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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 15:28:09
Anything else I can answer for you ironhed ? lol, no you said enough. I'm good. Ironhed
RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 15:37:38
ORIGINAL: dpms Do a quick search of New York City gun laws. Mayor Bloomberg would love for none of us to own guns. Really would rather not get into the specifics. Just takes away from the nature of this thread. Just an example of how political influence from non-hunters/anti-gun folks hurts our cause as hunters. Pennsylvania is still a firearms and hunter friendly state, for the most part. We kinda have it good compared to New York, Jersey, California etc... "Pennsylvania is still a firearms and hunter friendly state, for the most part. We kinda have it good compared to New York, Jersey, California etc..." Sunday hunting is enjoyed by many in New York. Lots of deer and I see no gun law that limits the hunter any different than Pa. If anything New York has better opportunities for the hunter than Pa. Sunday hunting as an option for one. Many Pa hunters are crossing the border for better hunting. I think you better re think your statement. Oh BTW semi auto loading rifles are allowed in parts of New york as not in Pa. This should put a smile on your face and you can hunt with it on SUNDAY.
post edited by Outdoor Adventures - 2011/04/27 15:51:06
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 16:20:59
I think participation is dropping because they didn't post results of the youth turkey season on the PGC's homepage, dp. Ironhed
post edited by Ironhed - 2011/04/27 16:28:00
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 16:22:18
Your missing my point. Not a big deal.
My rifle is a black rifle
wayne c
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 16:27:14
And all the ones I know say it sucks! Dont know what border you are talking about, but everyone i know that hunts Pa & Ohio likes ohio much better. In fact ive never heard anyone make even the slightest comment that Pa was as good or better than ohio.
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 16:29:02
You must have suffered a concussion or two. Are you drinking today? Ironhed
post edited by Ironhed - 2011/04/27 16:31:38
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 16:45:09
ORIGINAL: wayne c And all the ones I know say it sucks! Dont know what border you are talking about, but everyone i know that hunts Pa & Ohio likes ohio much better. In fact ive never heard anyone make even the slightest comment that Pa was as good or better than ohio. You replied to me but I have no idea what you are talking about?? Never said anything about a border.
My rifle is a black rifle
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 16:46:21
ORIGINAL: Ironhed I think participation is dropping because they didn't post results of the youth turkey season on the PGC's homepage, dp. Ironhed  Where are those dang results anyway. People need to know.
My rifle is a black rifle
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 16:58:53
ORIGINAL: wayne c And all the ones I know say it sucks! Dont know what border you are talking about, but everyone i know that hunts Pa & Ohio likes ohio much better. In fact ive never heard anyone make even the slightest comment that Pa was as good or better than ohio. Really! Every season I talk to many Ohio residents that don’t have anything good to say about hunting Ohio and still come to Pennsylvania every year because of having enough public land for a person to hunt with a reasonable chance of success. R.S. Bodenhorn
RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 18:31:20
ORIGINAL: dpms Your missing my point. Not a big deal. I'm all ears, go ahead.
RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 18:34:37
ORIGINAL: wayne c And all the ones I know say it sucks! Dont know what border you are talking about, but everyone i know that hunts Pa & Ohio likes ohio much better. In fact ive never heard anyone make even the slightest comment that Pa was as good or better than ohio. More and more trips to ohio since the deer wars in Pa. Another state that allows Sunday hunting as well and plenty of big bucks. Ohio gets my vote !
post edited by Outdoor Adventures - 2011/04/27 19:04:28
RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 18:48:01
ORIGINAL: RSB ORIGINAL: wayne c And all the ones I know say it sucks! Dont know what border you are talking about, but everyone i know that hunts Pa & Ohio likes ohio much better. In fact ive never heard anyone make even the slightest comment that Pa was as good or better than ohio. Really! Every season I talk to many Ohio residents that don’t have anything good to say about hunting Ohio and still come to Pennsylvania every year because of having enough public land for a person to hunt with a reasonable chance of success.  R.S. Bodenhorn LOL Is that why non resident hunting licence sales continue to drop for Pa ? Lots of out of state camps for sale also but that could be the economy right ?
RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 18:54:46
ORIGINAL: dpms ORIGINAL: Ironhed I think participation is dropping because they didn't post results of the youth turkey season on the PGC's homepage, dp. Ironhed  Where are those dang results anyway. People need to know. Screw the youth ! The PGC has recently put up a site so you can watch bluebirds crap in their nest. Just what every hunter wants to see !
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 22:08:40
quote: ORIGINAL: wayne c quote: And all the ones I know say it sucks! Dont know what border you are talking about, but everyone i know that hunts Pa & Ohio likes ohio much better. In fact ive never heard anyone make even the slightest comment that Pa was as good or better than ohio. Really! Every season I talk to many Ohio residents that don’t have anything good to say about hunting Ohio and still come to Pennsylvania every year because of having enough public land for a person to hunt with a reasonable chance of success. R.S. Bodenhorn Really---That must be why Ohios non-resident sales have more than doubled since 2001 while ours have plummeted.
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 22:29:29
ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures ORIGINAL: RSB ORIGINAL: wayne c And all the ones I know say it sucks! Dont know what border you are talking about, but everyone i know that hunts Pa & Ohio likes ohio much better. In fact ive never heard anyone make even the slightest comment that Pa was as good or better than ohio. Really! Every season I talk to many Ohio residents that don’t have anything good to say about hunting Ohio and still come to Pennsylvania every year because of having enough public land for a person to hunt with a reasonable chance of success. R.S. Bodenhorn LOL Is that why non resident hunting licence sales continue to drop for Pa ? Lots of out of state camps for sale also but that could be the economy right ? How about the fact that non-residents haven’t been able to get an antlerless license for many years in the units where their camps are or were located? Don’t you figure that has a ton of influence on if some of them even buy a license? Then combine that with the gas prices and why would anyone not expect non-resident license sales to decline? But, the fact is I still see many Ohio hunters in both buck season and turkey season that are happy with their Pennsylvania hunting opportunities. R.S. Bodenhorn
wayne c
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 23:24:42
Ironhead says: You must have suffered a concussion or two. ...Hey now.... listen here Mr. "everyone hates hunting across the border but loves Pa".... lol.   Are you drinking today? N-o-o-o-o! That chits poison! Rsb says: Really! Every season I talk to many Ohio residents that don’t have anything good to say about hunting Ohio and still come to Pennsylvania every year because of having enough public land for a person to hunt with a reasonable chance of success Lmao. Yeah. And the level of satisfaction is 10x that in ohio among residents compared to pa residents. Thats a well known fact. I recently, this past fall read an article by tonkovich stating how happy he was to have so much support from his states hunters, and he went on and on about it. Saying in the end he wouldnt trade his states hunters for any other states... What do you read about Pa? lmao. People wanting Rosenliar fired. Deer wars. Hunters upset. Lawsuits. Legislative actions taken. Audits mandated. etc. etc. Sorry Mr. Sunshine, but you be full of beans.
post edited by wayne c - 2011/04/27 23:31:47
wayne c
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 23:25:58
And if you think our public lands are better by any stretch of a vivid imagination, then you havent hunted ohio. The Wayne Nat. Forest, the Shawnee, or a number of other of the larger open to the public areas, and possibly not in Pa either for that
post edited by wayne c - 2011/04/27 23:29:15
wayne c
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/27 23:27:03
Really---That must be why Ohios non-resident sales have more than doubled since 2001 while ours have plummeted. Guess that cuts straight to the heart of the matter, circumventing the bull kukky eh?
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/28 00:20:18
Really---That must be why Ohios non-resident sales have more than doubled since 2001 while ours have plummeted. Get rid of rifles in PA and tack on a few years and I would bet everything I own ours would as well. And while I'm at it(gettin' rid of things), just for crap and giggles, ban spotlighting as well. Ironhed p.s. One more thing, 2A needs to up the doe tag allocations as well. Kill some of those deer that noone can seem to find.
