Does this bother you?

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2011/10/11 11:14:06 (permalink)

Does this bother you?

I was an opponent of the X-bow inclusion, however I had not really seen that much effect in my area in the first couple years and was beginning to believe that maybe thi8ngs weren't so bad.

Last week as I was sitting in my stand, I saw 3 hunters start across the field toward me all three were half camo and half blaze orange and each was carrying a x-bow and a white 5 gallon bucket to sit on. Is this really what we want our archery season to be about?

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 11:39:42 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: MuskyMastr

    I was an opponent of the X-bow inclusion, however I had not really seen that much effect in my area in the first couple years and was beginning to believe that maybe thi8ngs weren't so bad.

    Last week as I was sitting in my stand, I saw 3 hunters start across the field toward me all three were half camo and half blaze orange and each was carrying a x-bow and a white 5 gallon bucket to sit on. Is this really what we want our archery season to be about?

    Not my preferred method nor one where I would expect much success but they have that right to do as they please. 

    Here is a example of what my archery season was before crossbow inclusion.  Sitting in a treestand and and here comes some guys trespassing doing a deer drive through a residential woodlot in street clothes.  Buddy would pick them up in a pickup truck when they got to the road.  Others from their group would wait for the deer to run across the road and them take running shots at them.  Same group still does it but now a few carry crossbows.

    That is what archery season was before inclusion.  The point is, there are plenty of examples of questionable activity during every season for every species.  Has been happening for a long time.
    post edited by dpms - 2011/10/11 11:45:55

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 11:48:07 (permalink)
    On a higher note.  Have you seen pics of all the kids shooting does with crossbows this year.  With the antlerless transfer regulation and the addition of crossbows, some great things are happening.  Have seen quite a few bucks hitting the ground for the youngsters as well. 

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 11:59:47 (permalink)
    As for Musky's example .. my guess would be maybe they did not read the digest and figured they had to have orange on while moving .. and I see nothing wrong with sitting on a white bucket..

    Maybe he is just upset because some other hunters entered "his area" to hunt deer ?????

    IF they would have shot a deer I'll bet he would really be upset ...

    I've been sitting hunting squirrel in my flo-orange (as required for small game) and MANY MANY times over the years have had deer walk up to within shooting distance for a crossbow or compound... wind direction and movement play a bigger part in getting "busted" than the color one wears IMHO.

    I agree with dpms though it is not my preferred method of hunting deer in archery season.. but it is not illegal to do so... so once again different strokes for different folks is the rule....

    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/10/11 12:01:30
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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 12:11:09 (permalink)
    I'll have to agree, slobs are slobs and goofy hunters are just that regardless of weapon or season. I could spend the rest of the day relating my experiences with them over the course of 57 years of hunting.

    On the junior crossbows item. I'am not sure what it says for the skill level necessary when I see five and six year olds in the paper doing the hero shot with their deer and crossbow.
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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 12:37:40 (permalink)
    I would be in favor of increasing the price of the archery stamp if Xbows were eliminated, but they are probably here to stay.
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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 12:52:35 (permalink)
    Mixed feelings. I was initially against it and fought it hard but now, I just ignore it and really don't care. Only thing I am truly concerned about right now is a possible reduction in the length of the archery season if too many deer are harvested.

    I am affected by it though. I never used to have guys pushing the woodlots I hunt in archery season doing organized drives but now, with crossbows in hand, I have seen it on more than one occassion.

    I have done slow "bumps" back in the day with one or two other archers that have come real close to working but these were slow pushes just to get the deer moving slowly out in front or using the wind to blow your scent through a bedding area and making them exit where the "standers" were. We NEVER did the branch busting, shouting drives these guys were doing. Slobs are slobs, I just think there are a few more of them partaking in the archery season now with the inclusion of crossbows.

    I have learned to move my spots to avoid these guys now.
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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 12:57:24 (permalink)
    I have a father and a brother who bothy qualified for permits before inclusion. I think x bows are great for them.

    I also love them for the kids, there is simply no better experience than spending a few hours in the stand or blind in archery season, for a youngster. But technically kids could have qualified for a permit before inclusion, if they were physically incapable of drawing the minimum draw weight.

    I have never seen the types of issues you discussed here in Lawrence or Mercer county during archery, or in McKean Co, for that matter, so while no different for you, to me the inclusion has simply added hunter interference to the season, with no appreciable payoff.

    Archery used to be a season for most skilled hunters to test themselves at close range with weapons that are more primitive than rifles. Now it's a season for guys sitting on white buckets. That part bothers me.

