Deer Still A Problem ??

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RE: Deer Still A Problem ?? 2011/04/08 12:10:24 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: wayne c

Why on earth would we "take deer out of the equation"??? Deer hunting IS hunting in Pennsylvania.

Thats the problem as i see it, too many want to "take deer out of the equation" although they want to do it literally. Pgc, audubon, dcnr...

It is very apparent that the PGC is painted with a broad brush by the "want more deer" crowd.  That some how the PGC is globally incapable of managing all of our wildlife resources. 
post edited by dpms - 2011/04/08 12:20:25

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RE: Deer Still A Problem ?? 2011/04/08 12:42:03 (permalink)
If you look at the home page of their website it is fairly plain to see that they are getting into the songbird business in a big way.

If you read through their deer information it is fairly plain to see they are treating deer more as a problem to be taken care of rather than a game animal. Nearly all action taken in the last decade concerning deer was to make it easier to kill more of them.

The second most popular game species is the turkey and they are increasing the gobbler season which will kill more of them even as they are doing reearch to find out why their numbers have dropped by a third in the last decade.

They introduced the Fisher to Penns woods even as the small game populations(plus turkey) have been decreasing. The fisher is historically one of the most vicious and efficient predators of small game there is in this area.

They increased direct funding for non game species by a factor of 10 and created a new department with 14 new biologists focusing on non game issues. At the same time they claimed they didn't have funding to research why we are losing deer hunters at 10 times the national average or funding for THE GREATEST ANTLER RESTRICTION STUDY IN THE WORLD as Alt stated. They did have a surplus of $39,000,000 last year which was the largest ever not counting the $7,000,000 resrve for land purchase.

Yes, I think one could argue the PGC is not quite as hunter friendly as they once were.
post edited by S-10 - 2011/04/08 14:27:43
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RE: Deer Still A Problem ?? 2011/04/08 14:46:09 (permalink)
It's GREY wolves Bings, get with the program....WF
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RE: Deer Still A Problem ?? 2011/04/08 21:37:30 (permalink)


If you look at the home page of their website it is fairly plain to see that they are getting into the songbird business in a big way.

If you read through their deer information it is fairly plain to see they are treating deer more as a problem to be taken care of rather than a game animal. Nearly all action taken in the last decade concerning deer was to make it easier to kill more of them.

The second most popular game species is the turkey and they are increasing the gobbler season which will kill more of them even as they are doing reearch to find out why their numbers have dropped by a third in the last decade.

They introduced the Fisher to Penns woods even as the small game populations(plus turkey) have been decreasing. The fisher is historically one of the most vicious and efficient predators of small game there is in this area.

They increased direct funding for non game species by a factor of 10 and created a new department with 14 new biologists focusing on non game issues. At the same time they claimed they didn't have funding to research why we are losing deer hunters at 10 times the national average or funding for THE GREATEST ANTLER RESTRICTION STUDY IN THE WORLD as Alt stated. They did have a surplus of $39,000,000 last year which was the largest ever not counting the $7,000,000 resrve for land purchase.

Yes, I think one could argue the PGC is not quite as hunter friendly as they once were.

Your spot on S-10. Others need to wake up and also realize this.
wayne c
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RE: Deer Still A Problem ?? 2011/04/09 16:00:03 (permalink)
Problem is the way the system is set up. When b.s is clearly ongoing, its very very hard for anyone to do anything about it. These days, they are run like a miniature tyranny.
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RE: Deer Still A Problem ?? 2011/04/19 12:38:59 (permalink)
I would just like to say that the pgc is far from anti-hunting, I would also like to add that i hate everything they have done with the rules and population of deer hunting in PA. The hurd has been crushed so bad they would have to shut off hunting for a couple years to get it back to the numbers it was. And as i can see from what the "doc" has posted they are still getting pushed from the insurance agency to diminish it more. i would also like to add another view from the deer being hit on the roads this time of year... were basically baiting them to the roads from the salt mixture and chemicals we use. I'm in no means saying that we shouldn't salt the roads, cause its for our safety but we have to realize the numbers are going to climb for this reason alone... BUT ANTI-HUNTING=PGC,,,, not even close man. i hate them but they have done some good for our area--- turkey numbers on the climb... squirrel and rabbit numbers are up(just my opinion from being in the woods) great job with pheasant stocking and realizing the doe season was tooooo long. THERE YA GO DR TROUT YOU'LL PROBABLY NEVER HEAR ANY GOOD WORDS FROM ME BUT ANTI-HUNTING WAS A LITTLE HARSH.
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RE: Deer Still A Problem ?? 2011/04/19 14:40:53 (permalink)

Not sure where the anti-hunting came from... I think I may have posted I thought some of the Board of Commisioners were possibly anti-hunting and had other agendas.. BUT I surely did not mean to imply that I thought anyone on the PGC staff or in their direct employment that I have EVER delt with was anti-hunting... and I'm sorry if I somehow implied that ... for it is NOT TRUE at all...

and nice to see we do agree they (PGC STAFF) have done some great things for wildlife.. we will just never agree on the deer stuff...maybe because of where we hunt, live, or the folks we "hang" with and what those people feel about the deer wars ????

I just do not like this current BOC and much of their "rulings" and then their changes the following year ....
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/04/19 14:43:31
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RE: Deer Still A Problem ?? 2011/04/28 19:37:12 (permalink)
no, you never said anything about anti-hunting, another fella was applying that the pgc was. I was actually sticking up for the pgc for some reason some things we agree on and others we will never. but thats life!!!
Dr. Trout
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RE: Deer Still A Problem ?? 2011/04/28 19:50:52 (permalink)
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/04/28 19:51:25
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