Sunday Hunting Conversation =

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 01:20:41 (permalink)
You posted an op/ed piece. How about I write one for you to post?
Better yet, answer the crystal ball vs lying question.

When you become an editor of a newspaper maybe I will == if I like the editorial...

as for crytstal ball bull crap .. I just posted what the man said.. take it or leave it...

better yet == call him and he can tell you the same thing !!!

As for his thoughts agreeing with my "agenda" why would I waste time posting any opinions that don't support my "agenda"..

I'll leave that to the opposing side.. but so far supporting articles or whatevers FOR Sunday hunting are few and far between....

I'm looking for the one that shows how by just changing the regulatory control it will add all this money to the ecomony...

dpms wants it to be all about regulating.. but that alone will add nothing to the sport or the economy...

so there in is the "smoke screen" presentation about who regulates Sunday Hunting..... it's all about getting more days to harvest game... plain and simple.. and any resonable person should be able to see that...

folks did not want crossbows.. it would increase the harvest .. more hunters ... maybe shorter season because of increase harvests.. BUT now some of the same folks think adding Sundays will do none of that ...

done on this topic for now until I get another update.. IF one is even coming ?????
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/07/25 01:33:38
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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 07:44:16 (permalink)

I get critised often for having my head in the sand.. but I must say.. heads must be BURIED in it if anyone things changing the law will not mean added Sundays to kill more game... that's just silly to even think...

Isn't it silly to close land, long open to hunters, before a Sunday may be added to a season?  A Sunday may be added to bear.  Sundays may be added to small game.  Maybe deer at some point.  Maybe none added for some time.  Wouldn't a reasonable person wait to it was actually implemented into a season that they are concerned with before actually closing their land? Or is easier to just threaten to do it?

Stop for a minute and think == what if the land does get closed === then what.. it's something that can not be reversed....

Land can be opened as quickly as it was shut down. It can be closed as quickly as it was opened.  Lost a great spot for this year already.  Bummed out about it but life goes on.   My thoughts are if these landowners really want hunters on their land, it will be re-opened when nothing changes and Sunday hunting becomes a non-issue. 
This is a pro-hunting bill.  One that sportsmen need to by united behind.  In the future, pro-hunting bills be be decreasing in numbers as surely as we grow older each day.
post edited by dpms - 2011/07/25 08:12:59

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 07:57:40 (permalink)

dpms wants it to be all about regulating.. but that alone will add nothing to the sport or the economy...

Really?  Politicians regulating hunting would be better for the sport of hunting than game agencies regulating hunting?  With all of the threats agianst us, you think we would be better off riding into the sunset with politicians telling us what species we can hunt on which days?  Not just hear but elsewhere?

Also, the discussion of money or religion shouldn't even be part of the equation. So, on the economy, you won't hear that arguement from me.
post edited by dpms - 2011/07/25 08:10:11

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 08:11:51 (permalink)
Isn't it silly to close land, long open to hunters, before a Sunday may be added to a season?

Actually I think it is silly to think farmers and landowners are too stupid not to see through the smokescreen of regulartory control. It is quite obvious that the issue is hunting Sundays and particulary DEER HUNTING Sundays.

It is also quit foolish for folks to try and tell a farmer/landowner what to do with his land or how to post it if they don't want Sunday hunting. The easiest thing to do and the easiest to find signs are NO TRESPASSING signs.

Point out to me the state you have hunted that allows Sunday hunting that has as much private land where hunting is permitted or as lax regulations or enforcement for hunting on private land as Pennsylvania.

I fully understand why folks want the additional day but an additional day to be crowded in on less open land with fewer animals to hunt makes no sense to me.
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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 08:15:17 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: bingsbaits

I would like reugulatory control of all hunting given to our game agency.

No matter how bad their track record might be...

Yep. Shouldn't matter much is we agree with most or disagree with most of what the PGC does.  If we believe that game agencies are best suited to regulate hunting, then this is a bill we shoud support. 

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 08:21:45 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: bingsbaits

Get tired of your garbage that anyone that disagrees with a PGC policy or questions the ambiguity of a law is labeled a PGC hater, nit-picker, and a half dozen other insults.

He11 I like the PGC, they provide a great hunting oppotunity for me and my family.
But I'm still allowd to question their policies and laws..

No you're not.  If you ask a question, you are a nitpicker, which leads to not being "one of the good guys," which then leads to becoming a goon or a thug with an attitude that can be ascertained before you even speak to ask the question.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 08:27:52 (permalink)

Actually I think it is silly to think farmers and landowners are too stupid not to see through the smokescreen of regulartory control. It is quite obvious that the issue is hunting Sundays and particulary DEER HUNTING Sundays.