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 13:08:44 (permalink)
    Doc, they didn't interfere with my hunt that night directly. However I am willing to bet that all the deer bedded downwind of the edge tney hunted got an education. So they did directly effect my future hunts on that property.

    As far as who shot a deer and who didn't, I am offended that you believe that I am a low enough class person to be upset because someone shot a deer. I am excited for everyone who is lucky enough to legally harvest a deer.

    What I am not happy about is making a primitive weapons season that is already more difficult than rifle hunting, much more difficult, because now there will be many more slob hunters in the woods than there were in the past. I enjoyed archery the way it was because I didn't have to deal with nearly as many of those morons as I see in rifle season. Now every Tom, Dave and Harry believes they can buy a crossbow and become an archery hunter, and I am sorry, but archery is not that simple if you take it seriously. Are all crossbow shooters like the three I observed last week? No, but if they are not then they were probably already hunting archery prior to inclusion.

    If you have to ask what is wrong with sitting on a white bucket in archery, well then I think I am fairly certain which side of the field you belong on.
    post edited by MuskyMastr - 2011/10/11 13:12:02

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 13:10:34 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz

    Slobs are slobs, I just think there are a few more of them partaking in the archery season now with the inclusion of crossbows.

    My point exactly, and that is not a good thing.

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 13:41:50 (permalink)
    A crossbow, IMO, is not "ARCHERY". a long bow or compound, in my book, are archery hunting tools/methods. I personally wish it were still like it was, if you get a special doctor's permit - use the crossbow. I knew this sort of thing would start popping up.

    You can use a crossbow in archery season, but we can't hunt Sundays......LOL ONLY in PA!
    post edited by ShutUpNFish - 2011/10/11 13:42:46

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 13:49:27 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: MuskyMastr

    I have never seen the types of issues you discussed here in Lawrence or Mercer county during archery, or in McKean Co, for that matter, so while no different for you, to me the inclusion has simply added hunter interference to the season, with no appreciable payoff.

    Don't get me wrong, since full inclusion I have witnessed more of the bahavior that you mentioned.  Not my bag, but I just adapt and move on.

    Archery used to be a season for most skilled hunters to test themselves at close range with weapons that are more primitive than rifles.

    I think that is still true.  Both weapons have similar performance. Just the crossbow is easier to master.
    Now it's a season for guys sitting on white buckets.

    If it makes you feel any better, I don't sit on a white bucket, even with my crossbow.

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 13:52:16 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz

    Mixed feelings. I was initially against it and fought it hard but now, I just ignore it and really don't care. Only thing I am truly concerned about right now is a possible reduction in the length of the archery season if too many deer are harvested.

    If the first two seasons are any indication, don't think that is a concern.  Archery license sales have already plateaued as well.  

    There is concern among some that too many bucks may be harvested pre-rut.  As long as archers keep shooting does, not much changes as far a b/d ratios.  Also, the concern is being raised about archers now taking about 30% of the total harvest.  This upward trend began before crossbows and does follow a national trend.  The PGC manages game based off of total harvest and not specific seasons anyway.
    post edited by dpms - 2011/10/11 13:55:59

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 13:56:59 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: ShutUpNFish

    You can use a crossbow in archery season, but we can't hunt Sundays......LOL ONLY in PA!

    HB1760 is ready to roll.  Don't think it will though but stranger things have happened.  
    post edited by dpms - 2011/10/11 13:59:12

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 14:07:26 (permalink)
    Honestly, I think the downfall started with the advent of the compound bow. How about we start the season off with a 3 week recurve only season, then finish out with the compound and x-bows.

    Having recently purchased an x-bow for my son to start hunting with, I can see the good and the bad with them. My son has been lectured about shot placement enough that I think he gets it. I'm more comfortable with him making a good shot and he's gaining a love for archery season and looking forward to using a compound when the time is right.

    Hard to believe guys are using gun tactics with them, there'll be a lot of wounded deer out there...
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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 14:47:22 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: dpms

    If it makes you feel any better, I don't sit on a white bucket, even with my crossbow.

    If it makes you feel any better, I don't sit on a white bucket, even with my crossbow.

    I have no dbout you don't, but you would still be out there under the old rules, either with a permit or with vertical equipment. The ones that are really irritating me are the "wannabees" for lack of a better term. They do not really accomplish anything other than screwing up other peoples hunting.