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/28 00:21:30
N-o-o-o-o! That chits poison! It must have been the concussions then because Ohio was not the topic of conversation. Ironhed
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/28 05:25:23
quote: Really---That must be why Ohios non-resident sales have more than doubled since 2001 while ours have plummeted. Get rid of rifles in PA and tack on a few years and I would bet everything I own ours would as well. And while I'm at it(gettin' rid of things), just for crap and giggles, ban spotlighting as well. Ironhed 1. My answer was to RSB who says the Ohio hunters he talks to love Pa. and hate Ohio. The facts would suggest otherwise. 2. Getting rid of rifles would make it harder to kill a deer thereby increasing their numbers so we agree a larger deer herd would also increase Non-Resident hunter numbers. Everything Pa. has done in the last decade was geared toward making it easier to kill a deer with the exception of AR which was done to make it harder to kill a buck so we would kill more doe thereby reducing the herd faster. We are just killing our bucks before they grow their first set of antlers. 3. Before Herd Reduction Pa. sold more Non-resident licenses than Ohio even with our using rifles and our so called poor deer herd. The Non-Residents have voted on our Deer Program with their feet just as many residents have. Those are facts and not a WCO's opinions. 4. Eliminating spotlighting would save some of the nicer bucks but at a cost of the loss of the general publics deer watching enjoyment. I'am neutral on the issue.
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/28 06:56:27
There are about 70% of PA deer hunters that like hunting with a rifle. I think we should get rid of them. Who would want the vast majority of hunters to be happy.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/28 07:28:57
Since the subject got switched to Ohio, this makes it sound like not everyone agrees with Wayne's thoughts on Ohio deer hunting either... too many deer being harvested on public land. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am a resident Ohio hunter. I exclusively hunt deer with a crossbow on AEP public hunting land between Plainfield and Coshocton. There are four of us that own a house trailer we fixed up on one acre of land we purchased near the area. We have been hunting this area for over twenty years. Two of us, my buddy and myself are retired school teachers so we have the time to hunt a lot and we do, averaging three to four or more days a week from the beginning of the season to the beginning of gun season. The other two are my son and son in law and they get to hunt on weekends. We scout and hunt hard. Scouting starts right after deer season ends and goes on and off until the season begins. We hunt from portable tree stands and spend from six to eight hours per day in them. We take our hunting seriously. We also use trail cameras to study deer movements. I am writing this letter to address the concern we have along with others that hunt public lands here in Ohio about the lack of deer. I have been on several internet forums and there seems to be a general consensus that agrees, there just are not many deer on public lands yet ever year the state increases the limits to take more deer. I understand the problem with too many deer on private lands and I agree that is a real problem but increasing the overall harvest means hunters will take even more deer, when they can find them on public lands. Unfortunately, as I am sure you know, a lot of hunters are limited to public hunting lands because many landowners are reluctant to open their land to hunters. I live on Summit County and I have too many deer around my house but hunting here is next to impossible and my neighbors that have ample property don’t allow hunting. My garden, trees, and greenery take a beating from deer, we just have too many, so I understand the problem but this just isn’t the case on most public hunting lands. The ideal solution would be a system where extra deer could be taken in high concentration areas, not in general zones like we now have. I realize it would be hard to enforce this system but most hunters are honest and would realize the benefits and respect different harvest limits for public and private land. Hunters would then put the pressure on the areas that need herd reductions. Landowners that have deer complaints would have more hunters to enlist because hunters wouldn’t be heading to the public land to try to get their extra deer. I know it is easy to criticize but I feel our current system isn’t working, too many deer on private lands and too few on most public hunting areas. or this article === The biggest challenge for many Buckeye sportsmen this deer season will be finding a place to hunt. Opening day of the four-month archery season arrives Sept. 26, and most sportsmen have been searching for a pristine patch of private property where they can obtain permission to hunt, rather than fight the crowds at public wildlife areas. Ohio ranks low on the U.S. totem pole with a meager 1.2 million acres of public land, where tagging a deer is a daunting task. Ohio's public grounds are managed by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources's divisions of wildlife, foresty, parks