ORIGINAL: wayne c
Joe neville of pgcs information & education dept. spoke of the survey over on Roxanne Pallones skunk in woodpile site. Just said the results were in and being analyzed, that was several months ago. They surveyed hunters that had bought a hunting license the year before but not the following year to see what reasons were given for quitting.
http://skunkinthewoodpile.com/?p=3346 Crossbows and Sunday hunting
Sunday, March 13th, 2011 | Archery, Hunting, Legislation, PGC | The Dog
Today’s post about Sunday hunting is brought to us by the Pennsylvania Crossbow Federation (PCF). The sportsmen’s organization was founded in 2008 to promote the use of crossbows as hunting tools to manage wildlife. The organization uses education and outreach to advocate the use of crossbows, foster meaningful landowner relationships, and create partnerships among hunting organizations. To learn more about the PCF, visit their website at
www.pacrossbow.com. We encourage other sportsmen’s groups to support the repeal of the ban on Sunday hunting and for the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) to be able to regulate Sunday hunting. – Roxane Palone
“At the core of the mission of the Pennsylvania Crossbow Federation, is the objective to increase participation in hunting and to recruit new hunters into our sport. Our organization believes that the inclusion of crossbows into our archery seasons has resulted in positive gains in both areas. We also believe that there are many options to further add to these positive gains. Sunday hunting has long been a point of contention among many groups, including the sportsmen of this state. Unfortunately the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s hands are tied on this issue as our state’s General Assembly currently regulates Sunday hunting.
The Pennsylvania Crossbow Federation has been made aware of a willingness from some of our state’s representatives to consider legislation that would essentially give regulatory control of Sunday hunting to the PGC. As a result of this movement, the PCF swiftly polled its membership on this exact scenario. The results of our poll revealed overwhelming support for the PGC having regulatory control of Sunday hunting.
The PCF feels very strongly that the issue of Sunday hunting is a “seasons and bag limits†issue and that the PGC should have regulatory control. Our organization also believes that allowing hunting seven days of the week will provide much needed opportunities for those who struggle to find the time to enjoy our sport. With hunter numbers decreasing and our youth being subjected to many distractions, Sunday hunting will help to slow the loss and bring sporting families further together on the weekends.
If legislation does pass, the PCF would urge a slow, guarded approach. While the benefits of Sunday hunting are numerous, many factors must be considered before the addition of Sundays to a particular season is implemented. The PCF trusts that the PGC would weigh all factors with due diligence before adding additional potential high harvest days to a season.
While this issue is currently controlled by the state legislature, the Pennsylvania Crossbow Federation would like the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s Board of Commissioners (BOC) to consider passing a formal resolution that supports our state’s General Assembly, through legislation, relinquishing regulatory control of Sunday hunting and passing the torch to our state’s game agency. This opportunity has never been better and the time for action is now. If this resolution is passed at a PGC meeting, a clear message will be sent to our representatives that the PGC is prepared and willing to assume this responsibility. Again, the PCF urges the PGC’s BOC to pass this resolution in support of regulatory control. The future of hunting in Pennsylvania would benefit immensely from this potential action.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this important matter.â€
18 Comments to 'Crossbows and Sunday hunting'
E.N. Woodcock
March 13, 2011
Well thought out and reasoned approach.
March 13, 2011
The PGC’s BOC has a history of punting the issue to the legislature. Currently the legislature is looking fo the PGC to want it. Passig a resolution supporting regulatory control is a must do step. The legislature is asking for it.
Why a game agency would not want regulatory control is beyond me. It would not be a mandate for hunting on Sunday and they could do with it as they please.
Every sporting organization in this state needs to voice thier opinions on regulatory control to the PGC and who should have it. The BOC needs to hear it from the orgs and their members, not to mention the hunters of this state.
March 13, 2011
Does the atali group support sunday hunting too? hahha
The truth
March 13, 2011
No to sunday hunting. Enough deer have been slaughtered even without it. Time to go the other direction and allow the herd to grow some.
March 13, 2011
“Sunday hunting†is not what this particular issue is. The BOC needs to know that hunters support game agencies regulating hunting, which may or may not include Sundays, not politicians.
March 14, 2011
Yes…we need to realize adding Sundays is not the issue here. Nor is adding days. The legislature can already add Sundays. The issue is who should have regulatory control, game agencies or politicians.
The PGC getting regulatory control does not add any Sundays to our seasons. Folks can lobby the legislature now for just that. All that would change is folks would have to lobby the PGC.
No one is saying that Sundays will be added. All this is, is a reasonable chance to allow our game agency to manage game seven days a week and not six. Sundays may or may not be added, just as it is now.
The truth
March 15, 2011
It doesnt matter what YOU THINK is the issue, all effects of your “issue†need to be closely examined and thought out. You want everyone to overlook all the very likely ugly things involved here, and only focus on the good.
Thats being nearsighted and foolish imho.
Then again maybe not. Its no big secret that some Extreme interest groups would like to see even more deer slaughtered from our already dwindling herd.
The truth
March 15, 2011
Pgc is far more likely to give us sunday hunting than the legislature. The legislators have proven they arent likely to, we can see this by looking at over 100 years of history.
Pgc is likely to as they dont have as much opposing political heat to take on the issue as legislators do from fellow legislators and nonhunting public.
Pgc would also see this as another way to kill alot more deer alot faster. And as we know, they are all too much for anything like that.