Even sillier to close down land before anything changes which could takes years. It is easier to threaten things, though.

[It is also quit foolish for folks to try and tell a farmer/landowner what to do with his land or how to post it if they don't want Sunday hunting. The easiest thing to do and the easiest to find signs are NO TRESPASSING signs.

Their land. They can do as they please.  One commissioner has offered that the PGC provide "No Sunday Hunting" signs to lanowners that want them.  

post edited by dpms - 2011/07/25 08:30:19

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 08:29:36 (permalink)

Point out to me the state you have hunted that allows Sunday hunting that has as much private land where hunting is permitted or as lax regulations or enforcement for hunting on private land as Pennsylvania.

I fully understand why folks want the additional day but an additional day to be crowded in on less open land with fewer animals to hunt makes no sense to me.

Valid points but points that should be part of the discussion of when, where and how.  We would be better off to begin to address the concerns and work towards a solution that is best for all.

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 08:52:09 (permalink)
I have made my concerns/opinion known concerning Sunday hunting and would have left the topic alone long ago EXCEPT for the continued bogus claim that the issue is regulartory contol.

That claim is nothing more than an attempt to change the focus of the discussion because there is so much opposition to Sunday hunting from the landowners and half the hunters themselves.

I doubt that the farmers/landowners are blind enough not to see that the issue is Sunday DEER HUNTING and the claim that it might not happen for years is just the attempt to get the foot in the door with the control issue.

Debate the issue for what it is (SUNDAY DEER HUNTING ) The petitions floating around the state pertain to that, the numerous forums discuss that and even your own crossbow site discusses the issue as SUNDAY DEER HUNTING. To claim it is anything else just makes you look like another fast talking politician.
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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 09:16:38 (permalink)
And if it is all about the deer as many proponents say,,,

Then I must reiterate my past point, """ONE DAY""".

You mean to tell me all these farmers lives will be changed for """ ONE DAY""" in December, really..

Could there be an increased harvest if Sunday Deer Hunting was permited mabee, mabee not.

If so many of those against it are not going to hunt on Sunday then like Doc has said "less hunters in the woods no deer moving, reduced success"...

Not sure why the safety issue would even be raised for the archery season, haven't seen many folks afraid of a man sitting in a tree with stick and string...

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 09:17:37 (permalink)

No need for the personal slights.  Never go there with you so I expect the same in return. 

I am but one person with strong views on what is best for the future of hunting.  I disagree and agree with many directions. 

The issue of Sunday hunting is not going away.  Too much of a push for it within this state and from outside of this state from national sporting orgs.  It is in the best interest of hunters and those that support hunting to work together towards a common goal.  There are valid points from boths sides, the best outcome probably lies somewhere in the middle, which I happen to believe is slow implmentation that weighs everyones concerns if this bill is passed.  That is a issue for another time, IMO.

With that being said, I will always feel that the issue of game agencies regulating hunting trumps the issue of the expansion of Sunday hunting.  I see it as two distinct issues and will always discuss it as such until the regulatory issue is settled. My opinion and how I discuss the issue.
post edited by dpms - 2011/07/25 09:46:00

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 09:45:36 (permalink)


Point out to me the state you have hunted that allows Sunday hunting that has as much private land where hunting is permitted or as lax regulations or enforcement for hunting on private land as Pennsylvania.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 09:55:49 (permalink)
No need for the personal slights.

Not a slight against you personally but against the way you operate to get your way. The same process was used with the so called 4 year review of the crossbow issue to mute the opposition. The BOC is already on record admitting it won't change crossbow usage.

You have been on this board 5 years, have posted often, and control was never mentioned UNTIL it became apparent that the current BOC was likely to approve Sunday Hunting if given the chance.
Now control is your number one concern. Not likely IMO. Control is only a means to the end which is SUNDAY DEER HUNTING.

The issue is SUNDAY DEER HUNTING, it always has been the issue, it's a subject well worth debating, and there are many Pros and Cons surrounding the issue. Everyone who hunts has an interest in the issue and should voice an opinion but it should be debated for what it is (SUNDAY DEER HUNTING). To try to camoflague it as something else defeats the purpose of a healthy debate on the real issue which is SUNDAY DEER HUNTING.
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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 10:15:55 (permalink)


Point out to me the state you have hunted that allows Sunday hunting that has as much private land where hunting is permitted or as lax regulations or enforcement for hunting on private land as Pennsylvania.


