FSC Spring Convention Results ===
Here's the Spring 2011 Convention Report:
There were a total of 39 delegates present and voting.
Resolution #1 Junior & Senior hunters to abide by the same antler point criteria:
For the resolution -- 17 ...... Against -- 22 Resolution failed.
Resolution #2 Remove county treasurer from antlerless license application procedure and go to point-of-sale antlerless license issuance system:
For the resolution -- 24 Against -- 13 2 -- abstentions Resolution passed.
The following motions were made from the floor:
A motion to support directing the Legislative Budget & Finance committee to study the establishment, implementation and administration of fees for the consumptive use and degradation of water, as requested by the Fish & Boat Commission:
Passed with unanimous support.
A motion to wait for the Fall 2011 Convention before joining the Sportsmen Alliance for Marcellus Conservation:
Passed with 35 in favor 4 opposed
A motion to extend sincere thanks to Don Heckman, PA National Wild Turkey Federation delegate to the PFSC for his years of support:
Passed unanimously
Don is an extremely dedicated person who has given 35+ years of his life to the PA wild turkey and those who hunt it. He will be moving to Arizona sometime this year and will be sorely missed.
AND THIS FINAL NOTE for those that think the PFSC is "too political" ......
A motion to allow the PFSC Board to endorse political candidates running for local, state and federal office:
Failed with 33 opposed 6 in favor
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/03/14 00:13:32