    " The PGC manages game based off of total harvest and not specific seasons anyway. "

    When was the last time archery season was managed? When it went to 6 weeks? Before that? Archery season is not often messed with. That being said, the PGC has used archery as a covert harvest operation for years. They pull the wool over peoples eyes, because it is archery, but in my time we have gone from one and done in archery, to the possibility of taking 10+ deer in archery season. Then we added early muzz and JR-sr rifle, then we added xbows. I don't think these were addtions for added hunter opportunity, I think they were an opportunity for the pgc to increase harvest without increasing allocations.

    All the while, my peaceful archery season has become a veritable zoo of weapons and people who would not normally be in the woods for deer at that time of year.

    My thought was that if they really wanted to be out there that bad they would take the time to learn the art of shooting a bow and then spend thier time in the woods.

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 14:51:24 (permalink)

    Archery used to be a season for most skilled hunters to test themselves at close range with weapons that are more primitive than rifles.

    I think that is still true. Both weapons have similar performance. Just the crossbow is easier to master.


    They had to change the definition of a bow in order to legally fit crossbows into the archery season. Also, explain what a red dot scope has to do with pimitive.
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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 15:16:55 (permalink)
    There are certain places I absolutely won't hunt in rifle season with a rifle. Lot of those places I'm able to bowhunt peacefully. Some of those places, I might as well own it cause I don't see another human all archery season. But slowly..they are disappearing. Does this bother me ? Yes. Why ? Not because they are being hunted but HOW they are being hunted. It only takes two times in a spot before I adjust and go where others won't; hence my rattlesnake sightings/close calls this year.

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 17:55:19 (permalink)
    I'd have to say that I have been annoyed more times by people talking loudly on walkie talkies in the woods than crossbow hunters. Especially those radios that let out a loud beep at end of every transmission. But, although they are annoying, who am I to bit*h about them making noise. I don't own the woods. I just find better places to hunt that don't have as much interference.
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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 19:09:01 (permalink)
    I know you guys don't want to hear this but: Adapt or go home. Its that simple.
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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 19:15:50 (permalink)
    Archery used to be a season for most skilled hunters to test themselves at close range with weapons that are more primitive than rifles.

    I'd have to say that crossbows are still more primitive than any rifle and are best only at close range so I have no complaints there in calling them a form of primitive weapon....

    as for slobs.. I agree they are out there in EVERY season... even small game...and still I hunt and enjoy it.. Sure I have had hunts ruined, but I try not to blame others or group folks together just because of the weapon they choose to use...

    just like I could care less if a guy throws flies, worms, lures, or what ever is LEGAL... he has a right (he bought his license just like me) and can enjoy his sport the way he chooses to enjoy it...

    but I have also had other things not go just as I planned.. it's all a part of life and something we have to live with in the USA where we have so much freedom to do as we please and not have to try to do as others choose to do....

    I don't think these were additions for added hunter opportunity

    I'd have to disagree..

    The junior hunt allowed young hunters the opportunity to harvest a deer in warmer weather and a chance at deer that have been pressured less with a choice of three weapons.. bow, crossbow, rifle.. how can that be a bad thing ???

    The senior hunt allowed the same thing = choice of weapons, less pressured deer and warmer weather.

    The crossbows allowed more folks an opportunity to hunt warmer weather, less pressured deer and the opportunity to hunt with a weapon less primitive than a rifle, but did not require as much time in learning to master as a truly primitive bow like the recurve or longbow...

    Also, explain what a red dot scope has to do with primitive.

    Remember.. folks said the same things about compounds ===

    Are compounds really "PRIMITVE" === wheels, pulleys, peep sights, lighted sights, pendulum sights, let-offs, etc what do they have to do with "primitive" when it was just long and re-curve archery season...

    Also look at what most archers use today that would make archery hunting being seen as truly primitive a joke === trial cameras, scent blockers, grunt calls, rattling antlers, mock scrapes, tree stands, ladder stands, blinds...

    NOTHING against any of this, but to complain about archery season no longer being primitive because of added opportunties and crossbows just makes me laugh .....

    Hunting in any sense is no longer what I would call primtive....

    even muzzleloader hunting has progressed past the stage of being truly primitive in many ways..... and what were/are the results.. more folks taking advantage of those seasons too....