You think, landowners in Arizona can even post state land.

C. The provisions of this Section do not allow any individual to trespass upon private land to gain access to any state land.

D. An individual may post state lands within 1/4 mile of any occupied residence, cabin, lodge, or other building and lands within corrals, feed lots, or holding pens containing concentrations of livestock other than for grazing purposes as closed to hunting, fishing, or trapping without further action by the Commission.

E. An individual may post state lands other than those referred to in subsection (D) as closed to hunting, fishing, or trapping only if the individual has obtained a permit from the Commission, and the Commission determines that the closing is necessary:

1. Because the taking of wildlife constitutes an unusual hazard to permitted users;

2. To prevent unreasonable destruction of plant life or habitat; or

3. For proper resource conservation, use, or protection, including but not limited to high fire danger, excessive interference with mineral development, developed agricultural land, or timber or livestock operations.

F. An individual shall submit an application for posting state land to prohibit hunting, fishing, or trapping under subsection (E), or to close an existing road under subsection (J), as required by R12-4-610. If an application to close state land to hunting, fishing, or trapping is made by an individual other than the state land lessee, the Department shall provide notice to the lessee and the State Land Commissioner before the Commission considers the application. The state land lessee or the State Land Commissioner shall file any objections in writing within 30 days after receipt of notice, after which the matter shall be submitted to the Commission for determination.
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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 10:27:56 (permalink)

No need for the personal slights.

Not a slight against you personally but against the way you operate to get your way. The same process was used with the so called 4 year review of the crossbow issue to mute the opposition. The BOC is already on record admitting it won't change crossbow usage.

I supported full inclusion. No sunset provision.  They ammended it to be so here we are.  The data from two years of inclusion is why the BOC is suggesting no reason to reverse it.  A couple of the commissioners that voted against crossbows have told me, crossbows have turned out to be a non-issue. 

The issue is SUNDAY DEER HUNTING, it always has been the issue, it's a subject well worth debating, and there are many Pros and Cons surrounding the issue. Everyone who hunts has an interest in the issue and should voice an opinion but it should be debated for what it is (SUNDAY DEER HUNTING). To try to camoflague it as something else defeats the purpose of a healthy debate on the real issue which is SUNDAY DEER HUNTING.

It is for many.  Not for me and that is how I am discussing the issue. 

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 10:35:08 (permalink)

You have been on this board 5 years, have posted often, and control was never mentioned UNTIL it became apparent that the current BOC was likely to approve Sunday Hunting if given the chance.

Actually I was against the idea of Sunday hunting in this state not too long ago.  With time and exploration of the issue, my views have changed. 
Used to be against crossbow inclusion too.

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 14:51:08 (permalink)
I would put Bings in the "thugs and goon" category already. Welcome aboard my friend!!....WF
wayne c
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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 15:08:05 (permalink)
"You have been on this board 5 years, have posted often, and control was never mentioned UNTIL it became apparent that the current BOC was likely to approve Sunday Hunting if given the chance.
Now control is your number one concern. Not likely IMO. Control is only a means to the end which is SUNDAY DEER HUNTING."

Yep. Thats how i see it as well. Although it isnt exactly the most honest route, its probably wise for proponents of sunday hunting to try to distance the conversation from the deer herd discussion, since its such a volatile topic, it in no way helps the sunday hunting argument to say we should accept added reduction. How better to avoid the discussion of added harvest and reduction than to avoid it altogether by putting the micro-focus on WHO does the regulating? Then when control is granted to pgc, it doesnt matter how much the opposition howls about sunday hunting or about deer, they have proven they are quite capable of turning a deaf ear since they dont answer for their actions like elected politicians do.
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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 15:58:35 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: wayne c

Although it isnt exactly the most honest route, its probably wise for proponents of sunday hunting to try to distance the conversation from the deer herd discussion, since its such a volatile topic, it in no way helps the sunday hunting argument to say we should accept added reduction.

More than happy to discuss it with either you,  S-10 or Doc for that matter.  I see it as a seperate issue from regulatory control but engage me on that issue if you please. 
post edited by dpms - 2011/07/25 15:59:34

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 16:19:32 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: World Famous

I would put Bings in the "thugs and goon" category already. Welcome aboard my friend!!....WF

If he is a member of the "thugs and goons" plus a member of the ubersnob fly fishing club, mon-o-mon-o.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 16:45:47 (permalink)
I see it as a seperate issue from regulatory control

Care to point to any thread where you have discussed the regulatory control issue "Other Than" on the SUNDAY HUNTING threads.
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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 18:19:37 (permalink)
I think I started a few but then they turn into the Sunday hunting issue as usual.

