So, how did it go ?

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2011/10/01 21:04:47 (permalink)

So, how did it go ?

It's October. Central PA got 9.5 inches of rain in August (avg a little over 3) and over 10 inches for Sept (avg 3.75).  Somehow it managed to rain day one of October.   I'm confident October will end up below avg.  We're not off to a good start.  
It started raining soon as we pulled up.  Decided to go over the mountain and set up a blind.  It worked well, stayed dry, no deer.  Wind direction was terrible.  Left at 9:30 and got some breakfast.   Moved the blind at noon and brushed it in.   Heard some yelpin' so perhaps we pushed some deer into coyotes.  Hard to tell with it raining.  Drove around and sat in the truck till 4:00 and called it a day.   Saw some deer driving around.  The rain and swhirling wind bothers me more than them.
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/01 21:31:15 (permalink)
    Morning....Wet, Windy.

    Afternoon. Went in to a quick access stand as my son had a football game till 5. Wanted to check a spot to take my son some night this week. Set up by 5:20. Walked past two Guys (ended up being kids) Sitting on logs with blaze orange on and regular bows and the wind blowing 20, straight from them to the bedding area. No big deal, went 300 yards down the edge to my stand and set up (no cars parked within a half mile by the way). 6:30 here comes a guy charging down the edge of the field screaming about how stupid I am and why in the HeII would I come in the woods that late, and this is the problem with archery and his kids had deer coming to them and I screwed up thier hunt.

    He left. I had a doe and two fawns and a button buck inside 5 yards by 7pm. When I walked out, there were 6 deer out in the field within 30 yards of where his kids were set up. Should have stayed put buddy.

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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/02 06:36:53 (permalink)
    wind and rain all day stayed home better days are coming

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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/02 06:41:38 (permalink)
    All I can say is I shoulda cut that apple tree down years ago. Once again, just like last year, that apple hosed me on a shooter. Had a nice 7 pt. 9 yards from me and couldnt get a clean shot. Needless to say, I'm on my way out there with a chain saw. Definately better days coming. Last year it was a brute 9 point.
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/02 09:36:11 (permalink)
    went out in the afternoon for 3.5 hours. Seen 20 deer, 2 were bucks, and of those was the biggest shooter I had been seeing on camera this season. He got to 40 years walking to me and almost committed but chose a differnt path at the last possible chance. No ethical shot was present. Sure gets your heart pounding

    The wind and rain seemed to have no effect on the deer movement in my area.
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/02 11:07:45 (permalink)
    A total washout in southern Washington County.  Never stepped into the woods.  Stood on the porch of camp, alternating between staring at the sideways rain and the radar on TV.  

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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/02 11:38:26 (permalink)
    Morning was decent in my area.  We had very little rain and moderate NNW winds.  The deer were on the move and I saw a bunch of deer, all baldies and two unknowns.  However, the skies let loose at around 10 am.

    I was debating about going back in the evening and decided to head in around 4 despite the light drizzle.  Well the rain stopped completely by around 5 but man the wind was howling!  No deer sighted and I though I may have had motion sickness from all the swinging I did in the tree. 

    Better days are coming! 
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/02 14:16:41 (permalink)
    Much better than I had expected given the weather forecast.  No rain falling as I made my way to the chosen stand for the morning.  After a few tense moments with a sow and three cubs up a hickory tree in the pitch black, I was still alive to continue the walk.  Delayed by the encounter, it was nearly daylight by the time I reach stand.  Rain opened up shortly after I secured the porta roof above me.  Wind picked up around 8:30.  One doe emerged at 30 yards just when a gust blew across my back.  Needless to say that ended quickly.  Left stand at 11:00.

    Evening plan was much simpler.  Get between deer and apples and hope the wind doesn't ruin things.  Glad I arrived at stand when I did at 4:30 as the first deer showed up around 5:00.  Took them 20 minutes to survey the area and commit.  Picked out the largest doe of the three and waited patiently for the right moment.  Finally as I was cramping in frozen position for over 10 minutes she turned broadside.  Arrow flew, pass through, little high and back.  Just after I shot, the sky opened up.  Worried about losing sign, I decided to track after only 35 minutes.  I was confident of the shot and also wanted to take advantage of the daylight.  Not a drop of blood.  Had me worried, second guessing the shot. Fortunately she didn't go far, barely 50 yards.  Only blood was a blood smear on the side of a tree and I didn't see that until I was dragging her out.

