Your opinions please...

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2011/06/09 10:46:55 (permalink)

Your opinions please...

Usually don't have to ask for opinions on here, but...

If you saw my Afghanistan post you know that we lost a Marine from our area in Afghanistan on Monday. Not a good thing, for sure but, it has led to another "situation" with my position on our local School Board. The issue deals with U.S. Flag Code and the proper procedure for flying a flag at half mast. Let me start by saying that I do feel that it should be flown at half mast. According to code, which is not law, the Governor must issue the proclamation to fly the flag at half mast. Our custodian that handles the flag responsibilities arbitrarily lowered the flag on Tuesday and our super (ex-military) made him put it back up. A crap storm shortly ensued. At that time none of the local veterans organizations had their flags at half staff either. There has been no proclamation from the governors office as yet, I do have calls in to our local rep and to the governor's office. The local VFW and American Legion did lower their flags today and the school followed suit. My only problem is that if we're going to do it without proper authorization we should have done it on Monday when we got the news. I really think that the gov's office should be on top of these things and should issue the proclamations as soon as a death is confirmed, but that's not really the issue. Having known the Marine that was killed personally, I believe that Joey would have wanted it done properly and I'm curious how some of you veterans or not feel about this. I think that showing respect for the flag is important and I also think that showing respect for fallen soldiers is a priority.

What say you?

Edit: Note to admin, sorry thought I was posting this in OT, feel free to move...
post edited by bulldog1 - 2011/06/09 10:48:15

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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/09 11:20:17 (permalink)
    From what I heard the flags are to be lowered from sunrise to sunset June 11,2011.
    But I agree with you that the soldiers hometown should be allowed to do so till the burial.
    If we were to lower the flag for every soldier killed..tooo many...the flag would never be at full staff...
    1,500 so far for Afganistan...58,000 times for Vietnam...ect.
    Either way...honor our troops.

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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/09 11:26:03 (permalink)
    I don't think displaying the flag at half mast in cases such as this (even if executive authority is overlooked) is disrespectful to the flag...the intent was right, the logistics were a bit faulty. Our flag represents the very freedom that this young man was EAGER to defend. As a Marine brat, I'm very aware of the U.S. Flag code and the importance of following protocol and traditions. However, in this case, if it were my call I'd lower the flag to half-staff and notify the dopey politicians and force the Governor to either make the proclamation or not. If he doesn't he can take the heat. The very fact that this is even being debated sort of diminishes the sentiments of flying the flag at half-staff IMO.
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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/09 11:34:35 (permalink)
    Incidentally, I always took the proclamation of the Governor to be pertinent only for State-wide flag displays, not local ones. However, I could be interpreting the code incorrectly.
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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/09 11:39:48 (permalink)
    Bulldog, let me say first again how sorry I am for your loss. As I look at this, I am seeing that the disagreement is how to best honor this young Marine.

    First consideration: The Flag Code applies only at the Federal, State, and Military Level.
    The flag code says that the president and governor of a given state may order the half staff. But the DoD also has that authority for military. As a code, there is no enforcement or penalty, and the president, governor, or DoD may only declare the half staff for federal, state, and military installations and naval vessels. Private citizens may--and should--follow the lead.

    Second Consideration: Fallen Service Members are not addressed in the Flag Code.
    Note well that he flag code for half staffing does not include fallen service members--there is in fact no law on that.

    Third Consideration: We are  free.
    There is no applicable law, here the flag code may act as guide or precedent. And where there is no law, we as free people have the right to develop "customs or practices not inconsistent with law." A veterans organization may strike half staff for a fallen member when and for as long as it feels appropriate. a private citizen may do the same. A local school district, or municipality may develop it's own protocols to honor a fallen service member.

    With all that in mind, it seems that it is not a question of law, but lack of law. The school district or the municipality should develop a policy regarding the when and for how long to fly the flag at half mast.
    post edited by cbeagler - 2011/06/10 07:07:14
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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/09 11:41:18 (permalink)
    BD, I saw this earlier and figured it may be of interest to you:
    US and Pennsylvania Flags at Half-Staff
    At the direction of Governor Tom Corbett, all U.S. and Pennsylvania flags in the Capitol Complex and at Commonwealth facilities in Lawrence County are to be flown at half-staff on Saturday, June 11, in honor of U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Edward Mills Jr. Staff Sgt. Mills died on May 26 in Afghanistan. Staff Sgt. Mills was a member of the U.S. Army 4th Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment, 159th Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), based in Fort Campbell, Ky. Flags should remain at half staff through sunset on June 11, 2011.
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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/09 11:50:19 (permalink)
    as a current soldier, Iraq vet, and a person that has lost some close friends, I agree with the above comments.  The locality of the fallen soldier should lower the flag as soon as the news of the fallen soldier is heard. 

