anti hunting letter in paper

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2011/01/10 17:18:58 (permalink)

anti hunting letter in paper

the following letter in the Post Gazette needs to be countered.  everyone should write to the paper to counter these bogus "facts"
Inflicting misery
Diane Mousseau claimed in her letter "Animal Differences" (Dec. 31) that "hunting is not about shooting, wounding and then walking away; the deer are never left to die of a wound by an experienced hunter."
Contrary to Ms. Mousseau's claims, 22 published scientific surveys and studies indicate that the average wounding rate for bow hunting is over 50 percent. More than one out of every two deer shot are never retrieved, and usually die after prolonged agony from septic infection, peritonitis, blood loss or other complications. Wounding rates for rifle hunting are also significant. Many of these studies were conducted by state wildlife agencies.
For example, in "Preliminary Archery Survey Report," the Montana Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks reports 51 percent wounded; "Archery Wounding Loss in Texas," Texas Parks and Wildlife Department reports (51 percent wounded); "Deer Hunting Retrieval Rates," Michigan Pittman-Robertson Report, Michigan Department of Natural Resources (58 percent wounded); "Effects of Compound Bow Use on Hunter Success and Crippling Rates in Iowa," Wildlife Society Bulletin (49 percent wounded); "Bow Hunting for Deer in Vermont: Some Characteristics of the Hunters, the Hunt, and the Harvest," Vermont Fish and Game Department (63 percent wounded). The average wounding rate from all 22 reports is 55 percent.
The fact is that hunters subject countless animals to great misery before death in the name of their so-called "sport." As people become aware of the enormous pain and suffering of animals for recreational purposes, they are willing to speak up for those who can't do it for themselves.

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    retired guy
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    RE: anti hunting letter in paper 2011/01/11 01:14:26 (permalink)
    Why bother to repute such hogwash- letem keep it up-we are the minority and the modern world has little use for our sports.
      Someday there will be no Hunting and probably very limited fishing. All the self described naturalists will be out walking on their paved walking trails through their manicured "outdoors" and be happy thinking they are really "out there". 
       The rest of us will become Indians.
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    RE: anti hunting letter in paper 2011/01/11 10:45:55 (permalink)
    The same old pseudo-intellectual crap. That article about bowhunting in Vermont, yeah, its from 1972. real valid research there buddy.

    In fact, most of this tool's "research" seems to be regurgitated anti-hunter crap from this- I doubt hes ever even seen any of those studies he cites. 20-30 year old research is pretty accurate, right?

    Someone with a post gazette subscription needs to call this guy out, give the age of those studies.

    here- is a Maryland study of modern archery wounding rates onw hite tailed deer. Its 17%, less than a third of what that guy says. Guess thats what happens when you use research relevant to the current technology.
    post edited by SonofZ3 - 2011/01/11 11:05:31

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    RE: anti hunting letter in paper 2011/01/11 11:48:51 (permalink)
    Thats exactly the numbers TRAP they would like to see hunters engage in..         OHHHHH how terrible 17% wounded-we KNEWWWW it all long, there shouldnt be any bow hunting---How Cruel that 17 out of  each hundred deer are left wounded to die SOOOO slowly and painfully... Ye gads lets get together and stop the insanity. We arent against HUNTING  just the cruelty.
     Saying nothing is better that responding to these idiots- they have a goal and you will only be preaching to the Choir by responding. If you respond the paper gets to drag the issue out over days and days with more and more OBSERVATIONS by self described Conversationists who never left pavement in their life. They will all write in about ALL the headless deer they find in the woods left by Trophy hunters and all the wounded deer they see while out walking in a lousy park and other BS stories that they preach all the time.
      Unfortunately people read things and believe what they want to believe rather than factual observations or the common sense realities. Antis will always be Antis and those who dont give a darn one way or the other will sit back and let us all fight.
     Its much easier for folks to be somewhat anti if they dont hunt so thats the group the Antis are really targeting.. Silence is the best strategy- dont give them the public fight they so desperately want.
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    RE: anti hunting letter in paper 2011/01/11 11:55:53 (permalink)
    Much better article on wounding rates.

