as rifle deer hunters only have just as much opportunity to pick up the bow and, geesh, even a crossbow now and join in the fun. NO ONE is stopping them other than themselves. No sense complaining about it or trying to gain sympathy from others for it because you'll get none when you are limiting yourself.

If I were jealous of archery season, I wouldn't be in support of it as I have written many times.  I just think that the minority has been given enough.  I also bet that your friends that do both don't have nearly $50K worth of bird dogs either.  I am not loking for sympathy, just an admission that archery hunters have it pretty good for a minoirty and, as you did, admit that they want more, more, more.  It is like handing a person a briefcase with a million dollars in it and they complain because all the bills don't face the same direction.
And, yes, you are being selfish.  Why should the majority need to become part of the minority in order to benefit?  I don't understand why it doesn't sink in that the reason firearms hunters don't bow hunt is because they don't want to -- for whatever reason.  If your line of thinking were applied to fishing that would be like saying, okay all you bait fisherman out there, of the six months of steelhead season, the first 75% of the seaon will be open to centerpin only and if you don't like that, just become a pinner.
Heck, with your thinking, we should all go on welfare -- no one is stopping us but ourselves -- then it wouldn't matter how long the seasons were. 

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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