    And Bogey I think you are correct, at least I interpret it the same way, that a governor is only needed for a state wide lowering of the flag just as the president is needed for a national lowering.

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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/09 12:25:52 (permalink)
    Thanks for the comments guys, my intent is to do right by the fallen Marine.

    The way that I read the code, it seemed that any government entity, which a school district is, is bound by the code. And it seemed clear that the Governor or President were the only ones that could order it be flown at half mast. I agree that this discussion shouldn't have to take place, but doing it right and proper is important (to me at least). He was a friend, not just an area native, which makes it more personal for me. On the other side of the fence, being board president, it is important that we be consistent in our adherence to the code, as in all things that we do. Within the last year the district took some heat because the flag was not properly lighted at night, corrections were made based on code. Private citizens are free, under the code, to fly it at half mast for almost any reason but government entities are different (as they should be). Respect is the main issue for me, respect for the flag and country as well as respect for a fallen friend. Once again, I don't have any problem, personally, with flying it at half staff from the instant we're notified of a death.

    As I was typing this I got word from the gov's office, their policy is to make the proclamation on the day of the funeral. All flags in the capitol as well as the county that the fallen soldier is from will fly at half staff from sunrise to sunset on that day.
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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/09 13:34:51 (permalink)
    Many time when I was on burial duties the flags in a town would be left at half mast in rememberance of the dead soldier. As in the military a commander/Leader can instruct a Local (within his scope of command) lowering of the flag for a specific purpose (to honor dead) but then the flag should be reset after the ceremonies are concluded. Again the key words here are scope of control. The school board could ask that the flag be lowered, as could a mayor, or the commander of the local National Guard Armory. But that only pertains to the respect for a local individual. For instance a local gov't office can't order the flag flown at half mast for someone outside of their area of command/control, but should obey a request from someone higher. So the principal was correct. But if the mayor declared a day of mourning, or the school board, then it would have taken precedence. Gets confusing huh? Basically: you follow the orders of those above you unless no other guidance is given.
    post edited by indsguiz - 2011/06/09 13:35:12

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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/09 22:30:00 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Mikastorm

    From what I heard the flags are to be lowered from sunrise to sunset June 11,2011.
    But I agree with you that the soldiers hometown should be allowed to do so till the burial.
    If we were to lower the flag for every soldier killed..tooo many...the flag would never be at full staff...
    1,500 so far for Afganistan...58,000 times for Vietnam...ect.
    Either way...honor our troops.

    Half mast for every fallen service man or women would be a good idea, to remind everyone the reality of war and the sacrifice. It made me sick on Memorial Day. In the plan of homes I live in, Me and about 5 other people had our Flags out. (Out of hundreds of homes.) 30 yrs. ago it would have been the opposite. Hundreds with and 5 without. I'll bet if you asked 100 people what memorial day is for, not many would know. Just a day to get out the grill and get hammered. (Not that it isn't a good idea once in awhile) Just say'n!

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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/10 09:27:01 (permalink)
    I don't know or care about defining rule,as long as i am not hurting any one I just do what i feel is right in honoring someone.I think it is sad that we have to figure out the defining rule.bulldog,I am sorry for your loss for he is all of our loss America.
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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/10 21:01:11 (permalink)
    This group is in New Castle to protest a Military funeral of a young hero that lost his life for us in Afghanistan.

    I am shooting a military wedding tomorrow or I may be spending the night in jail.....
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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/13 09:01:34 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: ray126

    I don't know or care about defining rule,as long as i am not hurting any one I just do what i feel is right in honoring someone.I think it is sad that we have to figure out the defining rule.bulldog,I am sorry for your loss for he is all of our loss America.

    I totally agree.

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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/16 13:44:31 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: ray126

    I don't know or care about defining rule,as long as i am not hurting any one I just do what i feel is right in honoring someone.I think it is sad that we have to figure out the defining rule.bulldog,I am sorry for your loss for he is all of our loss America.

    I agree too. I don't understand why you have to have permission to fly it at half mast. I'd just do it.
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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/19 17:55:08 (permalink)
    Unit, Corp, God, Country...

    Honor the Code.

    God be with the family.

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    RE: Your opinions please... 2011/06/19 18:02:53 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: ShutUpNFish

    ORIGINAL: ray126

    I don't know or care about defining rule,as long as i am not hurting any one I just do what i feel is right in honoring someone.I think it is sad that we have to figure out the defining rule.bulldog,I am sorry for your loss for he is all of our loss America.

    I totally agree.

    couldn't agree more, also

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