    or this, the Camp Ripley study.
    retired guy,
    Oklahoma university researchers did a study where they radio collared 80 bucks and followed them.  Hunting was bow only but with traditional gear only (long bow and recurve bow).  The traditional archers had a 50% wounding rate (11 out of 22 bucks shot were not recovered) but what is most interesting to me, only 14% (3) of those not recovered actually died from their wounds. 
    Overall, from those statistics and with the newer studies with modern equipment indicating a much lower wounding rate, the actual mortality rate of archery shots is pretty low (scientifically and anecdotally).  Modern equipment will be more lethal than traditional equipment on marginal shots but, the better accuracy and lower overall wounding rate more than offsets this.
    Here is the Oklahoma study link.

    post edited by eyesandgillz - 2011/01/11 12:08:37
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    RE: anti hunting letter in paper 2011/01/11 12:10:16 (permalink)
    Good info. Thankfully, all the studies seem to play out what we already know, mainly that 1.) rates of deer wounded and un-recovered are not high, and no where even close to the 55 or greater percent claimed by the animal liberation front and 2.) the more experienced the hunter, the less chance there is of an animal being wounded and unrecovered.

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    RE: anti hunting letter in paper 2011/01/11 13:06:16 (permalink)
       To make points like this publicly is of no concern to the antis. They love it- it garners them support from non hunters. It only reinforces their portrayal of hunting being cruel.
        We live in a modern urban society. People whos kid is killing guys on a video game dont give a hoot about hunting cause they are not hunters. They watch their football on TV or occasionally go to a gym and call themselves sports fans. They do NOT participate. They would vote to abolish, control or limit our sport in a heartbeat.
         The best example is that of Bear hunting in Canada. The bulk of the population are City dwellers, they outvoted country folk and STOPPED bear hunting. It came back but only because of the huge economic impact on rural areas. The Jersey bear hunting was quite similar.
         WE are the ones in the crosshairs and we dare not expose ourselves to the enemy.
        I am an elected official in one of the most densly populated Cities in the US and we just went through it here. I never felt so lonely as at those meetings-I was the only outdoorsman there and we LOST. =- I still get legal  Deer and turkeys in this City but keep it VEEEEEry quiet.
    post edited by retired guy - 2011/01/11 13:10:59
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    RE: anti hunting letter in paper 2011/01/12 22:36:57 (permalink)
    Thanks for the reminder of why I dont read that fish wrap.
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    RE: anti hunting letter in paper 2011/01/14 13:54:03 (permalink)
    After bow hunting for around 50 years I attended one of those bow courses. The state had changed its laws and I had to attend this new course. One of the instructors spoke at length about wearing "regular" clothing while driving to the hunting area and then changing to go in the woods- Changing again of course to go home. All so no one recognises the fact that you are a Hunter and starts an anti campaign.
    Thats how it is in a very Urban state- count your lucky stars for now guys but just wait. This kind of stuff is why I write the kind of reports you see on the  thread about Anti press releases. If it isnt this way where you are believe me it will be.
    In our bow and gun classes there is even a block of time given for instruction on dealing with the anti groups that show up in hunting areas and try to goad hunters into confrotations while filming us. Sometimes they are known to follow guys  around trying to mess up the hunt. Thus the other clothing routine so as not to attract attention.
      It has never happened to me personally but has become the norm in recent years. I must say however that for the past couple of years it has been very minimal- In all likelyhood because we hunters had the education and presence of mind NOT to give them the confrontations they wanted. No confrontation- no news story- they LOOSE.
    post edited by retired guy - 2011/01/14 13:55:56
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    RE: anti hunting letter in paper 2011/01/16 21:29:27 (permalink)
    State Supreme Court upholds hunter harassment law
    The activists argued that by suppressing their anti-hunting protests, the hunter harassment law violated their rights to free speech and assembly. -

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    RE: anti hunting letter in paper 2011/01/17 09:30:42 (permalink)
        Mikas right Ct stepped up to the plate with a very strong Hunter Harassment law that absolutley crippled the antis actions in the field. I am not very sure if the law has ever needed to be enforced to any great degree as that in and of itself would have been big news but the presence of said law has definatley been to our  advantage.
    Contrary to what I read of other states Ct has done a great job with its Deer and Turkey management. The trout fishing has also improved compared to mini fish that were stocked a few hears back- They have responded to the sportsmen in great fashion. Deer guys from other states now frequent Ct.
      The only declines here have been in small game availability however most of that can be attributed to urban sprawl rather than management practices, with the exception of the pheasant stockings which have become miniscule unless your a Club guy.
      Thanks for the reminder Mika--
    post edited by retired guy - 2011/01/17 16:15:11
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