    With meat in the freezer all the pressure is off to work on the bucks.  The weather may have been depressing, but don't tell the deer that.  After the shot, I saw no less than 5 more.  Cousin sitting about 200 yards from me saw a few more that couldn't have been the same ones.
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/02 14:56:05 (permalink)
    Nothing but wind and rain until 8:45 when I got to watch the grandson draw on one of two bucks that came in. Unfortuately the buck also got to see the draw and decided that wasn't the place to be. Went to another spot for the 11:00 to 1:00 sit but the wind was swaying the trees we were in too much for a good shot and we saw nothing anyway. Wind and rain in the evening but a buck, doe, and fawn came in to 10 yards. We need to borrow Bloodyhands chainsaw as there are some limbs that prevented the shot we wanted. We got cold, swayed in the breeze and had some action. Thanks to the makers of Gortex.
    post edited by S-10 - 2011/10/02 14:59:33
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/03 01:02:40 (permalink)
    Ugly, nasty, rainy, snowy, wind swirling, miserble day. Not the usual bug buzzing,biting opening day. Still got 6 weeks to hunt.
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/03 01:04:27 (permalink)
    It must have been the PGC controlling the weather too

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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/03 01:18:43 (permalink)
    No ,although at times they think they are God, they have not gotten restrictions on the weather yet.
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/03 04:08:08 (permalink)
    In the stand @ 545am No rain mild wind a little chilly Perfect. Seen a couple small herd of doe 4-5 by 900 Then there comes the rain. stayed till 1100. Hit the farm @ 1230 still in the Jeep watched a few deer playing in a pasture. In the stand was pretty action packed when the deer mostly doe running threw this hillside and brush just back and forth for a couple hours. really never seen deer do that before. Could have shot a few bucks but waited for a Buck.I;ll be on my way in a little bit and see what happens BECAREFULANDGOODLUCK DAVE
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/03 10:15:17 (permalink)
    Even though I bagged the afternoon (only saw one button buck from the stand in the AM and was done by 9:15am when the rain started), I was wishing I was in the stand in the PM even with the crappy weather. Visited the inlaws north of Cranberry near Evans City and on the way home at 6:50pm, there were deer everywhere in all the nearby farm fields. Counted over 30 on our drive home before it got too dark to see.
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/03 13:05:22 (permalink)
    Arrow flew, pass through, little high and back.

    Congrats, 313!  Way to mow 'em!


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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/03 17:16:01 (permalink)
    Congrats 313 ! Don't know how I missed your post went back and read it. Sounds like you had a great day and a deer for the freezer was icing on the cake. Good luck buck hunting.
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/03 17:47:02 (permalink)
    Thanks guys.  It's not often I have good news to report, particularly on the first day.  I usually guess wrong on feeding location.  Not this time.  Deer were up and moving Saturday early evening.  Glad I toughed it out.  This frees up 2 vacation days that I was saving for early muzzleloader.
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/03 23:42:38 (permalink)
    They were moving this evening as soon as the rain quit this evening.

    I saw a dam nice shooter, 2 smaller bucks and 11 other doe this evening.  One of the doe(hoagie-size) took a 2-blade Rage in the first half hour of the hunt.


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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/04 00:36:06 (permalink)
    Pics ?
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/04 04:51:27 (permalink)
    saterday morning was a wash. evening hunt saw a four point and a small 7 point feeding together at about 6pm. around a half hour later had a spike at 20 yards. saw multiple does in field walking out. a buddy shot a big doe last night and know of a 8point and a big 11point shot in ohio last night. wish i didn't have to work 16hours yesterday, everyone i talked to saw deer last night.
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/04 05:34:35 (permalink)
    Nice Ken put another notch on the meat stick LOL BESAFEANDGOODLUCK DAVE
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/04 09:33:10 (permalink)
    Congrats to the successful hunters....

    I only heard of a junior hunter getting a very nice 10 pointer near Brockway and one antlerless on a nearby farm ......

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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/04 21:00:28 (permalink)
    Had a fawn under me yesterday for a half hour bleatin' her head off.  Pretty big one.   Doe busted me tonight as I tried to stand up.  She came fast and I wasn't ready.  I was in the **** position for a bit.. she trotted away, came back and went around me.  Her sister followed.  I'm ready for jerky !
    Congrats to those who drew blood!

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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/04 21:24:29 (permalink)
    Three does tonight.  Too far. 

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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/04 22:11:11 (permalink)
    Pics ?


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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/04 22:25:33 (permalink)
    Lumenocks rule....(Actually I like the Nockturnals) but either one is cool.

    Better too far back, than too far forward.
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/04 23:12:42 (permalink)
    Nice set. Clover ?
    post edited by Outdoor Adventures - 2011/10/04 23:16:20
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/04 23:33:32 (permalink)

    Saw 5 doe and 2 buck(small) this evening.  Nothing in range.


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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/04 23:47:01 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Ironhed

    Pics ?


    LOL I meant the deer. That's ok, congrats on your freezer meat.
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    RE: So, how did it go ? 2011/10/04 23:52:45 (permalink)


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