I have been quite consistant while addressing both the regulatory transfer and the expansion of Sunday hunting discussions.  As I said to Wayne, more than happy to discuss Sunday hunting and deer if you wish.
post edited by dpms - 2011/07/25 18:20:20

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 18:40:45 (permalink)
I think I started a few but then they turn into the Sunday hunting issue as usual.

I have been quite consistant while addressing both the regulatory transfer and the expansion of Sunday hunting discussions. As I said to Wayne, more than happy to discuss Sunday hunting and deer if you wish.

< Message edited by dpms -- 7/25/2011 6:20:20 PM >

You didn't happen to catch the title of this thread that you have been posting on did you?
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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 19:16:34 (permalink)

You didn't happen to catch the title of this thread that you have been posting on did you?

I did, and I have been consistant while addressing the two issues seperately.  You claim I don't want to discuss the expansion of Sunday deer hunting issue and am using regulatory control as a smokescreen to get Sunday deer hunting.

Since the claim was made, what do you want to know? 
post edited by dpms - 2011/07/25 19:24:23

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 19:30:13 (permalink)
Bings why do you keep saying just ONE DAY .....

If they make Sunday Hunting legal don't you think rifle hunters will want the PGC to change the last day of rifle to include the Sunday after the current last Saturday.. that would be 2 days...

PLUS ===

and what about archery.. do you honestly believe archers are not going to want 6 Sundays included in the archery season if Sunday hunting becomes legal ??

How about muzzie hunters and the late season.. guys are going to want every Sunday they can get to kill deer..

just as S-10 stated .. that's what the Sunday hunting issue is all about = more days for more guys to be able to hunt deer...

IMHO to push for and get a change to the Sunday hunting law and then sit and do nothing if it is changed would really look silly for the PGC to do...
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/07/25 19:31:37
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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 19:36:56 (permalink)
"it's a subject well worth debating, and there are many Pros and Cons surrounding the issue. Everyone who hunts has an interest in the issue and should voice an opinion but it should be debated for what it is (SUNDAY DEER HUNTING)."

It's also a debate that is pointless unless, or until the PGC has the authority to act on it one way or the other at the end of the debate.

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 19:43:49 (permalink)

IMHO to push for and get a change to the Sunday hunting law and then sit and do nothing if it is changed would really look silly for the PGC to do...

I think some of the BOC would like to do something with it.  They need a majority though, which they barely got with the resolution. 
Delaney is a big pheasant and small game guy but has concerns about the decreasing deer herd.  Wants to increase youth opportunities I could see him proposing Sundays for small game and youth seasons.  He may even go bear.
Martone I could see wanting bear, small game, turkey and maybe deer.
Putnam and Schlemmer, I don't have a good feel for what they want to do.
Schreffler is hard to pin down.  He voted against the resolution so don't think he is eager to proceed.
Weaner would be against any expansion.
Isabella and Boop are leaving.
Bottom line is something will happen but even in my conservations with some of the BOC, no discussions or a will to go "all in" any time soon.  At least that is what I was told.

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 19:51:21 (permalink)
It's also a debate that is pointless unless, or until the PGC has the authority to act on it one way or the other at the end of the debate.

That's not true at all, because the only reason for the push for the change in control is the fact the current BOC have indicated they will implement Sunday Hunting once they are given the power to do so. If there is enough pressure against Sunday hunting the control will not be transfered to the BOC and things will stay as they are. If the authority is transfered to the BOC Sunday hunting will be implemented. The only question would be how quickly it would be for all game.

The question of transfer is the question of Sunday Hunting.

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 20:00:17 (permalink)

Right now, the "debate" is in the political arena. Where NON-hunters, and antis have a strong, and effective voice on a game management issue.

Something I believe you've alway been opposed, VERY opposed to on every other management issue. Why not this one?

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RE: Sunday Hunting Conversation = 2011/07/25 20:13:25 (permalink)
Because on this issue the debate is over as far as changing the position of the BOC but is far from over as far as the popiticans are concerned. If I was for Sunday hunting I would also be pushing for regulatory contol change. Since I think it is a mistake I will always speak up when someone trys to say the two issues are not married.

When 80% of landowners are against it and 50% of hunters are also against it someone is not listening.

When the PGC's own recently completed hunter survey showed that the top two issues causing hunters to drop out are lack of game and lack of places to hunt just how in he// is adding more killing days against the wishes of the landowners who control where we hunt going to improve on either issue.
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