and natural areas and preserves, as well as conservancy districts and federal agencies, according to deer manager Mike Tonkovich of the Division of Wildlife. Ninety-five percent of the state is privately owned. "The dynamics of land ownership is rapidly changing, making it more difficult than ever before for sportsmen to find quality private land and get permission to hunt," said DOW Chief David Graham. "We have lost the large tracts of private land that were open to Ohio hunters as recently as the 1990s." A few decades ago, huge tracts of land were owned by timber, coal and electric companies. The Division of Wildlife aggressively brokered deals to open the expansive properties to Ohio deer hunters. "Those large tracts of private land have been broken into much smaller pieces. Many have been sold or leased to landowners who won't allow hunter access," Graham said. More liberal bag limits for white tailed deer and discount deer hunting permits for antlerless deer, or does, should enhance a hunter's chances for success this season. The liberal rules have brought success in the past, with Ohio hunters killing a record 252,017 deer in 2008-2009. A new web-based program focused on Harrison, Jefferson, Tuscarawas and Carroll counties, all areas where deer herds are large, has been trying since Aug. 26 to bring hunters and landowners together. Hunters fill out an online form ( to list age, location, deer hunting experience and willingness to harvest a doe. Landowners can sign up to access the online list and contact sportsmen. The response reflects the eagerness of sportsmen to find land to hunt. Wildlife officials report 3,609 hunters have signed up, but only 30 landowners. The Ohio Farm Bureau plans to send postcards to members in those counties, and run ads in local newspapers. "We're still experiencing issues around Ohio with deer damage," said Graham. "That's because in many areas landowners won't let hunters on their property." Graham admits there have been stories of poor hunter behavior on private land. "The vast majority of hunters are ethical and have respect for people and property," said Graham. "I've got a lot of confidence that we're heading in the right direction. I also have a lot of confidence in the guys who are managing our deer herd. We've got some smart guys working for us. They are innovative, and on the money in understanding deer biology and weaving human dynamics into their management plans." Graham says Ohio's deer herds have shrunk a little bit, but not enough. "I think we've finally made the turn and the herd size is coming down a little bit," Graham said. "But there are still way more deer out there than I'd like to see, and too many deer damage complaints. Hopefully, we're going to kill as many, or even more deer than last year." With a deer herd estimated at 750,000 animals, Graham would like to see Ohio's population drop to about 550,000 deer. "There wouldn't be as much complaining about deer damage," he said. "And there would still be plenty of deer, so we wouldn't have hunters complaining about not being able to kill a deer." Because of Ohio's quality deer herd and its reputation for large-antlered deer, Ohio is still a destination for hunters from other states. Buying and leasing private land for deer hunting by both resident and non-resident hunters has become a cottage industry around the Buckeye State. Hunters who can't afford to get in that game risk being left out in the cold on opening day. Or this from March 2011 === Over the course of the four-month deer hunting season, which wrapped up in early February, Ohio hunters killed a total of 239,260 deer. That's down from a record of 261,314 in the 2009-10 season, according to a release from the Division of Wildlife. In an earlier interview, state wildlife biologist Mike Reynolds pointed to an apparent decrease in the number of hunters as another possible factor. ODNR records show a 4 percent decline in license sales over last year. Also, game wardens reported a 15 percent decline in contacts with hunters in the field.
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/04/28 07:43:16
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/28 07:38:49
ORIGINAL: S-10 Really---That must be why Ohios non-resident sales have more than doubled since 2001 while ours have plummeted. Maybe it has something to do with Sunday hunting. Just for reference here. Pa. sticks out like a sore thumb.
post edited by dpms - 2011/04/28 07:41:14
My rifle is a black rifle
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/28 08:00:10
Lmao. Yeah. And the level of satisfaction is 10x that in ohio among residents compared to pa residents. Thats a well known fact. I recently, this past fall read an article by tonkovich stating how happy he was to have so much support from his states hunters, and he went on and on about it. Saying in the end he wouldnt trade his states hunters for any other states... I'm LMAO too === These are the figures for the number of deer permits issued in Ohio put out by ODNR... i.e. the number of deer hunters.... 2006 === 373,399 2010 === 339,617 ------------------ loss of = 33,782 deer hunters Does NOT look like sales are increasing to me ... looks like they are losing deer hunters too... the grass IS NOT always greener it appears , like some would have us believe...