Joe Basile
March 15, 2011
For a first time I agree with the Pennsylvania Crossbow Federation .
The PCF feels very strongly that the issue of Sunday hunting is a “seasons and bag limits†issue and that the PGC should have regulatory control.
Our organization also believes that allowing hunting seven days of the week will provide much needed opportunities for those who struggle to find the time to enjoy our sport. With hunter numbers decreasing and our youth being subjected to many distractions, Sunday hunting will help to slow the loss and bring sporting families further together on the weekends.
My dissagreement: “Our organization believes that the inclusion of crossbows into our archery seasons has resulted in positive gains in both areas.â€
How, with over 30% of the archery harvasts the past two seasons?
I do commend and admire the PCF on their support of the PGC!
The truth
March 15, 2011
You dont make much sense joe. You say support pgc and trust them, yet you yapped about herd decimation that was on its way with the crossbows. And even though everyone didnt rush out and grab a crossbow, and the wholesale slaughter you predicted did not come about, youre still complaining about it…
Yet you think others should trust pgc when it comes to decision making about adding high harvest days to the rifle and other seasons that would be in effect for many hundreds of thousands of hunters??
You are not making alot of sense joe.
Could it be that you were just against crossbows, but want to hunt on sundays, and neither position was ever based on the resource? Cause thats what im seeing here.
March 15, 2011
Why do you feel if Sundays were handed over to the PGC the next day every licensed hunter would be combing the woods with a weapon…nothing may change…or maybe just add small game on Sundays, either way its about another CHOICE we could have, if you dont want to hunt sundays DONT!…But why shouldnt the PGC have control of 7 days instead of 6..Like everyone has said, this doesnt mean Sunday would be hunted anytime soon, but why let the politicians regulate it…
March 15, 2011
I can respect that you are not in favor of Sunday hunting. I find it difficult trying to understand hunters not wanting our game agency in control of it. It is the right thing to do. Our game agency should have regulatory control. Could care less why the legislature is considering a change of heart.
The PGC could get regulatory control and do nothing with it but they would have it where it belongs.
Polls actually show 3/5 hunters in favor of “Sunday huntingâ€. Specify that to who should have regulatory control and the numbers are higher.
March 16, 2011
Bill, please dont cite me ridiculous poll results for the environmentalist/pgc message board hpa. Please dont insult my intelligence.
“Why do you feel if Sundays were handed over to the PGC the next day every licensed hunter would be combing the woods with a weaponâ€
Same reason currently they are out there on Saturdays “combing the woodsâ€. No work. No school.
“But why shouldnt the PGC have control of 7 days instead of 6..â€
Because that 7th day is adding more high participation work days to a pgc “deer plan†thats extreme and an agency that most of us simply do not trust, including many of those that do support sunday hunting.
And while i understand what youre saying…yes…we should be able to expect our game management agency to do the right things, just like most other states…but we cannot and thats been proven. Thats also why they are not getting a fee increase.
And no, im not content to say ‘oh well, maybe they wont screw us with sundays in deer season’.
Some of us were already fooled once by the little bald guy, and the replacement is clearly cut from the same cloth where the truth is concerned.
Joe Basile
March 16, 2011
“You dont make much sense joe. You say support pgc and trust them, yet you yapped about herd decimation that was on its way with the crossbows.â€-the Truth
I am also a devote Catholic although I don’t agree with all the Vatican preaches. I love my wife of 30 years, although one time we did have a disagreement. I don’t see the word decimate in my original post. Thirty four percent of the harvest during archery season, before the rut, seems significant to me. Just mho.
Again I admire the support the FCH has for the PGC. I also am all for the promotion of new hunters, although not at the expense of resourses and sound biological findings. I hope I am just being my paranoid self.
March 16, 2011
Hey Joe,
Again thanks for the positive words. On your note about the 34%. Realize that antlerless deer are also being harvested during archery seasons. As long as does remain legal targets for archers there is no worry about harvest before or during the rut.
And, archery harvest as a percentage of the total harvest has been rising for some time. It is a trend not only here but nationwide.
Joe Basile
March 17, 2011
Dmp, the antlerless deer are the creatures I am worried about. If you are saying this can be managed with tag allotments, I can’t argue. Certainly two years of over 30% crossbow harvest in archery season is hardly a trend. All I am saying is for the PGC to keep looking at this for trends and patterns. With record book buck, healthier deer, and, more forest regeneration in most of Pennsylvania, I’ll go with their science.
The truth
March 23, 2011
“With record book buck, healthier deer, and, more forest regeneration in most of Pennsylvania, I’ll go with their science.â€
According to “their scienceâ€, when is all this going to start, since its already been a decade and according to the audit and pgcs own data, the regeneration has NOT improved, in fact according to the audit the overall statewide percentage of regeneration has DECREASED slightly (you can see the audit on the Pa legislative budget and finacne committee page).
Herd health didnt improve either according to pgcs own data, the breeding timing, and embryo counts have not changed AT ALL. You can verify that for yourself on pgcs annual reports, likes to can be found on their website.
The truth
March 23, 2011
“If you are saying this can be managed with tag allotments, I can’t argue.â€
I can. All you need to do is look at the majority of the units buck harvests in 2005 and compare them to now to see the “allotments†caused more reduction and not stabilization as was supposed to be the case.