    === All good in my book ===

    The same "fear" that season is going to be cut was the cry when compounds were introduced.. and what happened.. the season actually got LONGER - more opportunities to hunt in the fall (warmer weather)were added and archery still accounts for 30% of the harvest...

    and folks think that is a bad thing ?????

    a question.. do you think that guys using compounds are less of a hunter and lazy and thus should not be a part of archery season just because they chose compounds rather than take the time to master a recurve or longbow ??????
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/10/11 19:18:55
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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 19:27:52 (permalink)
    OK... so Musky I do agree with you. Noplace, you can say that but I don't think you really mean it and I can guarantee the quickest way to get rid of the crossbows would be to have all archers "take their toys and go home..." That would open eyes at the PGC real quick. My fears before the crossbow craze were that people with the white bucket mentality would join the sport and they are the exact reason I have not gun hunted in over 20 years). My second fear was/is that the WBM's would be a detriment to our sport while taking the same irresponsible shots that they take with rifles (have seen this first hand and have never seen an archer behave in the same manner. I will get along and continue to do just fine among the crossbow users, I just believe that they have a place/person/time when they should be allowed. Just sayin...
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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 19:44:37 (permalink)
    a question.. do you think that guys using compounds are less of a hunter and lazy and thus should not be a part of archery season just because they chose compounds rather than take the time to master a recurve or longbow ??????

    There is no doubt that a guy or gal can be less of a hunter with the compound than the one with a recurve and still be successful.
    There is no doubt a hunter can be lazier with a compound than a recurve and still be successful.

    That is the problem, the compounds made killing a deer much easier than with the way bow hunting started and the crossbows made it so much easier than with the compounds that a five or six year old can kill a deer.

    It did increase the kill which is what it was all about anyway.

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 20:02:27 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: S-10

    They had to change the definition of a bow in order to legally fit crossbows into the archery season. Also, explain what a red dot scope has to do with pimitive.

    I do not believe the definition of a bow was changed.  They added crossbows as legal weapons for archery season.  There is some discussion to streamline the definition of a bow to include crossbows if the sunset passes with continued inclusion.
    Red dots are about as primitive as fiber optics with "retina lock technology".  All kidding aside, there are many folks that feel compounds are not bows and Kentucky long rifles are the only true rifles.  

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 20:55:08 (permalink)
    MuskyMastr, just wondering if these crossbow hunters sitting on a white bucket is interferring with your hunt?

    Do you hunt with a compound?  What about your 80%+ letoff, trigger release, peep site and everything else that makes compound bow hunting much easier that traditional bowhunting.

    If you really want to argue about skilled bowhunting, then boot your compound bow and all of its helpful gizmos and gadgets and hunt with a traditional bow or recurve.  Then you have a legit argument.

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 21:08:19 (permalink)
    If you really want to argue about skilled bowhunting, then boot your compound bow and all of its helpful gizmos and gadgets and hunt with a traditional bow or recurve.  Then you have a legit argument.

    Of course, the guy who makes his own bow out of osage orange would tell you that your "traditional" bow or recurve, made out of fiberglass, is cheating, too...
    post edited by RhnstnCowboy - 2011/10/11 21:17:26

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 21:10:27 (permalink)
    What is the let-off on your crossgun?  What about the trigger function?  Scope? 

    My guess is that they are the same as they are for my Winchester .270
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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 21:14:00 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Esox_Hunter

    What is the let-off on your crossgun?  What about the trigger function?  Scope? 

    My guess is that they are the same as they are for my Winchester .270

    Same effective range of your compound, shoots a arrow tipped with a broadhead and kills by hemmorhage. The 100% letoff is nice though.  Front heavy as all get out.

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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 21:23:53 (permalink)
    I can kinda see what Musky is saying. I own and shoot a traditional bow, compound bow and crossbow. I prefer to hunt with the compound. Not as challenging as the traditional but much more challenging than the crossbow. When using all three one must get close to the game hunted. With a traditional or compound "drawing" on a animal at close range is what it all about for me. Ground blinds conceal this but one must still practice proper woodsman-ship to get close to an animal. As new equipment arises one can now pick what fits them best. I really think the PGC is trying sell more license in general and more archery stamps thus making the crossbow legal. The ease of using the crossbow has no doubt brought more into the sport. Some are experienced hunters and some are not. This happens with any sport. If the bucket crossbow sitters are bothering such,one must move on to better hunting grounds. Only thing one can hope for is that the bucket crossbow hunters will learn more as they spend more time in the field. I really don't discredit anyone for using any weapon, everyone has a preferance and skill level. BTW anybody see that 9 year old girl that shot a buck last year and this year with a crossbow ? That should surely put a smile on any crossbow haters face.
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    RE: Does this bother you? 2011/10/11 21:24:02 (permalink)
    I'll bet that there is less wounded, injured and maimed deer shot with a crossbow annually than there is with a compound.  Many compound bowhunters aren't as skilled as they think.

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