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/04/28 08:03:12
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/28 08:13:21
Nice Try-----Problem is Ohio's Non-Resident license sales have more than doubled since 2000/2001 and I was hunting Sundays over there in the 1980's so there is no coorlation between Sunday hunting and their increase. Pennsylvanias Non-Resident license sales have dropped approx 25% during the same time frame and the only major factor in that time frame was Herd Reduction. Since RSB claims and Doc showed a few Ohioans like our state because of more open land why would we want to lose some of that open land due to pizzed off farmers? It is a nice picture though As I said before the two things that are causing PA hunters to quit per the PGC are lack of game to hunt and lack of land to hunt. Sunday hunting will only serve to make both situations worse.
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/28 08:21:40
Hummmmm Ohio hunting license sales hit high mark, bucking U.S. trend By Jim Morris, Contributing Writer 11:50 PM Tuesday, January 11, 2011 Because of an increase in out-of-state hunters and more interest from kids, Ohio reported a 23-year high in hunting license sales for the 2009-10 season. The healthy license sales, which are strong again this season, have bucked a national trend that has seen hunting numbers decrease in 33 states in recent years. The healthy figures also mean revenue — lots of it. License sales for the 2010-11 season have generated more than $23 million, not counting the four-day muzzleloader deer season, which ended Tuesday. The total economic impact of hunting in the state is estimated at $859 million annually, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/28 08:24:31
Nice Try-----Problem is Ohio's Non-Resident license sales have more than doubled since 2000/2001 I'm not debating if non-resident sales doubled ... I could care less..what I'm saying is people in Ohio must know something the non-residents do not then .. since everyone has to have a deer permit to shoot a deer in Ohio .. I posted how many permits have been issued in the past few years.. so if Pa is buying the tags ohio folks must really be giving it up... they lost over 33,000 permit sales (deer hunters) no matter who is buying them .. grass ain't greener IMHO.... Sunday hunting allowed.. also baiting deer is allowed on private property....
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/28 08:27:12
That article states HUNTING LICENSE SALES.. notice he DOES NOT mention deer hunting licenses at all !!!!! I saw that article too, but looked into it further... deer permits are required ... you know deer hunters.. not general hunters.... deer permits that tells the deer hunting story.. NICE TRY !!!!!
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/04/28 08:29:29
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RE: Sunday Hunting
2011/04/28 08:39:53
Well then, I'll post the entire article and let the viewers decide. Notice what they give credit for the increase (DEER) also remember that the QDMA states 94% to 96% of all hunters hunt Big Game (DEER). As a point of accuracy notice that my oiginal post which you jumped on was directed at DPMS and not you. Ohio hunting license sales hit high mark, bucking U.S. trend . By Jim Morris, Contributing Writer 11:50 PM Tuesday, January 11, 2011 Because of an increase in out-of-state hunters and more interest from kids, Ohio reported a 23-year high in hunting license sales for the 2009-10 season. The healthy license sales, which are strong again this season, have bucked a national trend that has seen hunting numbers decrease in 33 states in recent years. The healthy figures also mean revenue — lots of it. License sales for the 2010-11 season have generated more than $23 million, not counting the four-day muzzleloader deer season, which ended Tuesday. The total economic impact of hunting in the state is estimated at $859 million annually, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Ohio hunting is driven by whitetail deer, which lured 34,430 out-of-state hunters last season, an increase of 8 percent above the previous year. State officials attribute the interest to trophy bucks taken by area hunters who have gained worldwide acclaim. A total of 452,723 Ohio hunting licenses were sold last season. In addition to more adult hunters, Ohio is developing a younger clientele. Youth license sales have increased to 51,454 last year. Tell us again how Pennsylvanias hunting license sales are trending.  How are our youth license sales doing? Sounds like you are leaning in favor of Sunday hunting. I thought that was one of the few things we agreed on.
post edited by S-10 - 2011/04/28 08:45:20